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<br /> r�� r � �S. llezord ar Property InAUr�nco. Anrrower�hell keep tha improvementa now exi��ForSieieSer crecied on
<br /> tho Nmporty insueed A�nlnst loss by firo, lio;!nrde inclteded within the term "o�tend�d coveroge" aied any othec hn�arde, _,.
<br /> inoluding Ploodo or Ploodiug, F��r whiui� I,eader rcyuirc3 innueanr.e. 'I'hiea inoui•anco c�hall b� rr�aintni�ed in tho nr��ountn
<br /> „ M:,� �nd !or the perinda tFiat Lemder rcc�uires. '['ha inauranca can•ler providin� tho inour�nca shell�be chason by Dorro�ver -
<br /> r >+ subJeot to I..endor's approvel which aheU no4 bo unreasonebly withhold.It Aorrower faila to maintnin coverage described
<br /> " afxrva, l.ender may,nt Lc+ndar's nption, obtein coverege to pratect l.onder'e rlghtc�in the Property in eccordenca with
<br />� �•" �i parogrnph 7. _.
<br />__Y . All insuranco policies end renewale ehall be accopublo to I.e,�der end ehall inalude a eznnd�rd murtgago clnuso.
<br /> _� l.endor sha11 liavc tltie right ta hold the policies nnd re.neivnlA. if Londer reyuire,q, Aorrower shsll promptly giva to
<br /> _=:.'�i� i,endar aii reeeipte a1�peid prcmiume anci renowai nuiicca,ju ii�o cJoi��uf tvou,ua7ii.S;�i o�i8����:.�fiig2IIaLtC�St3 i::t
<br /> _�� inaurance carrier end I.ender.Lender mey make proot ot losa it not mede promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless I,ender and Harrower otherwie.a agroe in writin�,insuranca praceeda shall ba applied to restoration or repair
<br /> of the Property damaged,it the restoration or r�pair is economically teas�bla and Lender's security is not lessened.It tha
<br />, `;�.�'� restoretion o�•repair is not economically teasible or Lender's securlty would be l�sened,the inaurance proceede shall be
<br /> appliod to the sume secured by this Security Instrumont,whether or not then due, with any axcess paid to Borrower.I4
<br />.r;_�:�„� I3orrower abandona the 1'roperty,or does not anawer within 30 days a notice trom I.ender that the in�urance carrier hao
<br /> -=� oftared to sattle a claim, then I..ender may collect tha insurance proceeda. Lender may use the praceeda to repair or
<br /> -��,.� restore tho Property or to pay aums secured by thin Security Instrument,whether or not then dUe.The 30'dsy�eriod will
<br />,�� begin when the notice ie given.
<br /> �"-'-'� Unless Lender and Borcower otherwisa agree in writin�,any application of proce�ds to principal shall not extend or
<br />-��� postpo�e the due date ot the monthly paymente raferred to in paragrapha D nnd 2 or change the amaum of the payments.
<br />-_°� If under paragraph �J tha Praperty �s acquired by Lender, Borrawar'R right to any insurance policies and proceeds
<br />_::,-_,�
<br />;-,-Y:y,�� resulting from demage to tlie Pru�rey prior to tho acquisitian shall pa�s to I.ender tn c�e estent of the sume secured by
<br /> 5"� this Security Inetrument�mmediatoly prior to the acquis�tion.
<br /> ;�r,�,; 6.Occupsucy. Fresorvation.Maintenance aad Protection of 3ho Froperty;Hon�wer's Loan Application;
<br />=�� Leaseholds.Horrower ehall occupy,establiah,and use the Property ae B�nowar's principal residence within eixty daya
<br /> — afur the execution oi thie Secunty Instrumant and shatl continue to aacupy the Property as Barrower's principal
<br />==_,�s-.: residence tor et least ona year aftec the date ot occupancy,unlcss Lcndar otherwise agrees in writing,which consent shall -
<br /> -- not be unreaeonably withheld,or unless axtonuatin�circumstances oxist which sre beyond Bonower's contcol.Borrower
<br /> shal!not destroy,damago or tmpair tha Proporty,ellow the Proparty to doteriarate,or commit weste on the Property.
<br />...:�_� Borrower Ehall bc in deisult�f Any torteiture action or proceeding,whethor civil or criminal,ia begun that in Lender's
<br /> — good faith judgment could result in forteituro of the Property or othtrwiso msterially impair the lien oreated by this
<br /> Security Insirument or l.ender's security inureat. Bc�rrower mey cure such a default and reinstate, oa provided in
<br /> paregraph 18, by causing the nction or proceeding to bo diemis3ed with a ruling thet, in I.endar's �ood fe�th
<br /> uoiorfriri�iii�i�,�„a,lu��fs;fy'stur tsf Eht E^•r:o•�'s^'s tsttes�*.sn*h!'Aln+�+_wrty�r a�thnr mpterial imnsirment nf the lien
<br /> cru►ted by thie Security Inatrument or LendePe�aeaurity interest. Horcower eh�lt also bo in dofault if I3orrowcr,during
<br /> the loan epplicatton process, gave meterially taleo or ineccurate iniormation or statemente to i.ender (ar tailed w
<br /> provlda Londer with eny m�terid intormatian)in cnnncetion with the loan evidenced by the Note,inoludine, but not
<br /> limitod t�, ropra+ontations concernin� Aorrower's occupmcy oi the Property ea a principel residence. It this SecuiYty
<br /> Inatrument ie on a Icasehold,IIorrower eheli comply with ell the Frovieions of the lesse.If I3unowor ncqulrrs tee titlo to
<br /> - the Property,the leasehold nnd tho fa title shall not merge unlese�.cnder agras to the metger in writing.
<br /> 7. l'rotectioa of Lender'e Ri�hts ia tho Property. It Bonowar feils to perform the covenanta end ngreoments
<br /> contained in thie Security Instrument,or thore ie a legat procf,eding thst may significantly aifect Londer's rights in tho .
<br /> Property (such es s pracoeding in bankruptcy, probata, tor condeamation or forieiture or to enforoe laws or
<br /> reguletions),then Lendcr may do and pny for whatever ia necessary to protect the valuo of the Property and Lender'e
<br /> — rights in the Property.L.endcr's acti�ns may include paying any aume securecl by a licn which has priority over thie
<br /> Security lnstrument,appearing in court.pnying reasonablo attornays'fees and entenng on tho Property to make ropaire.
<br /> Althovgh L.ender may take ecqion under thie paregraph 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounte disbursed by I,ender under thie paragraph 7 ehall become additionnl debt oi Horrower sexured by this
<br /> Security Instrumcnt.Unless Iionower and Lender egree to other terms of payment,these amounts ahall bear interest
<br /> trom the date o!dieburssment at the Note rate and chall bo payable,with intere�t,upon noticc from Lender to Bormwer
<br /> requesting paymont.
<br /> 8. Mortq�o Iasurance. IF I,ender rcquired mortgage insurance es a wndition of ineking the loan secured by thie
<br /> __-_ �;u:tiy Saatru;r►cnt,Bar.-�L:er cha11 pay the premiums required t�maintain*he mortoege ins��r�nr..�in Rft'r:t,if;f�r any
<br /> reason, the mortgage inautanca coverage required by I.ender lapoes or ceases to bo in otiect, Borrowor ehall pay the
<br /> premiume required to obtain covarago substantielly equivalent to the mortgago insurance previously in ef[ect,et a cnst
<br /> substant�elly equivalent to thc cast to Borrowor oi the mortgage insurance proviously in eficet, trom an altern�te
<br /> mortgage insurer approved by I.ender. 1f subeuntially equivalent mortgage ansurance coverage ie not available,
<br /> Borrowzr ahell pay to Lender each month a sum eyuel to one-twelftli of the yearly mortgage insurance pcemium being
<br /> peid by Bonower when the insurence coverago lapsed or ceased to ba in eifect.I.er►der will accept,use nnd retain theae
<br /> �„� paymcnts as a loss ressrve in lieu of mortgaga insurance. Loss resecve payments mey no longer oe required,
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