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<br /> TOOB'TNER WITH sll the improvements now or horeatter erected an tha pro rty, end ell oasamentn,
<br /> spp�srtenancea,en.d tixtures now ar hereafter n pnri of tho property.All roplacement�ond add tione eheEl alRO be coNOred `�
<br /> l�y ti�i9 Security Inotrument.All of the taregoing ie retoered to�n thie 5�aurity inctruanent ae tha"Protx:riy.° �.
<br /> ]�ORROWF?I2 COVENAN'I'S chnt 13nrr�aer ia lnwfully scir,ed of thv catato IieroUy comcycd onct hota th�right t�
<br /> �rnnt and convey the Property and that the l'roperty i� unencumis+ered, oxce�t for encum6rance:�nP rec+,ed. Jiar�a���er
<br /> warrante end will de4end�enerally the title to tha I'raporty egainst ell claima and dcmondy,eubject tn an�encun�brnnces
<br /> o!record. -
<br /> 'frl�S SBCURITY 1N�'1'RUMEN7'cambines unitarm cavenent�t�r netionel use and nan-unitorm covenente with �
<br /> limited variatione by juriAdiction to conetttute e unlform sa:urlty instrument covarinR real praperty.
<br /> UNII�ORM CQVBNANTS.Borrowcr and l.cnder covenant end egree ea tollowa:
<br /> 1.F�S+mont of Priacip�l and Yntoreei;P�ap��iaoii4�:�d Late Char�e�.Bonotvcr ehnll promptly pey whon du� !4
<br /> the principal of and intet�eat on the debt ovitienced by the i�oiv a��u a��y�:ia����.�r�►a���'l�te ch�r��cles"tsr.der the Nh�, _
<br /> 2. Fuada for Trxes �nd Inenran�ce. Subject tu applicab9e law or to e written watver by Londer,Borrower ehnll �
<br /> y to Lendcr on the day monthly paymonte ace duo undor the Note,until tho Note ie pAid in tull,s sum("Punda")tor: F_:
<br /> (s) yearly taxes and essessmente which may attain priority over thie Security Inetrument ea a lien o�n the Property;(b)
<br /> year7y leasohold paymente ar ground renta on the Property, i[eny; (c) yearly haxard or property insurance promiume; _
<br /> (d)yearly finod inaurance�Oremiume,if any; (e)yearly mortgago ineuranca premiume, it eny;and(t)any aums payable
<br /> by Borrower to Lender,in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu af tha psyment of mortgega insurur�ce
<br /> premiume.These iteme aro celled"Escrow Items."L.ender may,at any tim�,collect and hold Funda in an emount not
<br /> to exceed the maximum amount e lender ior a federally releted mortgega luan may requlre tor Bonower's escrow
<br /> account under the federal Real Fate�te Settlament Procedures Act of 1974 as senended trom tima w time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> Section Z601 eY seq. �"RESPA"),unless another law that appliea to the Funda sete a le�r amount.If so,L.endet may.
<br /> at any time,collcet and hold Funds in an emount not to oxceed the le�er amount.Lender may estimats the amount of
<br /> Funds due on tha bsais of current dsta and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow ItGme or otherwisa in
<br /> accardance with epplicable law. �
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an inetitutlon whose deposite are insured by a tederal agency,instrumer►tality,or entity ^
<br /> (including Lonc�er,it Lender is auch an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender ahall apply tho Funda to
<br /> pay the Escrow Tterns.Lender may not charge Borrower for halclis�g and applying tha Funds, annually analyzing the
<br /> escraw account,or verltying the Escrow Itorna,unless Lender pays�orrawer�nterest on the Funds and appliceble law
<br /> germi�s I.onder to make such e charge. Howev6r, Lender may requira Borrowor to pay a one'time charge tor an
<br /> �ndepandent resl estate tax reporting sdrvice used by Ler►dar in coru►ection with this loan,unless applicablE luw provides
<br /> otherwiso.Unless an egrcement ie made or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender ehall not be reqwred to
<br /> pay Borrower any interest or earnings on tho Funds.Borrowar and Lander may agree in writing,howovor,thnt inurest
<br /> shall be psid on the Funds.Lend�r shnfl giva to Borrower,without charge,an annus!accounting oi the Funde,shoNing
<br /> credits nnd debita to the Punds and the pusposo for which each debit to tho Funds wea made.Tha Funda are pledged ns
<br /> edditionel e�ecurity for ell sume secured by tt�ie Security Inatrument.
<br /> If the Funds hrld by Lender excccd ihe smuuc����.�,:ti�3 to�k�l8 b;�gpli_s�!e law, T mder Rhall account to ,
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with tha reyuiremente ot applicnble law. It the amount oI the Funds held
<br /> bp i.ender nt sny time ie not sufticien4 to pay the Fscrow Iteme whon due,I.ender mny so not3fy Aorcower in writing,
<br /> end,in auch case Horrower sh�ll psy ta I.ender the smount necessicy ta make up the deticierecy.Borrower sh�ll mako
<br /> up�he deftclency in no more th�n twelve monthly payments�st I.ender's solo diecrotion.
<br /> Upon payment in tull ot all sume secured by thie Secu�ity Inetrument,l.endet shall promptly refund to Horrower
<br /> •ny Kunde held by Lender.It, under pareg�eph 21, Lender ehall ecquiro or eell tho Proporty, Lender, prior tn the
<br /> �cqutsition ar ealo of the Property,sUs11 apply sny FundR held by I.ender at the timo ot acquisition or sele es a cralit
<br /> e�ainet tho sume sxurod by thie Securi¢y lnstrument.
<br /> 3. Applic�tion of Payment�. Unlesa eppitcable lew pravides otherwiea,all payments received by Lender under
<br /> p�rs�rapha 1 snci 2 ehill bo applied:tiret,to eny prepayment charges due under tho Note;second�to amounts pay�ble
<br /> . under pera�caph 2;third,to inurest due;tourth.to principal due;and last,to any late charges dua under the Note.
<br /> 4. Ch�r�es; Liene. Borrower ehaDl pay all texes, assesemente,chnrges,finea end impositions attributable to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over thie Security Instrument,end leasehold p�lqm� ����und rente, if sny.
<br /> Borrower slull pay theso ob;igetions in the manner provided in paraRraph 2,or it no't pa�n�thnt mnnner,Bonower
<br /> � ehell pey them on time dirextly to the person owed payment.Borrower ehafl promptly furnish ta L,ender�ll notices of
<br /> emounte to bo peid undCr thie peragraph.If Borrower makes these payments diractly. Borrower ehail promptly turnish
<br /> to J.ender rxeipts evidenci�g the paymonte.
<br /> Bonower shall proenptly diecharge any lien which hes priority over thie 3ecurity Instrumertt unless Borrowu:(a)
<br /> e��iu w�ici�i�to.he�ym:.sst ct the eblie t'ton spcured b,?h�]ien in a manner ecceptable to Lender: (b�conCests en
<br /> good taith the lien by,or datends ageinat cntorcement ot the lien in, legal proceedings which in tho Lender's opinion
<br /> operate to prevent the entarc�ment of the lien;or (c)sxures{rom the holder of the lien an ngreement satistactory to
<br /> Lender eubordfnating the licn to thi9 Security Instrument.If Lender determines that sny part ot tha Property is subjact
<br /> to a lien which may attain priority over thie Security Instrument,Lender msy give Borrower a notice identifying the
<br /> lien.Horrower ehell eatiefy the lien or take ona or moro of tha sotions set forth above within 10 dnye of tha giving ot
<br /> notice.
<br /> F�rm 302i �/�R
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