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<br /> , paymcnts may no longcr bo rcc�ulrcd,nt�ho optlon uf l.cndcr,!f murtgago inaunuico c;ovcragc pn�hu ttmaunt a�id far c pertcxl �s�
<br /> ,:;�� r that Lendcr rcqu�res)providcd by an insurcr spprovrd by l.cndcr again txxamcs availublo nnd iq nbu�incA.I�orrnwcr�hull puy tho �'
<br />:-��� grcmlum�roquired tn �natntalm m�ruraao insurence in cffoct, ar W pmvldo e los� rc.xrva, undl Iho rc�ul�cment tar mortgego __
<br /> � � insur�nco encis in accordanco with any wrttten agrcement between damower and l.eader or nppllcnblo law. �,
<br /> ;� 9.ynepectbn. x.cndu or it�ageot may mako reasoneble envies upon snd inspocqone of tho Ymperty. Lcndcr shall glvo `-
<br />-�"`'�'� Boirowu nadee at the time of ar prlor w en inspeeUon speeifying rea�sonabio causo iar tho inepoerion. :
<br />�"� 10.CondemaAtbn. Tha procr.eds of any sward or claim for damagr.s, dlrxt or consequentfal, in connoc:tion wlth sny �_
<br /> � • =+ candemnation ar other teking of nny pan of 1ho Pnvpertyr,or for conwyance in Ileu of cortdemneilon,ero heeeby assigned end �,
<br /> .�:.::,:. shall be paid to Lcnder. �'�
<br />-::����aF�; In tha event of a total taking of the Pro epp Y Y
<br /> �erty,the proceeds shall be lied to the aums secured b this Securlt In�trument, _
<br />-:-=.�`�, - whather or not then due�with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a partial taking of thc Property in which the fair market =
<br />-��=d;,,"�'� vnlue of the Property lmmedistely beforc the taking is equal co nr�reater than thc amount of the sums securcd by this Security _
<br />--;;ris;�_.:.
<br />=-'��,w;��� • Instrumcnt Immcdiatcly before the taklnR, unless Borrower end I.ender othenvlse Agree in wridng, the sums secured by this
<br />--�"'��`°'�;` Securlty Insuument st�ll be reduced by the amount of the pcoceeds multiplled by tho following fracflon: (a)the tatal emount of
<br /> �-'��''� ''' tha sums secured immediatcly bcforo the taking, divided by (b)the fair mazlcet valuc of the Proparty immediately before the
<br /> -'=-'-�" taking.Arry t�alance shall be paid to Borrower.In the event of a pnnial taking of the Property in which the fair market value of tha
<br /> �r�
<br /> --:;.�'-��. P;op�ty i.:imctl�atcly ts:.forc the G^sing is le.9s thea the amount of the snms seci�red imraediat�ly before the teking, unless G
<br /> �''=����� Bonower and Lender othcraisc agree in wridng or unless applicable 1aw otherwlso provides,the proceeds shall bo applled to the _
<br />_;�r`�,�; sums secured by this Security Instiumenc whether or not the sums are then due.
<br />'.:�y.i��L� If ttie Property is abandoned by Borrowcr,or if,after notico by Lender to Aorrower that Qie condemnor offere to make an -
<br /> -=�"`°— award or settle a claim for damages,Burr�wer fails to respond to Lcnder wlthin 30 days after the date the nodce is given,Lender
<br />�'w;*'�__�; � is nuthorized to collect and epp�y the proceeds,at its aprion,elther ta restoradon or repair of tha Property or to the sums securect
<br /> _ '^`� _ by this Security Instiument,whether or not then due.
<br /> -- -==— Unless L.ender and Borrower othecwise agree in wdtin8.anY eppl�cadon of proceeds w principal ahall not eastend or postgone
<br /> •-�=��J� the due date of the monthly p3ymenLS referred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change the amonnt of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Releaeed;Farbcarance By Lender Not A Waiver. Eatension of the time for paymcnt or modifiicadon
<br /> '"'�""� of nmor6rat�on af the sums secured by this Socuriry Insirument gcanted by Lender to eny successor in int�erest of BorrowGr shsll
<br /> -a+�_�.� . �t�� �iRtoac�thr tiahilify nf the on¢inal Borrowcr or Borrower's stlCCessors In intetesL Lender shall t10t bC tequired t0
<br /> - �''� cotnmence proceedings agninse any successor in interest or refuse to extend tLne for payment or otherwise modify smorti�ntion of
<br /> -�� tha sums secured by this Se:curity Instrument by reason of nny demand mado by the odqinal Honower or Bonower's successors
<br /> -- � in Intc�xst. Any forbearance by Lander in exercising any rlght or rcmedy shall not be a waivea of or preclude tho exercise of any
<br /> right or cemedy.
<br /> 12.Succeasors ond Assi�nns Bound;Jotnt and Severef Liabi�ty;Casignere. Tho covenants and agraements of this
<br /> Sxurity Insaument shall b�nd end benefit tha successors and a9signs of Lwdar aad Barrowu, subjcct w the provlsions of
<br /> paragrnph 17. Borrowa's covetiants and agreemonts shall be joint n�td several. Any Boimwu who co-signs this Socurlty
<br /> Ynstcument but does nat exceute the Note: (�) is co•signing thL9 Socarity Instrumtnt only tu mortgage.grant and convey that
<br /> Bomuwa's incerest in ths Propaty undu the cerms af th�s Sccurity Instrumcnt;(b) is not personally obllgated w pay the sums
<br /> . Secure�d by thia Securtty InstrumeaY� end(c)agroes thAt Lendu and any otbu Soaawa may egne w eatend,modify.forbe�r or
<br /> . �na{ce any eccommoclauons with ngacd to the tums of this 5ecuriry Inswment or the Note without that Borrower's con�ent
<br /> ' 13.Loan C6ar�ee. If the Man sxund by thi�Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which setv ma�cimum loon charges�
<br /> � and that law is finally interpreted so that the intt�est or other loan char�es collxud or ta bo collected in coanecNon wittt the loan
<br /> = exceod the pecmitted limi�s�then:(a)sny such loan charge shall bo roduced by the amount necess�uy to reduce the charge w the
<br /> . pamitud limit;and(b)eny sums aiready collected from Borrowu whicii excoeeled pamlctod 1lmits�+ll1 be nfunded to Barowu.
<br /> Lcnder may choase to makc thls i+efund by reducing the principal owed nnder the Note ar by making a diroct payment to
<br /> — aorro�va. If a refund reduces principal, tha rcducflon will bc trwted av u partial�mpay�aent without any prepayment cherga
<br /> ---- Uf2L�Cf t�:E I�T42.°..
<br /> 14.Notlets. Any nodca to 9orrower providled for in this Securlty Instrum�nt shall be glven tsy delivering it or by mailing it
<br /> by first clat�mail unless applicabk law reqoires use of anotl�er method.Tt►e nodw shatl be d�rected to tha Property Address or
<br /> su►y otlxr address Borrower deslgnates by notice to Le�nder.Any nodce W Lender shall be given by first class mail W L,enda's
<br /> eddr�ss s�l herein nr any other eddress J.render designates by nodcc to Borrower.Any noflce provideA for in this Socnrlty
<br /> Instrument shall ba doemed to havo bcen given to Borrowec or Lencler when given tas provided in th�.g parag,raph. -
<br /> 15.Governing Lawi SeverA6ility. This Scx�uiry Instrument shall be govemcd by fcdcral law and the law oP the
<br /> _- _ jnrisdicbnn in which the Property is located. In tho event that t►ny provLglon or clauae of this Security Instrument or the Noto
<br /> - ' conflicts with appllcable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Socurity Inst�ument or tho Note which can ba
<br /> --°`�" = givui effect without the confltcting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to
<br /> -=°:;�,� bo severablo.
<br /> -�-=_��
<br /> --- Form S02S Q/�0
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