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<br /> I 7YlQ&7'HAR WITH nll the improvcment9 nuw or herc�Rfter erected on t�e properry, ttnd all cn.cmen�,apnurtcnn�,�ces,tuid f Y
<br /> t� fixtures now or h�reafter a part of tho property.All replacements and nd�ltlons shnll nlsa be covered by this Securlty Instrumen4 �_
<br /> R'--
<br /> .�; All of tho faregoing ls rcferrcd w ln lhis Sccurity Insuument as thc"Prapcny," °
<br /> � `�1 BORR�WBR COVA1�dANi'S ihat Bonower le lawfully scfsed of tho rstete hereby convoyerl and hss iho rlght w grant an�
<br /> �; wnvey t1�e Ptoperiy and that tho Property is unencumberad, oxcept for encumorances of record. �onower wamu�ts and will =
<br /> . �� dciend g�izrtllly G'lo 4d'n G7�t17o r':��:,rty�,g�fnst ull cL:ims:.�sd demwtlJs,sub,�'t to 8tly enC�!mb!y!n��es of rcr.cud.
<br /> THIS SLCURITY INSTItUMBNT combincs uniform covans�nt� for nedonal use and non•uniforrr►covcnonts with limited �
<br />-_--== v�...dcns ty jW�-t;,dic@an tc cor.sdtute s Lnffor.n�x�.�!:;s^w»^:.m:!+.i c�yerl�g r!�►t pr��rnr. �
<br />°� UMFOYtM COVBNI�NTS.Borrower and Lendcr coves�ant and agrce a9 follows: T
<br /> __y„� 1.Ppyment of Principal and Interest;PrepAyment and Late Charqes. Bonower shnU promptly pay whcn due thc
<br /> �j principal of and interest on tha debt evidenced by the Notc and any prepayment and late charges dae under the Notc.
<br />, ,,';�} 2.Funds for 7faxes and Idsurance. Sub�ect to appllcable law or to a wrluen waiver by Lcnder,Bacmwcr shNl pay to
<br /> '�E T..ender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Notc is paid in full,a aum("Funds")for.(a)yearly taxcs _
<br /> �'�y �. and nssessments whlch may nttain priority over this Securlty Instrwaent as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly IesLSChold payments
<br />`;�y^ or ground rents on tha Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurssnce premiums;(d�yearly flood insurance psemiums,if
<br /> any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums,if any;and(�eny aums payabla by Borrower tci Lender,in accordance with the
<br /> ':;� provisians of paragraph 8�in lleu of tha payment of mortgage insurance premiums. 7t�eso items ara called "Escrow Iteme."
<br /> _• I.ender mAy,at any dme,collect and hold Fuc�ds in en ama�nt not to eaceerl the maximum mnount u lender for a federally related
<br /> •_� n�ortgaga loan may require for Sorrower's e..�ctow s►cccaunt under the feAeral Rcal Estate Settlement Procedures l�ict of 1974 as
<br />:;;,'`� a���enQe�l teor,�tIr��e to time,l2 U.S.C.3ecdan 26Q1 et seq. ("I3I3SPA"),unlcss anothcr law that appltcs to the Fund�seta a lesser
<br />'_xYb7.� nmount. If so,Lender may,at any tIme, collect end hold Funds in an amount not w exceed Qie lesser �unount Lender may
<br /> esdmate the amount of�nds due on the basis af current data and re�+sonabla estimates oF expcndihv�of futwe Escrow Itema or
<br /> �,._'� othe,rwise in accordence with appllcabla law.
<br /> '� Thc Funds shall ba held in an lnsdtutIon whosc deposits ere insured by a fedetal agancy.instrumentality,or enHry(including
<br /> Lender,if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in eny Federal Hame Lonn Benk. Lender ehall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br />�.'�� Items.Lender may not chargo Hotrower far holding and applying the Funda,annuaqy analyzing the escrow account,or verlfying
<br /> the P.scmw Items,unless Lender pays Donower ineerest on the Funds end eppllcable law perniita Lender ta make such u charge.
<br />='-`*-`� Howevu,Lender may require Borc�wer oo pay a on�tlme charge for sn Independent real estate tux m,por�ng secvtcE usecl by
<br /> - Leader in wnna:don with this loan,unlesa eppllcablo law provIdes otherwlse.Unless an agrcement is made or applicable!aw
<br /> - requires int�erest to bt:paid,Lender shall not be required W pay IIormwcr any intcrest or eamings on the Funds.Borrowu and
<br /> ..— I.,�d�a�y�iss�:�itin;,tro�ae�rr,stt«t fnt��i�!�p�d an s�e Fssn�.Lenx.•°..�t8�ol9L'I�LSJII41yo���l+�»t��.oP,p�
<br /> = annoal accoundng of tho Funds,showing credits and debiis to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was
<br /> -- made.'It�e�nds ara pledged as eddidonal securlry for ell sums secured by this Securlty Insuument
<br /> ----- If the Funds held by Lender axceed the emounts permitted to be held by appllcable law,Lender shall eceount to Aormwec for
<br /> the excess Fhnds in accordance wtth the requIrements of appllcable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any dme Ls
<br /> - not sufficient w pay tha Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in wridng,and,in sach case Bortowet shall pay
<br /> to I.ender tho amount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Borrower sheU meke up the deficiency in no more than twelve
<br /> monthly paymmts.at Lender's sola dLscredon.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Instrument,I.cnder shall pmmptly rcfw�d to Borro�ve�r eny Funds
<br /> held t�y I.endu.If,undet paregraph 21.Leadec shall acequlre or sell the Pcoperrt,yy,I.ender,prior to the acquisldcrn or sale of the
<br /> Proparty, shell epply any Funds hsld by I,endec at the tima of ecquisition or aele as s crexlIt against the sums secured by this
<br /> -- Security Insttument
<br /> � 3.Applicatbn of Faymente. Unfess appllcable law provides otherwlse,all payments rccGived by L.endu under paragraphs
<br /> 1 end 2 shall be applled: Hrst,w any prepayment charges due under the Notc; second,to Amounts payable under pax�h 2;
<br /> thud.W int�erest due:fourth,an principal duc;and if,st,to eny lau cl�argcs duc nnder the Nau.
<br /> 4.Clurge�i Lknt. Borrower shall pay nll mxes, assessments. charges, £'ines and imposidona atatbutable to the Property
<br /> which rnay sualn pr�ority over ttils Socuriry Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if eny.Borrower shaUU pay tlieso
<br /> nbllgutions in the manner provided In paragraph 2,or if not paid in tliat men�er,Borrowet shnll pay them on tfine dimct�y to ttic
<br /> pe�son awra paymra�i.Souuw�i 5t►atl p:ampL'y furnists to Lessdes �!!.^.�dC:s ef L.+nounts tR�e pz�;d�nd�l thia paramrenh.ff
<br /> Hoirowu makzs these payments diroc;tly9 Sorrower shall prompdy fiunish W I.ender receipts avidencing the payments.
<br /> Sorrower shaU prompdy discharge any llen which hes priorl4y over thLv Secuslty Insnument unless Borrower:(a) agroes in
<br /> ' writing to tho payment of tha obligadon secured by the lien in a manner ecceptxble to Lender;@)contcsts in good fuith tha llen
<br /> � by, or defends against enforcement of the llen in. legal proceedings which in the Lettder's apinion operete to prev�nt the
<br /> l— eaforcement of tho llen;or(c) secums from the holder of the flen an agrecment saHsfectory to Lender subordinadng the l�en to
<br /> --- this Secarity InstrumenG If I.en�cr dctsm�inrs that eny part of thc Property is subjcct to a Iien which may aitain prlodty over this
<br /> _� Security Insm�mcnt,I.cndcr may give Aorrower a nodc�:ider,tIfying tho Iien.Borrower shall sadsfy the llen or tske ono or more
<br />�;� of the actions set facth above withln 10 days of the giving of nouce.
<br /> - Form soza oroo
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