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<br /> !t ts furthar e�re�ed thet Grantar haa� iewful posseaalon of s�ld reel eata�te,
<br /> �aad rl�int snd I�wful euti�ority to make such conveyan��; and that �rantar un
<br /> bohslf af It�lf, e�ll h�lrs, sxacutoro, edministratnrs, �uccesaora, �nd sasl�ns,
<br /> hereby�ovenant� that the slphts end priviieQes l�erein grented shall run with the
<br /> title to :uc:h tract oi lan+d, �nd be bindfrag upom Granto�. all helra, �xecut�r�,
<br /> administrator�, succa�sors, arod e�aigna.
<br /> Ost�d � �„�_.
<br /> GFi�1N1'�R
<br /> ; �.
<br /> Edith M.Chapman
<br /> 1 ss
<br /> On thia2_��day af,_,,,,� ' , 1996, before me, the undersiflned,
<br /> a Notary Pubi� in and for s�ei� County and Ssate, peraon�lly appea�ad: EQITH �ll.
<br /> GHAPRAAN, xo me knawn p�r�on�ily ta b� the Wenticsl person who slgn�d tho •
<br /> for�pa3�p Utifity Eaaement, and ecknawlod�ed the executto�ihereof to bs her
<br /> volunt.a�ry act snd deeri t�r the pu�pase the�eln exp�es�ed.
<br /> ' WITNESS rr�y�lysnd and Notarlal Seat the d�+te above wri�ten,
<br /> f ������� Notary Pubtic
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<br /> �ra�.�rw.�.�
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