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<br /> 0.30 ecre�, more or le:s, am shown �n tNe plat d�ted 217'/J6, marked
<br /> �..h+►,.* ��Bo r�A��� 4�w�wYn�i�fi I:iit�ir�cDj�a4a�' i�8P61i7 Q3V POfOPC�1�C.
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<br /> tapethsr with Qhs toliowinp riphta:
<br /> C�antes ahall have unrsstricted tnflress end e�ress to the above-dea�rlbed
<br /> easement end riah4•r�f-wey for eny purpose necessary for tho surveylnp,
<br /> �conatructioe�, Ins�ectlnn, mtaintenance, repair, replacerrwnt, relocetion, �xtension.
<br /> rsmaval. and op�ration of ss�ch pu�lic utlliti�a�nd eppurtenances. Suah rights Af
<br /> Inp�ess end epreaa shell be exercised in a reasonable manner.
<br /> Grantee ahall h�ve tha riyh4 Ya excav�te end Pafi1{ ditches and t�on�hes -
<br /> necesaary for such public ut!lities and eppu�tenances; ta remova, clear, and keep
<br /> clear, trees, b�as}Mes, hedpas� und�rgrowth� and/or any othe� obstructlons
<br /> inte�farin�with the aurveyina, constructian, tnspection, maintenance, repalr,
<br /> replac�ment, relocation, extenafon, �ertx►val. and operation of such public utilities
<br /> �and eppurtenancea,
<br /> G�antor shall have the ri�ht to uae the easement and �ight-of-way for
<br /> pu�po:es not inconaistent wit� Grar�z+s�'a full enjoyment of the righta horeira
<br /> yranted, pravided that Grantor shall not allaw�ny structures, b�Ildinps.
<br /> combuatible materials, or other property of any kind whatsoevsr, to be erected,
<br /> r,onstructed, placed, atored, or accumulated tn, upon, above. along, ovet, acrass.
<br /> und�rnoath, or thrQU�h the ea�ement and right-of-way heretn �ranted.
<br /> Grantee�haii haae the right at any tlme, to relocat�, add, or upgrade such
<br /> pubNc ►�tilities and appunenances connected therewith, in, upon, above, elonp,
<br /> avar, aeross, underne�th, or throuflh the easement and right-of-wsy herein �
<br /> pr�nted. .Any auch pubiic e�tilitiea ar�d appurtenances placed in, upan, abave,
<br /> aion�, ovor, acroa�, underneath, ar through such tr�at of land shall remain the
<br /> property of Grentee, and may be remaved or replaced �t any time.
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