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<br /> exisNnfl at law a�ii eauity or by statut�.6very Fower ar remeuy pravidad'nereunuer tin5 Oenu ot:iui� �o�a��a�l��ct�c�'ta"•�fi:h�!m^_;lu �,
<br /> othtrwlse ertltled,moy be oxertlsed,co�xurror+tly ov Indzpendently,from timo to tlmo ur+d us oileia us�t�ay ha daemed oxpediont Benoficlary
<br /> a;�d N may pursuc�inconsistant remadies.N�t�ing herein shall ba eo��slru�il as prohil�itinp Ue��of Icit�ry fvon,cc'ti�p o doIlclai►cy�udp,�icrA apulnst �_'
<br /> tho Trustor to the extent such actlon is permNted by law. :�_:
<br /> 10. Tnn�te ef�nprt�i A��w��tbn.IF ull ar any port of the property or any interest thereln is iold,transferr�d cr conveyed by Trustor
<br /> withaut O�i�ellclnry's pr(or wrltten cansent,excludlnp(a)the creotlor,of o Ilen or erxumbrarxe subardlnate to thls Qeed oi Trus1, (b)1he crta•
<br /> tion oi a purchase mauy security Interest for housthold oppllonus,(c)o fransfe b�d�vls�,d�sc�nt or by op�ratlo��uf low upon th�d�ath of n
<br /> joint tenant or (d) tha grant af any leasehold Interest of threo years or less not tontalnlnp an opt�on to purchase, Ben�ilclary may, at
<br /> g.n.fMl!ry'e nntlnn;decicue a0 the sems secured by this Deed OI Trust 10 be Imrr�ediatoly due and pnyo5la,or c�we li�a Trus4ca to Iflo a notice —
<br /> o�d�toult. B�rwfidxy thall hav�waiv�d such optlon to ac�l�rat�It,prior to NN sol�,tmnri�r a conv�yonc�,�iK�ory n���»�������� —
<br /> whom tha pruperty is to be sold or transferred reach aqreement In writing that the credit oi suth person is sotisfactay to Benefic�ary and that
<br /> the interest payoble on the sums secured by this Oted of Trust shall be nt such rate as Bm�fklary shnll requ�st.
<br /> »,Aec�l�r�li�11�p�h�lf�R�w�l S�h. Upon dafault by Tru.tor fn the pcyment of a p�r�orrtanc�of ehe t�rms ard condltlons of
<br /> thr lkite,cr any�enewe�s,modifkatbns ar ext�nslo►+s tMr�of,or tM paym�nt of ony o1hK fr�bt�dn�ss s�cur�h�r+by or In th�performonce
<br /> of any of th�conwnonts ar o�r�nts MrK�nd�r,B�n�fkiory may Mcla��oll wms s�cw�d hKeby imr�dlottly du�and payabfr and th�sanf
<br /> SIIOII 1FIK�1l�lOfl�COf1N dW Ofld�OE�!N7IIIQIJ►(JfiSM111Mf11,d�mond,prot�st or notice of ony kirrd.Th�r�aftK, B�fkio►Y moY d�liv�r to
<br /> T►ustee a wri»�n declaration of d�foult and demand for saN.Trustee sholl iwve ths power of saN of th�Prop�rty and if Beneficiay decidAS the
<br /> Frop�rty is Sa b�sold it sholl M�wsit with Trustee this Deed of Trust au1 tho Noto or nates ond ony oH�er documents evid�+xinq�xpenditures
<br /> s�cured F�xeby,and shall d�liv�r to 1'rustee a v�itteo notice of default and election to cause the Prop�rty to bs wld,and Trustee,in furn,shall
<br /> pnpare o similor natkt in the form required by law which shall be duly filed�for recorE by Trustee.
<br /> (a)After tM laps�o�such tirr+�ns mny be reyuired by law folloti.�ing 4ha rssardation of�'otica of�favlt,orsd Notice of Default and N�Hc�of
<br /> Sole hnvin�Men yiven a�s required by law,Trustee,�vithout demand on Trustor,s'hatl se0 the PrapKty in one or more porcels and in such order
<br /> os Trusta may detern�ine m the dote and at tha time and plae designated(n said�t+�t(ce of Sale,at public ouction to the hiphest bidder,the pur-
<br /> chase�r:�sa payobk in cash in Inv�ful monay of tl�e United States n3�ho time of sale. The person¢andtxting the sola may,for a��3 tnuse he or she
<br /> doem��expedient,pos�t�sone the sala�from timo to tlme until it shall be completed artd,in every such case, notica of postponemem shall be given
<br /> 6y publlc d�ckuatian t7icraof by such person at tho timo ar�i placa losr apY+ointeQ'�ar the salo��ruvided,(f the sale is�ostpor�ci for longer ShAii
<br /> one(1)da�b�yaxf tho doy desl{Matod in the Notica ot Sale,notite thereof sholl be pivan In 4M same monner as the origlnul Notice of Sale.
<br /> Tiustee shall oxecute and de(iver to th�pixchoser Its Deed conveying the Praperty so sold,but without any convenant or worranty,express;or
<br /> impli*d.Yhe ncltols in the D�ed of ony matters w facts shall he conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereAf.Any person,indudinp without
<br /> limitotion TrustN,may purchose at the sak.
<br /> (b).VUMn Trustee s�lls'p`ursuont to the powers herein,Trustee sholl opply the p►aeeds of the sale to po�mer►t of ths costs a�d expenses cf
<br /> ���fLRHIQ Tfl�Pl/Rff{tt iV�c YI'N YI 1,�i'v Sa=o�ii'�i.=i7u1Rj'j�:.�_�Z!ItlS2ZII��LYl.!!��a;�nt of r._��t..'e CNC(�irrwA;which Trustea's Fess shall not =
<br /> in tM apprpat��xead tht folbwinp omounts bosed opon the amount secur�d har�b�and remainfny unpaid� 5 percentum on the balance
<br /> th�rwf�ond tMn to the it�ms sst forth in subpcxoproph(c)hereof in tM ovd�r tMrein stat�d.
<br /> (c)ARK payinp the it�ms sp�cifi�d in subporaqraph(bl,if th�sal�is by TrustN,a the prop�r court ond oth�r costs of 4orocbsure and sal�
<br /> if tf»sol�ts pursuant to judk(ol foncbsun,tM proc�ds of sab sholl b�oppli�d in 1M o►d�r stat�d b�bw to the poymmt o}�
<br /> (1� Cosf oi ony tvid�nc�ot titN praur�d I�corxMCtfon wlth such mN ad oi any r�YlfNN f�QU1TfE 10 bf p01d1
<br /> (71 AttorrMysfNS,
<br /> (3) All sum�tlwn saur�d h�r�bY+ '
<br /> (I) Junior trust dMds,mortpop��,or otiwr 11entMld�rs�ond
<br /> (S) Th�nmaind�r,if any,to the pKSOn or persons lepclly entitled therrto.
<br /> (d) If tM 8�fkiary of this Oeed of Trust is a bank as defined b�Nebraska law,ony statement containe�!in any other s�ction of this d�ed
<br /> notwitfistnndinp,the Ben�ficiary sholl not be entitled to receive or toke and debtor shell not be obliqated to pay or qiv�;onY confession of jud�-
<br /> rtNnt,povnr of attorney to cor►fess(udpment,power of attorney to oppear for a borrower in n judicial pr«edirg or ogre�ment to po�the costs
<br /> of cdl�ction of the ottaneys'fees,unkss such ats of coNection would not otM�wls�be prohihited by NeOrosko law.Provided,howevtr,thut
<br /> this s�ction do�s not upply to the iruste�fce refKred to in porapraph 6(bl.Provlded further,that this paropraph slall not opply to this Deed of
<br /> Trost,ft th�B�fic'wry is not a bonk.
<br /> 12. Aiiliwl S�ewil�t IMte�b.Trusfor,at its expense,will exetute nnd delivcr to the BMefkiory,prompTfy upon d�mond,such securi-
<br /> t�instrurrNnts es ma�r be required by Beneficiary,in fam flnd substance satisfatory to geneficlory,cave�ing any of the Properry conveyed b�
<br /> this DNd of Trost,which security instruments sholl be additional security for Trusta's faithful pn•famance of ell of the i�rms,covennnts and
<br /> conditions of fhis De�d of Trust,the promissory notes secured hereby,ond any other seturity ins4nrr»mts executcd in cor�nection with this trun•
<br /> saction.Stxh instrtxnents sholl be recaded or filed at Yrusta's expense.
<br /> 13. A�6whrM1�f S�eas�r YrootN. Beneficiay may, irom time to time, by a written instrument executed and ackrwwledged by
<br /> B�fitiory,mail�d to Yrustor and recorded in the county or counties in which the Property is located�nd 6y otherwise romplying with tha provi-
<br /> sions of th�opplicobk laws of the Stote of Nebraska,substitute a successor or successors to the lrustee n�ned hxein or actirg hereunder.
<br /> 1�1. M�etiMn.Benefitiaty,or its agents,representatives or waicmen,are outhorized to enter ct anY reasonoble time upon or in ony pat
<br /> ot the Prop�My for the purpose of inspetting the same and for the purpose of perfamirg ony uf the xts it+s authroi:ed to perform under the
<br /> te�ms of the D:ed of Trust.
<br /> 1 g, p�t{M h forKh�,Upon ihe cecurrence of any defoult hereunder, Beneficiory shall hnve the option to foretlose this Dc¢d of Trust in
<br /> tM manr�provided b►r law for the faeclosure of mortgages on reol property.
<br /> 16, Fw�w,r�q►y�e�fieiuti!Af�w�irK.Any forebaararxe by Beneflciary in exercisinp ony right or remedy hereunder,ar otherwise
<br /> offorded by opplicabl�law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any suth rlght or remedy. likewlse,the waivor by Beneficiary of
<br /> any defauft of Trustor under this Deed of Trust shull not be dtemed to be a waiver of ony other or si�nilor defoults subsequently aturring.
<br /> •o ��_a��— • • t,.�.....:......i�i���mw IN MY/ll�f�f nr mnAifi�ntinn nr nntnrtisntion of�hs sum:secure�6v this Deed of Trost
<br /> ��. �e�vns �w�w�w.�. .w.�....v..�. ...� .....� .�. ���...�... _. ...__...__.._.- " -.' -- -
<br /> ! pranted Dy BerMfitiary to any suttessor in interest of Trustor shall not operate to r�leose,in uny manner,the liability of the original Trustor and :
<br /> Trustor's successor in interest.8eneficiary shall not be required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuso ro oxtend time for �
<br />= payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reoson of ony demond made by the originol Trustor and '
<br /> ?rustor's successor in intorest. -
<br />- 18. MMtitMry't hwe�.Without affetting the liability of tha Trustor or any other person linVfe for the paymen4 of any obligation herein =
<br /> : mentioned,orxl without affetting the lien or chorge of this Deed of Trust upon ony portion of the Property not ttwn or theretofore released as �-
<br />