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<br /> 3 ������w{����.T��ustor shall keep tita Prapar9y in�oad to�tditirm and roRair and shali not commit waste or permit `;�-
<br /> •i t� i lrm�nt or d�terlaatlo�o!ttN Prop�►ty ond stwN tanply wlli�tiza{uovisio��s o4�ny Icos�If shi�D�cd o1 Tiust is on a IcasQf�old.No imp►ovo- �;
<br /> �
<br /> � m�nt now or hnrtpfter ar�ctod uporo tfH PropKty shall 6�nit�r�d, nmov�d or d�mollsh�d wl4hout the prlor written consent ol8eneficinry. �
<br /> � Trustor eholl complY with oll bws,ordinanc��,r�puktlom,cow,mants,conditlons on�l nstrictlons aflectinp th�Prop�ny and not commit,sufter,
<br /> f . •
<br /> or p�rmit ony act ta bo don�in er upon th�Property In violatlon o4 ony law,ordinonu,r�pul�tion,covmant, condition ar restriction.'frustor
<br />;i� shall compMt�or nston promptly ond in pood wwkmanlfk�man��'anY irrp�owrtMnt on th�Prop�r�y whkh may b�damnped or destroy�d ond
<br /> •_ �s�� p�y,�Irn daM,all clalms fa loba p�rtorm�d and materials turnith�d thor�}pf�Qf1��Of Q11�plfHQtlOflf 1NQ►!0}. _
<br /> .;. ;,,;.��;;.';a;4�..c':l::.,�.r::.::'!!!!!!�!!!!C!!!!YI!!!lnureya nn�rAV�d by B�ficior�.insuranet wi9h Pesp�c9 40 9i�a li�;provcn.nts and �
<br /> V�� p�rsonol pr�rty,constitutinp thr Property,apalnst loss by fln,liphtnlnp,tanado,ond otMr p�rlts ond hozads cov�►ed by standord ext�ndQd _
<br />--t�-s coe�rc�ye�ndors�mK►t, in an amount�yun�to at Iw��on�hurxk�d p�►c�nt of tlw fuli r�pfocimmt valus ther�of and insurance opainst such
<br /> Y oth�r haiards and la such omounts os Is customarily corrlod by ownut and opKators of simulor prop�r►��s or as 6�neficlary may require for its
<br /> �����, otatfon.Trusta will comply with such ott�er rpuinrt+tnts os B�rwfklary mnY irom tima to ti�request fu tM protection by insuronce of the
<br /> ;,;�� fnterosts of ths nsp�ctfw portks. AU(nsurana polkUs maintolrnd pwwant to this DNd of Trust shol) nan�Trustw and B�neficiory as in-
<br /> eurMds,as tlwlr nsp�ctiv�IntKnts moy appo►.aid P►ovid�tha!tMre sholl M no conc�llati�n or modifieotlon without no lass than 15 doys �-
<br />`�`T��. prlor written notificatfon to 8enaficiary. In the evmt any pollcy Mreunder is not ren�wed on or before 15 days prior to its expirotion date,
<br />�'��� Beneficiary may proco►e such insu�ance in accordance with the provisions of poraproph 7 hereof.Trustor shull dellver to Beneficiary the original
<br /> �? poRcl�s of inswar+ce and ren�wals thKwf or memo copies af such polkl�s ond ren�wols thar�of.Failure to furnish such insurance by Trustor,or
<br /> � r�wals as rpufr�d henunder shall,at th�option of B�fkiary,constitut�a d�fautt.
<br /> _= S.T�tM,Au���.��rN�•Trusta shall poy all taxes,ass�ssrt�ents ond other charpes,intludin�,without limitation,fin�s and im-
<br /> if b�fare tlee sa�ne beconw�delinaNant.Trustor shall promp-
<br /> --= poxitions uttributa6l�to tha PropKtY,ond leasehofd payments or yroa-�d vr�is, �Y• °-
<br /> tlr turnish to Bene(iciary oU notites of amoums due un�kr this paroproph�ond�n tM wsnt Yrustar sholl maice pcyment dircctly,Trustor shall
<br /> •�•_�� promptly furnish to Beneficiary receipts eviderxirp such paym�nts.Trostor shol! pay all toxes orxf assassm�nts which moy be kvied upon
<br /> &rneficiarq's interest herein or upan this Deed of Trost without reqad to any law thut may be enated imposinq poyment af the whofe or ony
<br /> ��■_ part therecf upon tha Be�ficiary. '
<br /> - 6 ���,�q��t�t{M�f MMfki�ry��SaeritY.Trosror stwll moke all payments of interest and principol and paymants ot ony
<br /> ,.;, ior da�d ot trust w rtwr-
<br />'k� other charyec�fe�s ond expenses cantrastad ta be paid to any existing li�nholders or prior beneficiarles Wde►anY Dr'
<br />::''� tge�p bofae the date they are deflnqudnl nrMi promptly puy and discharge any a�d oil oth�r liens,ctaims or chorqes whicb moy jeopardise!he
<br />---- security gronted herein,lf lrustor falls to make any such poyment a toils to perform any of the cavenants ond a9raements cantained in this
<br /> �= Deed o4 Trust,or in ony prior mortgoge or deed of tr�st,af if any atlon or praeedic►p is comrr�erkad which mater+elly affects B�rwficitary's in-
<br /> --_--' terest in l4ee Properry,intluding,but not limited to,eminent domain prxeedings,or proceadings involviny a decerdent,a if Trustw falls to pay
<br /> .—� Trustor's aebts gerkrally as ttby becarne due, then iteneiiciary, ai oei�:��:i��r's r,�tan ar�^�tt�rt n`-`t!�!t""r'-i"'"°"d°°°n Trustor ond
<br /> withouf raleosirq Trusta from any obliqotion hereunder,may moke such oppeoronces,disburs�such sums,and taks such octfon as is neassay
<br /> —"' to protect Beneficlory's interest including,but not limited to,dislxxs�mKit of r�awnobk atto►ney's tees,poyment,pu►chas�,contest or com-
<br /> -- promise of ony encumbraxe.cha9e o�lien,ond entry upon the Prop�rty to mak�rtpo(rs. In tM�vent that Trustor shall fail to proctxo in•
<br /> su►onr.a or to pay taxes,assessments,or any other chayes or to mak�any puYn�e^�s to�xistinp prior Utn hold�rs or berMficiarl�s,B�n�fkiary
<br /> moy praur�such insurance and make such payment.Any amounts disburs�d b�BK►�ikiory pursuant to this Poropraph b sholl Mcome additionol
<br /> indebte�ness o1 Trustar secured by this Deed of Trus1.Such amounts shall bs poYobb upon notic�trom Btnsiiclay to Trusta rtqwstinq poY•
<br /> rtiant fher�ot,ond shall beor interost iran the dute of disbursement at th�rott Du9�<<�tinw fo fErtN on outstandiMy principd tMd�r th�
<br /> Note unless poyment of interest at such rats would be coMrery to opplitabl�6la�ii rw�►K.���t�KKY fo incur any•xpM's�a f�ln any iafion
<br /> ratm permissible under applicoble Iow. Nothing contained in 4his Paaproph �qu
<br /> he+eunder.
<br /> 7. Mt{��1�1 RMts. Beneficiary shell have the ripht, power orxf authority durinp th�continua+c�of ihls Dted oi Trust to coll�ct the
<br /> rents,issues ond profits of the Pruperty ond ot any personul property located thereon with or without toking possession of the prope►ty aitected
<br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely ond unconditionolly assipns nll such rents,issues and profits to Beneticiary.6eneficiary,however,hereb�
<br /> cons�nts to the Trustor's tollettion and retention af suth rents,issues ond p�o�its as they ecc�ue and become paYoble so lonp as Trusta is not,
<br /> at such time,in defn�lf with respect to payment of any indebtedness setured he�eby,or in the performonce of ony opreem�n�hereund�r.Upoe
<br /> any such detoult,Beneficiory moy ot any time,either in person,by ogent,a bY reeeiver to be oppointed by o courl, without�yond w��1
<br /> = re�,„d to tha o�eqlacy of ony security for the indebtedness hereby secured,(a1 enter upon ond toka possesslon of the Pr t or an t
<br /> thereof,ond in its own name sue for o�otherwise collact such rents,issues a�d profits,including thoxe past due und unpoid,ad oppiy ihe sa��.
<br /> less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reosonoble attaneys fees,upnn ony indeb�edness secured hereby,ond in such
<br /> order as Oaneficiory moy determiye� (b1 perform such als of repair or qrotection os muy be necessary or p►opK ro conserve the value of the
<br /> Properry�{��leose Ihe seme or any pcN�1 th�reof for such rentol,term,ond upon such conditions os its jud9ment may dictate a termi�wte a od•
<br /> just th�terms ond conditions of any existing lease ar leoses.Unless T�ustor and Beeeficiary uqree otherwise in writinp,ony opplication of rents,
<br /> issues or profits to ony indebtedness secured hereby shall not�xtend or postpone the due dat�oi the instullment pa�ments cs provided in said
<br /> - promiasay note or chonge the amount of suth installments. 1he entering upon and tqkirp possessiat of the Property,the collettion of such
<br /> � - rents,issues nnd protits, and the application thereof us aforesaic,shnll not waive u�cure ony defeult a notice of default hereunder,or in•
<br /> = vafidate nny act done pursuant to such notite.Trustor also nss+gns ta Benefitiury,os furiher security for the performante of tha oblipotions
<br /> ' secured he�eby,oll prepaid renls ond atl monies which moy I►avu been or moy hereofter be depositod with said Trusfor by any lessee of the Pro�
<br /> - •��--=' perly,to secure the poyment of any rent or dan�ges,and upon default in the pe►'tormorxe of any oF the provisions hereof,Trusfor ogroes to
<br /> _ _� deliver such rents ond deposits to Be�efitiory.Qelivery of written notice of 8eneficfory's exerclse of tha riphts pronted herein,to any tenont a-
<br /> __� cupyfng soid premises shall be sufficie�t to require soid tenont to pay said rent to the Beneficiory until furthc�r notice.
<br /> - -= 8.C�n+tNe•�i tN�e to ony parf of the Properfy shall be token in cond�emnoflon proceedinps,bY ripht of eminent domnin or s�milar oction,
<br /> ,���.� or sho�l be sold under threat of condemnation,all awords,damoges ond praeeds are hereby assipned ond shall be paid to Benef iciory who shall
<br /> =-��� .�,u,tti e�eh n,�ards.damoaes and nroceeds to the sum serurad by this Qeed o}Trust,with the excess,if any,poid.to Trustor.If Trusror receives
<br /> �L_�J 1�Lr��' Lvu
<br />°—��.;=�� ony notice or other information regarding such actions or proceedings, TruSTOr seaii give prompi .�ri�7m��ri,9��a �.�.a..• •� �•p.-.-��•
<br />`.�"�""''� Beneficiory shotl be entitled,ut its option,to commence,oppeor in ond prosetute in its nwn name any such oction or proceedings and sholl be en•
<br /> l a���«
<br /> �F- •, titled to moke ony compromise or settlement in connettion with any such action or praeedings.
<br />:'�f� :
<br />:s .,�,. 9. Rs+ndi��Met txtlwtv�. Beneficiary sholl be entitled to enforee poyment and pertormunca of a�y indebtedness or obligations secure
<br /> °""�`���%•Q hereby ond to exercise al1 rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under ony olher agreement executed in c9nnettion herewith or any Inws
<br /> � � now or hereaiter in force,notwithstanding some or all of the suth indebtedness and obligotions secured herRby mny now or hereafter be other-
<br /> ��' �•�• wise secured,whether by mortgnAe,deed of trust,pledge,lien,ossige�ment or otherrvise.Nelther tlie acteptance o1 this Ooed of Trust nor its
<br />,� �;'
<br /> � ^�s,r.'' enforcement whether by court attion or pursuant to the power of sQlo or other powers herein cantained,shnll prejudice or in any manner aff ect
<br /> .t��"�::`:��' Beneficiory's right to reoli:e upon or eniorce ony other security now or herenfter held by Beneficiary, it being ogread thnt Beneficiary slwll be
<br /> �rtiai�,' entiNed to enforce this Deed of lrost ond nny other security now a hereafter held by Benefitiary in such order ond manner as it muy in its ab-
<br /> _�-.:.:.��_
<br /> _-.,,;.r.-•. — solute discretion determine.No remody herein conferred upon or roserved 4o Beneiitiary is intended to bo exclusive ot ony other remedy herein
<br /> ' • • ' t, or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative and sha11 be in addition to every othor remedy given horeunder or now or hereafter
<br />