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�',i: �' .��,,�;�. .� ik:+ ' - .. ._ _� <br /> � �ir. . -_"a'�i,A-� 'r - �Atr .(:�. er ` . • � v . u <br /> � , . :M`1Qa'b7 t1{ `� ' '� �a�c.- . . — ..-Y_._.. r�1' _ �i�P ' �i'--__.. <br /> �� - --..' ._...�_ .:s?a.vs+w.vs►^�-e-�+.+-�n+.-1•w�.�::: <br /> - <br /> __ .�II�� <br /> ', �.. �.. �i <br /> _ �+- <br /> — �it+'��� <br /> ---- -�. <br /> - •�-- -�-r -t .. � <br /> ����`rt ':)"•i• • .1!:9.� <br /> �i 4_: .. .. ._ <br /> • " 7?!n�lw - �[:_-:_:_ a <br /> � - - •• _ _ �___ . '.. �.�++.r.i�� +��.r�"� �.�..w�rri�. .r.-'°...,.�f�.._��- <br /> . � 92- I� �=;-_-=- - . _. <br /> k . � �. � 26�p _ - <br /> ._ . n�, — - <br /> ^ pericxls lhut Lendrr rcyuirc.. The insurancc cunicr pr�rviding thc in�uruncr.hull hc rho�cn by Born►wrr.uhjccl�o l.enJer. ��`'`�___Y <br /> 'r'' ~ uppmvul which zhull not be unrcu.+onubly withheld. If Borrowcr fuil+to muirnuin crnrruFe dc�cribed alxwr.Lrndcr muy.ut <br /> `"' N. Lender's op�ion,atHain coverage to protect l.ender'.ri�ht+in�hc Prupeny in urcordunrr with pa�agruph 7. — r._ <br /> . T,T..:w�..,— -- <br /> All in+urunce policicz und renewul,tihull Fk ucceptuhlc ta lxnder und tihall inrlude u ��nndurd monga�ec rlau�r. Lender . ,�,<<..�,n_ _ <br /> . shull huve�he riFht�o huld the Ewlicic�und renrwul.. If L�nckr<<quiR�,Surrnwer+hull prumpUy givc tu l.�nJer ull rcreipl+ �� � <br /> � uf pui�i premiums and mnewul nwice,. In Ihe rv�m uf lo.,,Borruwer +hall Eivc pr�►mp� nnticc w the in�urnncN currier and �����__ <br /> Lendcr. Lcnder muy mukc prcwf of los+if nut mudc promptly by B��rrow��r. ,�ti_:�, - .�._ <br /> - ' Unlctix Lcnder und BoROwc�othcrwi�r ugrrr in writinE.inwruncc pr�k•crd..h:dl Ix•;�pplicd to rc,turation ur rrpair c,f �:`�'.`"`-�''°"��— <br /> ., the Prupeny damuged. if the restorutiun o� repuir i+ economicrlly Fcu,ihl� und l.ender ti.rcuriry i, nnt IesxeneJ. If the •• :��,.:•�;t�:a:::�=�" <br /> ., ,.. _,,.,__ <br /> . re+turution ur rcpair i+ not ecun�►micully feusihlc or l.rndrr's ,ccuri�y w��ulJ br Ics+cned,th� in.uran�c pnxe�d� shull Ixx , � <br /> _ upplied to the sumti ucured hy�his Srcurity In+trumem, whrther ur nut then Juc, with uny cxcc+. puiJ to �3nm�wer. If „ ,,,, ,.., <br />" Barrower abanduns the Propeny, or d�xs nnt untiwer within 3��day+ u noticr fn�m l.enikr thu� ihr inrurunrc currier hu+ - <br /> offereJ to tiettle u claim.Ihen LcnJer muy collcrt the inwrunrr pnxerd.. Lender m,q-u�e thc pr�kecd+to repair nr rctitore • •�- -• � <br /> the Pmpeny or i��pay sums secured by this Srcuri�y InMrument,wheiher nr m�t Ihen duu. The;lhJuy{x:ri�x1 will begin whrn ,.: ,��.,.,r u <br /> � � Ihe notice iti�±iven. ' . : . - <br /> Unle.z Lender anJ Borcower��tlxn+i+e agree in writing, uny applicution of praced,w principu) �hull not extenJ or . _ <br /> po.tpcxie the due dute of thr monthly puymrnt+referred ta in purag�ph,I und ?ar chung�th�umoun�of�he puymems. If <br /> � undcr purngrAph 21 the Pr��eny iz uryuired by l.cnder, B�>rrowcr:n�M to arey �n�urance palicics und prtxeed+resuliing .. <br /> , from dumuge ta the Pruperty prior t��thc ucquiyi[ion nhall patis to Lendcr ia �hr cxtent of Ihr tium�secured hy�hi�S��uri�y ,.,..,..,-:;.. ; <br /> 'o t��hc uc ui,itinn. �'` . .w�,rttif,.•'�: <br /> , Intitrument immedia[ely pri r y ,,,.,:__,_ <br /> � 6. Occupancy. Preservation. Maintenance and Protectiop oP the Prope�ly: Horrower's Loan Application; . .•?,�...:.....�,-,. <br /> - Leaseholds. dorr��wer.hall�xcupy,c�tahlish.anJ u�c�he Pr��peny ox Borr��wer's principa�l re.idencc H ithin sixty duys uf�er � � ���-"'��. <br /> � the execution of this Serurily Inztrument und shall cuntinuc to cecupy tho Property a,Bi�rn�wcr: prinripul residence for ut t ,� ,y,�,++�y� <br /> leust ane yeur Afler the datc af c�ccupuncy. unle+ti l.endar othunvine u�:reev in writin�. which ronsent +hull not hr '�����- <br /> unreusonaMly withheld,or unl�>.rxtenuuting circumntance,rxi�t which nre heyond Borrower's canaul. Burrowrr.hull na� �. •�1'" _"`_' <br /> destroy.damuge or impair thr Property,ullow�he Propeny to dcteriorute,nr c�>mmit wustr��n thr Proprrty. B�xrower shull k. •-;.�,.,;'".�- ' <br /> • � be in dei'uult if uny fort'ei�ure uction or pnxeeJin�,whethur civil ur crimimil,ix begun that in Lender�gacHi fuith judgmeni � '";;��,�_� <br /> � • could result in forfeiturc of the Prope�rty or othrrwix muleriully impuir �he lien creuted by thi+ Securiry lnstrument or '� r � ,�; <br /> • Lender',.ecuriry intere,t. Borrnwer muy curc tiuch u det'uult and reinstale,as provided in p�ragruph IS,b��cuusing ihr uction r :..��.;�� <br /> ar praceeding to he dixmi�sed with u ruling Lendcr:gooJ f'ailh delcrtninution.precludrs fnrf�iture i�t Ihr Qorrower z � :-�; _-_ <br /> interest in the Pro�xrty or other mu�eriul impuirtnent nf the lien creut�d by this Security In+tn�men[ or l.ender's .ecuriry j- �,.�.,- <br /> inirre.rt. Bormwrr tihall ul+c� tk in del'uult if Bi�rrnwrr. Junn�: Ihc Inun upplicutian pnxcrti, guve muteriully t'al+c or • . <br /> inuccurn�e infurtnution or stmemrm.�o Lcndrr lor 1'ailed to�xnvide Lender with uny muteriul inliirmati�ml in ronnection wilh . _�v � <br /> �hc loun evidenred hy tlxr Natc, inrluding, but ncn limited to, repro,rntationti concernin�e Borrowcr. �xcupanry af the � ., . �<- <br /> - ---_= Pn�Ne�ty:i.,++�xi+ti�ipal rc;idrnrc. !f thi�.Srrurit�lmtrumen�i•��n:�I�•n.rhold.linm��wrr.hull cumply wilh rll Ihr provisions �� <br /> of the Ira.r. If Bc�rruwrr acyuire.Icr IiUe tn�he Pm�xny.the Ieau�l thr tce tiUe.hnll n�,�merge unlr,.Lenckr uErcr� '- - _ <br /> �o Ihc mcrgcr in writin�:. �� ' <br /> �• <br /> 7. Prutecti�x� uf Lend��'r Rluhh In the Nroprrl�. If 13urruwcr li�il, w �x.rfnrni the rovrn+mt, und ;igrrrmem+ #. .. � . <br /> runt+iinrd in �hi� tie�urily In,�rumrnl. ��r Ihrn i, u (r}�:�I pmrcr�iin�: ihat m+��• .i�niUrunUy u(Irrl I.rndcr; nghl� in Ihr • <br /> {'r�►�xny I,u�•h�i+a pukcrdiu�!in hnnlruptcy.pruh;dr.tur runilrou�uU�►n��r furlriiurr or lu ent�irre Inw.ur rr�ulalion,l.ll�rn ! " ' <br /> I.r���kr m.�� du tuiJ��ay Inr �+hnt��v.�r i. nrr.•..+�ry w pru�cr� UK��;ihir ul Ihe Nru�x•ny .mJ L��nJrr'. ri� Ihc 1'ru�xrty. ��� <br /> (.�nd�r;a.tiunti m;�y inrludc p:iy m}�;m� .um.ucurrd h� :�ha•u w lu.•h lia, pn��nt� u��rr Ihi.tirruril� In.lnnnenl.apExarin�: �. <br /> in cuurt.paying ren,��unhlc:�u��rn�y,'Irr.�ind rntcnn�nn ih�• IRn�k�n} u� �n�i6.rrpnir.. AUhuuEh Lrndrr muy �ukr actiun i ••�FP <br /> undcr thi.par;iEraph 7,L�nd�•r d�k,nut ha�•r iu du.u. � <br /> Any anwuntr Ji,hur,rJ hy Lrndrr under �hi� para�ruph 1,h:dl Fxr�,mr uJdin�mal drbt nf Ni�nuwrr,ecurcd by thi, <br /> Serurily In.�runxm. l�nle•,Hurroa�r and Lrndrr:i�rcr��,uihrnrrm.�d puymrm.�hru muuurn.,hall t+rur imrr�,t from thc . - <br /> , datr of Jitihunenunt :u 1hr Nulr rutc+md�hall i+r p:���ahlr.u•ilh nnrrc.�.upun nuure frum (.rndcr�o Burtuwer rcyuctilin� ' <br /> paymcnL . <br /> S. Mort�u�;c Insuruncc. II' Lrndrr rcquircd mungaEr in�ur:mce a, a�•��nditiun �►I'making Ihr loan ,rrurcd b}•this <br /> S�curity Instrumcnt. Burruwrr.hal) pay thc prrmium, rryuircJ 1��maint:�in thr munga�e in,urcmcr in cl'fect. If. ti�r any � <br /> musan. thr mortgagr in,uruncr r�►v�ragr rryuirrd h}• Lrixlrr lap,c. ur �ra,c. �o Ik in rl'tcr�. Barrowrr �ball pay �hc <br /> prrmiutn+ myuircJ �a uhtain rovrra�r .ub.t:mtiull�• .yui�•:drrn h� ihc murlg;��c in.ur:uicc prc�•inu,ly in cl'f�rt. at a co+l <br /> suhztantiully cyuivnlrnt �u the r�►.1 tu Borrou�rr uf ihr mun�ngc in,ur:uxr pnviuu,ly in cl'frct.t'rum un •rltrrna�c m�mgugc <br /> imumr approved by Lendec 11'�ub�tanti:dly�yui��;dent mung:ig. in,uranrr rm�cragc i,n�N:�.�:��i;,ni�. g„n�,.�«.n�,u p�y �� <br /> Lenikr rarh munth a ,um eyu;d lu cmr-t�vcll'th�►f Ih�•�rurly in�mE:igr in.ur:mcr prrmium Ixing paiJ b�• �3urri�wrr�vhen the ., <br /> imur:mrc ravcragc lup�rd or reu+cd to Fk in rftcr�. l.rndrr��ill ck�rpt.u�c and rew�n�hr,e p:i}•rocnt,a,a lo.,rc.rrvr in licu , <br /> uf rnor��!agr in.uranrr. Lu.+ re,crve puymrnt, may ui, I�mgrr hr ihr upliun ol'Lendrr. if m��rtgage in,urance • <br /> ri►vrru�!c lin t!k amounl und li�r Ihe�kri�,d Ihat I_ender rcyuir�tii��ruvidrd h�an in��inr uppn��•rJ hy I.rnJer:iguin Ixc�ane. <br /> avuilablc anJ i+uMainrd.H��rn�wrr,hall pa� thc����uirr�l a,maintmn nu�hga�r m.ur:inrr in rl't'rcl.ur�o pru��id�a <br /> lo��re�ervc,until Ih� rcyuire�nrnt litt mun�agr in+uruncc cirrurdanre��i�h any«rmrn a�rrrmrro Ix�twren 13urn�wer <br /> ' a and LrnJcr ur apphrahlr I.nv. <br /> `•'- 9. Inspectiun. l.cndrr ur i�+:i�.rnt ma� mal.r rra,unahlc rnlrir.up„n:md in.�x•ruun. ol thc I'ru�xn�•. LrnJrr,hall <br /> Eivc Bunu«•rr m►lirr:n thc tinu��f ur priur lu:m in,prrnun�prcd�inc�ca.�m��hlc r.w.r t��r Ihr m.�x<<iun. <br /> I11. l'ondrmnution. 1'hr prorcrd,�H :uq .i��+�rd ur:I;un�tnr d;im,��r•,dirrrt ur:nn• runnrruun��i�h am• <br /> 1m�:lc I,uwl� M'anni�•�Im•Preddir\1uc 1 \IPt lk\1 I�ti 1�N1�II•:\'I' I �ul�nm t'u�.•u.un. 4'411 ����i�r�.•!a���mr�� <br /> �ar.dL�►r.ldi.inr..lniun I�x � <br /> � lu IInhT 1�111 I IMMI:III'LVI.1 'I�l\I�Ih 7'll�1111 <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> t <br /> • � � .__— . __ ._.___ __ __ -.. <br />