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<br /> „ �• „ T(K7ETHHR WITH all thc impruvrmrnt,now�►r h�rraf�cr�rer�rd�m�he pro�xny.un�l;dl ca+rmro�,.aPpuncm�ncr., �4_
<br /> ' . . and fix�urc� noH•or hercul'ter u pun ot'�hc pr�iperly. All nplurrmcnt�anJ a�kli�iony+hall ul,o tx�covend hy thi+Sccurity
<br /> .,, Imstn�n�ent. All af thr(oregoing i�ref�rnJ�o in�hi.Security Inti�rumcm us�hc"Pra�xny." ---_�:°` ;::;,,.-
<br /> � BORROWfiR COVENANTS th.�t sortowrr iti luwfully�ci,eJ uf�hc r�tm��hrRhy ronvcyrd and hu. thc righ� w ur:m� `t;��_-
<br /> i, and convey the F'rop�:ny unJ thut the Prnpeny i.unencumtxr.d,rxcepl ti�r encumhrunre.ul r�rurd. f�urmwer warnim.unJ � ��-�---
<br /> --'' ' � - �' will defend ge�rrulty the tide ta the Proprny eguinw ull rNiim�unJ ckmundy,+ubjcct t��any encumhranc�+uf recc�rd. � , �
<br /> •� � TIiIS SP.CURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifc�rni covcnuntti for natiunal u.r und nan•umlixm covcnuntx wnh �.�_.�,,._�,=_�s_.,—_
<br /> z�. ' li�.:ited vuriati�m�by jurirdiction w cun�titu�c u uniform s�curity in�trumcn�cuvrnng rcul pru�xny. "-`-e�,;—: -=�_-
<br /> ,�,..�.�—_ _ —
<br /> `— tJNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrnwrr und I.cndcr covenunt und ugrcc u�li�lluw.: ''"�������••--
<br /> F��.' '. , l. Payment oPPrinclpul and Interest:Preps�yment wnd Late Chs�rRe.r. Rurrowcr tihull pr�implly pay when Jur Il�e . ' ° �'"�-• �-
<br /> ' principal of and intercsl cm thc dcbt ev idenrcd by the Nutr und uny prepuymcnt unJ lu�c chur�eex dur under thc Nute. I ,
<br /> ' 2. Funds far TAxes and Insurance. tiuhjcrt to upplicuhlr luw ur w a writtcn waivrr by Lcndcr. Horrnwrr tihull pay�o � _ �-,�....
<br /> Lrnder on[ha day mcxithly puyment. �uc duc undcr�hc N�KC,until the Nute i+paiJ in 1'ull,u�um l"F�unJ."�fitt:(ul ycarly .
<br /> tuxc,und a,se+smcnts which mav au:sin priority uvcr�hiti Security Iny�rumcnt a+u licn on the Pru�xny:lbl yeurly Iru.chald � _
<br /> " paymems or Frnund ren�� �m thc f'�aperty. il'any: Icl ycurly hazurd ur pr�►prny in.urunce prem�ums: Id1 ycarly (l�wd i
<br /> � insu�Ance premium., if uny; Ie1 ycarly mongugc m,urunce prcmium., if any: and 111 any xums puyuhle hy Borrowrr a� �; •;:,�•,: ,.�,:r,ti,
<br /> Lender, in uccordance wi�h the p�ovi�ion+of purugraph 8, in licu uf the p:�yment of mongugr insurunce prrmiums. Thr,c .�s: •y;�.�.� � -
<br /> • ' items are called"Escmw Items.' Lender muy,at uny tim�.collect su�d hold Funds in un umount not�o exceed the maximum G
<br /> . .^..� .
<br /> � • amount u lender for a fedcrully rcluted murtguge loun may require f'or Barrowcr c escrow uccount under thc fcckrul Rcul �
<br /> � E.r•tAte SettlemeM Pirc�cedures Act��(1974 as amenJcJ from timc to�ime,12 U.S.C.�2fi01 er.�ey. ("RESPA"1.unlc,.uninhcr
<br /> • �� � law that upplie.�o the Funds scts a Ictiscr umouro. If,o,Lcnder muy,s�t nny timc,collcct und hold Funds in an umount nrn ta '
<br /> � • exceed the l�sser amount. L.cndcr may estimutc Ihe •rmuunl uf Funds duc on thc ba.r•ix uf curtent datu and reusonuhlc � t� �,� .
<br /> es�ima�es af expenditures of f uture Escraw hems or otherwixe in�ccordunce�vith upplicuble luw. � �`'�° •-
<br /> ' Thc Fundc,hall be tmld in on institution whoze depositx ure insured by u federal agency, instrumenlnlity, or entiq• . ���� � `� "
<br /> . __��
<br /> ' (including Lcndcr,if Lrndcr is such an inztiwtion)nr in uny F�dcral Homc Luan Bank. Lcndcr�hall upply the Fun ds ta pay ___ _
<br /> . � 1he Escmw Items. Lenckr may r�nt churge Borrowrr for holding und applying the Funds, unnually unalyzing the e.croa� _.�;` `
<br /> uccount, ur �•erifying the �scrow licros. unle++ Lender puy� Borrower intcre+t on Ihe Fund� und applicable luw permit� � �°;:�;5�`,;
<br /> , Lendcr tu make such a ch�rge. Howcvrr.Lender muy requirc Borcuwcr to puy a ime-time rhurge for un independcn�rcul ( ':F•—
<br /> . estate�ax reponing service used by Lcndrr in connection wi�h thix loun,unlesx upplicable law provides oiherwi�e. Unlex,un � "�`"—
<br /> �„-_�
<br /> �• agreement i,mude nr upplicablc luw rcyuire,intcresl to be paiJ.Lcnder shull nat be requircd to ps�y Borrower xny irnerc+�or �:
<br /> � eaming.an the Funds. Borrower und l.rndcr muy agrec in writin€,however,thnt intercst shull Ixr paid on the Fund�. Lendcr � ,
<br /> •, � shnll give to Bonawer, with��u� chargr.an unnuul uccountin@��f the Funds,showing credit,und debits to the Fundx und the � �i�,,��;
<br /> '. purposc for w•hich each debit to the Funds wus mi�de. The Funds s�re pledged r�uddilional security fur all xums�ecured by � ��
<br /> _ _ _ _ ; thi�c Securiry Instrumcnt. ��"'`��i;
<br /> If the Punds held b�- l.ender excceJ Ihe umoun�s �xrtnittcd to �e neid ny uppiiwblc iuw.I.enJe� +l�atl a�count tcs :
<br /> Borrowrr i'or thc rxcc�ti Fundx in accnrduner with�he rcyuiRmcnts of applicablr luw. If thc umount of the Fundti hclJ by i � �i :
<br /> l.ender ut un�• time ix not ,ufficirnt tu puy�he Escrow Itcros when due, Lcnder muy so notify BuROwer in writing,und, in �
<br /> such rucc Horrowcr +h:�ll pay to LenJer thc umuunt necctisury lo mukr up �hc dcticiency. Hum►wer tilwll makc up �hr ,
<br /> drticicncy in nu murc ih�n iwclvr m��nthly paymcni..at L�ndcr.u�ly diticretion.
<br /> • U�xm paymrnl in 1'ull af all+um,�crureJ by Ihi,tircurity In+trumrnt. Lcndcr tihall pr��mpUy refund lo B�x�ruwrr any ,
<br /> Fund.held b�• l.rndcr. If.uixlrr para�!ra�ph.'.I.Lrndrr.h:dl aryuirc or�cll Ihc Pru�nrry.LcnJcr.pricx to tln acyui.itiun ur �•.
<br /> .ulc of�hr I'�i,�ny.+hall upply �my FunJ�hcld hy txndrr at �hc timc uf ucyui,ition ur�ulc uti u cr�dit aguin+� thc .um, i'�
<br /> +ecured by thi.Scrurity Instrumrnt. .
<br /> 3. Applkatfon ��P Ps�ymenl!�. Unle„ applicahlc law proviJr+uthcrwi�r. ull puyment.r ncc���cd hy Lendrr unJcr
<br /> pur�gr•rph� I and 2 tihall Ix upplicd: tir,t.w:uiy prrpuymcnt char�r.duc undcr thr No�c:,rcunJ.to umounts raytihlc unJrr
<br /> , purugraph 2:third.l��intcrc�t Ju�;li�unh.���r����r�i�i��:���i�•�,to any lut. rhar�c�duc unJcr thc Ni�le. ',-.
<br /> J. C6arges: Liens. &�rrowcr shaU pay all laxc�. a..c�+mrnt.. chargr+. finc� and impini�ions annt�wablc 10 Ihc
<br /> i Property which may aaain priority uvcr thi�Securiry In.trumrnt,anJ Iru,�hulJ payment,ur grounJ rent,, if any. Borrowcr
<br /> ishull puy thc�e i�bli�aii�m in thr manner provided in p•rragraph 2,ur il'not puid in thu�manner,Burrc�wer.hall pay them on .
<br /> � timc dircclly to ihc Exrsan owcd paymm�t. Borcuwcr sh•rll pr�imptly furnish to l.endrr ull noticr+of•rmounts to tx paid undcr
<br /> 1 thix p•rrugruph. If Bcxrowcr muke�tlxxc paymcnt+dircrtly.Borrowrr rhall prompUy 1'umitih to Lcnder reccipts evidencing
<br /> the paymentx.
<br /> I Bartowrr xh•rll pn�mptly di.charge:my li�n which ha.priorily uver thi�Sccurity In�trument unle�ti Burrnwee(�I uFrces
<br /> in wriiing to thc paymrm of thc ohli�u�ion,ccurcd hy ihr licn in a manner arceptahlc to LcnJrr.1 hl cuntests in gocxl failh the
<br /> licn by,or dcf'enJs ugaiml cnforcem�ni uf ihr lirn in.Icgal pror�eding�which in thc Lendcr;upinion nperatc tu prevenl thr
<br /> enforeemern oi ihr lien;nr Icl�ecurrs from thc hi�ldcr uf thc licn an agrermrnt,a�i.f•rctary to Lender,ubordinuting�he lien
<br /> . to thix Sccuriry Instrumcrn. II'L�nd�r Jrtcrminc,Ihat any part of thr Proprny is whjcc��u a lirn which may altuin priority -
<br /> uvrr Ihis Sccurily Inr�rumcnt.L�ndrr muy givr Hurrowcr a n��licc idrnlifyin�thr lirn. Horrowrr.hall sutisfy the licn or t;�kc
<br /> onc ar morc of Ihc uclicm,xt G�nh aFxwc within 10 Jny.uf thc giving uf naticc.
<br /> � 5. Hau�rd or Property Insuruncr. R��rr��wcr+h:�ll I�rcp thr improvrmrm>nu�a rxi�tin�nr hrrcaftcr rrerred un thr
<br /> Property imurcJ uguin.�lo��hy firc. h:varJ. incluJrd wi�hm thr tcrm"rxlcndcJ rovcragc"and any�►thcr ha�urJ+.inrluding
<br /> Iloods ur tlaxlin�t, tur which Lcndrr rryuirc� in,ur:mrr. �I'hi. imurunrr +h.ill ix m:umatncd in thr amc�unt.und ti�r �hr
<br /> Fimn.p128 4�41) ��a�rr:��lnp���r��
<br /> �
<br /> � !
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<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> • � � - _ _ _
<br />