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.I� .I�� .. ...wa+ Y . L:.�.:.1•i y"�;y�,';��^��ra*..�.;If�'ii`. �yf;''':.r,.,`.'„ .+:i�}� -r:• :.} �. �_ .i��.: .i�.` •�l�i .f. <br /> ••; . � + • <br /> �. . r.. .i.�,;,,��r;�. ,_.:�._..___..._:c.�y,:r_;t " ya;c __ .. , . .__-_-•• ` '��i �, _- ----- °�- -- <br /> .��na.:....:: �j' :�.ri.,_..s,�^.+'� .,f <br /> ,• a t *�- (.t�i �w.►..�.,�. �L1:',ti; "�., - • .•.,-,-t•. �.......�. <br /> �;�. � '111Y►"��6m•-r� f'�f!�MMF�'M�"' , ...� � �...._.....�.. _._-- _. . ._. � . <br /> ��(. a4�0�}�y�/?� . _ - _T ..--__—� . <br /> �.+v�.�.�+� •« •na�. • .. . . � <br /> • . ..-.... � ..- �-.•�,;..........-' . —.... <br /> ts}.r,.� "►'� .;++�T----- <br /> ' _- .�..:�..... - - • _..--r.--:..— - <br /> �.Y�'�'.'f,. ._T:____ _._ -.____. ._..'�.___. <br /> �r:._--�... <br /> � 9z.� � 102592 <br /> F� . -_ ---= - - �_-_--__— - <br /> • � , ,. Fxricid.lhu�Lcrxlcr requirew. Thc imu�unee currier providin�t the intiuruncr�hull tx cha,xn hy Sorruwcr,ubjcc�ta Lender y �� ..,, <br /> � " �=�,--'��' '` uPPmval whlch xhull not be unreasanuhly wiihheld. If Burrower fs�ilh ta muintain cnvcrug�Je,critxd utxrvr.Lender muy,ut �:��_..---- <br /> ., . Lrndcr��ptkm.obtain cuvers�ge to pr�tcct I.cndrr+riEhl+in�hc I'ru�xny in acro�dunrc wi�h parugraph 7. �=- <br /> � All in+urance po�icies and renewuls+hull he u�cepwhle tu Lender und tihull includc u+�undurd mortgu�c clau�e. Lendrr "`_� <br /> ° �hull huvc�hc ri�!ht to hold ihc pulicics und renewal,. If LcnJ�r r�yuire�.B��rrowrr tihall prampUy givc ta l_cnJcr ull mccipts �__ <br /> �' of paid premium+und�newal noiice,. In�hr cvcn�ol'lu.,, BoRUwcr.hull givr prnmpt no�icc ta�ix in.urunrc currier und =_ <br /> -- Lrndcr. Lender muy mukepnx►f oi'lu..if�n�t maJc pn�mpdy hy Hnao�+•cr �_-_ - -- — <br /> ... <br /> , ti� � �• •� . Unlr,.LcnJcr und Rurrnw�r uthcnvi,c ugrce in�vritmg. in.urunrr pnxeed.�hall tk applicd to re,inrution or repair af _ _- ,�- <br /> • .. Ihc Pn�peny dumuged. ii the rr.turuu�m or repair i.ccunnmically 1'cu,ible imd Lrnikr'. �ccurity i, n��t Ic.,cncd. li�thc �--- <br /> • � • rer�turution or repair iz na econumirully Icu.iMc nr Lrndrr� �crurny wi�uld i+� Ic..rnrd.ih� in�uruikc puKrCCdti tihall FtC <br />_�_ . upplied w ih� sum.�ccurcd hy thi, Sccurity In+�rumrnl,whrth�r or m�t ihrn duc, wilh uny rxrc.. paid to fiam►wcr. II' <br /> Borrower ubandanr the Propeny,��r d�x. nnt umwer wi�hin �tl dayti u nutirc fmm LcnJer that the m�uruncc currirr hu+ <br /> �� ' offered ta+elde u cluim, ihen LcnJcr may c��llrri�he intiuranrr pr�xerJ.. l.�nJrr muy usr thc pnKr�ds to repuir or rc��nre <br /> thr Pmpeny��r to�tiecurrd by thix Secunty In.tnmxnt,whe�hrr��r n��t then due. 't'he:�1�•d•ry Exriiid W'ill hrFin when <br /> Ihcno�ire i+kivcn. ` — <br /> Unlc.�Lender und Bi�rrower wh�rwi�c u�!rcr in wri�ing, uny upplicatian��f pnkred,tu prinripal+hall nat extend or <br /> • pintpmc the duc dulc of the monthly payment,mfrrrcd u►in paragruph+ I and�ur rhan�c the am��unt ot'thc paymem�. If <br /> under par•rgr�rh 21 thr Pn�pen)' is ucyuired by Lrndrr. Borri�wcr: nFht tu uny imurunre�wlicic. ur�l pr�xeed�rc�ulling — <br /> frcm�Jumu@e [o thc Pu��xrty priur a►tM� ���m.hull pu+.�o Lender to ihe�xirm of thr xum.+ewred by thi.Securily _ _ <br /> Instrumen�immediatcly pric►r to th�ucyui+ition. <br /> 6. (kcupAncy. Preservadon. MaiMenance and Protection oP the Praperty: Borrower'S I.oan Applirallon; : <br /> I.easeh�olds. Burrower.hall orrupy,e.luMli+h,und use the Propeny u.r BoROwer:pnrnipul re.idcnre wilhin sixty duys ufter c <br /> the execulion of thi,Security Imtrument und rhall cununue to�xcupy Uic Pra�xrly u,tiorrower's primipal rexidencr tor ul , _ �.��_ - <br /> leuxt one ,Yeur ufter the da�e M' �xcupuncy. unl�.ti Lendrr ntherwi�e ugrerti in N•ritinF, whinc �nntient .hull not be �,��r <br /> - � unreu�onubly wi�hhelJ. �x unkti.rxtenuutin�rircum�tunce�rxist which urc l+eyond B��rrow�cr�ccxurol. Hcxrower�hull not �1?��= <br /> du.r•troy,dumuge or impair thc Pri��xny,allii�v thr 1'ro�x rly'�u dctcrii�ratc,or commit wa�tr on�hc Pru�xny. Burcowrr tihall ""'-• <br /> be in defuult if any fortcilure action ur pr�xrrding, whether rivil or criminal,i. begun thut in Lender's g�uxl fui�h judgment �_:�"` <br /> could resuh in i'orteiture��f Ihr Pn��xny or o�hcnvi.c matrriully impair the lien crcateJ by thi+ Security Insaumem or :_, <br /> � Lender ti.ecuriry interes�. B�xruwer muy rurc such u drfault unJ rein, proviJed in parugruph I K,by causing tlx aciion .�:�;� <br /> ' ,� or prcxerding to lx Ji.misseJ wi�h u ruling� Lcndcr. g�wxi faith dcicrminuti�m,pmclude+forPci�urc o(thc Borrower+ '_�+:.: <br /> in�ere,t in thc Pro�xny or oihcr muteriul impairment ��i ih� lirn crcuteJ hy thi.Srcurity In,tn�mcn�ur Lcnder's .ecurity �': <br /> intcrext. Bora�w�r +hall ul+n Ix in defuuft if BoROwer, during Ih� k�un upplication pnxe+,, gave muleriully Ldze or �..v,. <br /> inuccurnte informution��r stuiement�to l.endcr lor i'uiled w proviJc Lrndcr with uny muleriul infortnutionl in conneciion with ...:.�,.: . <br /> Ihe loan evidenced by Ihe Note. including. bw nul limited tn. reprc.rmution, conceming Borrower: accupuncy of the <br /> - =----_. Praperty�as a princ+pa!rr�id��n�•• It'thi.Sccurity In,lrument is on u Ieutirlx�IJ.Burrower�huU comply with uU thc provision� _ '� +� <br /> of the lea�se. If Burrowcr acyuirr.fce tidc to thr Pru�xhy.the Icuxclx�W und tlx�f"ce titic xhall not mergc unic.+Lendrr ugi�e. ,�,',�n1,. �� <br /> � <br /> to the merger in writin�.. ' � `. <br /> 7. Prutection of Lender's Ri�hls in Ihe Proprrty. II' porrow�r t'uik w �xrf��rm �he c�w��nunt,und agrcementr� , � ,� <br /> rontui�xd in thiti Srcurity In.rtrumeni, ur thcre i. u Irgal rrcxrrJing Ihat muy .i�:m�canlly affect l.encicr. righl� in the . �F � <br /> Pm{+erty Isuch uz u proreedin� in bunkn�ptry.r��,n:,��,ti,r cun Jemna�iim or forfeuure or to enforcr luw,or reguluu�m.l.�hen �.�, � <br /> Lrnder muy do und puy fi�r whatcvrr i, nccr�.ury to pr�HCrt th� value i�f the Pr�eny unJ �he Pro{►rrty. <br /> Lender's uctiun�muy include puyin�:uny wm++erurcd hy a li�n which ha�priority over Ihi�Security In+trumcnl.appeanng ; ' �• <br /> in coun,paying reu+onuble uuixney�'fcr�unJ entcring�m the F'rcqx ny lo m•rk�repuir.. Although l.ender mu}•�ake uclion ,� <br /> uncicr thiti puragruph 7. l.enckr JiK.not havc tu Jo,o. �°r . �� <br /> Any amoums di�huneJ hy l.�nJer undcr Ihi.puragruph 7 shall txcunu uJJitionul drbt ot'Burrnwcr�rcureJ hy�hi+ � !�_ <br /> '' Security Imtrunxnt. Unkti�B��rrowcr and Lrnder agrrr tu��lher tem��of paymcnt.thr.r umount,,hall Ikar intcR�t tYom the � _ <br /> • � datc i�t'dixbur�cmcm at ih�N��Ir rale and.h:dl Ix p�yi�hle, wilh in►crrst,u�xm notirc from l.cnder ta Burrowrr reyuesting � . <br /> . puymcnt. �' . . ' <br /> ' S. Mo�tgu�e Insurance. If Lendrr rcyuir�d monga�e imur��ncr a+ a coixliti�m ol'making the I�►an,rcureJ By thi+ � ,, i;:'<-- <br /> „ . Security Instrumrnt.Bum�wer shnll pay �hr premium+ rcquired w muimain ihr nwhguge in,uruncr in �ffe�1. II�. fiir any }. ,..,�. " _ <br /> • � rcu�on. Ilx mortga@e intiuranrr r�wcrn�c rcyuirrd hy l.rndrr lap,r, nr rca.r� u� Ix in �rfl'ect. B�xrower tihull puy the �, , _. <br /> prcmiums r�yuircd tu ahtuin cuvcragc ,uh.iuntially c��uir:�knt tu thr munE:►gr in.uruixc prcviuutil�• in cffect. ut a co+t ` . �`_,'.,_ <br /> suh.tuntiully cyuivalent lu tlx co,t lu Burrowrr uf Ihr monga�:e in,uranrr pre��inu,ly in eftcrl. frurn an alternatc munguge . ,•• �- <br /> inwrcr uppri�vcJ ny l,endcr. It'tiuh.lantially eyuiv:d�nl mon�agr in.uranrr cuvcr:�Ee i,nnt availahlc.Burrwerr,hall puy to � .. ;�''�1'��'u. <br /> ' Lendrr cach munth•r tium ryual�n unc-tw�ltth ot'thc�rarh m�xtgagr m,�prrmium hring paid hy Hurrowcr w•hen Ihe .. ---f_i, <br /> in.urance covrra�.e ur r�a�cd to hc in rt'ler�. L�ndcr��ill nrcrp�.u,c:md rru�in�hr�e p:►ymrnt,a�a luti.rr,crve in liru : <br /> c,l'mongugc insur:mcc. Lu.� re�rrt•e puymrnt�may na lungcr hr rcyuircd.:�� du upli��n nl'LrnJer.if rnortga�e in,urancc � <br /> covcru�:c lin the i�mowii and li,r thc�xriaJ th:u Lrixlrr reyuirc.l pr��vidcJ hy :m in,iurr:ippr�wrd b�•Lendcr s�guin Ixcomc+ � <br /> t�vuiluMc and i.uMaincd.R��rc�,w�r,hall pap ilx��n�mimn, rr�µured to mainiain nwrtga�r in.urnncr in cftect.ur 1u providr a <br /> � lu..rc.rrvr.until Ilxr r�yuircmrnt I���r nu+n�:agc in,uranr�.nd�ui accurd:�nrc��•ith am•���rittrn agrcrimnt txtwern Aurrowcr <br /> p� t�nd Lendcr��r;�lc lu��•. <br /> •, 9. Inspection. l.�ndcr��r it�a�:rni m:i� mul,r rr:i,nn:ihlr rmric.u�n,n and in,pertion.ot'Ihc I'n�Jxny. Lcndrr+hall <br /> �ivc Bnrruwer nu�icr ut ihr�imr i�f�n•priur���an insprrti�m �peril'�m�rcaumahlr rau•e li,r Ih�in,�x r�i�,n. <br /> 10. l:ondemnutinp. "I'hc pnxccdti„I:�m :i��ard ur tor.l:una�r.,dircr���r r�� runnrr�iun��•i�h any <br /> 1myt1.•I,nnd� Fimnie\Inc'Frrddle\l�ic 1\IF�1N\I 1\ti'1 Rl�IF.\1 1�m�nnn t'���ru.�m, 9�411 ir�aer+�,�n pde�••� <br /> �ar,n Nu.un.�I�wm•.lih � . <br /> f���K�trr r.�ll I���S:In+:r�:l i:4A\��lat!11•I IJI . <br /> � <br /> . , �.1 -- ---- _. _ . .__. _. _ <br />