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. � .L•�:-��1:V'�} '��* .s A�caa:i. �� . .. � . .: � .r�� ���,r ��.�]tk r�.{x'r. . .. <br /> , ��,-r�i�',1 �,- ,�. � <br /> : !�'�'._ i.. �(, + 6.e.t„��.�lynam+ww.i-fi.�w..�.��..�-...—. �,.�.�T.�: 1_..- <br /> i�• - <br /> w <br /> ,_ <br /> t "- <br /> . <br /> � 'M�.« ."�rr.'w��<.. - - __..�...—'-- <br /> � L . .. , y �w. ' • _ -Y._...W�it�R.•r�' .• -__`-. . <br /> ' Z� . x`---'—'- <br /> .-�,.w. .. . .. -...,..«...........� �— . - .�-'.— <br /> ... —_ ._ ..�+..�..._ ��-�-�_ .�en <br /> � ; , -_--.-- _=-- - 92- �t)25�2 �-t=�:____-__� _�- <br /> . . �:, .._..�.� <br /> . � .�:,:- <br /> � � TOaETNER WITH ull thc impruvcment,nuw�►n c�rcaftrr crer�cd �m thr pr���xrty,+ind uU cu��mrmti,uppuncnancc., �'"'_�`` <br /> � ' 'd und fixw�es now on c�rruitcr a pan of the pr�perty. Ail rcplacemenl+und uddition�zhall ul.o Ik covrrcJ by Ihix 5ccurity '"" <br /> ' Instrumenl. All of the f�xegafng is refenrJ k�in Ihia Securi�y In�trumenl u+Ih�"Prapcny.° ...�.�r��:-–: s <br /> . ,�.�,. _ <br /> > - BORROWEf(COVENANTS thul Bnrruwcr is luwfully�ci.ed t►f Ihc c�tulc hcr�hy ct►nvcycd und hu.thc right ta�runt • ' � '""�– <br /> � �� ., und convcy thr Propeny and that th�Pruperly i.umncumhcred,exrrpt ti►r�nrumhrunccti ot'rccorJ. Borrowcr w•rrran�s und , :,,r.�-�=�� <br /> ! '' ' will defend generally Ihc ti�le tu Ihc Propuny ngumsl ull cloims und dcmunds,,ubject tu uny encumhr•rnres of rrrurd, �''�,-� <br /> ' . . _ _ ,_ �• THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMF.NT rnmhine. unifiKm covenunt, 1'or natiunul ux und non•unitonn covenunts with ��. .._v... h= <br /> ' ' Iimited vnria�ions by jurisdir�ion to canstitule u unit�irm xcu�iy in+�roment covering reul pru�xny. �--==__==_===-�- <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcrund LcnJcr cuvc:nunt und ugn:euti follown: ��'�`��� � <br /> � l. PAyment of Principal wnd Interest;Prepayment and I.ate Charges. Ba�rowcr.hull prompdy puy whcn duc ihc ' : <br />' • rinci al of nnd interext an�he dcbt cvidenceJ hy the Nute und uny prepaymcnt and late chargey duc under�hc N��tr. �^ . ~ <br /> P P <br /> ' . 2. Fuods�o�Taxes and Insurance. Suhjccl to upplicublc law�ir to a writtcn wuivcr by LrnJrr.Borruwcr.hull pay to :- :;,y,,�; v�.,,• <br /> � Lender on the duy manthly puymeniti uro due under thc Nute, until thc Nntc ix paid in full,u xum("FunJz")fi�r. lu)ycurly • '�°� "�'`� .•. <br /> . -n.�v-:n:,y.e,-;r.e:�°. <br /> � taxes and uti,�r�which n�uy�twin {xiurily��ver this S�curity In.tniment a.u lien un the Propeny:lbl ycurly(caurhold �•.,�••�� <br /> ° . Qayment�:ar gmund rents on the Pmpeny, if uny; (c)yeudy hazu�d i�r property in:�urnncc prcmiumx; (J) yearly ticxxi <br /> .. " insurance premiums, it'uny; (e1 ycurly mortgag� in.rurance premiums, il'uny; und if� any �ums puyublc hy Bi�rrower to , ;,• ,,���y�,,�;F, ~ <br /> , Lender, in uccoMance with thu pr�ivi�i��m of parugraph N, in licu of�he paymem of mungage insuruncr prcmium,. Ther� • .- � . <br /> items ure culleJ"�ticrow U�mh." L.rnder muy,at :u�y��ct�nd hu1J Funds in an amcwnt n�u to exceed the mazimum <br /> • amoum a lendcr for a fcdcrally rclutcd m�►nguFc loan m•ry r�yuire for Borcoweri escruw ucruunt undrr thc feJcral Rcal ;.•:��._-_ <br /> Eswte Seulement Pracedure.Ac�ui'1974 a+amended from time w�ime, 1�U.S.G#2fi01�•r s��y.l"RESPA"),unlesr an��the� •-•� <br /> � law thnt upplirs�a thc Fundx.e�ti u Iesxr um��unt. If+o.Lender muy,u1 any iime,collect and hold Funds in an umount nui�a , �'_''"-'�'`.J <br /> eaceed the Iesxer umount. l.enikr may e.timutr Ihr amount of Nund� duc on the busis of cuRent Julu unJ rcu.onublr � ��,;,��,l=«._ <br /> estimaies af expeoditureti of futurc Exraw Item.ur ahrnvi�e in uccordanre with upplicable luw. �� <br /> The Funds tihull bc held in an intiti�utiun w�hotie �kpasit. ure in.ured by n fcderul ugency, ins�rumcntolity, or unti�y i ���.� <br /> � " (induding L.endEr,if Lender iti.uch•rn imiitu�ian)or in any Frdcral Home Loan Bunk. Lcndcr shull apply the FunJ�t��pay �� =-� <br /> the Escrow Uems. L.ender muy not churge Bnrrower fur haldinF unJ applying the FunJ.,annuully the escrow - <br /> accoun[, or verifying the �urnw Ilem.. unlr+. Lender puyc Borrc�wer imere.i on the Funds und applirublc luw p�•rnii�, • ��;�F°� <br /> I.endcr to muke such u chargc. Howevcr,Lundc�muy rcyuirc Burrower u►puy u one-�imc rhurge far an inde�xndent reul _ -w� <br /> esiute iux reponing xervicc u,ed by Lendrr in cnnnec�ion wi th this loun,unletis;�pplicublc luw pravides o�herwixr. Unle�+•rn �;;�,:�_ <br /> " agmement is mudr or upplicublc luw rcquirc� intcrest to bc�aid,l.endcr.hall not bc rcquired to pay Borrowcr•rny intcrc+t or — <br /> eumings on the Fundx. Borrower und Lendcr muy ugrcc in writing,however,thu�intcrcs�,h�ll bc paid�m�hc Fundx. Lcn�k r .�` � _ <br /> �� tihall givc to Borrowcr,withuut churgc, un annuul acrounling ut'Ihe Fund.,zhowing crcdils unJ dchils ta Ihr Fundx und Ihc ,°. ;:' ' �� <br /> purpose for which cach debit to tlx Funds wus mude. Thc Funds arc p leJged us additionul securily ior ull sumx�ecurcd hy � , `�;� � � <br /> � - , ,--_ - thic Ce�urity Imtn�men�. _.- _ _ _ _ ���`. <br /> If the Fundr held by I.ender exceed the umuunta�Cmiitted lo Ik hrld by applicnble law. Lender ,hull uccaunl 1�► [� • � <br /> Borr�wer Por the excetis Fund,in accordance with�hc reyuircm�nn i�f upplicaMe luw. If ihc umounl of the Fundx held by � <br /> Lcndcr ut uny time is not tiufticicnt to pay thc�.crow Ikmti wlx�n duc, Lcnder muy���M�tify eorrow�r in writing,and,in � • . , <br /> such case Borrower tihall pay to Lendcr Ihe amouni neceti�ury tn muk� up �he deGciency. HoROwer shall makc up ihc t '�".': <br /> deficiency in no m��re than twelve manlhly puymrni+,ut Lenikr's.role direreticm. { � �{ a � <br /> . Upon payment in i'ull of all tiums ,ccurrJ hy thi+ Sccurity In�trumem, Lendrr shull p�nmptl�� refunJ to Borrowcr any <br /> Funds held b Lrnder. If,under .�ra ru 'I.LenJcr.hul I ac uirc or scll thc Pro rt .Lcndrr, rior to the ur ui,ition ur .• `� <br /> Y P' 6 Ph– 4 !x Y P 9 <br /> � �ale of the Property,shall apply any Funds hcld by Lrnder at �he timr �f ucyui.itii�n nr tiule •rx u credi� u�:ninxl the tiums � �+: • <br /> this Securily Imtrument. � • <br /> 3. Application of Payments. Unlc++ opplicahte Itsw pruvi�k+ ath�rwi.r, ull paymemti receiv�d by l.ender unJer - <br /> parug�aph. I unJ 2 shull lx applicd:lir.t.w uny prcpuyme��t rhargc.dur widcr�hc Nin�:, amount.payablc unJer k - <br /> . parugraph 2:third,lo intcrctil duc;founh,to principul duc:urxl any lair rhargc.Juc under Ihr Notr. . <br /> . 4. Charges: Liens. Batrowcr tihall pay all taxcs. JS1C�sD1C01s. churgr�. tinc, an�i imp�izitions ultributnblc to thc ' • <br /> Propedy which may att•rin priorily ovcr thi. Sccurity Imwrncnt,and Icuxhold puymrn�+ur ground rcnt�,il'uny. Burr��wcr • , . <br /> nhall pay these obligatiuns in thc m:�nncr providcd in paragraph 2,nr if nul paiJ in Ihut manncr.Borrow�r shull p�y them on <br /> lime dirccUy tu Ihe per.on oweJ paymrnt. B��rmwer�hall prnmpdy fumi,h tu Lrnder all nutice,ol'amauniti lo he paid undrr <br /> , [hi� parugraph. lf Botrowcr makc� tlx.r paymrnl�directly.Borrowrr.hall pnmiplly 1'umi�h t��Lrndcr recriptx evidcncing • <br /> the paymcnts. . • ;,.::�;" <br /> _ Borrow�r shall prumptly dixNarEc any lien which has priority aver Ihi.Scruriry In,lnnnent unlrti�Bnnowcr:lal a�rce. ; <br /> . . in wriling w the puymcnl ul'Ih<<�lig•rtiun,crurr�l hy Ihc licn in a mannrr acrrptablc to Lcndcr:IMI contr�lx in gixxl 1'aith Ihc , <br /> '� licn by,ur defends uguimt enf'orccmcm uf ihc licn in,lrgal pror�cJing+�+hirh in ihe Lrixtrr'.upini�m o�xralr lo prcvent Ihr <br /> enforeement uf ihe lierr,or(r►sccurc.IYa�n thc holJ�r otlhc licn an a�rcrnunl.:ui+l:�raxy to Lcndcr wM�rdinating thc licn <br /> W this Security Instrument. If Lend�r dricnninr,ihat uny part ul Ihr r��►�ny �..�n�«����a lirn v�hich may attain priuriry <br /> : ovcr this Securiry Inxtruntcm. Lcnder may tiive Borrowrra nnticc iJ�nlil'�•ing thc lien. Norruwrr shall+:Hist'y thc licn or tukr ' � . . <br /> ' one or morc of�hc action.,c�fonh alx�vr within I U day�of thc giving ol n��lirc. <br /> ',�� 5. Ha�.ard or Property Intiurunre. tiurre�wrr.h;d) kcrp Ihc impruvrmenl�nuw cxi+tin�:on c�rrallcr crrctcd nn Ihc <br /> Propcny in�urcd ag;�in�t lo..hy firc.h;vard. iiKludrd ��iih�n thr Icmi".•rtrndrd roveragc" and any ulhrr h:v:ird,.induding <br /> . flaods or flooJin�. 1'or which Lendcr,uranrc. Thi. m.ur:mce �hall Ik maroluincd in ttx :unuunts imJ liir Ihe <br /> FnrmN12N 4�911 qniir'u/n�r��erv <br /> � <br /> t <br /> 1 <br /> I <br /> . �� � _ - - <br />