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<br /> peri��lx thul Lende�r�yu�ru.r. The in+urunce currfer prnviding the imuruncr shull he chu�en by B��rrowrr�ubjcct lo l.ender y _,_,_.�..._
<br /> , , ;; ,, ', u��rovul which shull not bc unrcau�nubly withhcld. If Borruwrr fuil+lu muinluin ruveruge descrilxd ubove,l.ender muy.�x — -•_,,_�
<br /> Lender g optiun,ohtuin covemge ta pmtect Leixler;rigM�in thr Pro�xrty in ucaxdunce with pars�graph 7.
<br /> -;, • . ��. All inxurunrc policirti and renewals xhull I�e accepwblr a�Lender und shall include r�Mundurd mongage cluuse. Lender .
<br /> ;� ., xhall huvc thc righ��a hnld thc�xilicicr und�newul,. If l.rndcr requimti,Borr��wcr.hull pnMnpdy givc to Lcnder ull reccipth .:,_,�,;.'-
<br /> � • uf puid p�cmium.und renewul nuticcw. In ihe rveni uf lu.,,B�irc��wer+hull give prcimpt nntice�u�he in�urunre carrier und �,�:,�::;;',"' -,.._,�-
<br /> _ .. .. Lender. Lemlcr mny m�ik•��x�w�t'M'Inms if nat madc prompUy by BuROwer. ��_`�`_- -_---
<br /> � . . , Unle��l.end�r und surr�►wcr�rthcrwitic ugrue in writing.in,urunrr pnkred+xh,�ll Ix applicd to rc��nrvtion or repuir of =--� -
<br /> � . ., '„ . thr Pn►�xny dumugecl.if the restoranon ar repuir i� ecunomicully feu.ible anJ Lrnder'+�ecun�y i, nu� Ic„rnrd. (f the �_- . - -a
<br /> . ►-estaruuun or repuir ix not ecanixnirully fea.ihle or Lrnder: c�rur��y woulJ br Icx,eii�J,the in�unu�ce prc�ceedti +hull be =. ' -
<br /> upplicd to the ,ums �ecurrd by thi.S�curity In+trument, w•hetiirr ��r nat �hen duc, with any rxce.s puid to Bormwer. If �
<br /> , - Borrower ubundons the Pr�ny,ur Jc,�s nol unzwrr within �0 duy� u noticr from L�ndcr that tlx inyurancc rumcr hu+ �;'4,_
<br />� � offered ta seiUe u cluim.than Lemlcr may rallcc� thc intiurun�c pr�xerJs. L�nder muy ux�he pr�KCeds lo�pair or re,rom � -
<br /> �±� ''=_
<br /> .. the Property or to pay,um��ecumd hy this Security Instnimen�,whe�hcr or not then due. 'Ihe 30•duy pc:riad will t�e�tin when �;-.
<br /> , r�,_-
<br /> the notice is�iven.
<br /> Unle,.Lender and Borrower u�hcnvi,c agrec in writing, uny upplication of praeed�tc>principul+h•rll not rxtrnd or �:;.:;;-`f`
<br /> , �+tpone thc duc dute of�hc momhly puymenl.rcfeRed tr�in parugruph� I und?or changc thc umuunt uf thr puyment.. If •:�.�+%r�•w-"�::-
<br /> under ara�ra h 21 [he Pr� rt iti x uired h Lender. Borrower'+ri�ht �o an insuruna lirirx und roreedti resultin "''`"_� i�
<br /> P' b P N� Y� 4 Y b Y F� P B , . .___
<br /> -� ° ,_ , from damAge to the Propeny prior t���he acquisition shull pas�to Lender ta the ex�em�sf�he sumx secured by thi,Security -� �--.;',._r"
<br /> ' Insirument immcdiuiely priar to thc acyui,itiun. -- -.'°--'T
<br /> b. (kcupancy. Prese�vallun, MwMtenunce and Proteclion of the Property; Borruwer's I.oan Appllcation; �����:�,:.:;,_._.
<br /> l.ea.geholda. B��nower+hu0�xcupy,cstuhli�h,und u+e the Property u.Borrower+principal retiidence wilhin,ixly duys after - �-
<br /> ' tfie executian ot'thix Security In.irument and shull continur ti�cxrupy thc Propeny a�B�xrc►wer;principul residrnce fi►r ut • ..:.._�. _ _ _. _..�
<br /> lea.t one yeur ufler thr datr of �xcupancy, unle,x LenJ�r othenvirr ukrec+ in writing, whieh ransent +hull not he '-',.e,_
<br /> ' �� � unre�..onubly withheld,ar unlex,extenuuiin�circumstunce.exi+�whi��h ure tkyond Borrower's mmrol. Borrower.hull nat ' `� ��
<br /> dertroy,Jumuge ur impair thc Prnp�ny,alluw ihc Pru�ny to deierii�rute.or cnmmit wu�tc on Ihr ProFxny. Bnrrawer shall . ._�.�'9`t��
<br /> be in defauU iF uny fu�feiture uction or proceeding,whethrr civil or rriminul, is t►egun tliui in Lender: gaxl fuith judgment =:.,..
<br /> � ' cauld retiult in for(riture of Ihe Proprny or athenvi�e ma�eriully impuir thr lien creo;ted hy�hiz Srcurity ln.trument or �' .�: °�
<br /> Lender:,�cunt inlere.t. Bnrrower mu cure,urh u drfuuh und rein+tu�c,:►x rovided in u ru h IS, h cuusin the ac�ion ��:::��'� L�k -
<br /> Y Y P I� R P Y b' •�r •:Lid��_�•��
<br /> or pr«:eeding w he di+mirsed wilh a ruling thi�t,in Lcnder:gcxxl i'ai�h detcrminntii�n,preclude,foriei�urc of thc BoROwer'x • �,�:._�_
<br /> � intem.� in the Pr�reny or other maieriul impuinnent of Ihe lien creuteJ by �hi, Sccurity I�+Irument or Lenders security . �_
<br /> , intereti�. Bnrrower ,hull ul,o tm in defuult if B�ircowcr, Jurin� �he loun upplicatH�n prcx:ess, guve mutcriully fulsr or y�
<br /> • inuccurate informulion ix zlutcment�to Lendur lor fuiled to provide LenJer with uny rnul�rial informutionl in cc►nnection wilh � ''��_
<br /> the loun cvidenced hy thc Note. including, hut n�x limitrd lo, r�pre.enta�ions concerning Borrower's occup•rnry af the ,.
<br /> Pmprrty ox a principul rc,idenrc. If Ihiti Srcurily In�tnimrnt i�on u Icuschold.Borrowcr �h�ll comply wi�h ull �he provisions '' ' '�`�
<br /> � ___— ui�hr lcu�n. if Bum�wer acyuinn iee ti dc tu�he Pm�xny.ihe(cu.chold�oJ ti�r i'ec tiile.iwll r��x nierge unlc�s l.cnder agrLes -_.- -. -��
<br /> to the mcrgcr in w•ritin�.
<br /> " ' 7. ArotecNon of l.ender's Rl�hts in Ihe Property. If Borrowrr fuils to prrt'vrm [he co��enums unJ ugrcemenn `
<br /> conluineJ in thi� Securily In,lrumen�. ��r then is a Icgi►1 prcxceding �ha� muy sienificantly uffecl Lcndcr� righls in the • "'�
<br /> Pro n (tiu�:h ati a rcxcedin� m hankru �c robatc,tiir rondemnation ur ti�rieitur�or iocnfurcc law.or re�ulution�l.lhcn '•`' •�'
<br /> PeY P b� PY•P ,,. .
<br /> • Lender muy do and pay tiir whalcvcr i�ncres,ury tu prolrct thc vulur of 1hc 1'mpcny and Lender's right. in the Praperty. ,, .•.,•-. ;,�. � ,
<br /> , Lendcr:iu�ions may inrlude puyingany,u�m,crurcd hy a lirn whirh hu�priorily over this Securily In+lrumem,appruring ���:' ,!�'; •„
<br /> in roun, paying rr•rsonaBlr au�imey�'f'ce,und entering un�hr Pnqxny to mukc Rp•rirx.Althou�.h Lrnder muy tuke•rction ,
<br /> � undcr lhix parugraph 7,L,endrr di�cs nnt huvr lodu.o. �
<br /> Any umoun�s di,bur,rd by Lcixkr undrr ihi.para�ra�h 7 ,ha01 Ixromc aJditiix�ul Jcht uf� Borruwcr+ecured hy lhis 6 �� �y,�
<br /> Sccurity In.uurnent. Unl�,x Hurtower and LenJcr agrrr tu�►�hcr icnn+uf'payment.lhesc amoum� ,hall Ixar intcrcyt 1'rom[he `�'` -
<br /> i";. �
<br /> dutc oi'Jishunement al the Notc ratc und+hall Ix p:�yuhle,with imcrc�l,upon nrnicc t'rom Lcndcr lu dorrowcr reyue.ting �
<br /> • puymem. ' �,:
<br /> 8. MurtgaRe lawronce. If' Lendcr reyuirrd nwn�:apc imuranre a. a r�mdition o(muking thr la•rn �erurrd hy�hi+ ..•:z-
<br /> Srcurity In+lrumeM. &�rrower ,hall puy Ihr premium, required 1�� maintuin �hr murlg:�ge in.urunce in effcrt. If. ti�r uny �; ,,.�5'`,,�-.
<br /> �taron. thc m�m�tu�tr in.urimrc ri��cra�c rryuirrd hy l.rndcr la�,.c, ur rru+c. t�� I+c in effcrt. Burro��•cr xhall puy thc .
<br /> pnmiumti mquircd to ohtain cu�•cragc wb�tanliaUy cyuiv:ilcnl N� thc nuingu�c in,urun�c pmvioutily in rt'fcrt. ut a co+� '
<br /> zubxtuntiully equivalen�t���he c�,.l u�Bum►wer��f thr mon�a�r in,urancc rrrviuu.l�•i���II'er1.t'rom un altcrnatr mun�uge ', .
<br /> insurcr uppmvcJ by Lcnder. !f tiuh,ian�ially eyuivalrnt man�u�e in,uranrr ruvrra�r i, n�u u�•ailuhlc. B�xrnwer.h:dl p��y �n l _ ..:.�r�
<br /> LenJer each munth a,um cyual lu anc-nvclflh nt'thr�•r:vly mnrlga�:r inwranrr prcmiu�n I�ing�aid hy Borrower when the i . - -
<br /> . imuraix:r covcragc lup,cd��r rr.uc.l ta Ix in rtTcrt. l.endrr��ill ucrcpi.u,c and ntain ihr+c parmrnt.a.a lo,.rc+rrvr in lieu , '
<br /> �if mongufe in.ur:mcr. Lo,+rrurvr�,u}num,ina�• nu lun�:rr Ik rcquinJ. a� ihc �,pii�,n at' l.endcr. it'm�,ngagc in.uruncr .
<br /> rovrrugr lin Ihr i�m��unl amd li►r Ih��riixl Ihat l.rndrr rcyuirr�l pru�•idcJ h� an in,unr u��rawcd M LcnJcr aEain tkrrnnc+ .
<br /> . available:md is obWiixd. Rnrc�neer ,haU pa� tlk�mmium,rryuir�d t��m:iintain nu,rtga�e in.urance in rlT�cl,ur ti�provide u
<br /> ,. la.�rr+ervc.until thr RquiRmrm tix nwnEa�:c in.ur:mrr r�xl. in��rrurdanrr w•iih an�����rnirn nErcem�nt t+rtwccn Hi�rniw•er
<br /> und LrnJrr ur appliraMr laa•. •
<br /> � � 9. Insprctian. Lrndcr ur i�.a�!rm m:i� mal�r rr:i.��n;ihlr rntrir,u�n�:IIItI Ill��k�'�1M1�UI lI1C F'ru�nr. Lrndcr.hall
<br /> � Fivc�3urru��•cr nu�icr al th�linu��I urprior t��:m ui.�xr�wn.�uc�l}inE rca.�muhlr r:iu,.t i�rlh�in�rrruim.
<br /> IQ. CondemnatN�n. l�he pmcce�i�ul:m� :���ard��r.laun I��r Jama}�c..dir�ri ��i r�nn�•i�u��nii:il.in cunnrcui►n N�ilh un�•
<br /> tiin�l�l,�md> F'nnnie�fuc•I�mddic�Wel\IFI/H�ll\SIRI\Ih:\"1' 1 �m�vmt'mru.uu. 4w1 y�der+„f��i+�erv
<br /> � . m.•al I.ir.Ib•m��.F�an, hx �
<br /> I��1 M�4Y 1.111 114M�5NL!1:1'1[1.�F1\lidv79411.11 ' �
<br /> �
<br /> 1
<br /> • � .. .. . _ ..
<br />