�1 "� t���?�4'.�) ' +sW�71�P '�,�:j., I � r ' ' ,����••• . �T� -- - - —
<br /> `h a��L�a,ar�.�. '� 4- • - �I I � ��t vts_.
<br /> lli ���lb4�'. �M�++SictKt�q'4�w1N�y+u11,.�- } .� ......e. .,... ..s.-...n.a•xs..�.::'�i�i . . ..:.._
<br /> •� � ��Y..1:c� �����'�t��11�+R�►+�.��-�.. . . � _=_""'
<br /> � � � .. - -� ---
<br /> � lM�rrkN. •-� cm�4�^���r�.y^ r . � �_�..r.�..—_--
<br /> b.. .�. �e : y, .hi�YG�MYWMY�[w�I�'-.i � ..... -.
<br /> . . , iu..-'�-c.��__-
<br /> �li'�iif.i,�
<br /> . . .. . � g�� '�.425$9 --- - - - .-
<br /> �`�, " T(K1�THER WI'('H ult �ho impravcmcni,now ur hrrcuitcr�r�cl�d ua �hr pru�xny. and:iU eu��iucntti.uppurt�nunccti. m5...==--
<br /> ,. �•; � � and fia�ure. now or hrreut'ter a part ol'1he pr���ny. AU r.plucenun�,und udditiun, +hull ul.a 1m covered hy ihi.Sccuri�y
<br /> . (n+trumcnt. AU nl'Ihc ti�rcgoin�Z is rcfcircd Ic�m Ihi�Soruril��In,lrumrnt a.�Fx:"F'ru�xny." _
<br /> � � ' BORROWER CUVENANTS Ihut Horruw�r i.lnwl'ully +ri�cd of Ilir e,U�ln c�rrhy ronvey�d��nd hu�tlic ri�thl tu�rimi �_.��
<br /> un�l cunvey the Pru{+erty u�d thu�the I'ru�xny i.unrncumixrr+l.rrrep�li�r encumhn�ncr,ol ncurd. Hurcower wurrum,u�xl �,�
<br /> „ will dcfcnd generully tFw iiUe u�ihc Pru�xny ii�uinsl ull cl�iim,und dcmand.,.uh�r.t w airy cnrumhnmcc.ul rerurd. '�. - -
<br /> . THIS S
<br /> ECURITY INSTRUMENT comhinr, uni(orm ruv.�mml, li�r nu�innul o+r an.l nan-unilorm cov�:nun1� wiih �`:�.'���
<br /> ..::-.:4,.
<br /> . limitcd vuriutions by jun�dicuun u►cun,iilu�r u unili�nn.�:urity iu,uum��nt cu�cring rcal properly. � -_
<br /> ' UNIFnRM COV ENANTS. B�uwrr and l.�nJcr ruvenunt und��grec t��fnU�►w�:
<br /> l. Payment oP PrMcipal end Inlerer�tt Prepuymenl u�d I.ale l'hurµey. Hurmwrr�hall prumptl}�p�>�wlxn dur du: ;,� �
<br /> • " principul of auJ imcrc�l un thr deM evidcncrJ hy thc Nu�r und uny pr�p:rymcnt.md lutr chargc�Jur undrr Ihc Nutr. _ �_
<br /> Z. Fundg for Taxer�and Insura�ce. sun�«<u�:���n�u�+i�iuw�,r���u W��n�n Wu��.r ny i.cnder,Hurcciwer.hall pa�•io �!�_=__
<br /> • ' Lender�m thc duy munthly puymorns:�rc duc unJcr Iha Nutr,until Ihc Nutr i.paid in full, a+um 1"Fund�"1 lirr:lul y�:trlp '. �'r��
<br /> ' tuxc,und a��cs,mems which muy atwin pri�,riry uvcr th+x Sccurit�� Im�rum�nt ux a licn�►n th� I'ri��*:rt)•:Ib�y�arly I�a�chc�ld ;:;ti��-:_----- __,,
<br /> puymcntx or ground �cnts �m thc Praporty. if uny: �r► Ycurl} haiurd or pruperq imuruncc premium•: Idl y��rly II�K�I :.'••�;t•-- ___
<br /> insurancc premiums, if uny: Ic)yrurly m��rtgu�CC in�,urancc prcmium+, il'uny; ur� Ip uny �um+ p•r)•ablc by s��rn�wcr to ;y�„r;.�,�.,'►?_�'�.��
<br /> Lender,in acmrclunce with th4 pmvisiunn of para�raph K.in licu of�hc puyirant,of.mcn1gagr imurun�e prumium�. Thc�e , ;:.:.,-�F•,==;,T
<br /> , ,sor,:,�, .
<br /> items ure culled"E�urc�w Itrmh.' L.endcr muy,at any timq,collec�und hold Fund�in an:�mvunt nc►t ta rxceed Ihr mutimum, . ` �.�.--„�,,,r
<br /> ' � , amount a I�nder Tor u feder�ll7 rela�ed murlga�Cr I�nn m•rS� rcyuirc f��r Borrowcr� c�crow acc��unt under th� 1'�xleral�Rcal (
<br /> ' Eitat¢Setd�mnnt Pr�:cdureh Act of ly7d ati amondcd fmm umc tu timc. 12 U.S.C.�26U1���si-y.("RESP.A"1.unlc�s unothtr , .
<br /> luw that applia�+to th�s Fvnd�ticts u Icsscr umount. (f.+o.l.cn<kr m•ry,ut any timc.colle�t und hnld Fund+in un amount not io ! , ____..__
<br /> ' " exceed tha le��er umount. Lendcr may e�timute tM: unx+um of Fund� dur on ihe basi� of current datu and rcusonat+le , _______
<br /> -� e�:timates of'expendi�ure+of future E+crow Items or utherwi�c in accordunce with•applicable luw. � •�''�'���^=r���
<br /> The Funds ,hall be held in vn ins�itution who,r Jepoxit, are imureJ by u fcdcrul agency. ins�rumrntality, ur rntily
<br /> t
<br /> (including Lendcr,if Lcndcr ir ,uch an inytiiwionl or in any FrJrrsd Homc Loan Runk. l.cndcr.hall apply�hc Fundx to pay . t�,._: �
<br /> • the Escraw Item�. LenJer m:�y not churgr Borrowcr fur h��lding and upplying thc Fund.r, annuully analyr.inF ihc r�crow ' __ _
<br /> uccount. ��r verifying Ihe �ticrc�w I�em., unle.s Lendcr pay. Borrowrr intere.t on Ihe FunJti anJ applicahle Inw Exrmitti I �
<br /> L.ender w make such u charge. Howevcr. Lcndrr muy rcyuirr B��rcawcr io pay a une-timc rharRe ti�r an inde�xndcm rcal •��i
<br /> � etitute tux repor�ing service u�ed hy Lender in connrrti�m with thi+loun,unle�x upplicuMe luw providc.othrnvi,r. Unlrs.un
<br /> ° � ugreemem is made nr upplicuble luw reyuires intcrctit w�paid.L�ndcr+hull not ix rcyui�cd to pny Borrowcr any intcrest�x � ����
<br /> � cuming�on �hc Fundti. Borrowcr und l.endcr may ugrcc in writing,huwcvcr,thut intrrest shi�ll hc paid on thr FunJ.. l.cndcr '�ri�f
<br /> � shall give 10 Borrowcr,wilhuut chargc.an unnual accnunting nf�he Fund,.�howing creditx und drhilx lo thc Fund� and the � �,y�
<br /> purpoxe ior which cach debit tu ihe Fundti wu.mude. The Fundz ure pledged��x uddi�ional security For ull �um�sccurcd by ` �
<br /> �his Security Intitrumcm. 4
<br /> - d b l.rnder excced �he umuuut, �kiilillta'.�iO tk hcld b}� applicahle latti�, l.ender shall �icc•�►nt In L --.-�jk
<br /> If the Funds hcl y • -� •
<br /> Borrowcr for�hc cxcc��Fundti in uccordimrr with thr r�yuiremrnl+af upplicuMe luw. 11'Ihr amoum uf the Fund+ Ixld hy :
<br /> Lender ut uny time iti not .ufficirnt to pu�� the G�cn►w Ilcm� when Jur.Lcnder muy+o n�itit'y Borrower in writing,und,in . .
<br /> �unc �uxe Barrower tihull pay k� Lender the umounl nrce,xury to mukr up Ihe detKicncy. Bnrrawer shall make up the
<br /> •�;. dcficicncy in n�i mnrc Ihan�wclvc immlhly paymrnt�,ut l.cndcr:,olr Ji�crcti�m. t�
<br /> Upan paymem in full of all .umti xcured by ihi.Srcuri�y Im�rument. Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any �
<br /> ' Fundx helJ By Lcndre 11',under purugraph 21. Lender�hall ucyuim or.rU ilx I'roprny.Lender,prior to the acyuitiitiun ur � � � .
<br /> ` salc of thc Proprny. �hall upply tmy FunJ�Ixld hy Lcndcr at thc�imc��I'ucquisition or sulc u+ i� crcdit aguin�t the�umx � J
<br /> ' secured by thi+Securily In+trunxnt.
<br /> 3. Application of Paymenls. llnlc.s upplicaMr law pruviJr� i�thrrwi,r. all puymcm� received by Lencirr undcr i
<br /> parugmphs I urxi 2 shull tx •rppli�d:1'ir.l,to any prcpaymcnl rhargr�Jur undcr thc Notc:�rc�mJ,to amount+pAyablc unckr ' -
<br /> p•rrugruph 2:IhirJ,io inlcrcxl Juc:G�urth.lu principal duc;and lu.t,lu any latr rhurgc�Juc undcr thr Nutc.
<br /> ' �1. Chorges; Liens. Burruwrr +hidl puy all taxcs. ati�cti�mcnls, chargc,. finc+ and im�xisitiom atlrihutable to Ihe
<br /> F'ropeny which muy .utain priuriry nvrr thi+ticcurily Intitrumcnt..md Iu�,cholJ puymcnt�or ground rcntx. ii'�roy. Borrowcr �• -
<br /> • ,hall pay thc.sc uhliEaliam in thc manncr pruvidcd in paragraph?.,or if nol paid in Ihat munnrr.Borrowcr sh�dl pay them�m ., •
<br /> limc Jirertly lo the�r+on��wrJ puynunl. Bi�rrowrr,hall prumptly furni.h tu l.endrr all nutice.uf amuuntti to Ix paiJ unikr .
<br /> Ihi�parugruph. If Born�wrr makrs Ihex paymrnt�direcUy. Hurrowrr tih:dl prrnnptly t'urni+h�o Lrnder rrceip�ti eviJencing , .� . .
<br /> • thc p�yment�. � '
<br /> ... Borrowcr.liull prumptly di,rh•rrgc any licn whi�h ha.priurity uvrr Ihi,tirrurity Imtrumrnt unlr��Borrowcr:�a�u�.rcc+
<br /> in writinF to ihc paymcnt of thc ohliEu�ion,rrurrd hy ihr lirn in:�mannrr arrrp�ahlr tu I.rndrr:�b�runtcst,in EcHKi f'•ri�h ihc
<br /> licn by,ar dcl'rnds a�•rin,t rnfurcrmcni ul thc lirn in.Ic�al pr�xrcJin�+which in thc Lcnikr;upinion uExralc to prevent Ihc .'
<br /> cnti�rcenx�u of�h�licn;or Icl xcur��from thc haldrr uf ihc lirn an a�rcrm.nt.atisl'artory• t��l.cndcr�uhcmlinating Ihc licn ,
<br /> to thi.Sccurity Insirum�nt. If Lcrxlrr dctcmiinr+tha�uny purl uf Ihr Pro�xny i,,uhjert a�u licn whirh muy attuin priorily .
<br /> � , over�his Securiry Instrumenl. L�nJcr may givr Burruwrr a n��iicr idcntifying thr lien. Harr��wcr.hall�rli,fy Ihr licn or takc
<br /> onc or more of thc actiimx,ci t'�xlh�itx��•r�vilhin 10 day�uf lhe giving uf n�Hirr.
<br /> � 5. Hazurd nr Property Insurance. Horn»�•cr.h:dl I.r�p Ihe improvemrm+ nu�a cri.tinE on c�rcaftrr rrcrtrd on�he
<br /> � _ Pro�xny insurcd:iEaintii la..h�•fire.hai:�r�l,includ�d wilhm Ihr �rnti°rxtrndcd.u<<raEr" and:u►y�nhcr haiards.including
<br /> fl�xxlx or tla�Jin�. t'or�vhirh�LrnJcr «yuire, imuranrc. '1'hi, in+ur:►nrr .hall hr m:um;uneJ o� thc amuunt� and 1'or dx
<br /> Fnrm M12!{ Y/4D il�uer:�qnp.�¢��i
<br /> . � �_ _ — - -
<br />