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<br /> , " 17. '1'runsf��r oP t4c 1'��n��c��ty o�•n 63encilcinl Yntct•c.�;t In tlni•�•n�vc��. If idl or nuy part of thc PropcKy ur nny intcrest in it
<br /> is sold ar n•�nsfej•��ed(ur if a bencticial intcrest in l3orr�wcr is sald nr u•ansfcncd and B�irruwcr ls not n naturnl perso��)with�ut
<br /> I..endcr's prior written consent, l.cndcr may, irt its option, requirc immcdintc payntent in full �if nll sums rccured by this
<br /> Sccurity Instru�3icnt.Hc�wevcr,this optlon shull not bc excrcised by I.cndcr if exercisc is prohibitcd by fedcre�l luw us of thc dnte
<br /> of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> If L.�:ndcr excrclscs this optinn, I.cnder shall givc Barrawcr noticc of uc:ccicrcuion. 'Phc noticc shall providc n pc.rioci uf not
<br /> Icss than 30 duys from the date the notice i� dcliverecl or mailed wlthin which Hnrrmvcr must pay nll sums sccurcd by this
<br /> . Sccurity Inst�umcnt.If Borrowce fnils to pt�y these Futns prinr tn thc expirntlon of this pr.riod, Lcndcr cttuy involcc anv remeciics
<br /> rmitted h;�tl�ls��uritp Ins;ru.:.�r,i�iti�wu�u��i�cr nuiice or demand on 6arrower.
<br /> lA. Rnrro�ver's ltl�h! to �elnstate. If Borrowcr meets certuin condition�, Borrowcr sl�sdl huvc thc right to hovc
<br /> enParcement of this Security Instrument discontinued nt any time priar to the earlier of: (n) S days (or such other period as
<br /> upplicable lu�v mny speciPy for relnstutement) before sale of the ProPerty pursuant t� nny power of sule contalned in this
<br /> Securiry Instrument:or(b)entry af u judgment enforcing thls Securiry Instrument. Those conditions nre tha[Darrower: (n)p�ys
<br /> I.endcr all sums which tl�cn would be due under thi�Security Instrumcnt and the Note as if no acccleratinn lind occurn:d; (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenunts nr ngreements: (c) pays all expen.,es incurrcd in enforcing tt�fs Security Instrument,
<br /> including,but not limit�cl to, rcasonabl�attorncys' fee.g; nnd (d)takes such action ns L,cndcr mny rci�sonably require to assure
<br /> thnt the licn of this Sccurity Instrument,I.ender's rights in the Property mid Borrowcr's obligution to pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument shall continuc unchnngcd. Upon relns�atement by Borrower, this Security Instrument und the
<br /> obligations secured hereby shalt remain fully effective os if no ucceleratian had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> not apply in thc casc of acccicration undcr pnrugraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Change ot Loan Servlcer. Tlic Note or a partial interest in thc Note (together with this Security
<br /> lnstrument)may be sold one or morc timcs without prior noticc to Borrowcr. A side muy result in a change in thc cntity(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly pnyments due under the Idote and this Sccuriry Instruiue►it. Tliere�lso mny be one
<br /> or more clinnges of the Loan Serviccr unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer, Bo�7ower wl!!be
<br /> given written notice of thc chunge in accordance with paragruph 14:tbove und applicable Intv.The notice will statc the nume and
<br /> uddress of Aie uew Loan Servicer and the address to �vhich payments should be made. The notice will also contuin any other
<br /> information requirecl by upplicable InFV.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substences. Honawer shull nat cuuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, stornge, or rcicase af any
<br /> Hvardous Substunces �n or in thc Property. Borrower shtill not da, nor allow anyone elsc to do, unything uffecting the
<br /> Property that is in violution of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not npply to the presence, use, or
<br /> staragc on the Property of smull quantitics of Huznrdous Substances that are gencrally recognlzed to be nppropriate to normal
<br /> resi6ential uses and to maintennncc of thc Property.
<br /> Barrower shall promptly gtvc Lender written notice of�tny investigation, claitn, dcmand, Ittwsuit or other uctian by any
<br /> governmental or regulntc�ry a�ency or private party involving the Propcety�uid any Hazardous Substanco or Environmcntal I,aw
<br /> of which Bortowcr has actual knowledge. If Borrowcr learns, nr is �ioti6ed by any governme�it�l or rcgulatory authorit�,thi►t
<br />_ nny remavnl�r�thrr mrrr�lg��n Qf an;H»xsr�+�as Su�ssfsst�wt�:.,;,iing iht:r�Neriy i;i,c�;c�aary,Borrower shaii prompUy take
<br /> all necessary remedinl actions In nccordancc with fim�ironmentul I.nw.
<br /> , As uscd ln this par�graph 2d, "HAZardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazurdaus subsklnces by
<br /> Enviranmental Law nnd the followine substAnces; gasoline, kerosene, other flammnble or toxic petroleu►n produets, toxie
<br /> � pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvcnts, materials containing usbestos ar formaldehyde,and�adiouctive muterials.As used in
<br /> this pnrubraph Z0, "Environmental Luw" mcans federal laws nnd laws of the jurisdictIon wherc the Praperty is locatetl that
<br /> nclatc to huilth,safety ar environmenta!protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CQVENANTS. l3orrower und Lcnder further covenant and agree ns follows:
<br /> 21. Aaeleration;Remedles. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach
<br /> ot any covens�nt �or egreement in t�iis Securtty Instniment (but not prlor to aeceleration under �►aragraph 17 unless
<br /> ApplicAble law pruvfdes otherwise).�'he notice shall snecify: (n) the default; (b)the action requtred to cure t�he defAalt;
<br /> (c)A date,not 1�than 30 dnys from the dute the notice Is glven to Borrower� by whtch the default nwst be cured;and
<br /> (d) that fallure to cure the default on oi• before the date speclfied In the �iotioe may result In Accele��ation ot the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument and sAle of the Ptoperty. The noNce shall further trttorm Borrnw�er of the rlght to
<br /> relautate aner acceleratton and the e�lght to brinp, a court action to osscrt the nun-exlstence uf e defeult ur any other
<br /> defrnse of Borrower to eccclerat[an and sale. It the default is not cured on or before the dute apedtlecl in the noticc,
<br /> Lender, at its optton, �nay requlre tmm�dlate puyment In Pull oP ull sums secured by this SecurIty Instrument wtthout
<br /> further demand and ma�i��voke the nowcr of sale nnd eny other re�nedies permitted by applicable law. I,ender sh�ll be
<br /> , entitied to wllect all expenses Incurn.�d In pursuing the remedies prov[ded in thls paragraph Zl,iurtudinq,but not limtted �
<br /> � to,reasonwble attorneys'fecs and costs of title evidence.
<br /> If the power of sule Is fnvaked, TrItCtM FhA�� !'QL'O!'fI L ltQtl:.�e u�d:FaJlt in eaci�couuly ii� wnicn any pprt of the -
<br /> Yroperty is located and shall mall copl�v of such natice in the munner prescribed by applic�ble IAw tn Bormwer and to
<br /> the other persons prescrilxd by app8cable law.After the t(me requiral by up�licable law�Trustee shpll gtve public notice
<br /> o►'sale ta the persa�u and In thc mAnner prescr(bed by appf[cable law.'lrustee, wtthout demai�d on Borrowcr,shall sell
<br /> the I'roperty at publlc u�ictfon to the highesi bpdder at the tlme nnd place snd under the terms destgnnted In the notice of �
<br /> sxlc in one or more parcels u�ad in any ordcr Trustcc detcrmincs. Trustee mey postponr sale of all or any pArcel of the
<br /> ' Yroperty by publlc Annovncement at the timc and place o1'any prevlously sch�duled salc. Lender or its dfslgnee mxy ;
<br /> . purctwse the I'ro�crty at eny sxlc.
<br /> .;
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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