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<br /> PdQN-UNIF�FiM�GOV�NANTf3.Borrc�war s�xl Lsndc�rfurt�rer coven�nt��xi e t�e se follaw�: � ��
<br /> @�'.t•'as��l���t!r�{�rat���1�!�a. Ii I.en�ier ro tilr�a Ininiatllnto��H�ri�ont In(ull,unciur I'c�rn{!raph€�,Lericior r��ay lr�voka'��
<br /> tha�wer of�a�e ered eny ather rameclles�rmittaci t�y appl�ca�le �w.l.o�zciar efiall bfl orittiioti 4o colie�3 cll oxg�oii�.c� �_
<br /> Incurrera In pur�ulr�g tha r�meclles provkled In this Psrsgraph 17,Inci�udin�,but n�t Ilnilted to,reas�nat�a attnrnay�' � �
<br /> faea enSf coste a!ikte evkience.
<br /> If thM puw�r W M+I�I�invok�d�Tru�iw�h�t!record�notics nf d�huit ir�Mch�ounty In which wny p�rt cl � __
<br /> the PrAp�rty b Iocat�rJ and�hdi n�il coplN ol suah nMic�In th�mannK pr�scri�by y pi�lp bl�law to �
<br /> Baruw�r�nd to th��1h�er p�rsonas p�r��cribs�i�Y,apAile�bl��l�w.After tho t cros�h���nv�HDll�ab4le���TWta�lee, '�� -
<br /> I�l�tl0�111i11 y111�FI4Y11{i IIVwSr�v�Mnv�v�nr rv..v.sv....�..... � r•-��- —
<br /> vWthout d�nd on BoRewK�sh�ll MII th�Propw�ey at pubila�a�ctlan to th�hbhest bldciir wt th�tirn��nd pl�ce
<br /> �n�l urt�d�r th�lwms dt��natrd In th�rotic�of MI�in an�or m�xr rc�l��rx1 in ony ord�r Tru�t��dotrrmins�,
<br /> nR
<br /> 7n.iH�may n�� of�ii or�ny p�ra�l of th�Prupwrty by pu Iic�nnounc�m�m�4 th�tlm��nd plxce of
<br /> any pr�Wou�idui�d�I�.L�ndK or R�dMfpnN rn�y purchaw ths Prap�rty ut eny wls. _
<br /> Upon rsc*Ipt o!p�ynwni of th�pric�bid.Tra�t�a eh�li dNlwr ta th�purah�sK TrustN'�de�d conwyl�p th�
<br /> Propor�Sr.The reciiel�!n the TnntM'��h�ll ba prinw hcl��vid�nc�of truth af th�nt�twn�nt�nu�d�th�in.
<br /> T�ru�tM stu�ll�ppt th�p►oc�dr ef th��1�In tha tollorWny ordae: �)to ail cost�Mnd exp�n�e�f�xK�l�in�tha
<br /> porwr of+�f�,��th�MN,Inaiudinp th�paym�r►t of ths Truftss'�����tu�liy incu�r�d,nat to�xcNd ttw(6)X
<br /> af ths prtncip�l�maunt af ths nart��t ths tim�af th�d�cl�rntion o1 d�i�utt,and re�son�bl��Ztorn�ys'tMS�f
<br /> p�nefttsd by I�w;(b)ta�II�ums�cur�d by thts 8�curity In�m�nt;and(c)�ny�xc�sr to�h�pason or
<br /> pww�n�Ipal�ntitled to ff.
<br /> 10,il�conwyanc�. Upon payment of all sums secured by thla Securiry Inatrument,Lender shall reyuest Tniatee to
<br /> recomrey the Propercy arx7 sha�l surrender thls Security Instrumeni and ail notea evklencing debt securea by this
<br /> Security Instrument ta Trustae.Trustee she��recanvay the Prc��e�y wfthout warrnry ars�t�fthout charg�to the persan -
<br /> or persons IegaNy entfded to ft.Suc:h petson or persona shall pay any recordatlon costs.
<br /> 1�1.Substitul�Trust�e. Lender,at tta aptlon,may nom time tc�tlme remave Trustee end ap!xilM a successor
<br /> trustae to eny Trustee appolMed hereunder by an Instrument�ecorded In the county In which this Securfty Instrument la
<br /> recorded, Wfthcut conveyance of tho Property,the successor trustee shall sucaeeJ to all the ttde,power end dutles
<br /> conferred upon Trustqe{�ereln and by appl�cable law.
<br /> 20,Ipl uNt tnr Notica. 8orrower requests that cap(es of the noticas of detault and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> ecidresa�vh�h fs the Property Atldress.
<br /> Rfd�ro to th{s Sseurity InsW m�M. If one or more r{dera are oxecuted 6y Bnrrower and recorded together wfth
<br /> thia Security Instrument,the covenaMs of each such rlcler shall be h�co ed Ir�o end shail ame+�d and supplemant
<br /> the covenants and agreen�nts of tMs Securfty InstrumeM ae if the rider s)were In a pa►t of this Security Ins4rument.
<br /> (s41�!'4��4�.�±hlw hautfes��.
<br /> ��ondominlum Rldar QGwaduated Payment Rlder ❑Qrawing�qutty Rlder
<br /> �. ❑Ptsnned Unk Devatopment Rider t x.JOther[Spe�cffy] N 0 R i G A G E A D 0 E N D U M
<br /> BY 31GNING B�LOW,8orrower accepte and sgrses to the terms conta►ned(n pages 1 through 4 af this 3ecurlty
<br /> Instrurtrorrt end In any�id�er(s)executed by Bo►TOwer and recarcfe�rl wtth ft.
<br /> 1fVitnesses:
<br /> . 6,.
<br /> � � ��
<br /> —" K PER
<br /> ' .__. _,_, ..�(S�sil
<br /> flortowir
<br /> �, , '
<br /> • — doaawir
<br /> �. _t^--�
<br /> -- -- .,..�
<br /> dar�r
<br /> STATF QF NEBRASKA, Hal1 County ss:
<br /> an thla 8 t h day of N a y , i s s s ,befare m�,the um,terslgnad,a Notary Publl�du�y commissbned
<br /> and qtialfBed fcH'sa{d coui�ty.p0iS011Al1y C8R78 T 0 N Y J K E I P E R
<br /> ta[118 k1101M1f(1 t0 b9 t�191f�@IIlICAI�?BfBOfI(B�Wh0&8 f1��118(3�8fB BUbSC�1��b�h910f680�nQ IllStfUrl'IB�t A1N�
<br /> ackr�a�Medged the dxecutlon ther�+�t to be h 1 e/h e r votuntary act arxi deed.
<br /> WRness my hand and notaHa1�eal at Grand Islend fn sald county,the date etoresald.
<br /> ....�.�.�.
<br /> , ��M,MI'lAA1f�1w�IM�lli�
<br /> ' �tyCommlaslonexplres: ������ . '
<br /> .,
<br /> tuy Publlo �
<br /> N-•
<br /> 4`N
<br /> ktu
<br /> TO TRUST�: "
<br /> The undarslgn�si Is the holder of the not�or notes secured by thls beecl ot Trust.Sald note or notes,together with
<br /> all other Indebtecinoss secured by thls Deed of 7rust,have boen pald fn full.You are heteby dlrected to canc�!satd note
<br /> �r nates end this Oeed ot Trust,whtch are delNered hereby,and to reconvey,without warranry,all the ostate now held
<br />- by you undor thls Deed of Trust to tho person or�ernons legally entuled theroto.
<br />- Dato:
<br /> - ISC/FM�TNE//OGJt/(G85)•L PAt3E ti OF 4
<br />