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<br /> ' LOANNO. 1539215�2u ��'�
<br /> , f.,.�,.�
<br /> � � dato ot tho monthly pay.�non*.a,which erc�rult�rred io I►�Para�Jreph 2,or cht�ngo tno amount oT sucii pay���ani�. i,��y -
<br /> � oxccsr,pracaeda ovor an nmount requlrctt ta p�y all outotandlnp In��btednoss unrier thn Nota And t�ls Security
<br /> � Instrumont oY�all bo�aald to tho onYlty Icpally onYlllcd ti�orcto.
<br /> � �� 6.Feaa. Londer may colloet t�os and charpos autiiorized by the Secretary.
<br /> � o.Qrounds tor Acc�i�R4lon ot[�sbt,
<br /> (�)Def�uH. l.ondor may,except ae Ilmfteti by regulntlons Issued by the Sdcretary In the case of payment dstauits,
<br /> � . requlre ImmAdlate paymenY In full of all aume secured by thls 5ecurlty In�trument If:
<br /> {e. �` (Ij Borro�ver defsuite by talling to pay In iull any rnonthly paymnnt r�qulred by thls Securiry Instrument prlor [p
<br /> _�_. Pn pv n�i Qha��uA dutH of 4i�e f�a�t r�anthly p�Vmcrrt,or w .
<br /> ; '•�"�J (II)BoPrower de�QUlts by ialling,tor e perlod oi thlrty deys,to perform any other obllgatlons contalned in this �• ,'��;,
<br /> Y� �ecurfty Instrument.
<br /> (b)Sal�Wirthout Cr�dit Approvai. Lender ehall,If pormitted by appllcablo lew and wfth tho prlor�pproval af tho "�
<br /> �,... $ocretsry,requlre Immedlate payment In tull of all thq sums secured by thls Security Instrument If: �
<br /> . (I All or part o}the Propeery,or u beneflcial interest In a trust owning all or part ot the Property,la sold or ��
<br /> ot�erwl4e transferred(other than by devlse or descent)by the Borrower,and =�
<br /> •• � (II�7he Property F�nat occu led by tho purchaser or grantee as hls or her principal rosidonce,or the ;� _-,��°
<br /> � purchaser or p�ntoe dbe§�'pccupy th�Prop�rty but hls or her crediY has not been approved In � ;:,-�,.,
<br /> � accordance with thp�r�c}uk�8nfs oi tha Secrotary. r�
<br /> � -
<br /> (c)No W�Iver. If cl�cunnatancos occur that woul�permlt l.ender to require Immedlate payment In full,but Lender
<br /> � doea not�equlre such p�yments,Lender does not waive Its righta wfth respact to subsequent events. �.� �
<br /> �i • (d)R1�ul�ttons of HUD 9�cr�ry. In many circumstances regulatlons Issued by the Secretary wlll Ilmit Londer's �=i'�.`
<br /> .. ' .. rights,in the csse of peyment detauife,to requlre Immedlate payment In full and foreclose if not pald.This Security ii!�
<br /> .n `;=.-
<br /> �•� Instrument does not suthorize acceleration or foreclosure If not permitted by regula4lons of ti�e Secretary.
<br /> � (�)Matfla��Not la�ured. @orrower a�rees that should this Security Instrument and the note secured thereby not �- -
<br /> be eI1�iWo for inaurance under th�Netional Housing Aat withln s o u n r s from the date hereof, �
<br /> • , :�w,: Lender may,at its option end notwithstending any6hing In Paragraph 9,requlre Immedlate payment In full of all P='�--
<br /> - -����� � sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.A written statement of sny authorized agent o!the Sacretary dated
<br /> � �r subsequent to s o U A Y S from the dete h�reof,decllning to Insure thls Securiry Instrument and the �
<br />_'',•..`�,'.��:, • note secured theraby,shall be dear�ed conclustve proof of such Inellglblitty.Notwfthstanding the foregoing,thls --
<br />��-� ;•;•: optlan may not be exerclsed by Lerrder whon the unavaUsbfifty of insurance Is sdely due to Lender s tallure to►emft
<br /> ���• a mottgage Insurance premium to the Secretery. _._
<br />'��`'`�''� � � 10.�tNn�t�t�ment. Borrowor has a right to be reinstated if Lender hae requlred Immediate payment ln full because
<br />,�:al,':. •`R of Borrower's taqure to pay an amount due under the Note ar thls Security InstrumenY.Thia right appl�es even after
<br />