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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.8orrower end Lender covenant and agree as lollows.
<br /> � �. P�ym�nl 01 PrNiclpd�nd Inl�rpl. Borrower ahall promptly pay when due the pnnclpel ot and mterest on Ihe ��
<br /> � fndebtednesaevldencedbytheNote,prepa mentandlatecharyesasprovidedinlheNote.endihepnncipalolandintereslon a
<br /> ' any Future Advences secured by the�ol Truat.
<br /> � Z. Fund�IaTattN�od Inwranc�•Sublect to applicable law or to a wnRen waiver by lender,Borrower shall pay to Lendor .«
<br /> on the dey monthly fnst�llments of principel end intereat are payable unde►the Note,until the Note Is pald in lull,e aum(herein
<br /> � "Funds")equal to one-twelfth of the yearly texes and esaesaments whlch may aria�n pnority ovor thla Deed of Truat.nnd
<br /> � ground rents an the Property,il any,plua one-twelflh o1yea�ly premium Inetallments 1or hazard msurance,pius one-Iwe18h ol
<br />- t yearly premium inetallmente lor mortgage Ineurance,ii any.ell es reasonebly eatfmaled�n�lfally and Irom time to tlme by
<br /> Lender on the beaie of assessments and bflls and reaaonable estimatea thereof.
<br /> The Funde shall beheld in an inatitutlon ihe deposits or accounts ol which are Insured or gueranteed,by a Federai or state
<br /> agency(Includfng Lender it Lender ia such an Instltutfon).Lender shell apply the lunds to pay said taxes.assessments.
<br /> inaurenee premlums and ground rents.lender may not charge for so holdfng andepplying the Funds,enalyzmg sa�d account
<br /> or verlylnp and compAing said asseasments end bflls unlass Lender pays Borrower Inte►est on the Funda and applicable lew
<br /> ' pe rmita Lender to make such a charge.Bor�ower end�.ender mey agree in writingat the time o1 executfan of thfa Deed of Ttust
<br /> � that interest on the Funds shell be peid to Borrower,and unleas such agreement is mede or applicalbe IAw requires such
<br /> � interest to be peid,Lender shall not be requfred to pay 8onower any interest or earnin s on the Funda Lender shall glve to
<br /> � Borrowe ch deblt to the Funda was mede.The Funds e pl�dged as a�dditfonal se ur�lty f�o►the sums ecured by thia Deed ot
<br /> ,, whlch ea
<br /> I Trus�
<br /> ' If the emount of the lu�da held by Lender,together wlth Ihe tuture manthly installmenta ot f unds payable pnor to the due
<br /> ,'•� dates of texes,asaesements,Insurance premiums and ground rents,shall exceed the amount requ►red to.pay said toxes.
<br /> � �� , esaessments,inawance premluma and ground renta as they fall due,such excesa ahall be, at Borrowe�s ophon,efther
<br /> �•% � promptly repald to Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly instellments of Funds.II the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> '� Lendershallnotbesufl(clenttopaytaxes,assessments,insurencepremiumsand roundrentsastheylalldue.8orrowerahall
<br /> �.• `
<br /> pay to Lender any emount necessery to make up the detfcfency wdh�n 30 days rom the date notfce is maded by Lender to
<br /> � i Borrower requesdnp payment thereof.
<br /> ' Upon peyment In full of all aums secured by thia Deed of Trust,Lender shall promplly retund to Borrower any Funda held by w
<br /> , 1 Lende�.II under peregreph 19 hereof the Properry is sold or the Propert,yis olherwise acqutred by Lender.Lender shall apply.
<br /> no later then immedfately prlor to the eale ot fhe Property or its ac uisitfon by Lender,and Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br /> ` application as a credlt ageinat the sums secured by Ihie Deed ot�ruat.
<br /> ,� 3. ApplkdMn ol P�ym�ab.Unless applicable law provfdes otherwise,all peymenta received by Lender under 1he Note
<br /> ' . and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereol shell be epplied by Lender tirat in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower under ,
<br /> paragraph 2 hereot,then to intereat peyable on the Note,then to the principal of the Note,and then to interest and principal on
<br /> ' any Future Advances. '
<br /> 4. CAar�M;(.Nn�.Borrowers ahall pay all taxea,assessmentsand other charges,Hnes and impositions attrfbutable to Ihe
<br /> � Property whiCh may attain a prlorlty over this Deed of Trust,and leasehold payments ar ground renta,if any,in the manner .
<br /> + provtded under pa�apraph 2 hereo�ar,If not paid in such manner,by Borrower rnaking paymer�t,when due.d�rectly to the
<br /> payee the►eot.Borrower shell promptty lurnfsh to Lender all notices ot amounls due under this pe�egraph,end in the event
<br /> 8arrower shall meke payment dlrectly.Borrower shall promptly lurnlsh to Lender recelpfs ev�dencing such payments.
<br /> � � Bo►rower shall promptly diacharge any Ifen which hes pnonry over this Oeed ui T�u51,pravid�,tYsat Earroxcr�fis!!not bs
<br /> � required to dlachargeany such lien so long as Borrower shall egree in writing to the payment of theobllgation secured by such
<br /> lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender,or shell in good laith contest such Nen by,or defend enforcement of such lien fn,legal
<br /> , , proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement of the Ilen or to�teilure of the Property or any part thereof
<br /> i S. H�z�rd In�u�anc�.Borrower ahall keep fhe improvements now exiatlng or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br /> f against loss by tire,hezards Included wlthin the term'extended coverage",and such other hazerda as Lender may requ�re
<br /> � and fn such amounts a�d for such perfods as Lender mey require:provlded,that Lender shell not require Ihat Ihe amount of
<br /> such coverape exceed that emount of coverage required to pay the aums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> j This insuranco carrier providing the insurance shell be chosen by Borrowersubjectto approval by Lender;prov�ded,lhat
<br /> I such approval shall not be unreasonebly withheld.All premwms on msurance poiicfes shall be pa�d�n the manner prov�ded
<br /> und9r peregraph 2 he�eOt or,�f not peid�n suCh manner,by Borrower mak�ng payment,when due,direc��y lo thP msur:�ncA
<br /> i carrfer.
<br /> All insuranCe poliCies and renewels thereol shall be in form acceptable to lender and shall mclude a stan ar mortgage
<br /> clause in favor ol and In form acceptable to Lender.lender shall have the nght to hold the policies and renewAls thereof.end
<br /> Borrower shell promptly iurnish to Lender all renewal noticesand a11 recelpts olpaid p�emiums.In theevent of loss Borrower
<br /> ahall glve prompt notice to the msurance cerrfer and Lender.Lender may make proof of lass if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender end Borrower otherwiae egree in wrftmg,maurance proceedsshall be applied to restoration or repair ot the
<br /> Property demeged,provlded such restoratfon or repa�r is economically leas�ble and the seCUnry ol this Deed ot Trust is not
<br /> thereby impeired.It such resto►alion or repair is not econom�cally leasible or d the security ot this Deed of Trust would be
<br /> impafred,the insurance proCeeds shell be applfed to the sums secured by th�s Deed of Trust,w�th the excess,if any,paid to
<br /> BOrrower.II the Property Is abendoned by Borrower,ar ii Borrower lails to respond to le�der within 30 deys Irom the de�te
<br /> nptfCe Is melled by L9nder to 8orrower that the insurance carner oNers to senle a cia�m lor insurance benehts,Lender is
<br /> � authorfzed to collect and apply the insu:ance proceeds at Lender's option erther to restoraho�or repair of the Property or to
<br /> the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wnnng,any such application of proceeds toprfncipal shall notextend or
<br /> :11 postpone the due dete ot the monthly instellments relerred to m pnragraphs 1 And 2 hereol or change the amount ot such
<br /> F instellments.If under paragreph 19 hereof the Propetty is acqu�red by Lender,all nght,t�tle and interest ot Borrower in and to
<br /> �� any Inaurance pol{Cles and In and to the proceeds thereof resultfny from damage to the Property pnor to the sale or acquisition
<br /> shall pess to Lender to the extent of lhe sums secu�ed by this Oeed ot Trust immeA�alely pnor to such sele or acqwsftion.
<br /> � 8. Pns�nratlon�nd Matnt�nanc�of PropeAy;L�a�eholds;Condominlumr,Planned Unit D�vNopm�nts.Borrower shall
<br /> keep the Property fn good repau and shell not commit waste or permit impairment ot deterroratlon of the Property and ehall
<br /> comply with the provlsions ol any leese if this Deed ol Trust�s on e leaseliold H Ihi s Deed o1 Trust is on a umt m a condom�nium
<br /> ! or a planned urnt development,Borrower shall perform all ol Borrower's obhgations under the declaralion or covenants
<br /> creetfng or governfng the Condomimum or planned unrt development,the byiaws and regulal�ons ot the condommwm or
<br /> i.� planned unii development,and conslHUent documents. If a condommium or planned unit development nder�s axcuted by
<br /> BorrOwe�and reCOrded together with this Deed of Trust,the:ovenants and agreRments ol such rider sha�l be mCOrporeted
<br /> �{ into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreemonts ol this Deed of Trust as�1 the nder were e part hereot
<br /> � j 7. ProNetton ol Lond�►'s S�curfly.If 6orrower fads to pe►torm the covenants and agreemeMS contained in this Deed o1
<br /> 1 Trust,or if any aCtion or rxeeding is commenced wdh matennlly aHects Lender's iMereat in the Property,inc�udmg but not
<br /> Ilmited to,eminent domaPn,insolvency,code enlorcement.or arrnngemants or proceedings mvolnng a bankrupt or decedeM
<br /> •�'! � the�Lender at Lende�s option,upon notice to Borrower,may make such,�F�pe:�i++��ces,d�sburse such sums ond tnke such
<br /> '� aclionas�snecessarytoprotectLender'sinterest,including butnotl�mite�tto.d�sbursementotreasonab�e�ttornr.y'sft3esand
<br /> entry upon the Property to make repAirs.If Lender reqwred mortgaqe insurance as a cond�t�on of making the loan sr,cured by
<br /> the Deed ol Trust.Borrower ahall pay the premiums requued 3o mA�ntnin sw:h msurAnce in eHeCt until suc:h t�me 3s the
<br /> � requirement 1or Such insurance termfnates m accordance w�th 9orrowNi's r�nd L endar's wnttE�n Aqreement or appliCalbe Inw
<br /> Borrower shall peythe amount ol all mortgAge�nsurance perm�ums���the��anner Nrovided under parngrapn 2 ne�eol
<br /> Any amounts diabursed by londer^p�rsua�ntTto ehi�Paa�p rp wa�r n�ALenderaureetootheht Inn..�Ct��ymenl'such
<br /> :i fndebteoness oi norrowtl��oi.�����r:�.������•••---• - ---
<br /> � date ol disbursemenf atthe rate payabler/om U e�to Ume cm outst Qdmg pripC pal u�der he No esunless pr�y�Ani u1�ter c�sei
<br /> � at such rate would be contrary Io applicab�e Ic�w. m which event such �mounts 5h�11 be�r inter��st at tn� hiqhest �,ite
<br /> permissible under applicaWe iaw Not hmg contnmed�n th�s pnregtHph 7 ShaU requirp lender to mCUr�ny expen5e n�takP�iny
<br /> action hereunder.
<br /> " 8. 111�p�ellOn.Lender mny make ur cause to be made reasonabie entrn�5 upon and msp�c:UOns ul the►'�ope•�tV.prow.frd
<br /> � th8t Lendersh811 gWe Borrower notice pr�or to any suCh inspecG��n sprcdyinq rP:15nn;�h�r raV sPtherf�InrN te�i.dt�.f In Lrnde�i�
<br /> � interest m the Property.
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> 1
<br /> 1
<br /> � I '
<br />