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<br /> °,� !���� �� � ' DEED OF TRUST 92- 1025'72 �::-�_
<br /> .. �^--,.�.�.,.��
<br /> 26th dey a March
<br /> THI8 DEEO OF TRU3T Is made this Wil--�m J. Hane and I na t�s. Hane
<br /> . - �g g2 ,amons ttie T�ustor, �: -,.-�_, ...-
<br /> '� hueband nnA �.+fa (herein"8orrcwer"),FirsllerBank,National AssociaUon,
<br /> Omeha,Nebrabke,(herain"Truatee"),end 8eneficiary,FlrsTier Hank,Netfonel Assoclation,Omaha,Nebraske,a �__
<br />° corporation or�anized end exfating under the laws ol The�nited States of Ame�lce,whose eddreas is 1700 _
<br /> ° Farnam Sueet,Omeha,Nebraska.88702-2183(herein"Lender").
<br /> � � BORROWER,in consideraUon ot the indebtedness herein reclted and the trust herein created,irrevocably � _
<br /> . �rants and conveysto Trustee,in truat,wflh power of s�le,the tollowing deacribed propeAy located in the Couny
<br /> o� Hall ,Stete of Nebraska
<br /> ' Lot sixteen (16) Jamson Subdivisicn in the City of Grand island, :'•
<br /> • Hall County, Nebraska. ��'
<br /> ' � '��•:�==..�m�a -_-
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<br /> whiCh hes the eddress of 414 East Phoenix Grand island
<br /> . � �gn�� ICiryl
<br /> Nebraska 68801 (herein"Properry Address"):
<br /> �surw zwcoa�
<br /> I TOOETHER with all the improvements now or hereaRer erected on the property,and all easements,rights,
<br /> appurfenences,rents(subject however to the rights and authorities given herein to Lender to collecf and apply
<br /> � such rents),royalties,minerel,ofl end gas rights and profits,water,water rights,and water stock,and all fixtures .
<br /> now or hereaRer ettached t�the property,all ot which,fncluding replacements end additions thereto,shall be
<br /> deemed to be and remein a part of the property covered by thls Deed o1 Trust:and all of the toregoing,together
<br /> � � with said properly(or the leasehold estete it thla Deed of Trust is on a leashold)are herein reterred to as the
<br /> � "Property,•:
<br /> TO SECURE to LENOER(a)the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced b��8orro�u san�.�ind no/l0o-
<br /> March 26, 1992 (herein"Note"),in the principal sum ol
<br /> _..�J:_����r..�w�l�l.�3wn�nIlMeI��O
<br /> --'^_(S4��OO.OI)j___'------- D0116fS.W1[Illfli8f@Stlfitlretufi,yia�rwuiy w� nw�n���� ..�......�.........
<br /> ot princfpel and fnte�e9t�with the belance of the fndebtedness.ff not sooner paid,due and payable on _
<br /> A�r31 t0, ;the payment ot all other sums,with interest ihereon,advanced
<br /> in accordance herewith to p�otect the securiry ot thfs Deed ot Trust;and the pe�formance of the covena�ts and
<br /> agreements of Borrower hereln contafned;end all renewels,extensions and modificatlons thereof;and(b)the
<br /> ►epayment ol any future advance9,with interest in thereon,madeto Borrower by Lender pursuent to paragraph 21
<br /> hereof(herein "Future Advances").
<br /> 60RROWER covenants that Borrower Is lawlully selzed ot the estate hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br /> flrant and convey ihe Properly,that the Property is unencumbered,and thet Borrower will warrant and defend
<br /> � penerelly the title to the Property a9ainsl all clalms and demanda,sub�ect to any declerations,easements or
<br /> : r�strtctfons llated tn a schedule�1 exceptfons tocoverage in any tftle insurance po�icy insuring Lender's interest
<br /> �n ihe Property.
<br /> r�
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