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<br /> ' �.Gpn^:�st���r 6'�op��ty�n���6'�7jiCn. flom��lcr esinll kccp dic i;���raver�i����n��cr�i�tlr�B ae hcr��ftcr crcct�l on tj►c�l��ope;iy r-
<br /> ., insarcd ngcdnst loss by firo,ha•r.ctrQs includecl wittiln Q�c t�rm "oxtcndc,�! wvcragc" r���S t�y oUtcr h[uarda, including iinatl�n7 ►_
<br /> -.:.,;�; ,�# ficwdin8,for which l.endcr rcqaires lnsuranca.Tt►is insuranco ehnli bt�maininincd in di4 cunaunt�attd for tho per�tods that[.cndcr
<br /> � `�� requires.'I'ho insuranco carrlcr praviding tt�o insurence ehall be cha.scn by Dortawcr subJect W I.cndtr'A approval which ehnll nos
<br /> -. Y^ bo unres�sanably wiQ�hcld. If Borrawcr faUe u� malntai� cnvcau�c� dcscdbed abovo, Lcndcr mny, at l.cndcr's opdon, abWn
<br />"'�4"``��` coverege to protcct Lcndcr's rfghts in tho Propary In accordanco with p�raKcaph 7. .
<br /> ' �,n�^�._,.�,,;:r�IEo��a nnA rPnnwAla al�all ho t�ccepinblo W LcndCp Utld shAll i�tolude u&klrtdAt�mortgago C1uuEC.Ls:nder shnA
<br />:::!�.if'.�.cr�*�•�.. ,...__.__ �
<br />:_�- havo the rigiit tu hold tha policies and renowals,lf Lcr►skr rcquires,Bonower ahull promptly givo to Lcndea ail recciptv of paid
<br />--_-�--���„ prcmiums ond rencwal nodccs.In the cvcnt of loss,Sqrrowcr ehall givc prompt not3ce tc�Iho Inawanco csuricr ancY l.cndcr.l.cndcr
<br /> �� may mako proof of loss if not mado promptly by Bunowcr.
<br /> -•��a�� Unlcss Lendcr and Borrower othcrwiso agrea in wrlting, insurancc procecds e6a11 bu aFPlled to restnradon or rcpair ok'the
<br /> __;,..,� property clmm�gcd,if tho restorailon or ecpair ia r.conamically feasibin and Lendcr's se�urity is not lcsscnod.If Iho restoradon or
<br />.�'.,.,,- rcpalr is not ec:anomicully fcasxblo�r I.endcr's socuritY would bo lesscncd,the insur�nce prococde shall ba sppllcd co the aums _
<br /> ._.�Y�".- secured by this Securiry Instrument� whether or not then dua, wi�l� eny excess paid to Dorrowcr. If Borrower cbandens the
<br /> �:�;,'� . Property,or does nat enswer within 30 days a nadce fra�n L�nder that tha insuranc4 carrler hes offered to seule e claim,then
<br />`-t'r`�, Lendcr may collect the insur.u►ce pruceeds.Lcndcr may uso the pracecds to repair or restare tha Pr�perty or to p�y sums secure�tl
<br />_;v�'��;' by this Securiry Inswment,whether or not then due.The 30�cfay perfcxl wlli begin when tha nodea ls given.
<br />-'ti�: Unless L,e�der and Horrowcr otfierwiso egrec in wridnE,eny applicadd�of procceds to pdncipal shall not axtend or postponc
<br />-- -=�,,;.�: tha due date of tha monthly payments referred to in paraBraAhs 1 and 2 or change tho amAUnt af tho payments.If under puragcaph
<br />---�w='•�• .• 21 the Property is acquired by Lendee� Bo►—►awer's right to�y insuranrA pollcics nnd Pmc,eaf.9 resuldng from demege w the
<br /> '�"'.:"`"'� Property prior to thc ecquisidon shall pase co I.,er►der W!he eatent of 1he sums secured by thia Secur:ry Instrument immediatcly
<br />-_�,�..
<br />`,�,�k� — � prlor to ihe acquisition.
<br /> `�'�� �_ 6.OccupAncy�Preservx�Uon,Mainteu�nce�nd Protectioo oP 4he Froperty; Borrower's Loan Applicat�n;Lcasehokis.
<br /> ;r����i� Bocroaer shall occupy.establlsh.and�se the Property es Bonower's principal residenca within akty days�t'tu tho exocudon of
<br />-------_� this Security Instrument and shall continae to c�ccupy the Pmperty ag Borrower's Qrineipul residence for at least ono year aftet the
<br />-
<br />