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<br /> � 'iYJtiCilt�itY PJI`i`!! c!ll thc irr►provcfuc�ta no���an c�rc�f'tsr c,cct�d oi� �ha�rop�ny, nnd ail �a,ements,ep�suri�smnces,arcd
<br /> C�a:rc.�no���an c�!e�fter n n,�t nf tho grorr:rey.All rcplasemr.nts and adQidons�hull nIso ba coveretl by this Securlty Instrtemcjil. �.
<br /> All of t�e foregoing i�refcared w in Ihis Security Insuument a9�ho"Propercy." �'
<br /> aORROWAR COVBNAIVTS that Hormwer is lawfully seised of tho est�ta hereby convesyed nnd hns tha right tc�gcant end
<br /> convoy the Pcoputy and tha�iho Properiy 1s unencumbered,oxcept far enc�ambrances of rocord. �orrower wunnnts nnd wi11 _
<br /> defend generai�y the iiAa to tha Proputy agaln�st all claims and demands,subJect to any Gncumbrances of record.
<br /> `i::t� �a���a;TV Ti'�1C7`RI TMRRIT COTAl1�JiG; I1R�IOII11 COVCil��t9 far nedonN use and rton-mi{form wvennnis with Umlted _
<br /> varintlons by Jurlsdicdon to consdtuto a uniform sccwriry inswment covuu�g reai property.
<br /> UtVIFQRM CAVBNANTS.Borrowcr and I.�ndu cavcnant aazd agrea as follows: Wh� �ue ►ho
<br /> 1.Payment oi Pr(ncip�l and Interesti Prep�ymene end�.ate Char�es. Iiorrowu shall promptly pay
<br /> pdnclpal of and intercst o��tho debt evidenccd by U�e Note euid any prepayment and late chnrges due undu the Note.
<br /> x.Fund9 tor Twces��d Insu�nnce. Subject to appl[cable law or to a written waiver by I.ender, Bonower shall pay w
<br /> l.ender on the ck►y�nonl7ily paymcnts s�re due under thc Noie,undl thc Nots is paid in tull,a sum!."Funds")for:(a)yearty ta�ces
<br /> and assessments which may sttaln pdorlry ovcr this Securiry Inswment av a licn on�he Propercy:@)Y��Y l��old paymcrits
<br /> or ground rentg on tht Ptoperty.if anl:(�)Y��Y h�or�aroperty lnsurance preraiums;(d)yesrly flood insurance premiums�if
<br /> �3+(�)Y�ly mortgaga insurance premiums,if uny;and(�enY sums payable by Borrower w Lender.in accordenco'with the
<br /> ptovtsions of paragreph 8, in Ueu uf the payment of mongage insurai►co premiums.'it►ese items are called "Bsccew Items"
<br /> Lender muy,at any time,collect end hold�unds in an emount nat to�ccced the maximum emonnt a lender for a fetlerally relaud
<br /> moctgago loan may require�'or Borcawet's escmw account undep the fetleral Real Estatv Sutlemer�t Prooedeu'es Act of 1974 a9
<br /> emcnded from time to wne,12 U.S.G Sccflon 2C01 er seq. C'�FA"),uNess anathx l�w ehut sFPllrs w tl�e F�!n�.g isets a less� .
<br /> umounG If so�Lecider may.at any ttma,collect a��d hold Funds in an emo�mt not to ex�eed �the Icsser nniount I.endea may
<br /> es�imate tho amaunt of Funds dua on tho basis of curcent data a»d reasonuble esdmetes of exQencbiwres of tuturo Escrow 3tems a
<br /> other�vise in accordanca with appllcabla law.
<br /> 'The Funds shall be ticld in an insdwdon whose dcposits ere insurcd by a fecleral agency.insuume+�telIry.or entity(including
<br /> Londu,if Lcndct ia et�h an institudon)or in any Federal Homo L,oan Bank.I.en@er shali�pply tho Funds w pay tho�scrow
<br /> Ituns.Lc,�da mny not chargo Boaowcc for holding amd applying thc Funds,annually analyzing thc cscrow accouat,or vutfyiag
<br /> tha Escrow Items,unicss I.ender pays Borrower intuest on tho Funds and applicable law pamfts Londer to mako���by
<br /> Howeva�Iressdu may reclulro Borrowu tn Pay a onatLne cha¢ge for a,�independcx�t real estata ta�c repoitin8
<br /> I,ender 1n connecBon wtth thEs loan.unless epplkabla law pmvides olhcawis;.Unles.4 an egree�ner►t is made or applicable law
<br /> roquires intenst ta be paid.Lender shall not be requireQ to pay Borrower any Licu+est or eamings on tho Funds.Bomnwa and
<br /> Lendar mey agmeo in writing,how�vu.tiwt inu�csi si�ail oe:yn�u az���sr,�s.L�sds whall,glya rn g�.rnwar;wIthout chazgo.en �
<br /> annual acco�nting of tho Fuads,showing creditc and dehits to the Funds und the pucpose for which each debit to the Funda wes
<br /> made.'IUe Funds art plcdgod es additional sxurity for all sums st�ured by this Security Instrumen�
<br /> If the�unds held by I.ender oxcoed d►o amounu permitted w be held by applicabta luw,Lender shal!uccount W Ho�rower for
<br /> Ihe a�ccss Funds in eccortlance with the requirtrncnts of applicable Law.If the sunoux►t of the Funds hcld by Lenckr et any tMe js
<br /> not sufiCctent to pay the Escrow Items when d��e,Lendcr may so notify Borrowex in writiag,and,in such case Bom�wa shall pay
<br /> W L,enikr the amount nocessory to m�ice up tho deficlency. Ho�rowes shall make up thc deficlency in no moca than twelvo
<br /> monthlY PaYmr�►ts.at I.cnder's sole discre6an.
<br /> Upon p�yrtunt in full of ell swns soGUnxt by this SecurLry Instrument,Lcnder shall promptly rafund co Borrowu any Funds
<br /> heW by I.uider.If�undu paragrAph 21,I.ender shaU ecquim or sell the Ftrope:ty�Lender�lxbr�fl t��e accluisid°�or sak of tha
<br /> pmpc�ty, shal.l apply any Funds held by I.endu et the time of acquisition or sale es a credit againSt the sums soauted by thLv
<br /> Socoriry instrutncn�
<br /> 3.Appiic�tion o!P�ymenta Unless appl�c;Able k►w provides otherwlse,e11 payments rxeived by Lender under pt�egraphs _
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: Cast.w anY 1�PaYment charges duc undr,:t thc Note;second,W amounts pays►ble w�der p�agraph Z�
<br /> thUd,to intexest due;founh.to principai due;and 1ast,w any latc+chargcs dae undc�the Noro.
<br /> 4.Ctu�rres;LIRaa. Borrower shull pay al1 taxos�assessments�chacges. fu�es and imposi8ons aurlbutabk to the Pcopaty
<br /> which may attali►priority ovcr tbis Securlty Instrument,and leasehold paymeiets or ground rents,if any.Hocmwa shall pay these
<br /> obUgdtiOns in tiw uuul,��pi�vidcd'tn jso:.,$�r.p:t 2.CL!P^C:F=-irl�that�nannrr,Rtxmwer sh8l1 t]flV t1lCm 011 titpC d�[ECily t0 th0
<br /> rusan owed payment. Borrowcr shall p�nmpdy fumish to Lender ell notices of emounts w bo paid under this paagranh.I�
<br /> 8onawar makes theso payments dlrecdy�Boreower shail prompdy fiunlsh to Lender roceipts evtdencing the paymenta.
<br /> - . 8orrower shafl prompdy discharge any lia►which has prior iry over t h is Sociui t y Ins u u m e n t u n l e s s B o m ower: (e)a g r o e s in
<br /> wripng w the payment of�t�e obllgadon secured Uy o�o lien in a manna acceptable to Lenclu:(b)contests in good taith the lien.
<br /> - by. or dcfends agalnst cnfor�cement of tho li�n in, lcgal pmcceclin8s wh�ch in the Lcnder's opinlon operate Zo prevent tha
<br /> � cnforce�mnt of tha licm,or(c) sccures[rom the h4lder of the llen an agrecmeni satisfactory tc�Lcncler�ubocdinating ttw Len to
<br /> - � �hi�Securiry Instrumens.If Lcnder�etrxmine.9 that any part of tha Pcopeny is subject to s lien which mny nttain priority avrar this
<br /> = Seauity Insttument,Le�►der nwy giva Hnrrower a nodce identifying U�e Uen.Borrower shall sadsfy tha licn or tako ono ar mom
<br /> ' of Ilic ucdons set forth abovo within 10 days of tho giving of natice.
<br /> _ Form 302� Y/40
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