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<br /> i�z �;�e ,1�� i;��}-e.� �a�'c�1.� �E;cl i�� �E�y o;a3cr Triistep deterat�ff:�ea. Tiri?stee mAy �astpnne sale af �II or any pArcel of thQ k,
<br /> 4=��y�,.,� t�y p�zi�::S; (1kbEIL:c�ici.i:3t:78 Il4 ALi;J EI::�::r�,� �:'^�� c��r.•iay Et�ev2nz^_!y cslic=la�icA c:�l^.Lcndc► os� itr� elc,l,r;�.c�2 r��ny C,
<br /> �urchs�.se thc Progtrty pt any�sa12. –
<br /> U{wn rereipt of paymeat ot the prke bld, Trustee �A11 dellver !o th.e purchRSer Trustee's deed convGy�ng th�
<br /> I'roperty.rhe rcckal�t.n the Tru.+tee'e deed shA11 be �nrtmA facle evkience oP the truth of the st�temente made there.Sn.
<br /> T��ates�hs�ll�pply the praceats o�the gak in t�e folbwing order:(A)to all c�te And expenses ot exercis3n otohe pow�r�
<br /> Rnk,pr+d the eaik,Inc�udin�the payment ot the Tro+atee'e f��MUAIIy incurred,not to exceed
<br /> ut t8e printip�ti�unr�unt uP ine i�u1e A����e E�.ae o14E:��:.sta�artaa�f d=fa�!l��rd re��nnYhle aitYo�r��yB�teC.v=n pf�ft�l`d by _
<br /> btwi��to aU sum�eecara!Dy tdie 3ecurity Ynsfru�ncaii Nad(cl«ny cAic�s..,.....�....o....�. r.:.....�:_.--+ ---=---
<br /> ?.2,iteconve�ance. Upo�� �yatent of aU sums srured by th�s SeGUrity Instrument, I.�nder shallrcquest 'rlrusieo lo
<br /> recor�vey !ho PmpWty and sna►� surreader this Secudty Instrument and nil noi:s evidencing debt securecl by this Security
<br /> Iasuument w'Ilrustee.'IYuy�oe shA11�econvcy dte Proputy withaut warranry and wlthout chaege to the person or persons legally
<br /> endt�ed to i�.Such person or pasons shallpay eury recordetion costs.
<br /> 23.Sue�titute Tr�uetee. Lendcr.a1 its opaon,may from time to tLnc remove'IYustec and appoint a successor uustea w��y ,
<br /> c nvcyac��.e oP t�h'PropeRy,t�e sGCCeS rutrus�tce shall s ccud to ail thc titlewpowcr�and du�3e9 canfcrrcd upon itrustco hetcin and
<br /> by eppllcab�O Ia�u.
<br /> ?A.Reque�t(or Noticea. Borrower requcsts that copies of the notices of default and sal�be sent to Borrower's addc�ess
<br /> which is thc Pro Addrass.
<br /> 2S.Ridem o thi�Secur(ty InstrumenY. If one ot mo!�e riders aro executecl by Horrower and recnrded together with this
<br /> gauri�yr Inycrument,�he covcnants artd a�reements of each auch rider shall he incorpotatcd'mto nnd�hall amend and supplement
<br /> the coveaants and agiraments of this,"�ccurity Ynstrument as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Insuument
<br /> [Chcck applicabl�box(es)]
<br /> �Ac�ustablo Rata Y�dcr []Condominivm Rider C] 1-�l Pamlly Ridcr
<br /> []Graduutrd Paymei�t Ri�ler 0 Plunned Unit Aevelopmcnt Ridcr 0 Riweekly Paymcnc Ridcr
<br /> [�Bsllaon Rider (�Rate Impraavement Rldcr C]5econd Home Rider
<br /> �]VA Rider O Olher(s)LspeClfY�A'"iqnmenea oe Rent
<br /> BY SIGNIIV(3 BEiAW.Aunawer accepts nnd�grx,a to the trmis and cnvenantv contained in Sxurity lnstcument and ir�
<br /> any rickr(s)execuud by Sorro�vcr end rxorded with iG �
<br />: Witnesx4: ,� � (,��/L�-- – (Seal)
<br /> I. L IiAN SN -8orrower
<br /> 1 _.._..._ — �,/�!���.,Q� �/ ,r� (Stal)
<br /> :�.
<br /> CAitAL A HANSExJ -B��*
<br /> ,
<br /> � (SCSI) � ._..�r.�. (Seal)
<br /> •Dorrowu -8arrowtr
<br /> :
<br /> fihte of�Iebriak�, tuwL Couaty se:
<br /> • � The fareguing instn►ment wa9 acknowledgod before mo tk��s 1oTH day of �Y ,� 1596 ,
<br /> by �Ry L }W7B=N 11MI CAROL A H11liSaR7, xv�sR��SL�ND� N� in said Counry,thc dato aforesaid.
<br /> Witness m,y hand and nomrial�cal at
<br /> � �_"��.�.
<br /> My CommisskNt HxpLns• ����`* Nwary Pubttc , ��
<br /> ��Mli��N�11�INelr�
<br /> w�w,'c�
<br /> � �•!R(NE)�o�izl.oi Pap.eo�e Fotm�02a !!GO
<br /> - • a�� 610-6
<br /> , �, .,i' �
<br /> _ -----i.��'�,�'iW.�,'�'�Ti'3?L} �M��Y;�,tir±�nm =-_-_
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