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<br /> IG. II�OYPOWCY`8 C0�1y. Hoirotvcr shtill b� ivcn ono confon�ncd cupy of�l�e Notc��af this 3ccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> a �.,.
<br /> ` 1T.Transtcr of the Froperty or a�cneficlal Interest in liorrower. If aq or nny ptut of the PrQpeny or any lnt�rest in it is �„
<br /> • ."� sold or uensferred (or if a bcneficial int�rest tn Borrawer ie sold or transfcrreti nnd Borrowcr is not o nnturalperson) whhout _
<br /> • ��'�''1 Lendcr's prior writtcn canscnt,I,endce may,at its updon,requtrc immediate paymcnt in full of a!1 sums securud 6y thls Security --
<br /> � Insteument.Howcvcr,this option shall not be exerclsed by Lcndcr if excr�ise is prohibiud by fedcYal law as of thc dntc of this —
<br />_:;;;;����.���: Sccurlty Instrumen�
<br /> lf Lendcr excrcises this opdon,Lcnder shul!give morrower nodco of accelcrntion.The nodce shull provide n�eriod of not Icss _
<br />-� � '� ��� �han 3�days trom tho daw tha noeeo is.dcilvercd or mailcd within which Borrower�i�ust pay till surr►s srcured by t�iis 3ccuriry ��
<br />'���n,°" � InstrumenG Yf Borrowcr f�i1s�ID pa�, s��ptidr tb lha oxpiradon of this perfod,l,enctcr may mvoxe uny rcmed�es perminca °
<br />;;�;��.y=— : by�his Sccuriry Insuumcnt W'�hoyE;�'c,po�1C�oYcicmand on gonawcr. ---
<br /> '� 18.8errower's Rfaht tdEtein�tat�.' "re'�Bnrrawer n�eets cerutin conditions, Bonower shall have the right to have _
<br /> _- enfarccmcnt of thia Sccurify Instiument discontinued at amy dme prior to the carlicr of: (a) 5 duys (ar such other periad as
<br /> =. ' nppUcablc lnw may specify for retnsuttement)before sale of the Propecty pursuant w any power of sale contnined in thi�Security _
<br /> �•�•� •��� Inswment;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing ihis Sec�uity Inetrumen�Those conditions Are thnt Bonower:(a)pays Lcnder ull
<br />,;�;;.�,,;_::� sums which then would be due under lliis Secueity Ie�stc�urilent and tha Naw as if no acceleradon had occuned;(b) cures any �-
<br /> ° "•°,- default of any other coven,,nts or ngreements;(c)pays all exgenses lncurced In enforcing this Security Insdument,inaluding,but
<br />.:_';iMih'�..; �'
<br />_ � „ .,.; not limited to,rcasonablc attomcys'fecs;and(d)takesti such acd�n as Lcndea ma rcasanably requirc to assure that the lien of thu
<br /> .�:`:._�•.; � �
<br /> �-� ,:�F.p , Security Instrument, Lcndcr s rfghts in thc Properiy und Banawcr e obliga on to pay the sums sccurcd by this Sccurity
<br /> ';;�����•.�.�• Insuument shall continue unchunged. Upon relnstatement 6y Iinrrower, this Securi� Insuument and the oblignuons secured
<br />-=��=�'��.� hereby shall rematn fully effecdve as if no accelerndon had accurred.However,this dgt►t to reinstate shall not apply in the case of
<br /> ,:,,�
<br /> _� .,:y�.,,.� acccicrA�on undcr pnr.�r�ph 17.
<br />=°_�;�?'�--�,�`� 19.Sale ot Notei Change ot Loan Servicer. 'I9io Note or a parUal intcrest in the IVote (together with this Socurity
<br />"�.;-,,,_,'; , lnsuument)may bo sald ane ar more dmc;s without prior noticc to Borrowcr.A sala�i�ay result in a chengo in the entity(I:nown f
<br />:_.,,:;�T�.-,,;... , es the"Loan Servicer")that collects manthly uyments due under the Nous and this Sccunty Instr�menG'Ihere�Iso may Ue one or
<br /> • •�� L- rnore changes of thc Loan Servleer unrela�to a eale of the Nate. If thece is a change of the Loan Servlcer, Sorrower will be
<br /> �� givcn wducn notice of the change in accordence with para�raph 14 above and applicable law.'Y'he notice wiU sGite the name and
<br />�`;1�'�� address of the new l.oan Sesvicer and the address to wh�ch payments should bo made. 'tl�e no�ce will also conutin su�y other
<br /> '` "�'"` ' information rcqeimd by applIcablo law.
<br />'�,� Z0.Hazardous SubstAnce,s. Borrower shall rtot ceuse or permit the presence. use, ci�sposfll. storage, or release of any
<br /> p
<br /> `:.�v�� HA�.ardQU�Substances on or in thc Property.Bono�ver shall not do,nor eUow anyone clse ro do,anything affecting!he Froperty
<br /> `='"-�'` that is in violation of en�Environmcntal Law.The prcceding two sentcnces shall not apply to tho presencc,usc,or storugc on ihc
<br /> ''��eS�:,;� Prop�rty af small quanuttes of Hs�.�rduus Substances that are gcnernlly recognizcd to be appropnute to normal residenGal uses
<br /> --_:
<br />