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<br /> 13. Lo�a Chqr�er. If�he loun secured by Ihis Security Inst�ument ia subjcct ta u law wh�ch.ci�muximum Iw►o �;,„�„_�_
<br /> churgax,ond rhat law is flnAlly imerpreted so thal the imerrcl or�uher k�an churges cullec[eJ ur tu be collccied m connection �_�
<br /> with Ihu lo�n Axceed the permittcd Hmits,then: la1 any surh Ic�n churgc whall be rcduccd by thc umnun�nrccs�ary a+rcduce �;,���:,�---
<br /> �,„�:,e.z�
<br /> � thes chqrga to�he Perm���ed limit;und I bl any sumx a lrea dy cn l lec te J irom Norrawer which rxrecdeJ p crmittcJ I�mits will �_ _ -
<br /> � ba rct�nded to Borrower. l.ender may choc��e t�make�his refund by reducing the prfnr�pal uwed unJer the Nac��r hy making �=;,�-`��____ _
<br /> a dirtat payment�o Bormwer. I(a refunJ raluce►princip•rl,tlx� rcJucUan wUl be trcated•r� a partial prep.,ymem wi�hout � = _ � _____r
<br /> any pr�paytnpnt cherQe undcr 1he Note. � �<
<br /> ���.-:--
<br /> 14. NaR+lces. Any natice to 6orruwc�pravided for in this Security Insin��ncM +hall tm givcn by dcli��ennK it ar r•--.•,—
<br /> ,:+�t,eflV.,'.�;.—
<br /> by mailing it.by tirst clas�s mail unles�applicnblc law requires use of unaher meth��i.Thc nuti�c shall !x:Jirer�ed to the � . „ . ..
<br /> prc�petty A�idnsras or any aher address B�rrn�var der�ignales by naice�o I.crnler.Any natice tu l.rnder ahull Ix givcn by ; ��
<br /> • first c1A�s mail co Lender's address stat�d herein or any ather addres�l.eadcr design�tcc by notice tu&�r�owcr.Any notice •
<br /> prc�vldad for fn this Security Ina�rument shall bc dcemed ta have been Riven to Borr��w¢r or l..endcr when given ux pravided � . . ..•�,,�,�r�,,��;s
<br /> in �hiR para,gt�ph. . '
<br /> �, 15. Gaverning I.ww;Sev�rablllty. Tbis Security Instrument shall be govcrned by fedcral law and the law of the
<br /> jur�sdiution in which the P�raperty is lacated.ln the event that any praviaiun or clause o(this Securiry lns�rumcnt nr�he Notc � •
<br /> ; cnnflicts wiUi Applicable law,such conflict shell not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument ur the Note which !
<br /> • can b¢ gfven offeet without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions af this Security lnstrument and the Note j .. .,,,�,�,_
<br /> are daalored to be severable. t •a�;s��'=`:�
<br /> 16. 8orrower's Copy. Barrower shall be given une canformed copy af thc Notc and nf this Serurity I�i.trument. f ;;;����,
<br /> ' I 1T. Trs�nsfer of the Property or A Beneticial interest in Borrower. If all ar an�� part of thc Propert�• or any , ;,
<br /> ` interest in it u sold or Iransferred(or if a heneCiciel i�tcrest in Borrowc�is sald ur�runsferred anJ Horrowcr is not a natural ,�,� • „,
<br /> ,, person)witbout I.ender's prior wrinen cansent, L.ende�may,at its aption, require immediatc paymcnt in full of all sums ; •�.i. . � �;.T.
<br /> • secured by this Securiry Instrument.Hawever,this option shall not be ezercised by I.ender if exercise ia prohibi�eJ by federal . .
<br /> ' law� of t�e date of this Seeurity Instrument. `'•:!�.• :=�
<br /> � If l.en�ler exercisea this opt ion,I.ender ahall give Boaawer naice of acceleration. The notice shall pmvide a period i � ��
<br /> ' af not less tiwn 30 days from the d�te the notice is delivered ar mailed wit hin w hic h B orrower mu+t pay all +uui+,ccured _
<br /> : by this Security fnntrument. li 8arrower fails�o pay these sums prior to the expiration of this peri��d, l.endcr may invoke � .�--
<br /> any rernedieF permitted by this Securiry instrument without further notice or demand nn Borrower. ; �
<br /> . 18. Borrower's Rfght to Reinstete. If Borrower meets certain conditjons, &►rrower nhall huve th�right a�have � ��
<br /> enforcomoncof this Security Ins�rument discontinued at any time priar to the eadier af: (u) S day+(ur surh uther period , �,
<br /> ac applia�blo luw may specify far reinstetement)before gule of the Propeny pursu�nt tn uny power�►f+ulc coniamed in this ' 6
<br /> .0
<br /> SNCUnty Ins�rument; or tb�emry of a judgwc��t cnforcing this Security loytsuittent. Those�•�ktditi��n+: urc tl�a� Born�wer: �-�
<br /> (a)pays l.en der a l l sums w hic h�F�e n w o u 1 J t x due under this Security Intitrument und thc Nolc u� if nu uccclrru�i�m had
<br /> occurred;(b>cures any defaull of uny cwher rnvenants or agreemems;(c1 puyr all expen,es incurred in enturcing thi.ticcurity
<br /> lnsaument. including,but not Ilmi�e�1 lo, reusonable uttorneys' feer;anJ(d)tukes tiu�h uctinn u+ l.ender muy re•r�unahly ,
<br /> �cquir�to assurc Ihat the licn of iF�ix Secun�y Inslrument, Lendcr's rights in thc Propeny and Borruwrr'�ablig�hun tu pay ,
<br /> tha nurne secured by this Security la�trumrnt �hull continue unrhanged. Upon rein�tatemun�by&�rn►wrr,this Srcunty In- � �!
<br /> strument and thu obligation�sewred hereby shall remain fully effective r.if ne�accekranun haJ necurreJ. Huwever,this � $.
<br /> righi t�reinbtata shull nat apply in the case of acceleratinn under paragreph 17. �
<br /> 19. Sale of Notet Change of I.nan Servlcer. The Note or a partial intcrest m th�Nutc(togeth�r with th�+5ccurity
<br /> In�trurnant)may be xnld ane�r more times without prior notice to Bnrrower. A+ale may rewlt in u change in th�entity
<br /> (knnurn as thu "Luan Scrvicer") �hat collects monthly payments due under �hc Nute anJ this Se.�:uriry In.trument. There
<br /> also may tw oncs or mnre changeti of the luun Serviccr unrelated to u sale of the No[e. If therr is a change uf the Loan .
<br /> Servicor,Horrower will be given written notice of the change in accordunce with parabraph 14 above and applicablc law.
<br /> Tho n�tice wfll state the name and addres�of the new Loun Servicer and the uddress to which payments shcwlJ lx made.
<br /> Tha notice witl also contain any othcr information required hy applicable law. �
<br /> 20. H�rdous Sub.vtances. BoROwer shall not cause or permit the presence. usc,disposal, s���rugc. i�r rclease .
<br /> af any Hozardous Substunces on c�r in the Propeny. Borrawer shall nat do,nor ullow unynn�else to dc�,anything aftecting i
<br /> tho Property thut is in violation of any Envinmmenlal I.uw.The preceding two scntenrc��hall nut upply to the pre.cnce.
<br /> usc,or slorage on the Prapeny of small yuantitic+of Hazardous Substance�that arc gtncrally rcc�ignized to be appn�riate ;
<br /> to norrnW residcnti�l uscs and�o maiMCnunre of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy�ive I.ender written notice of any investigation,claim, dcmanJ, law.uit or oihrr action by
<br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or privatc pany involving thc Property and uny H�zurdous Substancr or
<br /> Envirunmenwl I.aw of which Bc►rrower has actual knowledge. If Borrowcr Ir:�rns, ar i�notified by any govermnental or
<br /> ' ; regulatory authoriry,�hat any removal or�Hher remcdiation of nny Huzurd�ws Substancc a(fccting thc Propeny i.ncrr�xory.
<br /> � '� ' BoROwer siall prompHy take all necessury remedial actions in uccordance with Environmcnlal l.uw.
<br /> * �
<br /> .� I As used in this paragraph 20, "Huznrdou.Substanees•"arc thuse substance.alefincJ aa tuxic or ha�ardnu,�u stances
<br /> � by Environmentnl L�+w anJ the fol lowing subtitance�;gasoline,kcroscnc,other tlammabl<<�r toxic pruulcum pnxlu�t�,�ozir
<br /> i pcslicides and hcrbicides, volatile si�lvents, matcrialx rontainin�e a,bcsto.ur t�xmaldehydc, anJ raJii�acti�•c m.�trn:d.. A+
<br /> used in Ihfs paragraph 2Q,"Envinmmentul Luw"means fcdcrrl law�and laws nf thc jurisJictiun whcrc the ProExny i�I�x:atcd
<br /> i that relale ro health, satety or envircmmen�al protectiun.
<br /> � i
<br /> � NON•UNtFQRM CoVF.NANTS. B��rruwrr und I.�nJcr funh�r cuvcnant and agrr�a� ti�Uowti:
<br /> � 21. Acceleration;Re�dley.l.ender tihall Rive notice lo Borrower prfo�N►accrleratiun Pidlowink Burrowrr'+
<br /> ' breach of�ny covenpnt ur agreement in this tircurity Inslrument lbut nut prlor to yrceleration under puruuruph 17
<br /> u�less�pplkable law provide►othcrwf+el.The nutice xh�ll tipecify:(al the defaull; (bl the uction reyuired to cure the
<br /> detoult;(c)a dote. not less than 30 da��from the d�te the notice i+�iven lo li�rrowrr, b� w•hich the defuult must
<br /> hprur«I- nn.�rd�thnt failure�o cure the default on or before the date spec{fted in the notice m�v result in ucccleration
<br /> � otlhe surns secured by this Security Inslrument�nd sale of the Property. The notice yhall further inu�rm nurrow•e�
<br /> of the rlgbt to reinstnte after arceleration and thc risht to brinR a court action to�s+rrt the n�►n-existciice ol'a defaull
<br /> � or eny other detense ot 8orrower to�cceleration and!sale. If the default h not currd un nr beforr the date��xcified
<br /> � in the notice,Lender at its optbr�mny require immediate payment in full uPaO sums�cured by this ti�r•urU� In.trument
<br /> wllhout furlher dem�nd end may invoke the�awer of sule and any other remedies permitted i►y applirublr Is���. I.ender
<br /> slwll be eMltled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�the remedies provided in thi�paragruph 21. inrluding,
<br /> but not limlted lo. reasonabk altorneys' Pees and costs oi tille evidence.
<br /> Form 77l1 9�90 q��r•, �„1 S pax�•s1
<br />, ' .
<br /> � �
<br /> ,� �I
<br /> ' � � , _� — — — — - --
<br />