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<< Rmu�n..:�v��t��'�4nixj:j'�; ` :`��+Si�@l�Ilr+r""'��"t`-`Esalrt,���r,;<'` ¢G,�4i�'rv�t�V-. ._ �� ' . , � � �-' <br /> I. ._.�— - ^-r � r���� �t , a .a.. �.c��. -ri >•�_ � .. . .�_7.���n•.i d Aytd�` :r �y�' �"���"�,- <br /> �1fsTLC" ?'- . j � .. ai1tL'Li' '�� i 7i '�i`rS�a <br /> I� .... .�e•.n,. . . Sry`i r^ , r. �Y-.�.-.. . . t� ..�...". .. .., r..�.K..--,...,. ,-. _ _ �,,..ner�vw�i'V + <br /> � . . . .. . .. . _ . . , .... ....,-.i�• .. . . _ ..�... <br /> 0 � �- ., . �. . - "1'�-A��+lr�l•!fxi'� - •� - <br /> ' ' i ., - •�l._._�� w--�T: . .. .. . �� ��� � - <br /> -S`e . , � ° <br /> i �. �.��.je:f ,�=• , <br /> _ .r-.._ _�Ya��..`��.__... _.^- •'__ ' .� .. .r, <br /> ..K.� <br /> �� � .. _� ,��r.:�. <br /> �2_ 102�53 �';;_X�����.� <br /> %�;K f::; <br /> .. ,:a�=.,�� <br /> �"`vr+..._..�.�:a :� <br /> 6. Oocup4ocY� Pro�ervotlon, NWntenwnce and PrMectlon of the Propertyt Burrower's Lo�n ApplicAtion; � �' . *! <br /> . �,e�eboldr. Borrower slWl occupy.eswblish. and use the Praperty as Rarrawer'� ptincipal residence within sixty days .... „,�,t„=_ <br /> after Ihe executlon of this Security Instrument and ahall continue ta occupy�he P�oprny os&��rower's principal residence ' .�,_ <br /> fm at leau one year aiier the date of accupmcy, unless Lendor othenmise ogr�es in wri�iog, which consent shall not be . . � <br /> � • ' uarcasonebly withheld,or unless extenuating circumatancea exist which ara beyutxl Borrower's contral.Borrnwer shall not <br /> destroy.durwge or impair the Property.Wlow the P�operty to deteriorate,ar cammit wute un�he Property.Borrower shall t <br /> �� be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding,whether civil ar crimGwl,in.�S'-n�hut�n l.ender's good faith judgment , <br /> � could rcwlt in Porfekure of the Property ar c�therwise materiallY iroPai�the�ien craatod by thls Securiry Inswment or L.ender's <br /> � � <br /> security Intercst.Borcower may cure such a default and reinstate,as pravided in puragraph I8, by cauRing the action or ^ <br /> � pracading to be dismiscod wilh a ruling ttwt,in Lender'c good faith deurmin��tian,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's ` <br /> intercst in the Property or other rnaterial impairment oi the lien crcated by thls Securiry Instniment or Lender's securiry ; <br /> interest,Borrower ahall alco be in default if Borrower,during the lo�n applkadaa process,gave materially false or inaccurate , <br /> infomwtion or statements to I.ender(or fAilod to provide Lender with any rtwt�+�ial lnfomw�ion)in connection with the Io�n <br /> evidenced by the Note.including,but not limited to, rcprescnt�tiv�w cancemin$Barrower's occupancy af the Property as <br /> a principal residena.If this Security Insuument is on a leasehold,Borrowar wtuAl tomply with�II the provisions of the leasc. <br /> ' if Borrower acquires fee dUe to the Property,the leacehold and the fee titlo eh�li not merge unlecs Lender agrces to the � <br /> mer�er in writing. ; <br /> 7, prote�.Nlon ot I.eadee's R1Qbts(n We f'roperty �f 6orruwar fails ta perfom►the covenants and agreements j.-.�... <br /> � .z...�..,�.. <br /> contained in thia Security Instrument,ar there is a leAal procading ttiat�rwy signlflcandy affect Lender's rights in the Property r ;t•1�;,�:��: <br /> i' <br /> (such as a praceeding in banlwptcy,probate,for condemnadon or farFeiture or ta enforce laws or regulations).then Lender i , , <br /> � may da and pay for wiwtcver is necessary ta protect the value of the Property and I..eeder's rights in the Property.Lender's , <br /> actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien whi�fws�prio�ri,ry���ver��s��pu h,l.enderemay take ec�on under i �' i1� <br /> � � paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entedng on the Pr rtY I� g ��i <br /> � this paragraph 7, l.ender does nat have to da sa. ; �- <br /> ' Any amounts diabursed by Lender under this parAgraph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower secured by thls � :.�'; <br /> , �,, <br /> � � Secur�ty Inatrumem. Unkss Borrowcr and i.ender egree to other terms of payment, thesc amounts shall 6ear inrerest from . . . �,�_ <br /> . the date of di�bu►sement at the Nou rete aad shall be paYable,with interest,upPn notice from Lender to Bonower requesting ,.� <br /> payment. .. <br /> 8. Mortgn�e Insuraace. If Lender required mortgage insuranse as o condition of making the laan secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to mainta�io the mangage insurance in effect. If, for any <br /> reason.the mortgege inauranca covcrage required by I.endar lapses or ceasea ta be in effect,Borrower sh�ll pay the premiums ,� �. <br /> required�o obtain coverage substanaally equivalent to the mortga�e iiuuraocro praviaucly in c£fcct, �t a cost substsnttnlly _ �,.�- <br /> equfvalent to the cost to Borrower af the murtgage inRUrance previcwsly in efFact.from an alternate mortgoge insurer approved <br /> by Lender. If subslantially equivcilent mongage insurance cover�+ge is ncx available,&�rrower shall p�y to L.ender each month �, <br /> a sum equal to one•cwelith of thc ycurly martgage inaurancc prcmium beinY pyid by &►rrnwer when the incurancc coverage �� <br /> I lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, u�e and ret�in thsne puymco�s as u�u��rc�crve in lieu of mortgrge <br /> � insurance. Loss reserve p�yment!�may nu lunger he reyuired.ut tMt ay�i��n uf lAnder, if munguge insuranre cuveruge(in , <br /> � thc umaunt und tiir thc per�ixl th•ri I.cndcr rcyuiresl pruv�ded hy+u� �nru�ur u�pmvrd h� IxnJcr•r�tum Ixc��u��� �vuduBlc <br /> I <br /> unJ is uhtuined. &�rruw�r,hall pay �hc prennwnn r.•qmrcJ t���iwiat:im neKtNagc in.urnn.•r in w prav�dc a <br /> { rcurvr.un�il thc rcyuircmcnt lar m��ngugc in+uran�c cnJ� in u4card�rk�;wuh un� wrWrn u��r�mrnt Imtwren Hurn►wcr , <br /> unJ L.cnJer ur opplicable luw. - <br /> i9. Inrpection. (.�nder or ih ugent muy mukc rcu+onuhlr.ntnc.r u�w+n anJ�nti�xcuum uf thc ProFxny.I-xnJrr.hall <br /> � give &�rrower no�icr at th�time af��r pnnr tu un m�pertiun .�xrifying ru�+�maMr r�uw ti�r th� inspectiun. <br /> 10. CondemnaUon. Thr pnxced+uf any awurd ur claim firr Jern�gr..Jir�r�ur run,ryu�ntial,in runncction with <br /> any condemnatian or other taking of any purt��f thc Propeny.or tur runveyanrr in liru�•f mndemnuticm,are h�reby atisigned <br /> and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> I In the event�f a totnl Wking of the Property.thc pr�xecJx shall he applied a�thc wm.Krured hy thi.5ecurit�•In�lrument, <br /> • i whether or not ttren due, with any cxccss puid t��e��rruwcr. ln thc rvent al'u partial 1ak�n!'�►f tlk Property in which�he <br /> ! fair murket valuc of the Property immediutcly Ixt�tte Ihe takin�C ia cyu�l tu ur grcatrr than�hc um��unt ot'thc sums aerured <br /> I by�his Security Instrument immediatrl��hrt��re�hr tuking,unlc�s B��rrow�r und L�ndcr uihrrwi�c agr4c in writing,the.ums , <br /> secured by this Security Instrwnent nhall be rcducrd by the�nwum ul the pnxeed, mu�tiplicd h�• the 1'ollc�wing frurtion: <br /> (a)the latal amount of thc�ums sccured immrJiutcly tx;tixc ihc t•rking.Jn•ided by tb)tlx fair market valuc uf the Property <br /> immedia�ely before the�uking. Any baluncr shull Ik paid t��Bnrruwcr. In thc evcm ut u panwl �s+king uf the Property in . <br /> '! � which the fair market value of thr Praperty immcJiutcly hcli�rc thc t:+king i.r Ic.+thun�hc •rmuunt of the+um+�ecured im- <br /> mediately Ix:fore the taking,unlexs Burrowcr anJ Ixnikr uther�v��c:�gror m arnin�or unl�.r.applicablc law•�whcrwis�pro- <br /> ` y vides. Ihe pracceds shall lx applicd tu�hr+um,.crurcd by th��Sccunq• In,trwncm w lxthcr ur not thc ,um��re then due. <br /> � If the Property is aband�mcd h�• Barmwcr. ��r il, af'ter mKicr h� Lcnder a� Barmwcr th•rt�hr r��nJrmni��uftcrs to <br /> � malce an awurd or settle a rlaim fcr Jumugc.. Barruwer fa�h tu rc.pmd tu LenJrr w i�hin 30 Jay.utter thc datr the noticc <br /> ? ; ' is given, Ixnder is nuthorized to cullcrt unJ��pply the pnx��cd.,at u�upt�uu,crthrr�o rc,t�rauun ur reprir ul thc Pri�pertJ� <br /> � or to the sums secured by Ihis Securuy In�trumcnt. whe�her��r n�+t th�:n Jur. <br /> � Unless L.ender und Borrowcr uth�rwix agrce in wriun�Z, am rpphr:diuu uf pnkccJ� tu pnncipal .h•rll n��� rxtend <br /> , or postpune thc duc dutc of th�manthly p:�ymrnt:�rrtrrrrd ta m prru�ruph. 1 anJ�ur.han�;r d�r amuunt uf wch paymcntti. <br /> I1. Bor�nwrr Not Reles�srd; MurlKaronre H� I.ender M1c►1 u N'ai�er. Eticn.i�m ,�1 thc tiroc far puymem or <br /> ' maliticatian of amonizuti�m uf the�um.�ecurcJ h�thiti hcur�t) Invtrununt�!ran1�J h�Lcnder Iu any wrrr+���r in u:trrr�t <br /> , of Burrower yhall n��t opera�c tu relwac thc I�aMlity uf th�ungmul H��nuwrr ar H�,rruxrr', uncr��l. l.cnd�r <br /> � shall nd be reyuired to rommcnce pror�cJin�.a�eum.l any �u�crs�i�r in intrrc+t �ir relu.e lu rKlenJ unm lur pa�m�nt ur <br /> • otherwise modify umoriizuti��n��f the+um,+ecurcd hy�h�+Sc�urm Inyuum�nt b}•rca.un��i:my�kmanJ tnudc hy�hr��rigmal <br /> : Borrowcr or Bormwcr's�uccex�orr in intcrc�t. Any I��rtxuruncc b� l.cndcr in c«rci�m�,.�ny nght ar rcnuJy .hall nut hc <br /> a wuiver uf ur pre�lude the exerr�se ui any rign� i�r ic�ucuv. <br /> � 12. Successors and AssiKns Buund;Jolnt and tieverul LWbilit��;('��-�iRner�. �I'hr r�nenant�and agrccmrnt.of <br /> this Security In�trument�h�ll bmd anJ lx netit thr,uccrtiaur.anJ a��ign�uf Lrndrr anJ l3ur�����rr,,uh�rrt tu thr pravi,i�ms <br /> � of paragraph 17.Borruwer's covcn•rnt�and aFrcemrnh�hull tx�j��int and�r�cral. Any B�►rru��rr whi�r�+-�i�!m Ihi�tierunty <br /> Instrument bu�ducs not exccutc the Nute:la)i.r�,-.igning th�ti S�curuy Im�rumcnt onh h,murtgage,grant anJ�•umey that <br /> I Honower's interest in the Proprny unJer the[erm.��f this Securn� Imtrumcnt: ihi i+n��� Ekr.on:�ll� uhli�;a�rd to pa>• the <br /> sums secured hy�his Security Insin�ment:anJ 1r►agrec�thut LenJrr and am ��thcr H��rm�+•rr muy agrcr ia cxtcnd•m�x1i�Y• <br /> � forbearor make uny ucrnmm�xlations with regarJ���the t�rms ol'th��,tirrunty In+trun�rm�a�hr Kutr withuut th•rl Hurr��wrr'+ <br /> consent. ' <br /> I UIYC�ONA Itw.�/9l NEBRASKA Fo�m 3o2e e�90 r��x�•.3,�l t n�R��� <br /> � <br /> .., ,. <br /> � !I , <br /> Ft <br /> � — <br />