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<br /> payincnin m:iy no luri�;c�•Gc;r�yulrcd,�it�hc optiuii uf l.cudc�•, if niu����u�!c in;u��ancc covcraf�c(in t{ic auiuuut ;ind 9'ui•Uic�1.i•ind ;�''
<br /> Ihnl l,cncice rcyulres)peuvld:d by c�n insui�cr nnproved by I.cndcr n�;nin hccnmcs iwuilnlilc imd i�;obtainccl. Cinrriiwa�a�!�ali pay _.
<br /> thc prcmiums rcyuircd to m;►DUnin mortgagc insurnnca in cfPcct,or a�provictc n los5 resci�vc. uutll Ii�c rcquircmcnt for morl�;ngc
<br /> inr,urancc cnds h�accm�danrc�vith nny wriucn ngrccmcnt bctwecn qarrowcr nnd I.cndcr a�r nppifci�hlc Inw,
<br /> 9. Inspectlon. I.ender or its ngent muy m;�ke rcationnbic entrles upc�o und fntipec.ions of the Nru��rty. I+L'1llIC1'SI1IlII bIVC �
<br /> 6arrc��ver nuticc ut tl�c timc:c�f ur priur to nn in,pcclfim�;pctifying rcasanab�c cnusc Por Qtc In�,pcction.
<br /> .n �^::w�;:::_o���•H �•i,� nrnrnr,ic nf nny nwnrd or cluitn fur dunlugcs, dhccs u►• wuxqu�►eUul. in cuuucctlon �vitli anq ._
<br /> .... . _ ,...__.
<br /> condemnntion ar�tiicr t�king of m�y part of the Prc�pe��ry,nr for canveyuncc in licu uf cnndemnntiuu, :ue I►ercby nssigneU unp
<br /> shufl bc naid to l.cudcr.
<br /> In thc event of a tutal tc�king oF the Property,the�racceds shall be c►pplied to the sums secured by this Security(nsm►nzent, ;
<br /> �vlicther or not then due, a�:;� �ny excess paid to Barrower. In tl�e event of n p�irtiul tukin� of die Property in which the fnir
<br /> market vnlue uf►!ic Prope�rf imm�,diately bcfarc the tziking is equal to or grecttcr thun tho amowtt uf Ihe sum9 securcd by thfs
<br /> Securiry instn►mcnt immediately bcfore the tnking, unless norrowcr und I.cndcr uihcrwisc ugree in writing,the sums sccureJ by =
<br /> this Security Instrumcnt shull be rcduced by tl�e am�unt of the prac:c,�s:ds nwltiplled by tho following fr.►ctian: (a) the total --
<br /> ninount of tl�e sums securcd iinmcdintcly beforc thc tnking, divided by (b) thc fAir ma�•kct vuluc af tl�e Property intmediately
<br /> beforc the t�king. Any balancc nhall be pmid tu Borrawer. In the event�f u partiul tuking of the Property in wl�ich thc fair
<br /> markct vuluc of she Property immc.diately before the tstikin�is less than ti�e nmount af the swns securui immedintcly befare tiie
<br /> tnking, unless Nocrower aiid Lcnder uthc►wise agree in wrlting or unless appltcnble luw otherwisc providcs, the proceeds shull
<br /> be applied to thr,sums sccurcd by this Security Instrmnent whether or not the sums nre tlien duc.
<br /> if the Property is abandoned by Rorrower,or if, after notice by L.ender to Borrower that thc condeninor offers to muke nn
<br /> award or settle a claim for damages, Bonower fails to respand to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is siven,
<br /> Lendcr is nudiorized to collect and apply the pracccds, ut its option,either to restoration or repair of the Propeny or to the sums
<br /> secural by this Security Instrument,whether nr not then due.
<br /> Unless i.ender and Borrowcr mhcnvise ugree in writing, any upplicntion ef proceeds to principal shnll not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dAte of the monthly payments rcferred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 or change thc umount of such pAyments.
<br /> 11.Barrowcr Not Rcicasecl;Forbearsnce By Lender Not a Waiver.Extension af thc tiaie for payment or modiPicatian
<br /> of umortization of tlie sums secured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt granted by[.cnder to any succESSOr in i�iterest of Bonowcr shall �
<br /> u�ot oper�te to releasc tlic liability of the original Horrower or E3orrowcr's successors in interest. Lendsr shnl!not be required to
<br /> commence proceeclings against any sucecssor tn interest or refuse to extend¢ime for payment or otherwise modify t►morti2ation
<br /> �f ehe sums securcd bv this Securlty Instrumettt by relson of any demand ntade by thc original Honowcr or Bortawer's
<br /> successois in interest. Auy forbearance by i.ender in cxerctsing uny right or remcdy shall not�e u waiver of or preciude tne
<br /> exercise of uny right or t�r�+cdy.
<br /> lx. Succ�ssors snd Assigns Bomtd; Jo1n4 aral Several Liab11[ty; Co-signers. The covenants xnd agreemcnts of this
<br /> � Security [nsteument shall bind und bencfit the succcsson and assigns of L.cndcr and Borrower, subJcct fo thc provisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's cuvenants nnd agrecmcnts shall be joint and sevcrnl. Any IIorrower who co-signs this Socurity ;1
<br /> �nstrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrumeni only to mortgsge, grant and canvey thnt
<br /> Barrower's interest in the Prope�ty undcr the terms of this Securiry InstcumEnr, (b)is not personaUy obligqted to pay d�e sums '
<br /> secumd by this Security I�istrument;and(c)ngrees that I,ender nnd nny othcr Borrower may ngree to extend. madify,forbear or '
<br /> muke any nccommodations with regar�cn the terms uf this Security Instrument or the Note wtthout that Hormwer's consent.
<br /> . 13.I.oAn Cha.�ges. if tlie l�nace sec:::�.d by this Security lnstrument is subject to a lnw which sets maximum loan cl►argrs,
<br /> and thut law is finnlly icfterpreted so ti;s:the intei�est �r other loan charges callected or ta be collected in coiutectiun with the
<br /> loan exceed the permi::cJ!Ii:tt�its, then: (n)uny such lann charge shall be reduccd by the an�ount necessary to recluce the chargo
<br /> � to the[�ermitted limic; �ut (b)nny sums already callected fram Borrower which excecded permitted Iimits witl tn;refunded to
<br /> Borrowcs. �,c��der may efioose to make this refund by reducin� the prinefpal ow�d under the NotG or by muking n direct
<br /> paymcnt to 'f3orrowcr. If a rcfund .esxluces principal, thc rc�uction will bc tceutcd as a purtial prepayntent without .v�y
<br /> prc;payment char�e undcr dic Natc.
<br /> 14.Notfees. Any notice to Horrower provided for in tliis Security ir.strument shall be given by dcl9vering it or by mailin$
<br /> it by f rst ctuss wuil uidess appl'renble law requires usc af another methad.The notice slia!!be directec to the P���ny A�����s
<br /> or any other lddress Borruwer designntes by noticc to Lcndcr. Any notice to Lcnder shnll be given by first clnss mail to
<br /> L.cnder's uddress stated hcrcin or ahy othcr address Lendcr dasignates by noticc to Rorrower. .Any notice provfded for in this
<br /> Security Instrument shall be dccmed to have bc:c:n give»to Borrower or Lender wlien given us providcd tn this paragra�.�h.
<br /> 1S.Governing C.aw; Seve��abflity. Tliis Se�:rarity [nstrument shall be govcrncd by fedccal Inw and the law af the
<br /> Jurisdiction in which the�roperty is locat�d. In the evcnt tl�nt s�ny provision or clnus�of this Sccurity instnmient or the Note
<br /> conflicts with npplicable law, such conflict shall not affcct other pravisiuns of thia Security Instrt►ment or thc Notc which can be
<br /> ' given effr�ct witliout the conflicting provision. To tl�is end tiie provisions of tl�is Se�curity Instrument and the Note ar�declured
<br /> to bc sevcrnblc.
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.�orrower shall be given one conformed copy of thu Noto und of this Securiry Ir�strmnent.
<br /> Form 3028 915�U '
<br /> PeOu 4 of U
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