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<br /> r(JGgTH�'R�*JI'CN nll t6r,impruvements now oti�hereafter erected on the prop�rty, a.nd a��casements,nppunenanccs, a�i
<br /> I�
<br /> fixwrc� now or herenfter a part of the property. All rcplacements anJ ndditions sl�nll also bc covercJ Uy this Security I�:
<br /> Instcument.All of tlie forcgoing is refencd to in thts Sccurity Ins[rument as the"Peopsrty•"
<br /> BORROWER COV@IVANT�a th:it Borro�vcr is iawfufly sclsed of thc cstate I�ereby conveyeci and hus thc right to grant nnQ
<br /> canvey the Propeny nnd that�he Prapeny is unenc�+mbercd, exeept for encumbrunces of record. 8urrawer wnrrants n�►d will
<br /> defend genernlly thc title to elie Praperty nSninst all clnlms nnd demands,subject to any encumbrnnces of record. !I
<br /> TI11S 3�CURITY 1NSTRl�MGNT combines uniform covcnants for national use n�d non-uniform covcnunts with Umited
<br /> vnriatlons by�ur�spiction io wu5:3tatc W;:nifor:n�a!!;ry����trunicnt covcrirtg rcnl property.
<br /> UNIFORM CAVFNANTS. Dorrower nnd L.cnder covenant und ngrce us follows: �vtten duc the '
<br /> 1. Paymeut ot I'�incipal and Interest; Prc�aymc�et aarl l.utc Chxrgc.v. Borrower sholl promptly pay
<br /> principal of nnd inccrest on thc debt cvldcncal by thi Note nnJ miy prepnymcnt i►nd Intc cfiurgcs due undcr thc Notc.
<br /> 2, Fund9 for Taxes �nd�nsuranca SubJect to api�lict�hlc {nw i�r ta +�written waiver by l.ender, Bormvrer hhnll pny to
<br /> [.ci�dcr nr.thc day montlily payments urc duc unc!cr thc Notc,until thc Notc is pnld In full.n sum('Fwids`)for: (n)ycurly taxcs
<br /> nnJ nsscssmcnts Whic►�may uttain prtoriry ovcr thfs Sccurity instrumcnt ns u Ucn on thc Property�fb)Ycar�Y�ct+4chold pryyi»cnts
<br /> or�rnund rents mi tlic Pro�rty. if nny;(c)ycurly hu..urd a�'properiy insurancc prcntlunts;
<br /> (d)ycarly ilnnd Insurm�cc�rc�niums,
<br /> if any; (o)ycarly mortgugc insur�mcc prcinlums,if niry; nnd(� nnY �ums Payablc by Horrowcr to Lendcr, in nccarduncc with
<br /> the provisl��ns of pnrngrapi�8,i�n Ifcu of the P�un'ds�fn�a i nn ountenat to exceecl tlhe max mum+amnunt n lendcr�for n�federnlly
<br /> I,cndcr may, at nny timc, coUcct nnd hold
<br /> related mortgi�ge loan may require for Bonower's cse�ow account under the federnl Reul Estate Settlement Proceclures Act ot
<br /> 1974 ns umendcd from time tu¢iiiie, 12 U.S.C. Secciun ��t And hold Funds in n lamounttnot to exceccichte les crhu►�u�g
<br /> sets�t les,cr amount. If so. Lender may, ut any time, c
<br /> Lender may estfmnte the amount of Funds duc on the basis of current data nnd reasonuble estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> 8ssrow[tems or otherwisc in ac�ordancc with applicable Inw.
<br /> The Funds stinll be held in �n institution whose deposits nre insured by a fedcrai ngency, instrumcntality, or entity
<br /> (including Lender, if Lender�t char e�Borrowerfor hold ng and npply►g the�Fu dsnannuully a alyzing't e escraw�uc u�u tor '
<br /> I?scrow Itcros.Lendcr may n 8
<br /> vcrifying the Bscrow Itcros,unless L.cndcr pays 8onower irttcrest on the Funds and applia1ble law permits I.endcr to makc suc
<br /> a churge.Hnwever,Lender may rec�uire Bo�rower to pay a one-tt►ne charge for an independent re��l estate tax reporting service
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrcement is made or
<br /> app�icAb►c Inw requires interest toibe paid,^l..en�d�cPV�r'th tT nter�t huiltbe p id ontlicrFundsntl.cndcrr haliigi e t tBorr wer,
<br /> I3orrower ana i.,endcr�i�ay nbr".H�r •�:}tiaa, 4:_.._._.. �• � _--
<br /> witliout charge, an anmial uccounting of the Funds, showing credits and debics to the Punds and tiie purposc ior w���c���a��
<br /> debit to the Funds wns mnde.The Funds are pleclged as additional security for�1!;"m�i�a��nder ha l account o'Borrower
<br /> If thc Funds held by l.endcr excr.,cd the amounts pennitted to be hcld by pp
<br /> for the excess Funds in nccordance with the requirements of applicable lnw. If the amount of 6ie Funds held by Lender at nny
<br /> time is not sufficicnt to pny Qte Escrow Items when due,Lcndcr may so nodfy Borrowcr in writing,and,in such cnsc Borrower
<br /> shall pay to T.,ender the nmaunt necessary to muke up the deficienay. Borrower shalt make up ehe det"iciency in no more than
<br /> twelvc munthly payments.at Lcnder's solc discretion.
<br /> (Jpon payment in full of all sums sccured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrowcr any
<br /> Funds hcld by Lender.If,under paragraNh 21,x.endcr sliall acyuire nr sell the Property,Lender,prior to the scquisition or sule
<br /> of the Property, si�all npply any Funds held by Lcnder at the time of acquisition or sale ns a credit against thc aums sccured by
<br /> this Security Insinament.
<br /> 3.A�plication of Y'ayments. Unless uppltcable law provides othenvise, all payments rec.�ived by L.ender under pai�grap s
<br /> 1 anc12 sfial]6e applicd: first.to any prepnyment charges due under the Note;second.to amounts payable under�aragrnph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due;fourlh, to princtpal duc;and last,to nny Inte chlrges due und�r the Note.
<br /> 4.Charges;I.iens. Borcower shall pay all taxcs,assessments, ciiarges. fines and impositions attributablc to the ProExrty
<br /> which n�ay nttnin priority over this Security Instntmcnt, ancf Icasehold payments or ground rents, if any. �orrowcr shall pay
<br /> these obligntions in tha manncr provided in Naragraph 2,or if not paid in thut mam�cr.Borrowcr shall pay them on tirne dircctly
<br /> to the person owed paymcnt. Barruwer shall promptiy fu���laii ta Lcndcr al!notices of�mn�►nt�to be paid undcr this p�.ragruph.
<br /> If I3on.�.ver mukes thesc payments directly,tiorrower shall promptly fure�ish to I.endcr receipts evidencing tUe pay►nents.
<br /> Borrower sl�ali promptly dischnrge any licn which has priority ovcr this Security Instiumcnt unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> writing to thc paymcnt nf the obli�sation secursd by thc licn in a manner acceptable to L.endcr;(b)contests in�axl fattl�tlie lien
<br /> by, or defends agoinst cnfonement of the lien in, Iegiil proccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enfa•ccmcnt of tiic licn; or(c)setures from tlie holJcr of tlic lien an agrecment satisfactory to Lcnder subordinating thc licn to
<br /> this 5ccurity instn►ment.1f Lcnder detcrrr►ines ihat nny part of the 1'roperty +s subjcct to a lien which m�y att�in priarity uver
<br /> this Security instrument,Lendcr may givc Borro�ver a notice identifyVng th�lien. Borrower shall satisfy tlie lict�or takc onc or
<br /> more of thc nctions set focth ulwvc witl�in lU dnys of thc giving of notice.
<br /> Form 3028 8190
<br /> Pe9a 1 0l 0
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