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<br /> �� ; y�_ i,�r, .�• .• , — —
<br /> „�,�,.,� ' •� ' pc�xl�ihul I.cMJcr nyuircv. Tlx in�uni�x�curricr prnviJing Ihr in�uruncc yhull he rh��kn hy B��rrowrr�ubjcct tu l.cncler± ��:.:;.���-;',�
<br /> —��''�'-� �°�' upprovol which shull not Ix unreu�onuhly wiihhclJ. li'HoROwcr fuik iu muintain covcrugr dc�c�ilx:J uMwc,l.rnder moy,ut �_—
<br /> v� - � . � Lenderb aptiun.obtuin roveruge 1�►protcr�l.eMl�rw righi�in ihr Pra�ny in uccnr�luncr wilh purugruph 7. �,-�;,;.:�.._
<br /> All in�urunee�x�licir�and r�n�H�ulr+hull hc u�r�p�uble lu Lender und.hull include u.�undurd mongupr cluu+e. Lendrr �,�w_-
<br /> '�� • ° ' , whnll huvc ihe righ�a�huld the p�,licic.unJ mnewul,. U'LcnJer reyuirex. Horr��a•cr,hull p�umpUy�!ivr�o l.ender ull rccciptti �:�.;.�.�,--
<br /> i►t'p�id premium�und mnewul nmice+. In theevem uf lu++.Butrower shull givc prompt notirc la�hr in*urmue currfcr and �`���""
<br /> ,e-�..iar�,,.n.,��� ;. , ==;
<br /> "� --- . , l.endec I_�nJer�nay makc pnK�f of In..il ncx mude prompUy by H�►rrowrr. s �• � . _
<br /> — Z� • �.�- • Unlc.+l.cnder onJ Borruwcr�qhrnvi�.c ug�cc in wrUing.intiuruncr pnkcrds xhull Ix uppli�d w r�.iurutiun ur r�pair ut' �z, _ -
<br /> � ,�.J Ihe Prcqxny Jamagcd, if�hr rc,w�u�ion nr rcpufr i�: ecunomicully feu,it+le unJ Lendcr: �ecuri�y i+ n�N Ir+�enrd, If thc -7��-g_
<br /> :� � • .. res�nru�ian or rcpair i.r nut ecun��micully feuhihlr nr Lender; tieruri�y wuuld hr Icx,encJ. �he imurunre p�iKCeJ,.hull be � °°_
<br /> �i:",�.�'.:_._.._
<br /> 1�,adn�.'.��k�'Lf��'P'T�?�`''
<br /> '- ° upplied w �he xumr +ecur�d by ihi�Securily In�lrumenl, whettxr or n��� thcn Jur, with uny exce�x p:�iJ ta Burrawcr. If , _
<br /> - " Bcttrower ubandanh the Pn��xny.or dix+ nnt unrwer wilhin 30 Juys u noticr i'rum Lender Ihui thc in+uruncr rurcicr hus , .
<br /> � • ' offcrcd io�cnle a cluim,then LenJer may colkc��hc in,urunce pr�x:ceJ,. Lrnder muy uu ihc pr�xceJ,io �epuir ar rr+lure � ,
<br /> ' � Ihr Pro�xny�►r�u pay�um��ecured by thi+ Securily I��Iniment,whether or not then due. The 3U•duy�xri�xl will Ixgin when ;:. . ,-•,�u����_ '
<br /> �hc notkc i�given. ..�`s.,^���'•°' '
<br /> Unle.s Lender And Borrower othrrwi.r uF�re in wri�ing, uny uppliculiun of paw��rJ.t�►principnl �hull n��� cx�rnd�r ,,, ,.,,,
<br /> ' p.�stponc t6c dur dutc of the mon�hl� payrteent� referred t��in puragraphs !and'or rhungr�hr umount uf thc puymemx. If =• " -y�.�:
<br /> p' 8 P Ik Y N f, � ) I" p � �
<br /> � under rr� rn h 21 �hr Pru n i,ar uirc•.1 h• Lender. Burra��•er�n�ht to an• iu,ur.�nrc �licie. :ind rexerdti rc.ultin� =xs:.,, ��:,��*�ry:.;;:;;
<br /> . from damuge�o the Pra�rty prior to�hr acyuis�tion .fudl�u..tu Lendrr a��hr extcm ot'1hr.um,.crured hy Ihi,Securit� ;�.�, .�.;,��;:'�i�f i�f�,,e_
<br /> ..,�,..!
<br /> ._ a.,.��,, ,���4r, . --
<br /> . Inximn�ent immediatcly prior lo thr aryui.itiun. . .:t�lt�.��;iV.�r�
<br /> . b. Occupancy� P�e,servatlon, Maintenance and ProtectMn oP the Propertv: Barrower s l,ouo AppNcatiun; o_,�r�.,,:,�.-
<br /> � -' Laa+rheldk Borcowcr tihall ckcupy.rxtaMlish,and u.e�he Prnpeny a,Born�wer�princip+d re.idenrc wiihin.ixtv duyy uRcr �--==
<br /> �he eaecutiun nf Ihi�Scrurity In�lrumenl a�d�h�ll rantinue to cxcupy the Pa��xny ati Borri�wrr:principal rrxidence for n� � ,. _� �
<br /> .. leuu ane yeur atier �he duk of occupuncy. unle�s Lender ahen�•i.r ugreex in writin�, which ronscnt +hull not ik ,�i s1::7 � '�'��:�. �
<br /> unrei►tianuhly withhelJ.or unles,ex�enualinE circumstune�.�xi,l which uR txyi►nd N��R�wrr:cmural. Be�rrowrr rhall nat •,� � ,;1.�"k�!��'
<br /> • � deslmy,dumuge or impuir thc Pro�xny.uUow Ihe Property tu Jeteriorutc.or commi�wus�r�m the Prupeny. Borrower tihull .;�,;,,_, : _-°s�
<br /> '�•„�� bc in default if any forfeimrc s►c�iun or pruceeding,whether civ il or criminul,i�tx�Eun thu�in Lender:gaxf f'uilh judgmrnt •: •��- • =���
<br /> � • could rcxult in forfciturc ot'�hc Pr�ry�rny �x othcnvi,c mu�criully impuir thc lien crcalcd by �his 5rcurity In.trumrni ur .:r���'�"..+•. „—_
<br /> °�° Lend�rz security interest. NoRC�wer muy rure,uch u aki'uul�•rn�i rein+�otr.u�provided in purugraph I K,by cuu.ing�he uciion 'r;r,;r:;--'� �
<br /> �,,:.�:::...�_
<br /> ' �.r�r�.rceding lo hc di,mi.Kd wi�h+i nilin� �hai. in L.rnJcr:Fixx1 fuith de�ern�inution.prccludes forfei�urr of�hc B�xruwer ti ti�,..f,y;�—�
<br /> " : interesi in thc Pn�peny ur othcr ma�criul impri rment of Ux lien crcu�ed by thi+ Scruriry In�tNmcnt ix Lendrr�,rrurity °_•,;�•�'�
<br /> intcre�l. Borrowcr ,hull ul.o h� in default i1' &�rr�,wcr. during �hc I�iun upplirution prcxr,.. guvu m:ucriully ful,c ur �.1�=,:„ r .
<br /> inuccur��e infannution nr�wtement,i��Len�ler lur(aileJ to prov ide L.�ncicr with any mutcriul intiirniutian 1 in connrciinn with ;t"" ;�
<br /> .., c�;•,.' .,.
<br /> �he loun �vidrnced hy �hr Note. including.but not limited tu. repR.�ntulion, rnn�eminE Burrower:�xcupuncy ul'Ihe �;,. �� ; �;
<br /> "—'-"- Propeny u+u pnncipul Rtiidrnre. h ihi��ecunrv fns[rumrm i.un u ie.,,rliolJ.BunuW�i+hrlt rs�mpl��.ish:s!!the provi�iom � '
<br /> • of�hr ku�e. If Borcowcr acyuire�tce tiUe tu Ihe Pm�xny.the IeuxcholJ und thc fec title,hull not merge unless Lendcr ugrce� .�;�j� -
<br /> • ' : tci ihe merger in writing. � �;;�' " .
<br /> '�� '�', 7. Proteclian oP I.ender's RiRhts in thr Property. 11' Borro�vrr fuil. w �xrtiirni thr ruvenunt� •rnJ s�gRCmcnt+
<br /> � conluined in Ihiz Securily Intitrument, or thcre i�u Iegul pn►ccrding thut muy ,igniticand�• :dl'ect LrnJrr� righ�. in Ihr
<br /> � Prc�eny l�uch u.u pr�xeeding in hankruptcy.proha�e.kx r��id�mnn�ion or ti�rtii�urc�►�tu rnli►rrc luw�or r�pulatiim,�.thcn :.:+�.:_..• ��
<br /> " Lendcr muy dn and pay ti�r whutrver i,nece.+ury���protcrt�he vnluc ul'ihc Pro�xny unJ l.enJrr i righl+ in�hr 1'mFxny. --�•
<br /> • LenJer's uction+may inrlude paying uny.umti tiecurcd by a lirn whirl►hu+priuriry ovcr Ihi+Srcurity ImuY�ment. ap�xuring ,.,.:;
<br /> in coun,paying rcuwnaBlr auurney.'tec. and cruering�m�he Prop�ny to muke n�puirti. Al�houEh Lender muy tukc uclion -, '���
<br /> under�hi�paru�ruph 7.Lender dixti nol huvr lo clu�o. ;>��:
<br /> ' Any amoun�,Ji.hur.cJ hy Lcndcr undcr thi+ruraera��li 7.hall Ixcumr udditionul dchl ol'I3urn�wcr�ccureJ ny thi� �r`,•;'�!^�'�:=,.�-
<br /> 5ccurity Imlrument. Unlc�.Born►w�r:md LcnJura�rre tu�Nhcr Irnn,ul'paymrnt.Ihr�c umounts�hull Ixur intrrc.l(rum 1hr , , • �' `_-
<br /> ,. , . da�e uf Ji+bur.cmcnt at thc Nulc ratr and tihall Ix p.�yablr.N•ith iiucre.t.u�wm nuticc Irotn Lrixlcr to Horn�wcr rcyuc.ting :�„-�'
<br /> ..r�:�-
<br /> puymcm. � ,_—��`
<br /> !i. MortsoRe Insurimee. II Lu�xles requircd mu�•tgiiEc in,urmrc a. a conJilian uf ma6in� 1hr luan.ecured hy Ihi. : `��,•,�_
<br /> Securily Inxtrumenl. Horrnwer ,hall pay�he pr�miunu reyuircd w mainuiin thr mort�iigr in.urance in ef'1cct. II',tix uny ,,, :,�___
<br /> � reu�an, thr monEugr in,urarnr cuvrraE. rcyuircJ hy l.enJcr lap.e. �,r rr.��r, tu Ix in rt'tccl. Rurru��rr .hall puy thr =_ �
<br /> � prcmiums rcquimd to ohtain ruvrri�r ,uh+laiitiall�• cyui��;drn� to Ihr monga�:r in.uranrc prrviuu.ly in ct'I'ccl. al a ru�l '�;�_�
<br /> ' " L�..
<br /> .. • �uhw�antiully cyuivalcn� to ihc co,�ui BurruN�•r �d th�morlga�r in�uranrc prrviuusly in�flirt.from an allc�nal� ntorl�!a�e • _- -
<br /> insurer a ri►ved b Lender. If.uh.tantinl I}•c ui�alrm nu�n�a�e in.uranrc ruvrra�r i.n��l av:iiluNlr.Borru�ver,hall pay�o ►,. :•, •S'-
<br /> Pp Y 4 6 � 1- . . ..���—._..��
<br /> � � LeMlereurh manth u,um equul tu onc-iN�•Ifth��fih��carly nturl�:c��:r in,urancr pnmiunt Ixing paid h}•13i�rcna•cr N•hrn tltr ..
<br /> , . inyurancr covcra��(i�p.ed or cr:i,rd��i tx i n elfrri. L.ender��ill :ircept.u,e anJ ntuin Ihru p:i�•ment.ar u k�•,rc+rrve in licu _ ;��'.{�s�r:.
<br /> c�f morlFugc intiurancr. L�►�.rc,rr��c nayttnm� ma> n�� lungcr Ik reyuircJ.a� �hr a��tion ot Lrixlrr. il'm��ngugr imurancr ,:�s:�
<br /> roveruge lin the;►muum unJ Ii�r the prri�Kl iha� Lcmirr r�yuir�.�pruvidrJ h� :m in.urrr;ippnwrJ M•Lcndrr again Ikrumr.
<br /> �.. uvailaMe und i.i�htuined.Burro��cr.hall pu}Ih�premium,iiyuirrd lo maintain moitgacr m,uiaiu�in et7rrl.or 1��priicidc a �
<br /> lu.,rcscrvc.umil�hr rryuirrm�nt fur mun�:aEr in•in•unrc rnd, m accorduncc�vith:u»��riucn+��rcrnxni txturrn Narnn+rr ;
<br /> ' und Lcndrr or uppliraMe lua•.
<br /> � 9. Inkperlion. Lrndrr ur i1�agenl m;n rnal,r n:�,�wahle rntrir. iqxqi ;md m.prrtiun.�,1 Ihr Pru�x�ly. l.�nJrr,hall •
<br /> .' givc Bnrru�vcr nolicc a�Ihr Iim:�d'ur�n„r In:o�m.�uctiun•�ki il'�in�rca.�maMr r.iu.r tiir Ihc in+�xrtiun.
<br /> ;� lU. ('undemnation. 'fhc pr�x•rr�l,��t:m� ,marJ rn rl.mn I��r d:mr��r..dirrr�ur rnn.r��u��nlial.in.•unn.�rlion��i1h am
<br /> tim.�l.•I:m�d� �Frnnir\I:itFreddle\luc1111•1)R�II\�Ikl\ll�.\1 Ind�,�mt',,..•n,mi, 4911 ���,�c� ?�,f•�r��:•�•• , '
<br /> ��•.q I,J�,Hmm�,.l,uu, h. � � .
<br /> I.����w.�all Nw�FSUNr.t�n h\S��Ir�T��l�ll.11
<br /> �
<br /> � �
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> �_ , _
<br />