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<br /> ;;.�.�Y M�. �...�� TOGETtIER WITH ull the improvemenl.niiw ar hereufter erected��n the propeny,nncl aU ea+rmcnl.,uppunrnunces, �:.—._--y_
<br /> ':•i'.••, •� � • and fixwres naw ar hereuftcr�pnn of thc pmpcny. All nplucemcnt�unJ uiktf�iam�hull olsi�hr cmcrcd My this Securlly
<br /> .: . t.-.�.,,,���: Instnrmenl. All of the foregoing is�efemed ta in Ihix Security In+trurncm u�Ihc"Pro�x:ny." ----
<br /> �, ..
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thut B��rrowc�is luwfully yci,cd of Ihc c.tu�c hcrchy runvcycd und ha+ Ihc righ�w grunt -- _
<br /> �_ `_�°,.�: . f, und wnvey the Property uod Iha�the Praperly is unrncumbcred,ezccpt f��rrnrumbruncc.nl'rcrard. Runnwcr wurruntr und —�
<br /> • , will defend generally the title ta the Property Aguinst all claima and demund+,.uhjec��o uny encumhrunces��f recurJ. . �____
<br /> F. . . .... .� ._.
<br /> �,__;;.�,�.=:r-'�.�,.—
<br /> ' - �• �- THIS SECURITY INSTRUM�NT combinc. uniform covcnants far ra�iunnl u+c imd non•unifnnn covenums wi�h I__•- _ ..__,�_�
<br /> , � ° ' " ' limiied vnriations by judsdiction to conr�tflute A uniform tiecurity in�trum�nt covering reul property. ¢.=—_
<br /> • • � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowe�und Lendcr cmenant and ugrec us fullawx: �`'—
<br /> ��•-..
<br /> - 1. Poyment oP Princlp�l and[nleresl;Prepaymenl and I.ate Char�ex. Borrowcr tihull promptly pay whrn duc the �„i.--_.
<br /> - ' , principal af and interest on the debt evidenced by�he Notc und uny prepnyment and lutc rhorgex due under thc No1e. r,;:r_,==__
<br /> � :, F�nds for 71�xes pnd In4urance. Subject to applicable law or to u written wuivrr by Lender.Sarrawer shull puy to
<br /> ;: cJ
<br /> Leader on�he day momhly payments are duc under the Nute,until thc Nme i+puid in full,u�um 1"FunJs"1 for:(ul y�ar�y �_.;,..r•"—
<br /> � �� , taxes und assessments which muy a��uin priority over ihig Securiry Insuument as u lirn un Ux Pruprh7:fbt yearly Iratichald c---= --.
<br /> payments or ground rents on Ihe Propeny, ii' Any; Ic) yearh• hazurd or propeny in�urance premium�; fdl yrurly iluod � ; �-�_
<br /> �;�� '`'�:� �nxurunc�premiums, if any; (e1 ye�uly mongage inwronce premiums. if any: und (P► any sums puyable by Borrawer w .� �`
<br /> ` �� � �`�.�`•`''..- Lender, in accordonce with the provision�of puragraph 8,in liru uf the paymenl of monga�c insurance premium.r•. 'fheu ,
<br />- , -•�b �,`�;'1,�.. - '��:�'� " .;.. ..�..-.
<br /> '�:��a .•'� . items are enlled"Escrow Items. Lender muy,at any�ime,colkct nnd hald Funds in an umoum not to exceeJ the muximum ,,__
<br /> ' ,,�t �;.� . .,.. -' ,:.,;..,..:��.,
<br /> �k ,!��,, , ; : , s�mount a lender ior u federally reluted mongage loam m�y reyui�e for Bortowerk escrow nccaunt unJ��the fedeml Real . _r.`u
<br /> t;�J;,;�. �. 6s�ate Sed lement P roce durex Ac t o f 1 9 7 4 as u m e n d e d f r o m t i m e l o t i m e. 1 2 U.S.C.�3G(11 er sr y.("RESPA"),unles,unother Nc'_r:�---
<br /> law that applies ta Ihe Funds sets u lestier umoum. If u�.Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Fund+in un umount not to _
<br /> .•e
<br /> � exceed the Iesser amount. l.ender may e.timule thc amount of Funds dur an �hc basis oi currenl duta and reuwnc+ble ���=
<br /> �'' � estimates of expendiwms oi futurc�scrow ltems or othenvise in accordunce with applicuble luw. r ��--
<br /> • Thc Funds shull be held in un institution who�c deposits are insured by a federal agency, inctrumentulity. or entiry ,��;;;,, -
<br /> sc
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fedcrul Home l.oun BAnk. Lendcr shall upply thc Fundti to puy ;•: 4:�Y�
<br /> the Escrow Items. I.ender muy not charge Barrower for holding and upptying Ihe Fu�xi�, annuully analyr.ing the ercrow •i:1�:t�;:—
<br /> • accaunt, or verifying the Ezcmw I�ems, unless Lender pays Borcower interest on the FunJs unJ applicable luw pertnits "�}=',F�;Y;;'t���:�"
<br />' Lender to muke ;ach a chorge. Huwever.Lender muy rcyuire Borrower to p•ry n one-time churge for an independent real ti�, ,{�°��
<br /> w estute tax reparling service used by l.endcr in conneclian with this loun,unless upplicablc Inw pmvidex otherwise. Unless un �.;':�"-'�
<br />" sfgreement is mudc or applicuble luw requires interest to bc puid,Lendcr shall not be rc uircd to a Borrowcr nn iatere��ar ��'`�k�����'����
<br /> q P Y Y ...�,. .,•r�:u,i..�:
<br /> earnings on thc FunJs. Borrower und Lendcr may ugrce in writing,hawever,thut intcre�t shull be paid on the Fund+. Lendcr ��7�;%tt�••
<br /> ' shall give to Borrower,wilhout charge,un unnuul accoun�ing of thc Funds,showing credilz�nd debits�o the Funds and the �:%�•���i�i•�"'�:
<br /> purpose for which cuch debil to the Funds was mude. The Funds are pledged as udditional security far all 4umti s�cured by ,�t',;;-"�°s"-°
<br />— - _ —-- = this Security insirumrut. :�"'�� '�i�
<br /> lf the Funds held by Lender exceed the umounts permilted to be held by upplicable law, Lender.rhall uccount to �,' �';�,�#�:��� .
<br /> .• �,� Borrower for the excess Funds in accordancc wilh thc reyuirement�of upplicable luw. If the umoun�of the Funds held by . -�,�. ,�;��
<br /> • Lender at uny limc is not cuffiricm to puy�he Escrow Ilcros whcn duc,Lendcr muy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in k"X,.:'x•�:':
<br /> .:,...„.,� . .
<br /> �� such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the umoun� necesxary to muke up the deficiency. Bormwer shull make up thc ,__"it;�'.,,. .
<br /> det`iciency in no more�hAn twelve monthly paymenls.ut I.ender's,r•ole discretiun. ��..v .• �
<br /> ' Upon puyment in full of nll sums xecured by this Securiry Ins�rument, Lender shull promptly rcfund to Borrower any �.��.;;�;;,.•,���
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paruFruph 21.Lenckr shall urquire or tiell the Ptoperly.Lender,prior to Ihe acyuitiition or '���•''�'••"?��
<br /> sale of thc Propeny, shall upply any Fund,held hy Lender ut thc time of ucquixition or xulc as u credit oguinst the sums �.,:��•,..r-.= `i�
<br /> secuied by this Security Ins�rument.
<br /> 3. Appliealion of Payments. Unles� upplicable luw providex othenvise, ull puyments received by Lender under •. :•�,
<br /> puragraphs 1 und 2 shall bc applied:fir,t,w uny prcpaymem chargc.Juc undcr thc Nute;second,lo umoums payuble under _.�.;
<br /> � , paragrAph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal Jur,und la+t.�o uny latc churgeti due under the Nate. "..oq�p;-
<br /> 4. Charges; Llens. Bonower shall puy all �axe,, a,sc+srneniti,churges, fines und impositionx uttributable to the r ��o-„
<br /> Property which muy auain priority over this Securiry In+tnimcnt,und Icuu�hold puyment.or bround renls,if vny. Borrower W__�
<br /> � shall pay Ihesc ubligatiom in thc ros►nncr providcd in parugraph?,or if not paid in thut manncr.Burrowcr shull pay them an • ',���_�.
<br /> � time dircclly lo the pcnon owcd p•ryment. Born�wrr xhall prc►m�tly fumixh to Lendcr all n��ticez of umounts ta be paid under --� ,, _
<br /> .. �hi,paragruph. If Borrower mukes thcse puymrntti direcUy. Bcxrower .hull promp�ly fumi,h la Lender receipts evidencing ` -
<br /> ' the payments. � .,��•s
<br /> Barrower sh•rll prompdy dixcharge uny lirn whirh ha�prioriry�wer�hi�Srcurity In.Irumcnt unless Bortower:(ul ugrees �;,�,t,�,._
<br /> in writing to the puymrnt ol'the i�hligution,crurcd by thr lirn in a mann�r ucreptable to Lrndrr.(bl cunlest�in tiaxl fstith Ihe �$:_�_
<br /> � ' ,, licn by,or defcnds ugainst enforrement of thc licn in.IrFal pr�xcedings whirh in thr l.c�xlrr;opinion c►perule to prevent thc : ��'�`
<br /> • " � enfarcement of the lien; or lc)secures Frum th�holdcr of Ihr lien un u�rccment ,•rtisl'actury tu Lrndrr sutxirdinu�ing the lien E .
<br /> � to this Securiry Inxtrumem. lf L.ender drtemiine�tha� uny pan of�he ProE►erty i.+uhjrc�tn a lirn which may auain priority ;
<br /> over this Security Inatrur�xnl,Lendcr muy givc Borruwcr a notice iikmifying ihr lien. H��ROwcr shall sa�i+fy the lirn or�akc k .
<br /> one ar morc of the uclion�+et 1'orth alxwr within N►duy�of thr giving��t'notirc.
<br /> , 5. HazA�d or Property Insurunce. Borru�►�rr�hall hcrp Ihc impruvcmcnt�nuw cxiti�inE ur h�rcuttcr rrcctcJ on thc j•
<br /> � Prop�ny inyured against lo+s hy fire.h;�ard,inrludrd wiUiin Ihr Irmi"rxlrnded covcra�!e' anJ any uther hatard�.inrluding �
<br /> flaads or flcwdinF, for which Lend�r rcyuirc. in.urancc. Thi� in+urarKC .hall Ix mainr.�ined in thr arnount. und i'or the I
<br /> ' �. .
<br /> Fb►m M121i 9i9Y iry�¢r 1��/��/ti�R��l ,
<br /> 1
<br /> 1 �
<br /> . � � _
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