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Borr<�wcr und Lender furthcr covensun und u�rec uti followti: <br /> -�r�� ""'u�•�.�'� 1�, �oreclarure Prucedure, If Lcndcr rcquire�immediutc puymcnt in fu undcr parugruph y,LenJrr muy invokc thc j <br /> — - �� pc�wcr of Kalc und any olhcrremcdicypermiltcd by applicahlc law. Lcndcr xhull hc entiticd io collrrt all expcu�c�incurrcd �:--���-�--�=--==� <br /> -,.G � �r=��:K• in pur�uing the remedicx provided in�bi.�prrugrnph 17.including.hut na IimitcJ�o,rcuz�mahtc auomcyx'1'ces und co+�x of <br /> ?g t"ki, ' �_-— <br /> ��.�" �' `� � Ihlc evfdcncc. <br /> -���� •�"'�`�` • It Ihe power ot�wle i�invoked,'IYustee shall�ecord u noUce oP dePAUlt in each caunty in which any part uP the <br /> ---��.�+ij��:;�° �' PropeMy is lacaled pnd shall mwil copfes of surh notice in the manner pre�ribed by applicable luw to Burrawer und <br /> .. p. , .�;��. � lk 7Yustee shpll Ive -.—._- — <br /> --- �i7 , ta ihe other perronx prescribed by�ppIicaWe IAw Ai�er the time oeyuired by App uble IAw, ----•- <br /> • ���'-L"• : public nWice of sale to the perrona and in Ihe mAnner preiscribed by applic�ble luw. 7Yu�tee. withant deman�an _____�__ _—. <br /> --�i+�i�i+a:�� ., . Borrower.Ahall scll lhe PropeM at public s�uction to tfse highe.t bidder ut the time and pluce und uoder Ihe lerms r--.-�--=-_________ <br /> •;;{'��',;;��!"'���� d�slQnpted in Ihe notice uf ssde�n ane or more parcels and in s►ny order 7ti-ugtee determine9. Tru�tee mpy pugtpone ___ _ <br /> r+a tq o f A l l o r a n y p a r c e l u f t 6 e Pra p ert y b y p ubllc annnuncement al the lime�nd place nf uny previously xcheduled N <br /> ' r��,: � ;; 4._e. iwld, �nder ar i�g designee mvy purchase the Praperly A1 any sale. `��.�r,�,_,�„ <br />� __ . _ „ . Upon receipt of payment of lhe Price bid.7Fustee�hall deUver to tbe purchaser Ti�ustee'�+deed canveyin�the � <br /> x : ����� property. The recitafs in Ihe 7Yu9tee s deed shall be primu facie evidence af t�ulh of Ihe statemen�v made Iherein. `� <br /> ,�•�=-���. .„fi?_. 71ru�lee shnll apply the prceeedA oP Ihe sale in the tollowins orde�: Ia1 to all casls s�nd expenties uf ezerciginR Ihe p� v <br /> r Qi.�.�u.�r� <br /> pmver of sule.and the sale,including the paymenl of the'llrustee'4 fees actually incurred.nol ta exceed f i Ve /� �,.�;�:.�r <br /> � "' � ot.Ihe p�iodpal amount of the note al the lime of the declarution of'default.und reas�nable alturncyg' Pees as ���,.•��ry„�.:;,� <br /> ° ' permilted b law: Ibl ta �II sums.recured by thk Secarity Inalrumenh and Ic)any exceRV lo Ihe perron or pe�ans ���� = <br /> f� , Inkallv enlit�ed to it �=- -__-- <br /> � • �• 1!{. Reconveyaace. Upun puyment oC all zumx securcd hy thiti Securily Instrumen�,Lcnder+hall r�•yuc.t.'IYu�tec ta �����,_ <br /> � n.h•unvcy the Prop�:hy und sht�ll suRender thix Security Instrumenl uixi all notes evidencing Jeb1 securcd by tlu.Securiry ���LL_V__ o <br /> � In>,trument to'li�uw�ee, 'Ii'ua�ec+hsdl rcccx�vey�hr Praperty withoul wumanly unJ witlxiut chu�ge lo the �xn�on or persons ��:.,.,,;,:° <br /> � ;;;�:1`'�?�" lugully enti�led Ia it. Such perxon or per,on.�hull puy uny�ecnrdaiion cmts. �;_r°;_:i_. <br />�j° _- :; ;•,' 19. Subslitute 7Yustee. l.ender,u�i�s aption,muy from time to time rcm�we Trustce und uppoint u succe�xor truuce - _ <br /> tu nny 7�us�ec up�x►imed hercuncler hy an imtrument recurded in Ihr cc�imy in which ihi�Security Im�rument is recorded. ','_ <br /> , • o \Vithoul canveyanrc of the Propeny,the xucre.r•sor trustee shull succeed to ull Ihe tille, p�wrr anJ duties conferred upon �,�r«�.. <br /> . •.M�'�._ _—__. <br /> ... ' ; 'tYuslec hcrcin und by upp�licuhlc I•rw. -- <br /> : 0 20. Requcsl fnr Nolices. Borcowcr reyucsl+thul copics of the nutices oi default and sule be sem ta Sarrowerk ;;,�_ �� <br /> ' addrer�x which is thc Praperty Address. �1`' - <br /> . " " ° „ E�'��*.�".�'�� <br /> Riders to Ihis Security In!�trument. 11'one or morc ridery urc cxcrulrJ by Borrowcr und recorded togcther wilh Ihiti s�v_�__:_ <br /> � Pp ��;. <br /> � � Securily Instrument,Ihe covenuntr i�f cuch such rider shall be incorporuted inlo und shall vmenJ and tiu lement the <br /> [�'��~:::=:•�._r: <br /> '� covcnunts und a�rccmcros of this Sccurity Inztrumcm us if tlx:riderixl wcrc in u pun uf Uiix Security Instrumern. ___-_ <br /> •'� �Check upplicublc buxlc.r•)I• . - - <br /> •1. -k:. <br /> '�S_ <br /> � �Condnminium Ridcr �Gruduutcd Puymcnt Ridcr �GrawingEquityRidcr �'���'�'°�^°"`. <br /> �1i�5,='. <br /> ,r. �w,t-:,:r <br />