( ':l}�..;�,�xt:l . . .'�j};}�I:?ni� �faZl. .A 511 ±+!�r�i"�l:�ia'?�i' 'l y'.;i5 'n;{�+ r ��i�7� •�, . . ,�;:;. . .., .;�i�:�_•.
<br /> i: ��t � r x ti � �=1•��' �w• �,�.� � ,r �
<br /> . ' � i4� 'YI�- � 'lj.' .Qt -� �� - �'•�, A �.�:{'j1:�F .s�. '°1�r• ... �-f -�iY sM��
<br /> I�L`� ..�.utYk.�i�5�.,.. '� ' ..�1 Y..�� YfS.�:cvr.�eLL� �• ��� .��____ _. , �-.iu"�' - "�":_�
<br /> YI� -� �� .�viass�} +�N�t��Ml1?!Y�},��'. i'.+'��h`}�����5'�J:i� i^:;�� 'r ro1.. �•.•••w.• .w.ran�.'Yt�a.��"wE[iM�lr-A�l'I�Yi111��. �.. -
<br /> ` U J ��p�!S?� �ld. • : ..it�.^ .� l�fN-{,j�1.. �Y}W
<br /> . I i.� v�y�rb���- „ 1"K�t;• .��, ..r ' 'ti� 4j�. _ �- .-
<br /> I' . r�;i�pt..�li��'�L1�y�-`,� t�y� �,y��y��l�^�{.,�� �. .
<br /> � . . ��34Z . .I�•�l��vt�it�'I�Y'iC{t5� _
<br /> .,. � V„ G'� ,i; ' �,... ' . ..... ., ! � ,+ —
<br /> ,�•._....,� . • •� .. � -a ..,-
<br /> .; <-�-.."�.
<br /> .... _�_• _ -
<br /> ;4� , � �2 � 1 U254q� =.._.�. -:�:,�:� -
<br /> + . �;,, „_ �,-_
<br /> �-�: .. __ _�.
<br /> m . . . ��Ji....�--�-—
<br /> _�.� payments,which ure refcrrcd to in P�rugruph 2,or chungc ihc umuunt uf+uch puymcnh. Any etcc�,rnx•crd+uvcr un ��+�;r-.�.�
<br /> ° �'. • amount rcquired ta pay ull oulstAnding indebtedneac undcr�hc Naic und thi�Securny In,lrumcnt�hull tx p�id tu Ihc enUty =_
<br /> " legally entitled thereto. _--�
<br /> S. Fees. l.ender may collecl fees and charges uuthonicd by the Scrrc�ury. +t,�s�ir.��
<br /> 9. Graunda Por AccelerAlion of DeM. "S'��
<br /> ' " " (a)Default. Lender may.except as limlted by reguluti�ms is+ucd by thr ticcrrtury in�hr cuu�ul paynu ui d.luuU.. �'.r.�� '
<br /> • require immediate pnyment infullof nll sums recured by thi.Seruri�y In.rlrumcnl it: �
<br /> . _ . (i)Bortower defaults by(uiling to puy in i'ull uny munihly paymem rcyui�cJ by Ihi�tirrunt�• h�.Irumcnt prinr ����������
<br /> . .,,.�..r,�-��-�
<br /> •� � ta or an the duc du�e of thc next momhly pnyment,or ���.�_'���
<br /> ��. .•` � � (ii)Borcower defauUs by fniling,for a period of�hiny duy�. 1n�xh'orm uny a�her uhliµuliunr rrnnuimJ in Ihi�
<br /> ,;.,: •� ; . Security Instrument.
<br />''" • ' � ' ' (b)Sale Withaut Credif Approval. Lender shall,if prrminrd by upplKUhlr luw und wilb Ihr priur uppmv,�)at thc
<br /> . Secretary,reyuire immediute payment in f ull of ull thc rumti ucur�d hy�hi.ticruri���In+�rumrnt�t:
<br /> • (i)All or part of thc Proper'ty.i�r u beneficiul intere+t in n tru�1 owning all ur part of Ux F'ru�K•ny. i�ti��kt nr �
<br /> � � . utherwise trumfeRed(othcr th•rn by dcvixc or desccnt►hy th�Nurrowr�.und , i
<br /> (ii)The Propeny is not acupied by Ihe purchu.er ix grunlec u+hi+or hrr prinripal rc+idence,��r�hr purch,�+cr �����: , :.,..,
<br /> „ " or grantee does so cxcupy the Property but hiti cx her credi� hu. nin F+een ,�����►�,�� ui ucr��rJarne .i` �,.`�y�;.�r '��` .-
<br /> • with the rcyuiromen�ti of iha Secrctury. �� •'
<br /> (e)No Walver. If circumstances acur ths�t would permi�l.rnJrr w requim immediute puynxnt in full, hul Lender
<br /> • �� dnes not reyuire such Puymc:mti, Lenderdcxx not waivc it.right+ with re+�x.t�o.ub.cyurm rvrni..
<br /> Idl Re�ulaUat�v af HUD Secret�y. In muny circum.tunc�s rcEulutiam i�wed hy thc Srcrcwry will limi�Lrndcr: i
<br /> ' � rights, in the case of payment defaults, to reyuirc imm��iiute Ewyment in full and ti�rccloxr ii' not paiJ. 'I'hi� `
<br /> Security Imtrwnen�docs not autlxrcizc ucccicrauon or forerlosure it nut permiurd hy rrgula�ion.�H'�he tiecrc�ury. 11 ���.
<br /> ' ►. ',.-�-�_.
<br /> le)Mort�age Not Insured. Bonowcr ugrces thut shoulJ�hi,Sc�uriry In.�rumrm►mJ thr notr.ccureJ dirrrh��nat � ,..�
<br /> ' be eligible for insurance under the NAtionul Housing Act wilhin 8 months fnx�i�he � '.W
<br /> dale hercof,Lendcr muy,ut ik uption und notwilh�lunJing anylhin�in N:�r��ruph').rcyuirc iomirdial�• p:�)nu•nl io ; �
<br /> ryi,
<br /> � full of all sum,secured b thiti Se�urity Inslrumcnt. A wrilten.iatcmcnl uf uny uuthoriird u�enl �►t�ihe tirrrc�ary � • �,•
<br /> dated subticNucnt ta � �nt�s fr�►rn thr datc hrrcof.dcrlininE lu in,ure ihi.tircuriiy ` `�
<br /> lnstrumcnt und the note secured thcrcby, shull he deemed corKlu�ivc pn„�f uf,urh inrligibility. NiWwuh.t:mdin� � _
<br /> the foregoing,Ihis option muy not tx exerci,eJ by LenJer whcn �he unarriluhilily of in,urvncc i��ulcly Jur lo �
<br /> ' l.ender:fuilure to remit u mongage intiurunce premium to ilx Srcrctury. , ,
<br /> • IQ. Relnstalement. Horrower hus a right t�be rem.tuted it'LrMl�r hu.rryuirud immrdiu�c paymrni in i'ull txc.�u,c _
<br /> of Horrowerk failure to pay un umount Jue undcr thc Nulc or thiti Security InAtn�ment. Thiti riEht a��licti cvrn aticr '�'
<br /> forecloxure proceedinFti i►rc institutcJ. To rcintitutc thc Srcuri�y Im�rumeni. H��rmu•cr �hull �rndcr in ,� lump +um ull � °c ,�
<br /> — — nmountK�reyuired to hnng dorrowcr'�uccuunt curnn� in�iudiii�;,�u tl�� r�tiut tltieg arc ifbligaii�in�+�t'liarri�u•rr under thi+ t —
<br /> Securiry Inxlrument, farcclosure cosis unJ rea�onuble unJ cu��omary uaum�y+'fec.anJ ex�xme,pra�xrly a.+�xiotrJ with �j
<br /> the foreclo�ure prc�ceeding. U�n rein��atemeni by B��R��wcr,Ihi,S«urity In.lnmient and Ihc ubligutiom�hut i� ueurrti { �;
<br /> shull remain in effect as if l.ender huJ na rec�uircJ imnxdiutr paymrnt in fu1L Iluw�ver,l.eader i.nut reyuirrJ to+xrn�ii f'
<br /> reins��tem¢nt iP: (i) l.ender has xccepteJ rcins�u�ement uftrr tl�r r�nnnunrcmcnl iil'ti�rrcluwre pnxcrding. wi�hm two { ; :
<br /> years immediately preceding the camnencement of �currcnl li�rerlc..urr pn�cecdin�. �ii� rcin.ta�rmrnt w•ill precluik ;
<br /> tim:closure an diffcrent praunds in �h� tuium.or �iiil rcin.�:n�mcni will advrr,cly ult'er��hc prionty of�hr licn rreateJ hy `� .
<br /> thi.r Securil•Invlrument. • ' �.
<br /> 11. �nrrower Not Releused; Farbeurunce b�� I.ender �ot u 1Volver. fsxtrn.iun ol'ihr timr ul puymcn� ��r � ,
<br /> mcxiificuiion��f amorti�ution of�hc sum.sccur��l b�•thi,Srruri��•In,�ru�ncrn�rarnrd hy Lrnikr ta:�ny.uccc„u�m mlcrr+l , '.
<br /> of Bnrrowrr shall nol operutr to rcicas�ilx liabiliiy ul'�hc ori�i�ud Hurrawrr�K Nun�uwcr:wrceti,ur in intcrc+t. LcnJ�r -
<br /> +hull not be rcyuired ta commcnc� pnxccdin�r agrm,i any,ucce..itt in intrrr�t ur rcl'u,c to ezicnJ limr ti�r pu)�ment��r _-
<br /> othcrwisc modif��umoniicnion ol' the tium� .�cured hy thi, ticcuriiy In.truimnl hy rcu,on ul':my Jcmand maJr by thc '. �
<br /> originul Bcirrower or Burrnwrr;,urcc+tiix.in•intcrc+t. Any furlxaranrr h� I.�nJ�r in rxrrri�in�;iny rigM or rcmedy�hsdl ; • ',
<br /> not be u w►�iv�r af��r prccludc thc cxcrci+�nf any ri�!M or rcmrdv.
<br /> 12. Succes.sors�und Assi�nti Bnund;,loint und tievcrol I.iubilit�•;('o•tii�;ncrs. l'hr r�wrniml.anJ u�;rccmrm,u(
<br /> this Security Imtrument,hall biM1 und Ixncl'it the wcrr..ur.and a,.i�!n�ul'Lrn�kr and H��rr�►wcr.wbj�rt lu Ihr pr�ivi.iun+
<br /> uf Purugraph 9.b. Barci�werk rnvenant�und •r�.recmrnts ,hall ix juini :mJ ,recraL An�• Rurrowrr a•ho co-tii�m Ihi+
<br /> Sccurity Inx�rumcni hut d�xs n�,t rxcrutc thc Ni►te. lal i�ca-�i�ning Ihi�tic�uril� In,Irumrnl unly lu munga�r.�runt anJ
<br /> runvcy that Bortowcr's intcrc�t in thc Pri�cny undcr�hc�cnn.of thi+lccurity In,irumrm:Ihi i,�H���xnanally ubh�ulcJ 1��
<br /> puy Ihc wm.,rcured hy thi.tircuriy 1 mirumrnt::�nJ Irl:i�:rrr,that L�ndrr and:m� ���hrr liurr��w.r may:i�rrr N►cx�rnd,
<br /> . nuKlif'y.forlxur ar m�kr imy uccommocJmion,wilh rrgard tu�hr�crni,.�I thi,ti�curit� In+trumrm or thc Nat�withuul that , _
<br /> Hurniwer's am.ent. ` , . . �^
<br /> !�. NMiees. Any noticr tu Naruwcr proviJ�d Ibr in thi.Srcurity In.�rument ,n:�u n� ,����„ny��i�.�r�o� i�or hy ; �-
<br /> roailing il hy fir+t clatiti mail unlc�,a}��IicaM�law� reyuirc. u�r uf:muihrr mrlh�xl. �1'hr nu�icc .hall tx dircctcd�o �h�
<br /> I'ro�xny A�kireti�or un� ���her�hldre�� Burro��er Jr�i�natr�h�• n��Uce Ici Lrnder. ,�m nunre lo LrnJ�r,hull tx given hy.
<br /> � fir,l rlan, mail ti� l.cndcr; ;iddre�+Htfted hcnin ur any :idJre„ Lrndcr Je.i�:natr, 1�� nunrr Iu HurmWrr. Any notice
<br /> �ttuviJeJ I�ur in Ihiti Srrurny hi,lrurnent �hall tx ilrenud U�h;wr hrrn giren u,Born,��cr�,r L�nJer"hrn}�i��rn a�pru�•�Jed
<br /> � m thi��r,rru�:r:iph.
<br /> 14. li���•crnin};I.u�r; tic�eruhllitv. 'I'hi. ticrurit} In,inimrnl .hall hr gu�crnrd h� I����Irral la�+ and ihr I:��� al ilm
<br /> �ori.d�c�iun in��hi�h Ihr Pro�xrty i,knutcd. In the rvrn� �h;u :my prrni.iun�u rlau,r��I thiti ticruril� (mlrumm�t ur IIk
<br /> Nulr runtlirt� wilh applicuhlc law.uich r��ntlirt ,h:ill nnl ailrr� o�hcr pnn i.i�m.��f Ihi. ticruni� In.tnunrnl ur thc f��H.
<br /> ��h�ch run Fx Niven rlle�t aithuut Ilx��wtllirnn�,pr��vi.i�m. 'li�Ihi.rn.t Ihe pnni,wn.�N �hi.ticrurn� Ir.�runt�nl anJ Ihe •
<br /> N�Hc nrr drel;�n�J t��M�r�rr:lhl�.
<br /> I4. Borrower's l'np►. liurn���cr ,h:ill hc�rven�mr�•unl��rmrd r����� „1 Ihi.tir.•un1} In.trumenl.
<br /> . 16. ,�+�i�;nment oP Rents. Burtu�e�r unc�mdili�,n;dl}•:�+,ipn,:inJ tr:m,trr.w l.endrr:dl Ihr rrnl.:mJ re�enuc,ut �lir
<br /> (4u�x•rty. Nurrnwer authurire,I.c�ukr a�rLrnder'.:igrnl.loc��llrrt Ihe r�nl.:mJ ir��nor.and hrnh�dinnc�ach Irn,int ut
<br /> Ihr Pnqx•ny i„ pay the rcnh io l.cnJrr ur Lrndrr'.;i�.cnl.. Ilo��e��rr. {xiur lu Lcndrr'.nourr a� t�urru�.cr��f Hnrt����er:
<br /> � hrrach�d amy ruv�nant ur agrcrmcrn in thr Srrurii�•In,ln�m�•nt.liorn»�rr.hall rullrr�:uid rcrrivr:dl�rnh:md rr�rnur.ul
<br /> � Ihr I'i�qk�tly n.Ini.trc tiir thr Fmnrtil��f Lrndrr unJ N�ttn����r. '1'hi,a,.i�:nnunl ol rcnl.r�m,litulc,an;ih.ulWr a..�gnmrul
<br /> ,md nul:m:i,.ipnmrnl ti�r addiuunal�rc•uril�-�ml}•.
<br /> • ��. ... �;��`rl�::::':: ::::�::: •-... .........
<br />� � 11 I.Cq�I���!i�•C�nuliCC trl i,rcacil lu iiu��u��ci. �ai.ui �cui.ic.cni ai i:: u.,Ti.,.,ii, . . .. .......... -
<br /> lui h.�nrlil ul I.rndrr�mly. w n� :�nni�.�d h►11x ,um. �crurcd h� ihc tirriirm In,IrumrnC �h► LrnJrr.h,dl I•r rnudrd w
<br /> ,nllr�1 nnJ icrr�vr:dl uf�Ihc rrnh ul'Ihc 1'ro�xn�•::rod Ic1��arh Icn;ml�,I thr I'n,prrt� .liall p:i� all rcm.dur and unp,ud i��
<br /> �.i•Ild�9 nl (.cnde���agrnl un I.enJrr'.wrillrn demand tuthr ICI1:IIlI.
<br /> li�m����ri h�i. nul r�cculrJ any��rior astii�nmrnl��f Ihr r�•nt, an�i ha. nul and �vill n��l ��ert�mn :im art �hut��uidd
<br /> pi�•�rnl I rndcr Irum rx�rri�in�.il� right.undrrlhi.!'uragr.�ph 16.
<br /> I �•udri tihull nul Ix myuireJ �acntcr up�m. lal�r c�mU��l ��f ur m:�im:nn thr 1'ruprit� fx•I��n ur:Htrr�:i�m�;nuu..� ut
<br /> lu�•,i�h lu 14un����cr. Ilu��rvrr.l.�ndcr or a judiciully appuinlcd recrivrr m:�� dn w cn :m� nme Ihcie �,:�hrca.h. Am
<br /> .�p�+lu,�hun ul�r�n. ,t�all n�q rurc.�tµ:+i�r,�ny drGwU nr im:ilid:dc:m� uthcr ril�hi ur rrmr�l� ��t Lrndrr. I'lu,.�..�Emnr�ii
<br /> nl�rnl��d Ihc Ih��prm .hall trnninmc whrn lix daM�ccurcJ b�•Ihr Sccunt� h�.trumrnt i.pa�J m lull
<br /> �
<br /> I i�wer!••►��n,¢;,i
<br /> I ,
<br /> �
<br />