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<br /> �I�y`i-'.._.
<br /> ..- �� ���•o ��:° �� �� perioda thal Lender reyuire�. The inxurance carricr providing Ihe imurunce�hull be chu.,en by Bom�wer subj�ct tu Lenderk �,��•�y._
<br /> °' •,r�ti�:- upproval which shull not be unrew:onubly withheld, If Barrower fuils to mointain covemge de.cribed above,Lendrr muy,at
<br /> �`_�_�-,...:..:_.._
<br /> ,.' Lenderk op�fon,obtofn caveroge�o protec�l�endcr+righ�c in the Pmpeny in uccordonce with pamgraph 7. ____,
<br /> ..� � . , �-.��, . �'`...,,
<br /> • h All insurance polici��and renewuls xholl tx;a:crptuhle�o Lrnder und ghAll include u wunJard monguge cluu�e. L.ender __
<br /> "" �� '' shnll have the right to hald the policiex and rencwuls. lf Lendcr reyui�cs.Bo�TOwer xhull pr<�mptly give to Lender ull receipts �^�--
<br /> .. ,. . of paid premium.r• �nd renewal nalice�. In t he evem o f losh, ponower,hall give prum pi nodce to ihe insur�nce currier und �__':"`---�--
<br /> ° .. ' Lendec Lender ms+y muke proof of loss if not made promptly by Born�wer. _
<br /> _r..� . Unlex�Lender nnd Bnm►wer othcrwise u�arce in writin¢,in�uruncc pnx:eeJs xhull be upplied io re,wration or rep•rir of �- -_ �- _ ;
<br /> ;: ;�..b:V�;sY;_= • Ihe Propeny domaged, if the rex�oratian o� repuir is econamKUlly feu+ibl� und LcnJer; .ecurily is n�x Iesrened. If the _
<br /> • ° rcs�ara�ian ar rcpair is not econamicully feasible ar Lender's,ecurity wauld he le.r•sened. �he inwurunce proceeds xhall be
<br /> upplied to�he sums secured by thic Security Insin�ment, whether or not�hen due,wi�h un c.xce�� ,�id a Borrower. If �''''""----
<br /> .� Y ' p' �c-----
<br /> �.�:. � � Borrower ubwxlons the Property,or daes nat unswer within 3U ds►ys u notice from l.ender�hut the insurnnce rarrier has �_;s:�:��- --
<br />�?� ° ° '! offered to senle u claim.�hen Lender muy�ollect�he in+urunre pra:eedti. Lender muy u�e the praeeds to repair ar resture ,�,._ -
<br /> �.,.,, . ° ��"-°�=--
<br /> ,,. , • , the PropeAy ur to pny;umx recurcd by Ihir Sctiurily Inatrumenl,whclher or not Ihen due. The 30-day period will begin when �
<br /> ' the notice i,given. �s
<br /> Unless Lende�and Borrower othenvixe agree in wri�ing,uny upplication of prceeed+to principul shall not extend or �'�'---====�-
<br /> =:1�A._z.r�=_.... --
<br /> " poslpone 1he due dAte af Ihe monthly pnyments referred to in paragrophr I und 2 or change the amount af the payment�c. If �c��r-r � ..._
<br /> � "' •.' under parag�aph 2 I thr Property is acquircd by Lender, Borrower'� ripM io nny insuruncc policies und praceeds resultinR =�
<br /> ., n , r3 ��w: from dnmAge ta�he Propeny prior to the urquitiition shall pu�x to Lender to the extent of the sumti secured hy this Securi�y �'"==""='�"°""
<br /> ' ; -� Insuument immedia�ely priur ta�he ucqui.itian. �w'+!s'��"
<br /> . . 6. Qccupaacy, Preservalion, Maiotenance and ProtecHon of the Property; Borrower's I.oan Application; �r.;r��__�_�.--
<br /> " Leaseholda Barrower shull a:cupy,e��ublitih,und u+e the Propeny us Borrawerk principul retiidence wi�hin sixry days nfter =.:�--_--
<br />• � � .� � the executian of this Securily In+trument And shull continuc ta occupy the Propeny as Borrawer's principal rcsidence for nt i�,;,-�:..'�_'�� __,__._—
<br /> � � � least one year after the dute of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which con�ent tihall not be �:,d. � ___�
<br /> : � "�:., unreusonnbly withheld.or unless extenuating circumstunces eaist which Are beyond Borrower's control. Bortower shull not "y ' �
<br /> Y• 8 P Pe Y F� Y � Y• ±� �
<br /> destro dumu e or im uir the Pm n ,ullow the Pro n �o deteriornte,or commit watitr on the Pro rt Borrower shall r..��•.-:y.
<br /> �• he in default ii uny fort'ei�ure action or proceeding,whelher civil or criminnl,iz begun that in l.ender's good fui�h judgment �:==
<br /> �� could result in forfeiture of the Proprny or otherwise mnteriully impuir the lien crcuted by this Security Instrument or •�����+.
<br /> + ,' � Lender's security interest. Borrower muy cure tiuch u defuult und reinstute,us provided in paragraph 18,by causing�he uction '.' ' "''".-
<br /> or proceeding ta bc dismissed with o rulin�thut, in Lender's good fuith determinution,precludes forfeiture oF�he Borruwer+ � ��• _ _
<br /> „ " interest in the Property or other muterial impairment of the lien creuled by this Security Inztrument or Lender's securiry
<br /> • ' intere+t. Bormwc:r xh�►II also be in default if Borrower, during �hr loun Applicution prcxess, guve mA�eriully false or �,-;, -,; �
<br /> • � , inuccurate infortnution or statements to Lender lor failed to provide Lender with uny materiul informntionl in connectian with , `_
<br /> the loan evidenced by �he Note, including, but not limited to, representotiuns conceming Borrower:s occupuncy of Ihe tii.rt;,,.�,�.'�' � i*
<br /> ' � ' Propeny ati n principul residence. If�his Securi�y Inx�rument ix on u Ica.chold.Borrower xhnll comply wi�h aU the provisionz � ' ,`
<br /> of�he lease. li Burrower Acquire�tee rnle[o�he Nrc,peny,the feuachoid und�he fee tiilc shuii not rner�c unicU LruJc�u rce, `-"'"— """-
<br /> 6• L'- ',t•,�7,l,EnF�,:.�p;
<br /> to the merge�in wriling. r?�.:"' -'�
<br /> ' ' ,^;� 7. Protectian of'l.ender's Rights in the Property. IF Borrower t'ailx to perform the cavenuntti und uFreemenu �,••�..
<br /> •• wntuined in this Serurity Itmlrument, or Ihere iti r Icgul pr�xcrding Ihat muy significsuitly s�ffecl L.ender.l• rights in Ihe t �' " �
<br /> ' � Prapeny(xucb us:�prexeeding in bunkruptcy,proha�e,for rondrmnutian or forfeiture or lo enforce lawx or regulation+),then �..�. .,, s,� ' ��� •
<br /> � �� Lender may do und pny for whutever i.necc+,ury to protect the vuluc of�hc Property und I.endert rights in the Propeny. �•�•-�'� � E-
<br /> Lender+uclions ma inrlude .� in an +ums secureJ b .�lien which hu+ riorit over this Secudt Imlrument,uppeuring :'`'� �'`'°:
<br /> Y P'Y F' Y• Y' P Y Y : .�. � . .t
<br /> in caun, paying rr.utionablc attomeyx'feex und rn�ering on thc Property tu mukc repuin. AUhough Lender may�uke action ��h,;�,�*�:
<br /> under this pur.�gruph 7.Lcnder d�wti not huv�io do��i.
<br /> � ., Any umounts disbur�rd by L.cnder un�kr thiti puragraph 7 ,hull hccamc udditionul deb� of Banuwer secured by �his � ��_:--
<br /> Security Instrumenl. Unlc»Bittrawcr und Lcndcr u�;rce�o utlxr tcmn ot'payment.�hc.c um�wnts+Iwll beur interest from the ,,,,.. -_
<br /> ' � dute of disbursemem ut Ihe Note r•rte imJ shull Fu puyuhlc, with intercst,upim nutice fmm Lcnder to Borrower reyucsting ' . _ '
<br /> „ puymcnt. � ----
<br /> H. Mortga�e Insurance. If Lcndcr rcyuircd mungu�tr inrurumr a� a c�mditi�m ut'muhing�hr loun securcd by this =T"�°�"="
<br /> ,. Security Instrumenl, Bortower xhall p•ry�hr premiwn.requimd lu mainluin Ihe mongu�r in.urun�c in rffect. If, for;u�y .�=�`= -
<br /> w��..—.
<br /> � . reuscm, the mcxt�age imuruner rovrragc reyuireJ t►y I.rnJer lapse. or ccu�c, �o tx in et'fect. Bortower .hull pay Ihe , .. . •--��• -
<br /> ' ' premiums reyuirrd to ob�ain cnvcrugr .uh,tuntiully cyuivalent to �hr murtgagc in,uranrc pre��iously in effect, at u cost •.'�.'�����'�'
<br /> , , subswntially eyuivalent to the cmt to Borraw�r ul�hc mongugc in+urancr prrviou+ly in effert. fram un ultemule mortguge �.+ ':'?';;~__---
<br /> - inxurer u roveJ B LenJer. II'suh+tamiuU c uivalent mnrt a�c imur:uicr rovcra�r i.nut avuilublr, Borcowcr shull .� to � �
<br /> PP Y Y 4 8 6 b P'Y I.:�. -.• . .•t;--
<br /> Lender euch maith a tium cyuid to�m�-twcltth oFthc yc+uly mong�gc inwrurx:c prcmium ixinE p•riJ by Bortower when the p{��• �. . _ ____
<br /> ��'' inwrrncc covcr��c lup.cd or cea+rd�o tx in efl'cct. L�nikr w ill arrrpt.use anJ rr�ain�he�.r paymenh u�a lus�reserve in lieu • . :;,uf�,�.,_,,,
<br /> of mortguge inwrancr. Lo+s rc,ervc puyment. may nu I�mger Fk rryuir�d. ut Ihe uplion uf LrnJcr. if monguge insuruncc ' �i.it' .;�:,.�.
<br /> , coverage lin 1he umount anJ tiir th��xnocf thal Lender rcyuirc.l prm•idrJ by an in.urrr apprnvrd hy Lcnder uguin becomr� .:����� ��
<br /> • uvuiluble nnJ i.ohtuined.Burro��rr tihall puy thr pr.mium.rcyuircd to maintuin mong�Er inwranrc in clfrcl,ur U�provide a �,'"r�
<br /> , lu,s resrrvc, umil thc rcyuircrmnt G�r mort�:agr in.ruranrc rnd.in arrordunrr w•ith uny wriurn u�reemrm tx�ween B��rmwrr �
<br /> ',' .. •` anJ Lcnder��r applirunlc I:iw. �•
<br /> '' 9. Inspection. l.ender or itti agenl nr.��• m;�kr ma.unuhlr enlrir, u�m anJ in,�xrti�m,uf thr Pn�rly. Lender tih•rll � �`
<br /> . give Borruweriwtice at Ihr timr of ur prior t�,an in,�xc�iun tiperii}mg rca,unaMr rau�r li,r Ilx in,�ctiun. ,
<br /> 10. ('omlemnptinn. Th�pnxe�d,��f an�• :ncard ur claint fur d:mtagrti.direcl ur cameyuenli:d. in runnection wilh�ny .
<br /> 7
<br /> , � Smplc hamil�••Funnk�fueiFreddk�1i�c l\IFl1H�11Vti1'Rl'�1F:\'I' I nd��rm l'��venam. 9911 q�.i¢r t,qn�r,i¢r.�
<br /> . lirtdl L�lu�x Nu+l�rn F'.'Pa Im �
<br /> � ' ta�nbr�'au I�H11nSUl�►RI f!F1\nIG�7��1•11 It
<br /> �
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