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�v•.;, . .: �;'s'o �•: p�;' ��f�3��.�4'�':ii� <br /> ,..�(� _.. �,i. ' <br /> . .;y�� Y .c' . .�. � C� t i z?�.i S. �- -c , . !� � 1}tia 11�Ci� - ---- <br /> . . . <br /> — •� . .. . <br /> � •���l1►�A _ _ 'i+'. �� . 1 s ',�:.. �! t — <br /> . ��:i�_il� '11fI_ �.i.i � �.i+— _ �. ---. - ... <br /> 'Ti� MS1n..,aW�. <br /> :. ��'fl'.:. �:�' ' _ _ _ _ .-: -� — <br /> r C. i� : • �'`� � ... ' . <br /> ` '., '_i."r.: • <br /> �Y� w.r...,., <br /> ����•--- <br /> q .. =.— <br /> •,� _, _ <br /> _. .._. .�__ .... ._...�__--' �.= _— <br /> w <br /> 92- ����254� _ <br /> � . . .. ���:. � <br /> `-�` ' � �•�.:�• TO(lETHEN WITH all Ihc improvcmcnt�now�x hcrcalicr crecicJ on!hc pruperly.und ull ru+cmrni..uppuncnuncc+. - <br /> �..s,:�r�.�:•�Ux�.�.i• und fixtures now or hercuf�cr u pun��f�hc propeny. All replaccmrm.and udditiuns tihtdl also be a►vercd by�hix Secunry �:��y,.Y.�_� <br /> ..�s"�`"'`.� Inxtrument. All of thc foreKaing i�refcrred to in thi�Srrurily In�:�rument ar thr"Pn►pcny•" <br /> � BORROWER COVENANTS�hat Bnrrowcr i�lawfully.ri�cd nf Ihe c+�utc hrrchy cimvcycd und hu�thc righl lu g�unt `a <br /> ' , � ,,.. und convey the Propeny and Ihut�he Propeny iy unrneumhured,rxcept far rncumhrunre.��f�ecorJ. BaROwur wun�ms und __ , <br /> will defend generally the tiQe�o�hr Propeny rguinst ull claim,und demu�xlti,wbjrrl w uny encumhrunce+��f rccord. <br /> . .i _ ���lat—�— <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comhincti uniti�mi rnvcnunt+ fiir nn�iunul u.e und Mm-unil'orm covcnantY wlth _ _ <br /> � - - " limiled vpn��iunx by juri,dictiun tu ce►n�+iilutc a unifurm.rccurity in�trumcnt cuvrring renl pr�rykrly. �-=_T,.._,.s-..,=,-._ <br /> . ,,. , <br /> • �' •;'' ' UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borr�.wcr und Lender ruvenant unJ u�srec ur foUow,: <br /> ,� ' l. Payment o�Princ(pal And Intercwl;Prep�ymenl�nd I.Ate Chs�rscw. Burc�►wcr�hull pnnnptly puy when duc�hc -- <br />� '� . <br /> �� principal af and interest on ihe debt cvidenceJ by Ux�Nnte and any prepuyment unJ lute rhurges dur under�hc Nrne. <br /> .� • � ,. 2. Fu�ds for Taxes And Insurance. Subjcct to applicublc luw ur ta u wrinen w�ivcr by Lenekr.Horrower shall puy to _ <br /> Lender�►n thc day momhly puymcm,arc duc under thc No�e.until thc Note i+puiJ in full,u�um 1"FunJ.."1 for: (ul ycurly _ <br /> � taxes and u,�e�timents which may suuin priority over thic Securily In+trumen�u+u lien on ihc Propeny:lbl ycurly Icusehold _ _ <br /> � payments or graund rents on the Propeny, if uny: (cl ycurly huzurd ur proprrty in+urance premiums; (d1 yeurly flaui -�------------ � <br /> • . insumnce premiums, if uny: le) ycarly monguge in�urunce premium,, if uny: and ifl uny ,ums puyuble by Bonower to �`��z�•�- <br /> � L.cndcr,in accordance with ihr provisian+of pc�rn�rnph R, in licu af thc puymcnt of murtgu�c inyurunce premiums. Thesr `_s_� _ <br /> ' � '� items ure culled "Escrow Items." L.ender muy,ut uny timr,collecl und hold Funds in un umouni n�t to exceed the mnximum = <br /> umounl a Iender for a tederully reluted mongage lusui muy require for Burrowerti e+craw uccount under 1he federul Rrul �`�., <br /> • Estute Seltlement Procedures Act of 1974 ati umended fmm time to timc. 12 U.S.C.# '-����'r sey.l"RESPA"),unless another _ <br /> � Iaw that applies to the Funds scts u lesscr amount. If so,l.endcr muy,ut uny time,collect und huld Funds in un amount not to �—�- � <br /> � cxcecd the Icsser z►mount. Lcnder mAy e��imAte the nmount of Funds due aa 1hc busis i�f current duta and r+eotionable �, <br /> estimutes of expenditurcs of future Escrow Items ur otherwixe in urcordunce with upplicuhle luw. ' ' . "`�j�=__,:�- <br /> . The Funds shall be held in an insii�ution whose depoyits are insured by a i'edcrnl ugency. instrumentuliry,or emity �+.," �•�•�.-_ <br /> (including Lender, if Lendcr is�uch un institutianl or in uny Fcderul Hume Lnun Bunk. Lendcr,hull apply the FunJs lo puy y,,- � • <br /> the Eacrow Items. Lender muy nat charge Borrowrr f�x holdinb und upplying �he Fu�xls, unnuully unr+lyring the eccrow � ' •�" <br /> ". accounl, or verifying the Escrow Items, unkss Lenekr pa��x Borrower interest on the Funds unJ applicuble law permiu ���� <br /> L"L=�.-.- <br /> �� Lender to muke such a ch:uge. However. Lendcr muy rcyuirc BoROwcr w puy a one-timr churgc for an independent reul F�. _„�. <br /> estate tux reportin�service used hy Lender in connection wilh thir laan,unle.x upplicuble law provides othcnvise. Unlesx un ....,,, ; ' <br /> �• agrecment is made or applicable luw rcquirex interest ta bc puid,l.endrr shall nut l+e requircd to puy Borrower any interr�t or ,�- <br /> •� enrnings on the Pond�. Borrawer und Lender muy ugrcc in writing.Ix�wever,thut imercst shall t►r paid on thc Fund�. Lender •• ;�_, <br /> • shall give ta Barrower,without churge,un annuul uccaunting of ihr Funds,showing credil+und debitti to ihe Fundx Und thc d� . . , - <br /> • purpose far which euch debit to the Funds wux muJe. The Funds urc pledKed as udclitionul s��urity ti�r all sum.�ecured by ~.� <br /> .J 4_ <br /> this Sccurity Ins�rument. . <br /> -�--------- it the Funcls hcid by LeuJer ���eed ihc amouni'. prrmtsted to be htld t�y applicahl� I��w, I.endrr .hall uccaunl to ,_ _: <br /> � Borrower for�he excess Funds in arcordunce wi�h thc rryuirements of applicuble luw. If the amount of the Funds held by •+'�' ' ': • <br /> Lendcr at uny time is�xit wfficicnt �o pay the Escrow Itrms whcn due,l.ender muy +o notii'y Borrower in wriling, and,in �_ -�� ,� <br /> suc h cuse Borcower x hu l l pay to Le n c i e r t h e u m o u n t n r r e.,a ry t o m r k e u p t h e i k.t w i e n c y. B n n o w r r s h u l l m u k e u p t h e • <br /> � .' :. <br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly puymen�x,ut Lendcr.sole dixcrelion. �,'���?����•. : <br /> Upon pAyment in full ot'ull.umti+erumd by thiti S�curity In�trument. LenJer shull prc�mpUy rcfunJ to Barrower any 'tr'T' ' � ;; . <br /> • w:. <br /> Funds held by l.ender, If,under purugraph ?I, Lendcr shull acyuire or tirll the Properly.Lrndcr,prior to thc acyui�itiun or ` � <br /> snle of the Propeny, shall upply uny Fund� hcld by Lrndcr ut the tink of ucyuisitiun or tiul.,ix u credit ugainst the suma <br /> ' secured by this Securiry Inslrumcnt. �� <br /> 3. Application of Pwyments. Unlr�+ upplic�hlr I;iw pr��vidcz othrrwitic, ull puymentx nceived by l.ender under <br /> parugraphs I and 2.shull bc upplicd:firsi,to uny prcpaymem rhar�cs duc undcr thc No�c:+cc��nd.lo umountti payuble undcr !- i�;,. - <br /> ' paragraph 2;third,to irncresl du�:ti�urth,to princ�pul Juc:und la+�,to any lutr churgcx Juc undcr Ihc Notc. � -���� <br /> ,.�..c-- <br /> 4. Charges; l.iens. Burrowcr +hull pay all �rxr.r, u�,r+.mcnlz, churgc.. fine+ and impositions attrihutuble io the , ° :`_. <br /> • Prupeny which ms�y attuin priurity uvcr thi.Sccuriry Imtrumrnt,unJ Iru.rhulJ paynxnc�or ground rentti,if uny. BoROwer ( ,y�._�.:' <br /> shull pay these obligationti in thc munncr provideJ in puragruph?,or il'nol paid in thul manncr.Borrowcr shull pay them on t '^��.r, <br /> time dircctly tu thc per.un owrd puymcm, Bnrrowrr+hall promptly fumi+h to L�ndcr all �x�iicc,of•rmuunls tc�he paid urnler : ' . .. +• f <br /> thi.purugruph. If Borciiwer make.the.e paymrnt.r dirrcUy,Borcowrr xhall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencinF ; <br /> � <br /> . the payments. °-,=s: <br /> . Borrowcr shull promptly ditirhur�c any licn whirh ha.prioriry over thi�Security Instrumcm unlc,>Borrower:la)agrces i '�sr' <br /> " in writinF to the p�yment of the i�bligation.rcured hy thr lien in u manner uceeptaMr�o Lendrr.l b1 come+ts in goal faith the � �.''�''"' <br /> � lien by,or defenJ�ugainxt enfc�rcemrnt ul'Ihe liru in.Irgal pnxccJings whirh in the LcnJer ti upini��n operatc to prevent the . <br /> ' enforcement of ihc licn:ur Ir1 sccure, 1'rom tlxr holdcr of the licn an ugre�ment .ati.l'artury• to Lender.utxirdinuting the licn , <br /> to this Securily In,trumem, If Lendrr�ktcrniinc,�hut cmy pan of�hc Pro�xny i..ubjrct w a lirn which may uuain priority <br /> ovcr thi,Securi�y Inctrumem.Lcndcr muy givr Borrowrr a nutirc idcmifying thr licn. BoR��wcr,hall tiatisfy the li�n or take R . <br /> one or more uf Ihc actions.e1 forth alx�vc wnhin 10 duyti of thr giving uf notice. <br /> 5. Hazwrd or Property Insurance. Rurraw�rr+hall kcrp thr•ezi�ting or Fxrcaftcr rrectrJ an thc � <br /> Proper[y insured uguin�t firr,ha�ard+inrludcJ within thr t.nn°rxtrndr.l ra�cr:ig�":inJ�n} ��thcr haiard�,incluJing <br /> flaods or tlaxiing, tur which l.cndcr nyuircc in.uranrr. Thi. in.urancr .hall Ix ma�mu��ieJ in thr amounts and for thr <br /> � Fi�rm J112fi 4�Y0 i�wkr=n/n pd�r�� <br /> i <br /> I <br /> . _ <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � <br />