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FAilura {o lurnleh auch IneurpnCe by Truetor, or renewale as requlred hereunder, ahall, at the option of ` <br /> Beneficl�ry,constitute a dafualt.All unearned premluma are hereby aeslpned to Trsutee ae pddltlonal aecurlty,and e sale and ,,� <br /> cenveyance ot the Proporty by the Tru�tee shAll operate to convey to tho purchaser the Truetor'e Intereat fn and to o�l polfclos � <br /> � of Ineuronae upon the Truet PropeAy. <br /> 5.7�x�s�nd A�s�nm�nts.Truator ahall pay all taxes and apealal easeesrnente levled or asaeesed agalnat,or due upon,the � <br /> " Property before dellnquenoy and wlll dellver to Beneliclary coples af ►eoeipts ahowinp peyrnent of auch taxes and speclal <br /> assesamente. ' <br /> , {I 8.Addillontl Ll�n�.Trustor shall make all payments of Interest and prinol pal,and payments of any other charpea,tees,and ; <br /> � expenaea aontracted to be paid to any exlstiny Ilen holde�s or prlor beneflclarlea under any prlor Deed of Truet,Mortpape or <br /> other seou��ty ayreement, before the date they are delinquent and to pay any othe►claim whlch�eoperdizes the aecurity <br /> pranted harpin. <br /> 7.Prot�ctlon o18�n�flcl�ry's S�cu�lty.8hould Truator fall to make eny payment,fall to do any act as hereln provided or ff , <br /> eny actlon or proceedfnp fs commenced whiah materlally aifecte Beneticiary's Interest In the P�operty, fncluding, but not <br /> IlmHed to,eminent domeln,(neolvency,arrenpements or proceedinps Inrolvinfl a ba�krupt or decedent,then Beneffclery or ;- . <br /> � Truatee,but wlthout oblipetlon to do so,a�d wlthout notice to or demand upon Truator,and wf thout►eleasing Trustor from any � <br /> , olbipation heieunder,may make or do the same,and may pay,purchase,contest or comprom lae any encumbranae,charge or ,��,��$ <br /> � Ilen,whlch fn the judament oi either appeare to affect aeld Property;In exercislny any auch powers,the Beneficlary or Trustee <br /> mey Incur a Ilebility and expend whatever amounts„Includlnp dfsburaementsof reasonableattorney's fees,which In thelr ab- , <br /> . eolute dfacretlon may be necesaery. In the event thet Truator shall fall to procure insurance,fail ta pey taxes and apecial <br /> assessments or fall to meke any payments to exlsNng or prior Iten holdera or beneficfarfes,the Beneticlary may procure such + <br /> Insurance and meke such payments.All sums incurred or expended by Benellclary or Trustee In accordance wfth the provf- <br /> sions ot the Oeed of Truat ere secured hereby and,without demand,ahall be Immediately due and payable by Trustor a�d ahell <br /> bear Interest st the rate provided for edvances under the Loan Apreemenh, provided, however, thet at the option of the <br /> Beneficlary or Trustee,such sume may be added to the principal balanceof any Indebtedness secured hereby and shell bear , <br /> the same Interest as such Indebtednees and shall be payable ratably over the remalaing lerm thereof. . <br /> 8.Asdpnm�nt of R�nts.Beneficlery ehall have the right,power and authority durinp the continuance of this Deed of Trust to ''�,�;�'�,� <br /> � aollect the rents, fasues and proflts of the Property and of any persanal p�operty loaated thereon with or without taking ' <br /> poaeession of the Propeny atfected hereby,and Trustor hereby abaolutely end unconditional ly essipns all auch rents,isaues .S .; <br /> � entl proHts to eeneffclary. 6eneficiary, however, hareby cn�ieents to the Trustor's ca!lactlan and retentlen of auch rwnta, '� <br /> ,••.^�r�, <br /> � Issues and profits as they eocrue and become payable so long es Trustor i s not,at auch tlme,In defeult witA respect to pey- <br /> ment of any Indebtedneas secured hereby or In the performance of any agreement hereunder. Upon any auch default, ,�',�; <br /> � Beneficiary mey at any time,elther In peraon,by agent or by a recelver tobe appointed by a cou►t,wlthout notice and without . •;",��'� <br /> re�ard to the adequacy of any securlty for 1he Indebtedness hereby aecured:(a)enter upon and take poasesalon of the Proper• � , <br /> ty or any paR thereof and In Its own neme sue for or othervvise collect such renta,iasues and proflts,Including thoae pest due ;a <br /> ' and unpaid,and apply the same,lesa coats and expenses o(operetlon and collectlon,Including reasoneble attorney fees, _ <br /> � upon any Indebtedness aecured hereby and In such order as Beneficlary may determine;(b)perform such acts o(repair or pro• <br /> tection aa may be necessary or proper to conserve the value of the Properly:(cllease t he same or any part hereof for such ren- <br /> tpl term and upon such condltlona as Its judyment may dictate.Unless Trustor and Beneficlary agree otherwise In writing,any . <br /> appllcatlon of rents,Isaues or profits to any Indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due date of the In• <br /> I stallment paymenta as provfded In the Loan Agreement,and the epplicatlon thereof as eforesaid shall not waive or cure eny <br /> defeult or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any ect done purauant to such not�e.Trustor also assigns to Bene}iciary, <br /> , as funhe�security for the performance of the obligatlons secured hereby, all prepafd renta and all monles which may have <br /> been or may hereafter be deposlted wlth sald Trustor by any lessee of the Property, to secure the payment of any rent, and <br /> � upon default In the perforemnce of any of the provisions hereof, Trustor agrees to dellver such rents end deposlts to the <br /> Beneficlery. Dellvery of wrltten notice of Benelffcary's exerclse of the rlghta granted herein to any tena�t ocoupylnp aeld <br /> premlaes ahall be sufficlent to requlre sald tenant to pay seld rent to iha 8eneflclary untll further notice. <br /> 9.Cond�mn�tlon.If title to any part of the Property shall be taken In condemnatlon rlght of eminent domein <br /> � or slmllar actlon,or ahall be sold under ihreat of condemnatlon,all awards,damages and proceeds are hereby asslgned and <br /> ahall be peld to Beneficlary who ahall apply such award,dameyea and proceeds to the aums secured by the Deed ot Trust, <br /> wNh the excess,If any,pald to the Trustor. <br /> 10. Futun Adv�nc��.The Loan Agreement provides ior advancea from tlme to time to Trustor by Beneficlary as provided <br /> therein.In addltion,upon request of 7rustor,Beneliclary,at Beneficlary's optlon,prfor to reconveyance of the P�openy to 1he <br /> � Truator,may make addllional future advancas to the Trustor.Such future advances,with interest thereon,shell be eeCU►ed by <br /> . � <br /> thls Deed of Trust when evldenced by promissory notes stating that sald notes are secured hereby:provfded that at no time <br /> shall the secured principal and future advances,not Including sums advanced to protect the security,exceed one hundred per- <br /> � cent(100%)of the origlnal prfnclpal amounts secured hereby. <br /> 11. Rsm�dlss Cumul�tiv�. All remedies provided In this Deed o1 Trust are distinct and cumulatfve to any other rlght or <br /> remedy under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity.and may beexercised concurrently,independently or successlve• <br /> • ly. <br /> 12.AocN�ratlon;R�rn�dl�s;Sd�. A default shall exlst fn the event of: <br /> (A) Any fraud or misrepresentatlon by the Trustor In connectlon with the Ifne of credit which thls Deed of Trust secures: <br /> (B) Any fallure on the parf of the Trustor to meet the repayment terms In respect to the Loan Agreement and any other ed- <br /> vances under this Deed of Trust hereby secured;and, <br /> ��� env a�tlon by the Truator prohibfted by the terms of the Loan Agreement or thls Deed of Trust or any fallure ot the Trustor <br /> � . . . .. .. . . . .. .�._ e.__�_�T_.._• ......r....�...w�..1.T...e���ho�nhv nnro�la hAVp Afl AAVBISB B�• <br /> tv aCt as raquirea oy me�oan r�yrnem�n����� ����a voo��� ��..�..oo���•••�•..��. ..�-._..._.__, -a --- <br /> � fect on ihe Beneflclary's securfty for the Iine of credit establfshed and the rlyhts of the Benelfcfary in such securlty. <br /> � and upon the happening of any such event of default,Beneflclary may declare ell sums secured hereby�mmedfately due end <br /> peyable by delivery tu Yrustee of wrftten deClaratlon of drtfault.The Trustee shall have the power ol s&le of the Property.and if <br /> i Benelicfary dea�res the Property to be sold. It shall depos�t with Trustee Ihis Deed o� trust and all prom�ssory notes and <br /> doCUments evfdencfng expenditures secured hereby and shall delivPr Io Trustee a wr�tten notice of default and election to <br /> cause the PrnFerty to be sold,and theTruslee In turn shall prepare a not�ce�n tne form requ�►ed by law.wnich shsll be duly ffi• <br /> ed for record by Trustee. <br /> (A1 After ihe lapse of such t�me as may be reqWred by law follvw�ng ihe recordatfon ot sa�d not�Ce of default, and not�ce of <br /> default end notite of sale having been glven as requlred by�aw.Trustee,without demand on Trustor,shall sell the Proper• <br /> ( ty on the dete and at the t►me and place desfgnated In sald not�ce o�sale,et pubilC duct�on to the hlghest b�dder,Ihe pur• <br /> � Chase prlce payeble fn lawful money of ihe United States at ihe timeof sale The person cunducting the&ele may,lor any <br /> � cause he deems expedlent,postpone the sale Irom time to t�me untll it Sha11 be camplelQd and.�n every such case.not�ce <br /> �!}�� ��I���R.•�}'. <br /> . �� <br />