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<br /> �� ''• . , � �.,1,' ACKNOWL�DOMENT TO DEED OF TRUST
<br /> ,o,:,,_.�_.:,.. .. , .
<br />��..�— o�`'�:��. �, � ,. The undersipmd"Truetor"�s Identlfled In th�foilowinp Osed of Trwt,whsther an�or more,un dars tAn d t ha t t h e d o o u m e n
<br /> they�rs�bout to sxsaute is a Deed of Trust+�nd not a mohp�pe,and th�t the power of sal�p►ovided for In the Dsed of Truat _
<br /> � provldse subst�ntlatly dllferent rlphte and oblipatlone to ths 8orrowsra tha�a mortpaps fn the event of a defoult or breaoh of __ y
<br /> �` oblip�tlon undsr ths Deed of Truet,Ucludinp,but not Ilmlt�d to,the Bsnaflcl�ry'�rlqht to h�ve the Property Identlfled in the �,.-.��.;;_._.-;_,-��_--�
<br /> , . � '' .' �, lollowinp Deed of Truet sold by the Truatee wlthout any Judlolal proaeedlnp. Truetor repreaents and warrants that thfs
<br /> • Aaknowledpment was oKecut�d by them befare the exeouUon of the Deed of Trust h�reafter eet forth. � _ _
<br /> . � ? — v-
<br /> • �,i��;��:":.
<br /> �. ' • � Lloyd 2ig1 -��'v�_=_ .—. .
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<br /> Ka en I.. Zigler .; '�.•;,:`.
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<br /> �:�a,�.y_� ;.
<br /> ' THI8 TRUST DEED mafe this�ls�day ot Mor�� .19�' _�b61We611 ��^ � �' `�; �°�' R �°'�°° r .,-
<br /> Zialer (huaband and wife�s�dnaRer call"Truetor",whoae malllnp addresa Is 2104 Sarbara Ave _
<br /> n Arend R. Beack 104 N. Wheeler , '*�'�i,�{�
<br /> , ••• •� � •• ••� , Attomey at Law,whose mellln� addess is '�t . _
<br /> " � � as"Trustea";end Home Federel Savinpa and Loan Assoaiation of(3rond Island,whoea mallinp address Is 22t 8outh Locust, � �, �
<br /> • P.O.Box 1009,(irand Island,Nebreeka 88802,as"Beneticlary". .,�;._ �_
<br /> ��. •� For valuAble conalderatlon,Truator Irrevoc�biy pranta,iraneiere,aonveys and assign3 to Trustes, !n truel,w!!h�wer of _-
<br /> sale,for the heneflt and securlty of Beneficlary,under and eub�ect to the terms and condltions of thls Deed ofN obrask a,to'wit: � • ''�
<br /> � Iny described property located In Gran d I s l a n •
<br /> ' � ition to the Cit of Grand Island, �y ��: .
<br /> Lot Two (2)� Jahn & Marie s Subdivision. an Add Y ,
<br /> Hell �ounty, Nebraska. .�;F��'r�-:r•:-:��
<br /> .�.•:w"�,�+s.,• — ::
<br /> ..�;Sk:P''.�ti�::.'Yli�
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<br /> ' toyether wlth all bulldings,fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereuMO belonqlnfl, It beln�ayreed thot all of the • �.a�_�_
<br /> foreyoing shell be herelnatter referred to as the"Propehy". .` ���:
<br /> ��`��. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURINO pertarmance oi each ayreement and covenant of Truator hereln contalned and the pay k
<br /> � �•• ment of the principal sum o( �� ' ' '-''--- a A�^�tnn DollarslS.S�,QOII...DO.—_--b ,. '
<br /> " as evidenced by a Home Federal Home Equlty l.00n Agreement between Trustor and Boneficlary(the"Loan Apreement"►,pur•
<br /> suant to whlch Beneflclary wlll advance funda to Trustor from time to time at the Interast rates end upon the terms provided
<br /> " thereln,topether wlth any eum or sums of money wlth Interest thereon which mey hereafter be peid a advenced under the
<br />' terms of this Deed of Truat,both princlpal sum and Intereat iherean belnq payable eccording to the terrne set forth In the Loan
<br /> R Agreement, reference to which Is hereby mada,af the offlce of the Beneficlary In(3rend Island.Nebraska,a et such other ;
<br /> •.;;,',�. place as Beneficlery may desiqnate In writinp. •
<br /> I
<br /> 1,W�rraMy of Tltl�.Tru�tor Is lawfully selzed of the Property;has good right and Iawtul authority to sell and convey the Pro•
<br />, . � perty;the Property la(rea end clear of all llens a�d encumberances except Ilens now of record:and Trustor wlll warrant and de•
<br /> fend the tltie to the Property unto the Trustee and its successors and assigns forever agalnst the clalms of all persons.
<br /> • � 2. P�rm�nt of Princip�l�nd lat�nst.Trustor sha11 punctually pay the prfnclpal of,and interest on, all advances under the
<br /> _ 1 Loan Apreement end wlll punctually perform a11 apreements.conditlons and provlsiona of any other security Instrument piven
<br /> I fn connection with thla transactlon.
<br /> ,i 3.Pns�nr�tlon�nd M�Int�n�nc�of Prop�rty.Trustor wfll not commlt any waste upon the Property at wlll,at all times,maln•
<br /> taln the sarne In good order and condltfon end wlll meke,from tlme to time,all repalrs.renewals,replacements,additlons and
<br /> Improvementa which are reasonably requlred to prevent waste,impalrment,or deterioratlon of sald property.No bullding or
<br /> Improvement now or hereafter erected upon fhe Property shall be altered,removed or demollahed without the prlor wrftten
<br /> consent of Beneficlary.
<br /> 4.Ins�ranc�.Trustor,at Its expenae,wfll maintaln wlth Inaurers approved by Beneficlary, Insurance wlth respect to the im•
<br /> provements and personal proerty conatitutinp the Property against loss by fire,Hghtnlnfl,tornado and other perils covered by
<br /> standard extended coverape endorsement In an amount equal to at least one hundred percent of the lull replacement value
<br /> . thereof,and insurance agelnst such other hazards and In such amount as is customarily carrled by owners and operators of
<br /> simllar propertles and as Beneticlary may requlre tor Its protection. Trustor will comply wNh such ather requlrements as
<br /> Beneflciary mey from time to time requeat lor the protectlon by fnsurance of the Interest of the reapectfve pertles.All in•
<br /> surance pollcles malntalned pursuent to thla Deed of Trust shall name Trustor and Benef Iclary as fnsureds.as thelr respective
<br /> 1 fntereats may appear and provlde that there shall be no cancellatlon or modiflcetfon wllhout flfteen 1151 deys prlor wrNten i
<br /> T �
<br />