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<br /> � ' , • • �Q" �lfi7a��
<br /> Uaon ncciui d'psiymcot of tl�e price bisl.Trwtee sh�i�3sU��er ta the purclw.�e�T�-uctec's deed con��eying tl�x
<br /> Pn►oeHv.T6e recilaLF in the Tructee'a deed sAall6e nriaaa focLe evide�ece at the U'utA oi tbe sCsleaqeaW.�tAde thereiq.
<br /> 'ilrusiee�s�:li appiy t�e�u'a'�zac of thr sat�in the Fauoa•iaQ ordcr: (al to a31 casts w�d rzpcusry uf exerc�Eier power o�'
<br /> wie, a�W the sale, inciuding tbe payu�tat d'the Trustee'A Ee�s Actwilty tacurred,not to exceed�.....»,.«1......»... �k ot lbe
<br /> ��crp��,o„�i or�n=noce ac�ne c�p,e o��ae aeca�Auo++�t aerxutt,su�d�^eASa�abk attorae�•s'fees ac permStted by
<br /> �aw:lb)to s�ll wms secuml by tdts Security Iiutrumeal:rad(cl say excesa to tbe person vr pe�sa�ac 1e�liY eaWled to LL
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upor�paymenc of 411 sums securrd by this Securiry Instrument,Lender shaU request Trustae to
<br /> recanvey the Property and shall surrcnder this Security Inswment und all notes evideruing debt �:ecura!by this S�.'curity
<br /> Inswment t3 Trucue.Tnistee snal! reconvey the Propeny without wurir�ty and without charQe to the person or persoas
<br /> Ierally entitled to it.Such persa�a persons shall pay uny recordation co�ts.
<br /> ?�3. Subctitute Tn�stce. Lender,at itc option.may from time w time rcmo�•e Tnistee wul appoint a successor trustee
<br /> to any Ttustee appoinud hereunder by an instniment recorded in the county in which this Securiry Insnument is rccorded.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Propeny,the successor wstee si►all succeed to ell the titk,power and duties cw�femd upatt
<br /> Trustce hecein ar�d by applicable law.
<br /> l�. Reqaest for Notices. Hwtowe� ieyuests that copies of the nwices uf ckCault+uul�r4:ix: se�u to Bonnw•er's
<br /> �ctdress which is the Proper.y Address.
<br /> 25. Ridera W tht�Security Insituakat If one or more rickn arc executed by Bwrower aNd rccocded together with
<br /> this Security Insuument.the cnvenants and agrxmenu of exh suc:h rider shall be ir�co�poratod iruo ar�d shall wnend and
<br /> suDp{ement the covenanu'and agreomeats of tl�is Security lastnimeat as if the rider(s)wcrc a part of this Sec�rity
<br /> L�struma�t. [A�eck applicubk box(es)].
<br /> �]Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condortunium Rider ❑1-4 Fami{y Ridu
<br /> ❑Gradusued Payment Ridec ❑Pianned Unit Development Rider [�Biwakly Payment Ridet
<br /> ❑Balloon Rider ❑Rate Improvement Rider ❑Se�ond Home l�ider
<br /> � ❑Ott,eKs)[spxify]
<br /> Bv S�rt►ec BF1.ow,Bcxrower acceps �csci agrees to the teims aad covonant�s caatai»od ia this Sa:�uity Instrument
<br /> wd in any rider(s)oxauted by Borrower aud roco�dod with it
<br /> .......!-�It'»'�'�sr............... . ......_........................... Sea]
<br /> ...... .� )
<br /> Charle. C� .. .er —Bomowa
<br /> :. .----�----. ..------._... . _. _..._ --- -� - - g.ti.�c..._�;ri.�iv���,t..r---•••-----•-506-72-8679_
<br /> . ....................................»......................._.._...»_.............. .(Seal)
<br /> - -Burmwer
<br /> . �_ S�cial Security Numb�s ....»...._._.
<br /> � [Sp�B�iow Thb L.irwi For AdmowMdpmMM�
<br /> of ..... ���..............................
<br /> � �y71�e faegoing instrument was xknowkdged befae me tttis ..Z..-a�.... .�f...�l�2lG,�._.,���. ............
<br /> : ............................................ca�r��by......C�:s.�r-���....4......W_S:Qy:�................................................................_........
<br /> ........................................................................................................ ...........(name of person acknowkd,ged).
<br /> My Commission expim: k�KsIQQ ZFMEiLYMOTAiI�•ShOeetNtbub
<br /> " IL„�.,,�„ � Kla�c G000t�ua+t
<br /> .......... . .�..� .. ..... ..�a.w.f�pors.t6.39sl..
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