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<br /> tiii.Sccurity In�trunxnt.Hi»•cvcr,thiv��itiun xhall n�u he c�erciw:d by Lcncfcr if cxr�t�u:is pruhibitcd by i'��kral law u.uf -
<br /> ttie date af this Secwity lntitrument. =-
<br /> If Leixte�exerc�ties this optiai,l.ender�hall�;ive Qurru��cr n�xice uf acccicr,�tiun.7'he naice shall pm�•ick.:e period _
<br /> ot n+u k.�etwi�3t1 day�c from thc date thr nuti�ti i�ikl�vercvl cx maikd within w•hich B��rmw�r must p�y ali�um�securrd by
<br /> t:�i,Sc:ari:p !r.�t^.::r.^nt. !f R�+!mwrr fHilc to�:►}•�hcx sum.�xior w tbc cxpi�atau�of thi� {xrial, l.cixkr�aay in�uS;c;u��• _
<br /> remeUiec�c:miincu i�y ii�i.;x�uiiiy i��;ii,��'t:ni:�i�.i Owi tN:l�`«.::t4SlLY:•r�IPnp.Ml�y��rr�xcr.
<br /> 18. Sorrow•cr's RI„ht to Re9nstate. If Borcoa'cr mects ccMain canditiom, BuROwer�hall B;►vc tlx right tn havr
<br /> enPorccnunt of this Secueity lnvtnmient di.r�u►tinue�l at:►ny iink p�ior to the ea�lier uf:(a) S dayti(or�uch other periai a�
<br /> applicable law m:ry specify for rrimtatemem)bc:foro wle of'the Propeny punu•rnt to any power oi'.•de contained in this
<br /> Security In�tnmtienl:ui(hl entp�of a judgnKnt �nfarcing this Serurity lnstrument.Thasr ronditions arc that Eiorrower.(al
<br /> pays Lender all wms which then wonld be due un�ler this Security Insuumcnt and the Note as if no acceleratian had
<br /> ixcurnd; (h)cures rny default of:►ny other ccn•enanh or a�reements; (c1 pays all expences incurced in enforcing thi�
<br /> 5ecurit}• Imtrument,includink,hut nol limited to,reaconable attorneys' fees: and(dl taket such action as Lender may
<br /> reasw�ably reyuire to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Horcower's
<br /> obligation to pay the�ums securcd by this Security lostrur.tient shaU continue unchanged.Upon rt:instatement by Berraw•er,
<br /> thi�Security Instrument and the obligations secun•d hen.by shall remain fully effective as if no acceler.�tioti had occurred.
<br /> ti�wever,this right to reinstate shali not:ipply i�the rase of xceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale us Note;Change of Laan Ser�•icer. Thc 1Votc ur a�unial int.^re�t in the 1ot�(togcthcr.�ith thi�Security
<br /> lnstrument)�nay t+e a►��1�x' �r more times without pnor notice to Borrow•e�. A �ale m•ry �rsult in a change in the emity �
<br /> (known us the"Loan Servicer')that collects monthly�ayment�due under the Note and this Serurity Instn�ment.1 here alco
<br /> may be one or mare changes of the Loan Servirer unrelated to a wle of the Note.If there iti a change of the Lwn Scrvicer, �
<br /> Borrawer will be give� wntten notice of the change in accard:vue with paragraph 14 abnve and applicable law.The natice �
<br /> . will�tate the name�nd address of the new Lov�Servicer and the addre�.ti to which payments stiould be mad:.The notice uiU �
<br /> also contain any ot6cr informacion rcyuircu by upplkablc law. -
<br /> 10. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the pmscr�ce,use,disposal,�torage,or relea.�of (
<br /> any Ha•rardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the ;
<br /> Propert� that is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two�entences shall not apply to the presence,use,or �
<br /> storag .he Property of small yuantities of Hazardous Substances that am ge�erally �agnized to be appropriate to
<br /> nomial� k ntial uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> 5 rower shall promptly give Lender written nottice of any investigation,claim,demund,lawsuit or other action by I
<br /> any ,o�ernmental or regulatory :�gency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardou�Substance or
<br /> EnvinH. �ntal Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge.lf Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or ,
<br /> negulatoc�. authority,that any etimoval or other remcdialion of any Hazardous Substance affecting the F'ropeny is necessary, •
<br /> Barrouer shall promptly take all neces.eary remedial actions in accordanee with Environmental law. �
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20."Hazatdous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances �
<br /> by Environmental law and the fopowing substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petrolcum products,toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or f�rtnaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal Is►ws and i:�ws of the jurisdictia�where the Propeny is
<br /> located that t+elate to health,safery or environmental protection. I
<br /> NQN-UNrwR�u Covtrvnivrs. Barower and Ipnder further covenant and agee as foltaus: �
<br /> Zl. ACCE�CI'��OII:Ke�lllQllS. I.eil�fl siWij give Imitce iu wxruwr�'N�iw iv Miaciciriwi�tv::v:::�R..w":.^.:::.t�O . .,. �
<br /> breach of any coveoant or s+greement in this Security instru►nent(but not prlor to aecekration under pxr��+p6 I7
<br /> untess appllcable!aw provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (�)the defauit;(b)the�ctton requlred to cure the
<br /> default;(c)a d�te,not less thAn 30 days from the date the notice Ls given to Borrower,by which tl�e def9ult must be
<br /> cured;and(d)that failure to cuce the def�ult on or before the date spec�fied io the notice may result in acceleration of
<br /> the sums secured by this Secu�ty Instrument and sale of the Property.The notice shall farther inform&urowe�of
<br /> the right to reiastate after acceleratioo and She rtght to bring�court action to usert tbe aoa-extstence of a default or
<br /> any other defense oi Bwrowe�to acceleration�nd sale.It We def�ult is aot cured on or brfore the date specified in _
<br /> the �otice,I.ender zt its option m�y require immediate payment ia full of�11 sums secured by this Securlty
<br /> i�str�_me�!wltheeR s��r!hp��fpmand and mav i��voke the oower of sale and any other remedies permttted �y
<br /> applicab:e law.Lender shall be entitled to colkrt all expeases incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this
<br /> para�raph 21,iucfuding,but not limited to,reasonable attoroeys'fees and costs of title evideuce.
<br /> If the power of sale�invoked,Trustee shall record�notice of def�ult in each county in which aoy par�t of the
<br /> Property i�located and shall mail copies of such noiice in the manner prescribed by applicsble law to Borrower and
<br /> to the other persons prescribed by spplicable law.ARer tbe time required by applic961e law,Trustee shWl give public
<br /> notice af sale to t6e�oersoes�nd in the manner prescribed by applic�ble law.Trustee,witlwut demand on Borroa•er,
<br /> s6a11 sdl the Property at public zuction to the 6ighesi bidder�t the time and place and under the terms desigaated in
<br /> the aot6c�e of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale oE all or
<br /> any parcel oP t6e PropertY by Pablic annouocen�ent ai We time aad pl�ce of any previously scheduled sa{e.I.ender or its
<br /> ���Y Purchase the Property at aay sa1e.
<br /> Fplp 30'23 4190(p;¢r S nf 6pagrJl
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