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<br /> ' �� ^': `"A"0° "� ' riod�ihat Lender re uirex. 1'he inwurnnce cnrrler mviding the inxurunce�hull he cha,en hy 8i�rruwer subject w Lender� �
<br /> �:... P� 4 P ���•�-,,�•�.
<br /> ' "°�� �;�..�s7:�, �` approval which xhall not t+e unreasonubly withhcld. If 9ortawer fuil�t��maimuin coveruge deKCrilxd above,Lender muy,at
<br /> , " • �• Lender n aptian,obtufn coveruge tu protecl Lender's righ�x in the Property in uccordunce with purugrnph 7.
<br /> � , , All in�urance palicies und mnewulti hhull he ucceptable to Lender und shall mcludc u tilundurd mnngs�ge cluuse. Lender
<br /> � ' ' � � tihall hnve the right to hold�h�:palicier and renewal+. If Lender reyuire�,Borrowcr xhall pmmptly give�o Lender uU reccipir�
<br /> ' ' of paid premiums und renewul noticex. In the event of lass.Barrower+hull give prompl natice to the in-�urance currier nnd --
<br /> - ' "•• Lender. Lcndcr muy make pnx�(of lass if nat mAde prompdy by Borcower.
<br /> • ' •.." . �. � _ Unlc.�Lendcr and Barrowcr othenvisc agrcc in�vriting,insurance prckced. +hidl he applied to rc�tc�ration or repair af �—_,__��.__�_ _____
<br /> .'���' '�� the Property damaged. if the rextarutian or repair is econumicully feasihle and Lender ti ucurity iti no�kxsened. If the
<br /> • n;;
<br /> � ��-. _ .� restoration ur repnir is not economicnlly feusibl� or l.ende�'s xecurity would be lessened,the intiurunce proceedx slmll be _
<br /> � �� � � applied to �he sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether ar no�then duc, wi�h Any e.rcexx puid to Bortower. If
<br />���, ;;?',i;• � � Borrower ubundons the PtopeRy, or does not unswer wi�hin 30 dayx u natice from Lender thm the in�+umnce currier hus =
<br /> ,-.�,��h_i���;i• n
<br /> .,: offered to settle u claim,then Lender may collect tha insurnnce pracceds. L�nder muy use the proceeJx �o repuir ar restore
<br /> � ��"`""'t �•� thc Propeny or to pay sums secured by thix Secu�ity los:trument,whnther�r not thcn due. 7'he 3U•duy periad will begin when �°`
<br /> . �::�,;�:.��. . �
<br /> �;. .. , • "�•��t.��c;':;.;r t�s�?;.�::.�� the notic�i,�iven. °_-
<br /> .::?r� ::�,:;:;.:;,,
<br /> � ��L �1`�`�"'"1.������_"��'"�� Unless Lendcr und Horrower athenvise a ree in writin QO a hcation of roceeds io rinci U� tihull nat exrend or --
<br /> ;� ::, .°;�'t�.;�:,4:y;,t�,-..,.,..�..• .. 6 8� Y PP� P P P
<br /> '�`:::�'.�w:. .,. ,.,,;:..
<br /> •;;,,,;,: :•';!', postpone thc due date of�he monthly puymerns referrcd to in purugruphti I und 2 or chunge�he umoum of the paymems. If
<br /> � .� ' under parugrnph 21 the Prapeny is acyuired by Lendcr. B��ROw�r's right lo nny in�ur+mcr�x�licicx and pmi:eeds rexulting �' � �"- __ _
<br /> fram damuge lo the Propeny prior to tlx�ucqui.r•ition shull puxz lo Lcnder t��the ex�em af'the sums r�ecured by this Securily �'�-' -
<br /> ^ � ' '' Inxlrumenl immediulely priur tu Ihe uryui,ilion. -'--
<br /> ... � 6. (kcupancy. Preservption. Maintenpnce aod Protectlun of' Ihe Pruperty; &►rruwer's l.oan AppNcntl�m;
<br /> . • l.epseholds. Bormwer�hull cxcupy,es�ubli�h,und u.c�he Nropeny u.Hurrowe�:principul rc,iJenre wit hin tiix�y Juyc ufier �;,�1e„
<br /> .;•.. Ihc�xrculiun uf thi+5ecurily Imtrumem and.hull c�mnnuc lo�xcupy Ihr Pru�xny a+Horn�weri primipal rr.iJence ti►r ut -.=r` - _
<br /> Icn,� �mc �cur uli�r ihc dulc of �kcupuncy. unlc„ l.cn�lcr ��tlkrwi� +�µrcc, in wri�ing, whi�h cun,em tihull nu� Ix
<br /> .. umm���x�nhly withhcld.iir unlc..rzlenuutin�rircum.tunrc.exi,� whirh um txynnd Nurt�►wcr:rnntr�►I. Borrowcr tihull m►t • °�R_
<br /> de.�ruy.dumuµe ur im��air ih� I'rn�x�rty,ullnw ihr I'ru�x n�• Iu dc��rinnu�•,nr ruinmit wa,tr un Ihc Nr���x rty. Hurr��wcr+hidl . �►
<br /> . •• Ix in dcl'uuh il any ti►rfriiurc nct�un ur pnxcrdinK.whrUicr rlvil ur criminul.i.txgun�Uut in Lend�r;��xKl fui�h judgmcn� ,
<br /> �' c�ndd n�u11 in t�url'riwrr nl !hr Itr,��xrty ��r�uhrrwi+r miueriully imp:nr 11►r licu crrutrd by thi� kcumy h�+lrumrnt ��r � - _.
<br /> Lcud�r'.,crurlly iiUcrr,l. Kurrowrr nury rurr.uch u Jrlirolt und reimlutr.n,provided m puru�ruph IR,bycuu,ing th�uctiun '• ��—
<br /> ° ur pnxeeding u►ix di.mi+kd wiih u rulinµ�hai. in Lrndur:girxl I;ii�h dc�rrnnnu�ion.pr�clude,furl'ci�u�e of thr B��rcowcr: �_ .. •a•� -,_
<br /> imrrr,� in �INr 1'rupchy or���hcr ma�rriul impairnicm uf�he lic�i crcu�eJ by thi,Securiry In��rumrm or Lcnder: ,ecuriry ,,� .�,:.:�
<br /> inlcrc+t. B�tttow�t �hull ul.0 tx in dcl'uult if BoROwcr. JurinE �hc loun applicuii�Ni pr�xc... gavc mutcriully tul,c or - ;4 •,; ,�•
<br /> „ • inuccura�r inli�m�ution i►�ti�u��memti�u L.enJer I��r 1'uilrJ to provide Lcixlrr with uny mutcrial infurmution)in conncction wi�h � "'':��;::`
<br /> � tlx� loun cvi�knecd by the N�►ie, incluJing, hut nnl limit�d to, repmxc:ntutians conceming Borrower ti acupancy of the � �' �e
<br /> — �__ Pm�ny n.a principul rcsidence. If thix Securiw Instrument is on a Icu+ehold,Bormwer shall comply with aU the provirion� _ :_�.=_
<br /> af thc leu�c. If B�ircower acyuire.fcc titlr to the Pro�hy.�he leutiehold und the fec tfUe tihull noi merge unle�x Lender ugrecs ����..
<br /> to tix mcr�cr in writing. i M
<br /> .. 7. Protectbn oP l.ender's Rip�htr in the Property. If Borrower fuilx to pedorm the caven.►nl�und •rgrcements � i
<br /> c�mtuined in this Security Intiwmenl, or therc is u Iegul pr�xeeding thut muy xignificnntly ui'fec� Lender's rights in the �
<br /> Propeny(such uti u pnxecding in hankruptcy,probatc,ti►r conikmnution or F'od'citure or to enforcc I•rws or reFulu�iuns6 then � °�
<br /> Lend�r muy do s�nd puy for wha�ever ix nccexx•rry to pro�rci thr vuluc uf the Propeny and Lcndcr's ri�ixx in the Property.
<br /> Lender+uctiom muy includc paying uny sums,ecured by u lien whirh has priori�y��ver thix Securiry In�wment,uppeuring
<br /> • ' , in court,payin� reu.onu6le atromeyti'fcc,und entcrinE�m �hc Propeny �o makc rcpuin. Aphaugh l.eneier muy wke uctian � , , . ..�r�,_�'' '
<br /> •�,,;� under Ihis p•rragraph 7,Lendcr Jixs rx�t huvc�o do.o. " ��
<br /> Any umountx dixbuncJ by Lcnder under ihi�purugruph 7 sl�idl tx�c�imc uJJitionul debt of Burtowcr secured hy this , ,� #�
<br /> , • Securi�y Instrument, Unlesx Borrowrr unJ Lrndcr uFree to iither tcmi+ut'puyment,the.c umnunls xhall bear intcrest from the , .�' ,
<br /> dute of disMuncment ut Ihr Notr rutc unJ zhull tx pnyuhlc,with intercst,u}xm notice from Lender to Barower reyuesting '� , ',
<br /> . puyment.
<br /> � 8. MorfRage Insurunce. If Lender reyuirrJ m��ngugc insurtmcc a� •r conJition��t'mukin�thc 1�un.crurcd by this I, -
<br /> ' Security Inxtrument. Borrowrr shull pay thr prcmiwn� rcyuircd to muinluin ihe murtgage in,urunce in etfect. li', for uny . • ~-'.
<br /> � . � rcu�on, the nx�rtga�� in�uruncc covcrage rcyuircJ by Lernlrr lupse� ur rru.r. u� Ix in rftcct. Borrower tihull puy the � a��.,�,:
<br /> premium. requirr.J tu obluin covcri�gc �uhti�anti:dly ryuivalcnt to Ihc nxirtguEr in.ur.incc previuuzly in cff'cc�. at a co+l i .
<br /> � sub,tantiully cyuivulent to�he co,l to Rorrowcr uf ihc nu�n�.ag� imuranc�previuu�ly in rl'frci.friim ain ahrmutc mnrt�agc
<br /> imurcr uppmved by Lendcr. It'sub�tunlially eyuivnlrnl munEagr inwr.uxr ro�•rragr i,nut avuilaMr.Baxrnwcr,hul�puy to �, • , ,_____=-
<br /> 4 )" Y b f- r �r� r � :, ,�`.,..�-�.
<br /> Lender euch month a wm c ual to�mc-twrHth cif Ihr rarl nu�rt�u�c in.uranre remium ikin� aid b Borrower when thr ��-;,„-
<br /> . insuruncr covcragc IapseJ nr rcu+eJ to Ix in etTcct. L�ndrr�vill urrrpt.uu and r�•tain tlx+c paymcnl�a. u In.ti re+�rvc in licu ;. . �-'_'��'--':
<br /> • ��f mortgugc insuruncc. Lu..rrxcrvr puymcnt. muy no longrr Ix rryuired.at thc uptinn nf Lcndcr,if murtgage insurance .. .�; •.:.
<br /> . coveruge lin Ihr umount anJ tiir Ihe�xriixl�hut LenJer rcyuire+►pn�vid�J My mi in.urcr appruvcd by Lender again Ixcome� I' " .
<br /> uvuiluMc anJ i,ubtuined.B�ircow�r,hull puy the premium�reyuircd tu maintuin nwnga�r imur:mcc in et�fecl.or to pmviJe a �
<br /> , loxx rexcrvr,unlil�hr myuiremcnt 1'or murt�uEc in+urancc rnd+in accor�laikr N•i�h nn�•wrillen ugrrrmcnt lktwecn Borrower
<br /> • " ' and Lcndcr or upplicc�Blc law.
<br /> 9. InsperNnn. LcnJrr ur itti a►genl muy mal�c rca,un;ihlr rn�rie. u�x,n:uid in.�xrlinn� ul thr Prc��xrty. Lrndcr.hall
<br /> give BoiTOwcr n�,ticr at thr�imc�dur pri�ir ta,m in.�xrtiun .�xrilcing rr:�.on:ihk r:iu•c tiirthr in+�xrtion.
<br /> .. 10. Condemnulion. Thr pnxerd��it'any s���ard��r rl:iim I��r il:un:i}r.,dirrct�rr r�in,eyuential.in cunnection wi�h:my
<br /> tiin�lr I am�h �Funnlr�1ue•FFiddk��lia 1 rIt1/R\I 1\�I RI�IF:\I'..I n�t��nn�'u�en.mi. 9•911 y�uer t,��n�ti�ir.i
<br /> , ��r.�l I.�tc{iudrc�f�Nnn Im � '
<br /> lnllnktl:,�ll IriM4•1DA1!1:1 f 1 F�X Hpi�7111•11:11
<br /> �
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<br /> �
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