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.. . ,��.. ;�... ::.. ..... :. ::.:: •�,., ..�. ;Y r �:7 I :�: +r r a), rJtr .1.: ;r+.. .. •ev l� :,"'�(As <br /> �r r (lt„- ;�. !t{ ;U';�� ck, �S{i 4.�y� y�� 3r:.1.: y.f"r-i, y' .r,t, ,,:. ..r;��, ��; ' •.i:::r;,� ..hfr t• y�,L .t;z_ <br /> .��� n�„ :���J'���l�1�A IQ -1'V. ;S� •4R1SL C.1� 1���l F��� �f����i'11��Y7 r,.��'�:.Il. •r�� 4. '.4 r \"�e�.�yAr(�����:'�,r, �Y•A�...J_YSM�Nb':ii: <br /> _. . r �citi.. L,'�'.: ��":1=,'�'e2v:��r'i;r L�t'ir � �� '�� "t1 i�tS ,� 1 f. ._��i�"a':-i�/!S�,�Y"�Zs.n i ij <br /> � <br /> � _ � �- F�� i . {'��'.3:J. i 14 T.i r �1,� i� + - <br /> , �. <br /> ,,. --- ,���� 1y: �1 ���,{p� <br /> -_--.�•y-- .,_. ... ,_ ,4 .�-�..7, ' 1{{Vffy`��" � . .. AOWRi! �e1t��'r. ii�•�M�3/� .�Pi�?°+�J�t�'�T"'."��)1,. �'���.... .. . - .. � . _ -,-� �- <br /> t..{. .. r OM��J��+• <br /> r' ~1 ' , ... �,.' �;�'•'i°?�'' � s�' r � - <br /> . :.Y- __ <br /> '•� , ',r"'MNieP't""y"`.:� "._ _ <br /> r � • ^ ,r - ---- <br /> " - .-a""__ �� <br /> �- °�-li::---- <br /> -_=—��,._._. .. <br /> '�i� � •. Vf�-- 1025�2 ��� ��-�=�-=-•'-�il'.m�:...: __ <br /> �� °::,�� � `:.:»° <br /> — �,�, <br /> ,�r '�_:s�,.`�;' ' � .r�,T- <br /> .� -. � ' TO(lETHER WITH ull the improvements now or hercafter crectcJ on�he property,unJ all casemcnt+,uppunenun�:c+. �---���'`� � <br /> _�e��r"n._�1*'��=�-'�' und iixwres naw or hereafier A pAn oi'the property. All rcplacements and uddi�ion�shull ul�►lx:covered by Ihis Security <br /> , `'� Instrument. All of the toregoing ia reicRed ta in this Security Instrumcnt ux thc"Prapeny." <br /> _�: ;,, .� <br /> =�a••...,.. <br /> ��'� � BORRdWER COVENANTS that SoRowcr is luwfully sciscd af the cswtc hc�cby canvcycd und ha+�hc rigM to grum <br /> ;� • °: and convey the Properry nnd thut Ihe R'operty is unencumbered,except far encumbrunces of record. H��rrower wurruntti�nd �r,,,�.�,_y� <br /> � ,,� will dePend generAlly the title to the F'roperty uguinst ull claima und demands,s:ubject la uny eacumbrunces of record. " ;°�,,. <br /> .i� . . • _ - . THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenunts fcx nutionul u+c and nan-uniform covcnuntti wilh !"''��� _� <br /> <� - ' � • � , limited vuriAtions by judsdiction to con�titute u uniform tiecurity instrument covcring reAl pmpeny. -�- �__� � � <br /> .c — <br /> -- ..a,�:rT��=.�:�Y.R.,�;._ � <br /> ' � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender covennnt uncl ugree us fallows: <br /> -�_ � . 1. Payment of Principal and Interest;Prepaymenl and Lale Charges. Borrower shall promptly puy whcn due the ,.;�,w�;� .��:.�; <br />_-- ,; "- ^'1 prineipal of and interest an�he debt evidenced by the Note und any{xepAyment and lule chsuges due under 1he Note. � :•��.;.�.>�•� .,-_ <br /> �r�i ,�,. �• , 2. Fiunds Por Taxes and lnsurnnce. SubJect to upplicuble law ar to a wriuen waiver by l.ender,Borrower shall pay ro � ' ' <br /> .�•�';�r ���.��';�•:; I.ender on thc day momhly payments are due under ihc Nato, until Ihe Note is puid in full. A sum l"Funds") ic�r:(u1 yenrly '� : � i n �+�4 <br /> - '�:''.';i1;;;"•., .. .��.;�1` ' k���e�;— <br />.,:,� ` .�,.•+.+���•.:r• ,•, taxes und ussessments which may attain priority over this Securiry Instn►ment us a li�n on Ihe Pro rt ;(b)ycurl Ieasehold �!�•. �;�M. �. <br /> ,t'�:;r�;, .�. ,!tt- � <br /> ,•,_ pn m e m s o r ro u n d rents on the Pira rt , if nn ; (c) yearl haxard or ra n in:�uronce remiums; (d) year l fl o o d r,��;,;� :;.�'z•.��r�°:'�`; <br /> y g P� Y Y Y P Po Y P Y �Q',.,. �:•s-��•:,,;.,, <br /> '�.t..:,;,s�.,s�;;....�.,,�.Y;,.f�"-,.. <br />-�?fr �?i�w ��•.` i nsurance premiums, if any; (e) ycarly martgnge in+urancc premiums. if any; nnd(f� uny xum� puyublc by Borzawer to ,; .,.;,��i�;i' �,,;,,•:;, <br /> � �;i L e n d e r,i a a cc a r d a n c e wi t h the provisians of puru gra ph 8,in lieu of Ihe pnymont of monguge insurance prerniums. The�e � ' �,f �� �,f,';;.> <br /> . . . items are called"8scrow Items" Lender uny time,coUact und hold Funds in�n amount no1 to excced ihe mnximum �,�, '_t a'���h <br />-A �' � `-;.�;, :.,�-;� amount u lender for a federally related mortgnge loan may require for Borrower5 escrow account under the federal Real �.i '',_�,..._ - <br /> ` ��"' r1 ��`"'� r �'' � Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from tlme to time.12 U.S.C.§26(11 et seq.l"RFSPA"), unless another <br /> ��,a(.flaybSl}in�ri:•:.::crp•.r..� ... <br /> ;,;;` •'",.�'�, , law thnt applies to the Funds se�s s►lesser amount. If so,Lender may,ut uny time.collec�And hold Funds in un nmaunt not lo � - <br /> , ,.....�...:� �,., , <br /> . exceed the lesser umount. Lencler muy estimute the �mount of Funds due on the busi, of current data and rcasonuble . .� � "_— <br /> -� � estimates of expenditures of f uture Escrow Itemx ur otherwixe in uccordunee with applicuble luw. � <br /> .• �� The Funds shull be held in an inxtitution whose depo�itti ure insureJ by u federrl ugency, inxlrumentality,ur entily :4_�.��;p _�-..��. <br /> (including L.endrr,if Lender is+uch un instiwtion)or in uny Fc deru l Homc l.oun Hnnk. l.ender.hull u p pl y Ihr FuMI+lu puy '+"�►i <br /> � thc Escrow Itcm�. Lendcr may not churgr &�nowcr for hoiding und upplying the FunJti. unnuully unulyiing thc r.cruw ° '7 =`' �_ <br /> ..,...�..,_: ' <br /> ., uccount, or vcril'ying Ihc �scrow ticm+. unlc., l.cnJcr puy, BuROwrr inierc,i un�hc Fund+ �wJ s�pplicuMc luw �xm�ii, rF�:�. �:y..-- <br /> ' . Lcndcr lo mukr+ueh u char�c. Nuwcvrr, l_endcr muy rcquirc Borruwrr U�puy u onr-tim�rhargr li�r iin inck�xndr�u rcul E.�.:.;.��,s•_;: '— <br /> cz�ute�ux re�xming.crvicc u.rJ hy IAixlc�in cnmuctiun wilh this Inon.unlr+,+i�licuhlc luw pr�widr�nthcrw ire. I inlr�.�m �'�"'�:'�:�''�, <br /> ugrecmem ih mude ar upplicuble luw iayuirr�inkretil lo Ix puid,l.ender+hull um Fx rryuire�l t��puy N�►rrawer uny intcrrti��K � <br /> ., .�� curning�un Ihr Fundti. Hcxrawrr und L�ndcr muy ugrcr in wnting,howevcr.�bnl iincrcrl r.hull Ixr puid on thr Hwid,. I.rndcr � .,,��.�.. <br /> �hsdl givc to Bi�rn►wcr,wi�huw churgc,un unnuul a�crouming��f Ilx f�undr.,hi�winp rrccli�+and deblh�a�lir I�uiKl,:md �hc ��,� ` <br /> purpo�e for which cuch d��it W th�Fwxlr wux mad�. The h'unJr are plydµrd u�udJitional ��wuriry litt ull+um� �ecur�d hy <br /> - -- thla�t'rurily In��niment. . ` , . '� <br /> If�he Fundx held by Lendcr excecd the umounts �rmiaed lo tx heW by appUcuble law, Lender shull uccount to -..-�,tiT=. <br /> Borrower for thc excetix Flmdx in arcordunre with the reywremen�s ol'upplicubk law. If the umoum of�hc Fundti hcld by <br /> ' • Lender at uny time is not xufficwnt to puy tlx�Escrow Ilcros when duc.Lcndcr muy +o rwtify Borrawcr in writing,nnJ, in , ; ,�,,,, . <br /> such cuse Borrower xhull puy to Lender the umount necc,sury to makc up ihe dcticicncy. Borrower shall muke up thc :y,,��, �,�r ; <br /> deficicncy in no more ihan twelve mon�hly payment,,ut Lernler z,olc di,cretion. ��+. � <br /> U n aymcnt in full of all sum�.ecurcd by thi. Security In+�rument, l.endcr shull prompUy rcfund tn Sorrower uny "'" � ��"•` �� <br /> Po P �::i..���:,::..:...: <br /> . • Funds hcld by Lcnder. If,undcr paragruph 21.l.endcr xhull ucyuirc�x.ell the Propeny.Lendcr,prior�o the acyui+ition or •.�.� � -• .�.. <br /> � sale of Ihe Property, shall apply uny Fund,held by Lender at the�ime oF ucquixitinn or,ulc u�a credit against the sums � � ' � <br /> . secured by this Security Instrument. � • sa <br /> a. Application oP Payments. Unles+ upplicublc law pruviJcs othcrwisc, ull puyments rcccivcd by Lender under _ <br /> paragrnphs 1 :uid 2 shall be upplied;first,to uny prepuyment churges due undcr�he Noie;second,to amoums payable under T_.,, . ,_�_: <br /> . poragraph 2;third,to imerest due;fourth,to principal due:anJ lu.t,lo uny lu�r charger due under the Note. �.'J��`:..'�_; <br /> ... . . ° 4. Charges; I.kns. Borrower shull puy ull taxcs,, churgex, tinc� and impositions auributubM to the - <br /> �.�; Property which may uttain priority over thiti Securi�y Instrumunt,unJ Ieusrhold payments or ground rentx,if:►ny. Borrower <br /> :: �,:__- <br /> .•r' „ shall puy thesc c�bligUtions in thc munncr pr�widcJ in purugruph?,or il'not p•rid in th�t mnnncr,B�rower tihull pny Ihem on s �...-�:,,: <br /> ,. , time directly to the person owed puyment. Borcower shall promptly furnish to Lender all rxuice.��f umountti to t►e paid under . , , __ <br /> ' this pAragrnpb. If Borrower mukes�hcsc puyment.dir�cdy.Bortower xhull promptly furnish to Lender rcccipl�:evidencing ; .__ �.1 � <br /> Ihepayments. � •.��� <br /> i.'z�;-; <br /> . � Borrowcr xhnll prompUy ditichargc any licn which ha�priuri�y ov�r Ihis ticcuriry Instrunknt unlcss Borrowcr:(a1 ugrces i. • . .� �"^°--�' <br /> . in writing to the payment af thc obligution�rcureJ by thc licn in a munncr ucccptablc tu l.cnder,(N)contests in gcxd fuith thc ! :�-;�i <br /> lien by,or defends against enforrernem uf thc licn in,Iegul proceedinFx which in the Lendrr'.apinion operute to prevent the i '�;:�_�. <br /> • enforcement of the licn;ur(r)tecures from tlx:holder oi'thc licn•rn ugrcrment,uti�fuctory to Lender+ubordinating the lien r_,;:�._�.,,�r•, <br /> � � to�his Security Instrument. If Lcnde�determinrs that any part ol'�hr Pro�xrty i. subjcct to a licn which muy uttuin priority �. � � •• f.�;;z° <br /> over this Security Intitrument.Lender muy give BoROwer u nolice identifying thc lien. Borrower�hall satisfy the lien ar tuke , <br /> • one or more of the actiom xct ti�rlh alxwc within 10 duyx of Ihe giving of notire. <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Inaurance. Norc��wcr�hull kccp thc improvrmcnts nuw ex istin�;ur Ix rcufter crectcd on the . <br /> Propeny insured aguinst lusx Ny iirr,haze�rJs includcd within the Irrm "rxlended c�wrra�r" and uny other h•rr.ards,including <br /> „ tlaods or flooding, for which Lendcr reyuirex insurance. '1'hi, inwrunre �hall Ix nwintuirKd in thr umuunt, and far �he <br /> � - F�Mm3112R 9/90 �p,�¢��.n/np�.ars� <br /> I � <br /> . : 1 <br /> , <br /> � <br /> • ..._..1 _ <br />