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<br /> � . b:� ..�a�-�.. 92— �.02509 ���ju.�--,-
<br /> ,.'.tT,�.,t,v.�. '., �'__—__.
<br /> ';� ' condcmnuti�x�or uthcr tuking��I�uny pah ut Ih�I'��ryx ny.�►r li�r c�Hivcyunrr in li�u ul cuixk mnu�ion,ur�hcrchy u�+iµnrJ u�id
<br /> � -^r`�,���^r7r,t. shall he pnid�o l.cndc�. `'��:.����.�
<br /> In thc cv�nt uf o lotal luking of�he Pm�xny. Ihr pr�wreJ, �had! Ix upplied!u Ihe �um. .+rrund hy �hi, S�curlty
<br /> ° . .� lnstrument.whc�hcr or nnt Ihen dur, wlth uny cacr�ti paiJ Iu HuRUw•er. In�hr evrm u(a artiul uikin ul'thr 1'ai n in �'..'--
<br /> p' K i'� Y �.+�•°••._
<br /> ' which�hc Fufr murkcl vnlur of thc Pm�ny imrncdfutely 1xfi,rr�hr�uking i.c��u•rl�o��r grru�er thun Ihc umount ul'ihr,umti ___
<br /> • ` sccured by Ihis Securi�y In.iruntem immcdiulely hcti�re�hr luling,unlc..Bnrn�wrr nnd Lcnder othrrwi,c u�trec in wri�inE. �:�:�,,,�„��.
<br /> _ ..�`�''.`�,'""4•� n �he sum��ecured hy Ihis Securhy (n�.�tument �hall hc redured hy �he umoum of�he {xik�edti muhiplird by il�r lidluwing
<br /> . ,.�.,, . . �
<br /> w-�.-=-." frnctinn� lul�he u��al ama�mi of�hr�umti krumd immcdiutcly tmii�m�hr�:ikii��.Jivl�led by Ibl thr 1'uir murkc� valu�ul�U�c �.. .�.�=:---_-:-��� --. -
<br /> E L'�. . Prn n imm�diulel tx�forr �he �akin . An hulunce�hull Fk aid w Bi�rruwer. In ihr rvent �►I u p+miid iukinE ut ihc . .:.�. .:..•�r..�-.-
<br /> - F� Y Y 8 Y P' ur._:..;..�:r:��---
<br /> �. Pro�ny in which �hr fui�m��rket vuluc nf ih� Property immcdimcly hcli�R thc�ukin�t i+Ic.�thun thr umaunt ul'th��um+ �-- '_-
<br /> xecured immediutcly hrfore th� Iuking, unles. Hnrr��wer und l.enJrr o�hcrw•i�r agmu in w�ritinti ur unlcr, upplicuhlr luw
<br /> ,_ otherwinc{►mvider,�he pr�xced�:�hull l+c upplied io Ihe+um��ecured by il�i�Srcurity In+irument whrther o�not thc rum.arc --_--�_
<br /> . th�n duc. �r.-,.r_--�_;T,_.
<br /> 11'thc Prc�pcny i,uhundoncd by &►rrowcr,ix il'.uGrr no�icr by Lrndcr t�� BoRO►vcr ihut�hr r�mdcmnur uffcn tu mukr �a:;;�,.��^:
<br /> . un uwurd or+eulr u rlaim firc damngc�.Rcirrower fuil,�o re+�xmd to LenJrr within ill duy.uftc�Ihc Jcuc�hr natire i+�!ivrn. �*`r"'1��.�'�=_
<br /> . . . `".�:'_ — _-,-
<br /> Lender i�:uuihori�ed to collect und upply thc �nKecd+,u� i�,option,�i�h�r to n+�or•r�i�►n ar repair al Ibc Pro�xrty or�o[ix �.,__.
<br /> � tums xecured by this Scrurily Ins�rument,whetlmr ur not then duc. �
<br /> Unlesz Lcnder unJ BoR��wcr athenvi+c aFna in wrilin�, uny upplicu�ion ut'pn►cecd, la principul .hull n�it r�tcnd ur --
<br /> .t ►nc the Juc dutr uf�h�monthl a mrnts Rfcrrrd io in ura�ru h.I und 2 ur chan �thr amoum cif�uch n ment�. �'��"�`
<br /> �':{ . pa•pc YpY P b P • B' P Y --
<br /> �� �� • ' I l. Borrower Not Relea�sed: Furbearance By l.ender Nut u Waiver. Eztrmiun uf �hc iinx li,r p�iymrnt ur it_-_���.r�,_--__--
<br /> ��'r;,�;�,' madificution of umoniza�i�m of thc.um� .rcurrJ b �hi.Securit Instrumenl �r�m�ed h LrnJcr tu un .urrc„��r in imcrc.t ' °s��-=
<br /> Y Y !- Y Y �^�-_
<br /> � of Bormwcr,hull not ���r.�1c to rclrau: Ihc liuhility of�hc originul Barmwcr��r s�x�owc�:xurrc..ur� in im�rc.�, I.cnJer '� '""�—`:,
<br /> •;_.::},'; �. " shull ncH bc reyuimJ a�commrikr pnkreJin�:.r nguin�t uny surccssor in imcrest or�rfusc tn rxtend timr ti�r puymenl ��r �"' . -�.,�� �'�'-;
<br /> , :�•;;;�_;�.~ aherwixe modify umonixu�ion of ihe,um,�erured by Ihi�Security In�trumcnt hy rra�on of tmy drmund mndr hy the originul _
<br /> . � '�'._�
<br /> .�,�'��`� Borrower cx Borrower�succr.si�n in intrn,t. Any P�xi+carunce by Lrnder in exercising uny ri�h1 or rcmrdy shall not be u {.r�'�j�` •�`
<br /> '.� ..�.,_
<br /> ' ' wniver of or preclude�he rxcrci�e uf uny riEht��r remedy. s�=,
<br /> 12. Succe�ors and A�.gi�ns Bound;,I��int and Several Liebility;Ca�ip�ners. Thc cov�nant.and ugreements of thiti ��},�+%�'�-=
<br /> ' , ' Securiry Imlrument tihall bind and tw:net7t ihr .ucrc„arn and u+tiiFn+of Lendcr und E3orniwer, xuhjrc►ta the pr�wisian.of ��.�_..�;
<br /> ' � , .:sl.�y�'�� . purugruph 17. �„RO�vrrk covenants unJ ugrcemems ,hall hc join� und +everul. Any Barrowrr u�ho c��•.ign� �hi,5ecurity i.,;_r_,_.'�_.:_'�,'�`
<br /> �:.��:v�"�---
<br /> � :,��.,:�;��,• � Insirument but doe.not cxrrutr thc Notr: �al i.crn,igning thix Sccurity Intitrumcnt only lo moh�!u�r,gr•rnt und r�x�vcy thut y,��T�
<br /> "•.r^.1��,;�,::•�.,� ,r
<br /> ,.,, Bormwer's interrx�in thc Pri��xrty under thc�crm+ot'�hi.Security Inztrumeni: (bl iti n��t rcrscmully��bligutrd�n puy thr.wn. ,�`�1=;��`'�
<br /> ����'�;'�;'. serured by Ihi�Sccurity Inytrumcnt::�nJ Icl u�ree.lhut l.rnJer anJ uny other BuRUwer may ugru��exlend.m�xlit�y.fiirhr:►r ,,.'�..,°�•-- _
<br /> ,:� � ��� ��. �, , .• � or muke any uccnmmodutions wilh regurd to thc trrm� of this Security Instrument ar the N�te without �hot Borrowcr's '_
<br /> • �:• � cansent.
<br /> �,:1�S,;.ii, ` �.� .` , y ��
<br /> _ ,;.,�;,t. �,.: ,._ 13. Loan ChavQes. If th� laan.rcrured hy this Securiry Im�rumrm i+ .ubjcct io a law which ,et, mux�mum loun .:...<,.. �.
<br /> ��'��'�•`��" rhurges,und th;x luw is finully inlerpreted xo that Ihr mterc�t or o�hrr ioun rhur�;e+cuiircird�K�u br coiircfcJ iu w�u�e�ti�n� -
<br /> '; � ��� ' with the loun�xcecd the nnitled limii.,Ih�n: (+U an �uch I��un rhur��tihull hr mJuccd b Ihc umount necr+,urv to reducr y
<br /> ., t ��.5 •, � }': �.��' Y
<br /> ''�°`•fr+ ', • ` ihe churgc lo th��xrtniUed limit:unJ Ih) any sum�:ilreud�•rollrcted frum Bnrr�►wer whKh rxc�eded perniiurJ limit,N•iU t+c ' • r_ _�
<br /> ? �� s�. '• ,: refunded to Burtower. l.ender muy ch�xi,r to make this reFuixl hy reducing thr prinripul aweJ un�kr the Note or by ma{.ing a .
<br /> � ,:,.�. direct payment�o Borrower. If u rel'und recluces principul.�he reduc�iun will tx treated a�u puniad prepuyment withuut uny �
<br /> � � prepayment churge under the N�itc. ."'���'• `�
<br /> + ,�1�` `r� 14. Notices. Any nMice to Burtower proviJcd 1'or in thi. Serurit Intitrumrnl �hall Ix ivrn b delivcrin it or h• �'' �'�•'"y= '
<br /> Y F Y g ) 5:::�.;..oY:r..,��-
<br /> ' .:�::?:;:�� muiling it hy tir+t clu+s mail unlc,.applicublc law rcyuir«us�al':mother mrlh�xl.The nrnKr+h:�ll t+e directeJ to tbe Pru{kny . _ , � Y
<br /> ' ��,, � Addrrs,ur uny othcr uJJre,+Borrowrr dr+iEnatc.hy nutirc w I.cndrr. Any notice to l.endcr+hull br givrn My fin.t rla.. .f'�.��
<br /> � � • muil to L�ndcr;:�ddreti,+tu1rJ hcr�in��r any o�hcra��h�„LrnJrr dc.ignut�+by no�icc tu Burruv►•cr. Any r�.�tirr providrd ii,r ._:. �'
<br /> ' . in this Securily In+lrwnem .ludl Ix �krmed u►hav�Ikrn �ivrn t�� Borrower ur Lcnikr when givrn a. pruviJed in Ihi. ..,. ` •` _
<br /> . . parugraph. �i`.=i`-: _
<br /> ;^ , .� I5. CuvcrninR l.uw: tieverubillty. Thi. Srcuriiy In,irumm�i +hall Ix guvcrncd hy tederul lu��• and thr lu�� uf thr . � _
<br /> juri+Jirtion in which the F'roperty i�kxateJ. In�he event �hai am•pruvi+iun ur clau.c.�f�hi,Srcurity In.�rumrnt or 1hc Nrn� ,
<br /> � conflicts wi�h appliruMc law.�uch canllirt.hall nu�uflrrl oll�rr�xuvitiion,uf thi+S�curity In.irumcnt ur thr Nutc whinc�an �
<br /> ' • • he �iven �tTect without Ihr rontlirting pruvi�ion. 'li��hi.enJ thr pri+vi+iom of thi. Securin• In.trurnent anJ the Not�ure ... .... _ - -
<br /> , . •:.:i; declurcd to h�:�cvcranlc. -'-
<br /> � ;; 16. Horrower's Cop�: Qorn��scr.hull tk�i�cn�,nr conlimned cupy uf Ihe Nut.auJ��I'thi.S�ruriq•Imlrumem.
<br /> :�r.,• 17. 'IYansfer of'thr Propc�ty wr u Beneticiul Interest In Korr��w•cr. If all ur any pan af thr Prupen�•ur an� imere.t in . >>._ -
<br /> �,�;.;;::
<br /> il is,oIJ ix trunsferrrd lur if:� lknrtiriul in���e,l in Rornc���rr i.wIJ ur tran.l'rrcrJ anJ Burru��cr i�not a nawral penunl ;. '.-:.•;,:
<br /> •�,;.�•,; .
<br /> '`';;� withuut Lendcrti riur w•riuen cun.rnt.l_endrr ma•. :n it.�, tian.re uire immrJialr i•mcm in full uf all .um, +rrurcJ by ' ',��'. -
<br /> p P 4 r�) . `i��.��k:`-=
<br /> ..i,,%�. , Ihi,Security In��rumrnt. Huwcve�.thi.aptiun,f�all nui tx earrci,eJ h}•l.endrr if cxerci�c i.prohiBit�J b� tedrral law a.of � •r= ��b:��;;
<br /> '��'��;,.,,;. Ihe datc of'Ihis Srcurily Inslrumrnl. t �'^'•..
<br /> ;,:;,.;-.,�. ,
<br /> � . If Lrndcr excrci,r+thi�u tiun. Lendrr,h;�ll ive�.�rcuacr nulirr ut'arrcler:uiun. Thr m�tire,hall pruvide:��xri�xl��f
<br /> : 'vlr: �.<<�,�.,.. P t� .
<br /> ;�.:,;:...i:,. ;'•.. not Ir�+than i0 Jay�t'rom Ihc d:UC thc n��licc i,dclivcr��ur mailcd a ithin�vhich B�xu.�vcr mu.t ra� .ill tium.�rrurrJ hy thi+ .
<br /> . � � '.: S�curiry In+lrununt. If B�,►ruwer I:�il� tu pa� ihr.r �u���. priur lu thc r�piratinn ut tl�i+ �n.x1. Lender may im•ole any : . .
<br /> mnkJir+�xm�iurJ hy thi,Srrurii� In,irumem ��iih��ui lurthrr rn�ur�ur JemanJ un H��rr��u�r. �
<br /> l8. Burroacr� Ri}!hl to Rcin+lutc. If Rnrruecr mect. rcnain runditiun,. Burm��cr \I1:IU Il:l�'C thr ri�ht tu ha<< �
<br /> � , ' , cnforcemrn�of thi+Srruri�� In��nunrm alnr��iuinur�l:u cm� umr pn�,r�u Ihe�urlirr�►t`. i.►i± d.i�. ���r.urh�Hhrr�xri�xl a.
<br /> ' �'_' timflrlrmih •Funnli�IurFrccMkllwl\IFIIN�II\ti'1'RI \IE\7 -1nd��m�t'a�rn.ml• 4911 �p�i�,�J„/�/ti��•••�
<br /> 1
<br /> 4
<br /> I
<br /> .
<br /> ,
<br /> . � _
<br />