__��fi�'?� i �, - �•r- — - : . ._ _'�
<br /> •�•. . , . ., —
<br /> ., .;�- _ -
<br /> . . .,s�:. - -- - _ __
<br /> � • __. _—.—
<br /> - �_�_-��----
<br /> --�-� ,----
<br /> `— ,' y'�J'.���t:- �..�,=�`------
<br /> _'..,��,��:,;.,:.. � . 92-- 1025U�, -�.�=.
<br /> �..,.���.,�y�r�,,_ .. . ��:�_�°�=�'=:__
<br /> �''t: ::_,::�,� perlods thul L.endcr rcyuircx. Thr insuranr.r curricr pmviding the in�urunce tihull t+e chaun by Borrowcr tiubjra tu Lcnder+ ��_�,. _
<br /> _,.._.� '° �' , nppmval which xhall not bc unrcu.canably wilhhrld. If Born�wer fuils to maintuin covernge descrihed utx►vr,Lender nwy,�+� Pm,
<br /> ',,, .. a`�`'r•... B P R F'� Y P B P �:t:w
<br /> . ._ ,y. _, c , Lenderk op�ion,o�tain caveru e to ratect Lender:ri h�w in ihe Pra n in uccu�dunce with urv ro h 7.
<br /> 'ta�.are•A•�,; All in+�uronce pnlicies und rcnewul��hull t+e acceptable�o Lender und.rhull include u�tunduni murtga�e rluutie. Lender
<br /> "d- � °� shall huvr�he right to hold�hc policieti nnd renewul�. If Lrndcr reyuins,Borrowcr.hull prumpUy�eive lu l.ender ull receipts �' .-=_,v,�-.-.,
<br /> , ,., ..,.�:� '.,. '. -
<br /> � . .4 r�`. of puid prcmiumy und renewal natice.. In Ihe event of loss,Barrower rhall give prumpt n��dce tu the inwurance cArrier and ,��'� _y�'`�
<br /> _ .��__,
<br /> .`.•`,"'',�";`"''u''••'�•.�••- Ixndcr. Lendcr muy mukc p��x�f��f lo.,If nc�t mude promptly b��Barmwer. -----°'-
<br /> �a... .. ..�.�;.:�_�.��i•u=
<br /> - . -,--- - Unlc�.l.ender and Barrawcr rnhen���e�+grec�n wnung,m+urunre pr.k«d+,l�all h,:rppli�d te,rr•.torrtion or rcpair of ..:���,_,sr,,.
<br /> - �he Pro�Ay dnmuged, if ihe re+torn�iun ax repuir i�: economicnlly feu+:ihle nnd l.ender: �ecuriiy is n�n Ietitiened. If Ihe ,;_ .��--_=_-
<br /> _' � ^ restaruhun�u repair iti nrn ec�momicully feuvible ar Lender+ �rurily w��uld l+e Ie++rne�, �hr inrurunre pme�edx shull be "`:'"�t`'°`
<br /> :. , .�i...F,_,
<br /> -' . ,,-,,,,���,5r��
<br /> '. �;pi,.,,b,: upplied to Ihe rums xrcured by �his Securiry In+.ln�ment, whether or nw �hen duc,with uny exces,puid in Bortower. If .. - „ •;�
<br /> , �• ��:'' � Barrawer abwidong the Pro�ny,or dae� not ungwer within i0 duys a natice fr�m l.ender tha�the m�.urance cumer hun � '+���s�'`"`'-
<br /> � • . ' �`���'.��}, .��
<br /> , " �� affered�o seule o cluim.then Lender muy callec�the insurunce pmceed�. Lender muy u�c�he pnxeedh to repuir or retilore ' -.-.�.'4 _..,*�
<br /> ' ' Ihe Prc�crty nr lo puy sums xecured hy�hiti Security Inslrument,whethcr or not then duc. The�O•duy period will begin when _ -_y�_-T
<br /> � ''. - �ha nrnire is glven. ���_°�-
<br /> . " Unless Lender and Norrower othenvise ugree in w�i�ing, any upplicu�ion of prcx:e�d��n prinripal tiholl nrn extend ar r..
<br /> tit ne the due da�e of the monthl men�x r+eierred to in ara r . I and?or chnn e�he umouM of ihe u menls. If '�`�� � �
<br /> ' ., . �• � Y pwy P' R aM�� t� P Y
<br /> ' • � unJer purugrnph 21 �he Property in ucyuired hy Le�xfer.Born�wer's rigM �o any imu�unrc policies und pmreed�:rrsul�ing �"'�s-"a�i��T
<br /> �____.�--
<br /> ' � � from dumuge to the Propeny priar w the ucyui.ition`tull pa.s m Lemkr lo thr extent oi the sum. secuned hy thix Securiry �..=_....
<br /> " ' '� Instrumen�immediu�ely prior ta the ucqui�ition. �'��" n�
<br /> �s_s.:s.=,,
<br /> � 6. (keupancy. Preservation� �faiaten�ace aad Proteclion of the Property; Bun�oxer's Loon AppUcntion; - �,;.,.�.,..
<br /> , � - - - -� I.tasehalds. Borrower shull acupy,r�tabli�6�,and u.e the Propen►•as BuRawers principnl re.i�krkr wilhin sixry duyr nAer �•f`�t;��;;:�.
<br /> � �he execu�ian of this Securiry InstrumeM und �hall coainue w occupy�he Propeny uti BorroK•rr's principal�sidence for ut �;,��;c. ,;_• _`
<br /> •,�;,��;..� �.:".;�.�r!.. �.a..;�
<br /> ����', lenxt one yeur ufter the dute of' ocrupuncy. unles. Lender o�henvise agreex in writing, W hich ccx��nt �hall not be
<br /> ;:�j��%;;>�• unrcatonably withheld.ar unle,x extenuating circum,tunces exist which are beyond Borrower'ti contml. Bwn���rr zhall not .-:.r';�.: '" •
<br /> �".���^' � des�roy,damage or impuir the Propeny.ullow thc Piropeny�o dcteriorute,or commit wucte on the Propeny. Borrower shall ;,.;. �,;. �-
<br /> • � be in deiauU il's►ny farfeiwre uction or praceding,whe�her civil or criminul,is be�un tha[ in Lender+gcwd fuith judgment ;•-�,•s�,.,--
<br /> � could rcxuU in forfeiture of thc Propeny or rnherwitie mvteriully imp�ir thr lien rreated hy ihis Security Im�rument or ���•--_
<br /> - - Lender's xecuriry interest. Borrower muy curc:�uch u defuult und rcinstAle,us pmvided in paragraph I R,by cuusing Ihe action -,°:`-•> �:
<br /> ,,,.r. ._,_..
<br /> or proceeding to be di.mi.,cd with u ruling tha�,in Lende�'s gcxxl fuith dcterminnlion, pmcludc�fort'eiture of Ihe BoROwer z �=r,�=...,
<br /> uSi..
<br /> � interest in Ihe Pmpeny or other muteriul impairment of the lien crcuted by thiti Secunty Instrument or l.ender� tiecurity �;�',ti;-•-
<br /> intere+t. Borrower shall ulso be in defuult if 8orrower, Jurin� the Ioun upplirution praess, gave ma�erivlly fnlsc or ___J=��-=
<br /> inaccumte informu�ion ar s�Atements to I.ender lor fuil�d�o providr l.ender wi�h nny muteriul intorma�iunl in connection wilh �.�:,..-�—
<br /> �.....�.
<br /> the loun evidenced by �he Note, including. but not limi�ed ta, reprcxenlution� canceming Borr�wer's acupancy oi the [��:�--� -
<br /> _ "''���+=��- �perty u�n NI'I�iii�d=i�.hniiCC. ITthts SCCUi7iy ln:;trument is�n a lrs.,chold,Borsnwer shE�ll r�m�+1y with aU�he provisions �,..�-`.y�
<br /> ,.,�,:.., �.,.�
<br /> �`•`��; of the leu.tie. If Borrowrr uc.�uire�i'ee tille to thc Propenc,the lenschold und thc fce tiNe shall not merge unles.l.�nder ngrees ,,.,_
<br /> `%��� •°' • • �o the merger in writing. ���'�-�%.
<br /> ' ;%i;';;. 7. PratecUon oP Lender's Ri�l+t� in the Property. If Bormwcr t'uilx to p�rfurm ihe covenunts und •rgreeme�ls
<br /> ..� -."i;���•, contained in this Serurity Instrumenz,or therc ix u Icgul pnxreding thut may .ignificundy :�f(ect Lender's rights in the �.�-�
<br /> Y.�'�iY
<br /> "''."� Propeny(such us u proceedin�!in bankruptcy,prohate,for c��ndemna�ion or forfeiture or to enfi�rce luws or regulutions►,Ihen •.;i�.+�z�_,�_ ,._
<br /> Lender may do�nd pay for whatevcr is necc,sary ti�protecl the vulur of the Property und Lrnder's rights in the Property. ',.:__ ..},.,�_
<br /> ,, Lender's actionti may include puying uny .um,xecureJ by u licn which hu+pri�xity over this Security Instrumern,nppeuring �+.
<br /> �3�;
<br /> in court,puying rcusonuble�uomey�'fer.und cntering on the Pm�xny to muke repuir+. Ahhough I.endermuy tuke ac�ion +c:•�.�.�� .5,��
<br /> � under�hi+parugraph 7.Lender d�xs not huve to do�o. ' • '";.-
<br /> Any nmoums Ji,buneJ by Lender undrr�hix pnragraph 7 �hull Ix�omc addi�ional deht of Bormwer.ecured by this . • �-
<br /> Security In+Inimcnl. Unlexx Borr��wrr und LrnJer ugrcc to othrr�enm of puymcnt,ih�+e amuunt.shnll lx�ar intemst from the . .
<br /> • � " dute of Jihbunenxxnt ul Ihe Nute rate and tihall lx puyuble,wilh intere�:.::�m na�ic�i'rom Lender�o Bcxrower rcyuesting ._, -
<br /> ��;....:.,;iS;'.i,,'t' '
<br /> paymcnt.
<br /> ' ;1::. ;;,,,,�:;�.��`.'. ..,.. ,.= - .
<br /> ,,y,;.,,,,,,;.a; •. �• 8. Mortga�e Insurance. If Lcndrr reyuired nx�rlg+ige insurunre �i. u cundition i�f making thc loun secumd by this
<br /> . � 7•:,:".:•..,; Security lnstrument. Borrowcr xhull p•ry thc premium.rcyuircd t� m:�inluin the nH�ngage in.urance in cffert. If, for any �''����'"•".`��'�
<br /> • , � ; . •��;,,'. rcason. the mortgugr intiurunrr coveruge rryuimd by LrnJrr I:ip.e� ��r cra.eti to 1+e in effect. Borrc�wer tihull pa)� t!�e ' '� __
<br /> � " ,• . � premiumx reyuired to obtuin covcruge,uhtituntialh rquivalenl t�► �hc munEagc in+urance previi�u�ly in effect, ut a cast r �}, ;T
<br /> '°��� +ubxtantiully eyuivulent to the coxt to Bortowrr��f the mon�!u�c in�urance previuusl} in rffert,from un aNernute mortga�e •
<br /> .. .. • insurer upproved by Lencler. If�uh.tudiall}� rquivakn�mungaEr in,uranrc ruvcr.��r is not•rvuilabk.Bortuwcr tihull puy to -'i '.. " _ -
<br /> Lcnder euch month u.um eyuul to unc-�welflh uf ihr yrarly mungagc inwrunr�prcmium txing paiJ by 8urrow•rr when the •�° ,,;;-;�
<br /> � insurunce cnvrruge I.�psed or reu�ed to Ix in effec�. l_enJ�r will urrrpt,u,r and retuin �he.�paymcntti��s u lo.,rcxerve in lieu .. ,:...1E�;s "�
<br /> � . :��,:' of mortgugr insuronc�. Lrn.rr�rrvr puymrntti may no lungrr t+c nyuircd,ut ihr option uf Lcnder.if rnungc�ge in.urunce t' ' ,'.'':•�,-•
<br /> � coveragc(in the umoun�und ti�r thc�xri��d th:u l.cndcr rryuirc�l providrJ by un in+urer upprovrd by Lender ugain t�come�
<br /> avuiluMlc unJ is ob�uined.Burcuwcr.hall pay thr prcmium.rcyuircJ w main�+�in m��n�u�e in+urancc in rffec�,ar io provide u ! „
<br /> . loss reserve,until the nyuiremcnt ti►r nx�nga�;c in.urancc rnJ.in arrorJ►mrc��•iih an�•wrinen aERement h�t«•een Rorrowcr �
<br /> i
<br /> ' and Lrndcr ur applicablr luw.
<br /> • :��,•;. 9. Inspeclion. Lcnder ur it,u_ent may mak� reu.unalik en�ric.upun and m��xrti�m� �ri'Ihr PruFxny. Lcnder+hall I
<br /> ;,,r;,.: �;ivc Bornxvcr noticc at thr tinu ul ur pri��r tu;u�in,�xcti�m.�xrif�ing n:�,unuhl�r:�u.e li,r Uw in,�krii�m.
<br /> , ��,.`, 10. Cnndemnwtion. Thr pnKrrJ. uf:un�i��•ard nr cl.iim iirc d:nnagr�.din ct��r run,cyurnlial.in runncr�iun with�my
<br /> " tim�IrFamd} Fannie�l�NFreddie�lucl\IF'�►K\111ti1N1�1F:\1 •-lwamut'm.nnul. 4l41 yw¢,•.+nln�a�t�•��
<br /> ,'
<br /> ...' . ��n.n I.i�*Hu•w.•�.mn Ini �
<br /> .. - ,I��:i � l.�i�r�lrec.�ll IdM�15:p�fln:1 7.YN oW�7vb11.11 .
<br /> '�.'
<br /> . �'�
<br /> }1
<br /> 1
<br /> . �
<br />' � — __ _ _,_
<br />