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<br /> . �', a''°°�:,� Z, The waivor by TRUSTEE or BENEFICIARIES of any default o!
<br /> �,:, . . TRVSTpgB under ttiis Dead o! Trust, on ona �otharn or hsimil�r ""::�'.-.�
<br /> �� ba or bo dsemed to be a waivnr of anY ��:
<br /> � ' ., : dofaults subaequently oaaurrinq.
<br /> rt of ths proparty herein shall be taksn in ''°. _- --z -,�—T3
<br /> J. If title to anY Pn b right oP sminon� do�anin, or
<br /> � , � condemnation proaQedings, Y _
<br /> � sitailar aation, or shall ba gold under threat of condemnation,
<br /> . . all awards, damaqes and proceeds are hereby assignad and shall
<br /> be pafd to the BENEFICIARIES, who shail apply suah payment� or
<br /> � . any part thereof, in their sole discretion, to the� sum due at =— ��
<br /> �• r that tfmQ oA th38 L1esd of Tri1st and Trust Deed Note, Wfth asly _
<br /> . balance abovs tba aawunt dus hereuncl4r payable to the
<br /> ,. TRUSTORB. �',..,,--_
<br /> . . R. The BENEFICIARIES, tt►eir age reaeonable timaa�upon �anY part af
<br /> autliorized to enter, at �Y ses of inspectinq ths same and
<br /> . . � � the trust property for the purpo � �.,-___-:�
<br /> .. Por the purpo of the acts they are � -=r�"-_ --
<br /> se of performing any ��.:_—
<br /> authorized to perEorm under the terns of this Deed of Trust •.
<br /> „ and other aaaompanying documents. ..x;,,�_
<br /> ° 1 L. This Deed of Trust and all accompany3ng documents are subject .����_
<br /> I to, aonatructed and governed by the lawa of �he State cf �_------ �`��
<br /> os86. �..�--�.—_-
<br /> Nebraska for all purp �"''V`-�`
<br /> ,���-
<br /> ._ ,.,.,..�
<br /> .. , .r�}.:�•'"°.�-
<br /> 1+�. In the event anyone or more of the provisions contained in . �, p :
<br /> this Deed of Truat, Trust Deed Note, or any other ingtrunent �'° � -
<br /> I:
<br /> _ _ _�__—__.__ g�y� fn connection with this transaction, shall for any :�`:.�, . ,_;.��.,
<br /> ' reaeon be held to be invalid, illegai or unenforce�ila in any ;.?,;..-�_ ,.�
<br /> � ille alit or unenforceability ���1°��k{ � �
<br /> respect, such invalidity, 5 Y. •y�:..:;. •,`.�::�,
<br /> •� shall, at the option. of the BENEFICIARIES, not affect any ..•
<br /> ' other provisions of thi� Deed of Trust or Trust Deed Note, but , `����� ' _
<br /> this Deed oP Trust and Trust Deed Note shall be aonstrued as
<br /> if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable proviaion had never �'
<br /> been contained therein, it being the intention of the parties k . .�#.
<br /> that the provisions of thie Deed of Trust ars dealared to be �
<br /> severable. , �•
<br /> � N. This Deed of Trust shall inure to and bind the heirs,
<br /> � devisees, personal representatives, successors and sesigns of ` _.,xv}-
<br /> the �arties hereto. � -���'�`=
<br /> � � The TRUSTORS request that a copy of any Notice of Default and ; �•„-;;__
<br /> ° of any Notice of Sale hereunder be mailed to them at the addr�es _ r.;�-��;:
<br /> herein set forth, or such other address as they may provide to the ; �:�;:�:
<br /> TRUSTEE and BENEFICIARIES. TRUSTORS further state that they have . `��=__
<br /> qiven the BENEFICIARIES a written acknowledc,naent which states that ��
<br /> as TRUSTORS, they understand that the document that they are
<br /> � executing herein is a Deed af Trust and not a mortgage, and tliat
<br /> the power of sale provided for in this Deed of Trust provides
<br /> � substantially different rights and obligations than a mortqage and
<br /> � � in an event cf default or breach of the obliqations set forth
<br /> � herein, the TRUSTEE and the BENEFICIARIES n►ay taken such action as
<br /> ' � ; here3n provided, including the exercise of the power of sale, and
<br /> ' the parties agree that said Acknowledgment above referred to has
<br /> shallebeCreaorded prior toethe recordationtofsthis Deed of Trusta
<br /> EXECUTED the date first above written. ,
<br /> .,, x� 7//��
<br /> . Cs�RA� L. WI551 C; .
<br /> , C(.GL� i�1.,1� .��. ,
<br /> SUSAN J. WISSsi /
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