ij., u@..-s"b� �r�'f;•' � . '•ii� • . . � rw ri cr �
<br /> ' , :.._<.,s :ti� ' .i,1�' �o.a,, �i�.�S::l�u��� . , . - - � }�,ro' ;�'��.ns.x .�=�"'�' `�
<br /> ,�, ���1: . .��� / ���;:y`;?�''�"'i�1:.'F;,, .. ''- xf�'1ti�'�!!4�!!�i yt.. _ ...... ,.,.w ...........� "' "'[r�^ � .'�.�'
<br /> I�I- _�.'�. ��: F_ � ���_.±r' _ _—___ - _____._.
<br /> � •1�'..l'�i''#:�L�'� �����."."•:a . '
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<br /> i _'_
<br /> ' ___�. � �.'t..' .—. - J��-__'....f:'sm�ar.�--
<br /> �..�.--�—.—- . _.
<br /> .� -_ � .
<br /> , ;. . , .. , 92- 1�25���
<br /> �� � ° � - -
<br /> place last appointad Por the salet providad, i! tho s�le ___
<br /> ' is postponad !or lonqer than ona (1) day beyond th� day
<br /> desiqnated ir� the NA�iae of Sala, notiae thereoP shall be ��" ``�`
<br /> � �� given in �ha aama aanr�or a� the original Notiaa o! Sale. _
<br /> . ,--. .,. TRUSTEE shall oxecute and delivar to the purchaser his —
<br /> ,.. � -
<br /> ' Deed conveying said praperty eo sold, but without any �f,v_, "�
<br /> � �� covenant or warranty, expross or impliad. The rsaitals
<br /> ° � in �he Deed oP any matters or facta shall be conalusive -
<br /> h
<br />� �. " � proo$ of the truthfuiness the�eof. Any pereon, inaluding �-��•='
<br /> BEN�PICIARIEB, may purahase at the eale. ��,;;�,
<br /> �=-_-.
<br /> , ,�.-___.
<br /> ' O. When the TRUS�EE sQils tha trust property pursuant to t e �.R:
<br /> powors qranted herein, the TRUSTEE ahall apply the praaeeds �,-•
<br /> ��.T.-_
<br /> from the sale o� suab property in tde following order of v. ;.�;y_�,
<br /> , priority: r'� •�-
<br /> , _
<br /> . (1) To the cost and expense of exercising the power of sale � , -�
<br /> and of the sale, inaludinq attorney fees, evidenae of ..;� _
<br /> title and other sale expenses, and a truetee�s fes not to . �-;-.-:,��
<br /> � , exaeed three peraent (3�) of the gross sale priae; . ��
<br /> .
<br /> � ,,, -
<br /> � • � (Z) To the payment of the obligation seaured by this Deed of , _ �-�
<br /> i Trust and Trust Deed Note; . ?'���*?�
<br /> (3) To the payment of junior Truat Aeeds, mortgages, or other �., . ���
<br /> lienholderss � ` ��f"k
<br /> , ' . ��`
<br /> (a) The balance, iP any, to the person .or persons legally � ,±�� �,
<br /> entitled thereto. �
<br /> �..
<br /> __.�_ �f . _ _ i "
<br /> � E. Qpon the occurrenae c�f any defau�t hereunder, BENSFICIARIES � � }
<br /> sball have, in a d d i t ion to such other options as may be .
<br /> qranted herein, the further option to forealose this Deed of
<br /> Trust in the manner provided by law for forsalosurea of
<br /> mortgaqes on real property. `�.� �
<br /> r:i
<br /> • F. BENEFICIARIES may from time to time substitute a auccessor or ,4.�
<br /> � succeseors to any TRUSTEE named herein or acting hereunder. ,
<br /> � � Upon such appointment, and withcut conveyance to the sucaessor --
<br /> TRUSTEE, the latter shall be vested with all title, powers,
<br /> � and duties conferred upon any TRUST�E herein named or acting •
<br /> ' j hereunder. Each such appointment and substitution shall be
<br /> + made by written instrument and executed by BSNEFICIARIES,
<br /> � containinq reference to this Deed of Trust and its place of
<br /> � record, which, when recorded in the office of the Reqister of .
<br /> � Deeds of the county or counties in which said property is
<br /> � sitvated, shall be conclusive proof of proper appointment of
<br /> the successor TRUSTEE. The foregoing power of substitution „ .
<br /> and the pracedure therefor shall not be exclusive of the power �
<br /> and procedure provided for by law for the substitution of a
<br /> TRUSTEE in the place of the TRUSTEE naned herein.
<br /> G. TRUSTORS covenant and agree that upon any attempted
<br /> ; conveyance, assignment, pledge or transfer of any of their
<br /> ' interest in the premises during the term of the lcan secured
<br /> hereby, the BENEFICIARIES shall have the option of declaring .
<br /> the unpaid balanae immediately due and payable, and if said
<br /> � suta remains unpaid for twenty (20) days thex�eafter,
<br /> BENEFICIARIES can cause Notice of Default to be qiven and the
<br /> prem3.ses be sold as provided herein.
<br /> H. As additional and collateral security for the loan, and
<br /> 1 effective forthwith upon filing of a Notice of Default, this
<br /> instrument shall serve as an assignment by the �rxu��i�� Lo znc�
<br /> TRUSTEE, of all rents and revenues resultinq from the
<br /> property, and T�tUSTEE is authorized to take pnssession of the
<br /> property, rent or lease the same on terms he deems best and to
<br /> � collect the rents and revenues and apply the same upon unpaid
<br /> � interest, principal, taxes or insurance premiums or for
<br /> maintenance and preservation of the premises.
<br /> -3-
<br /> 1 _
<br />