<br /> �� � _ _— l ti^l`- ._�.' _ — �:a^�.
<br /> �, ",..''•
<br /> ' ,. �, -. -, � __:�.__�... _ —.
<br /> • . � .�:.�LS �1 __ — __ ---d- '—� __ ._...�_ -. --��. . .
<br /> 96- �„U�5�'7 =
<br /> ��vsnuas o! th� ]►safqnor pur�usnt to any l►ppllcable Y.aw or _
<br /> ca.�tarzctual obl3qatfar� o! tha A�a�y�or, Qxcopt a� cor�Ce�pTatad =
<br /> laariby.
<br /> (d) 8�ccspt as s�t larth on �chedu�e 6.i ts� or ti1� i.-r�dic
<br /> Agrsawr►t ��cl a� pr�vid�l !or in Paragrmph 11 �er�ot, no cansant or =
<br /> authorisstion ot, liling vith, or Athu act by or in r�o�act ot,
<br /> wx�y arbitratar or Gowrnawntal 1►uthority a+nd no cans�nt o! any _
<br /> othar Parson (includinq, vithout liaitakfon, any �quity ownar or _
<br /> cr�ditor o! ths �►saignor), 3� r�quir�d in coYUnactfon with thQ _
<br /> �xscution, d�livary, parloraanc�. valiaity or enloxc�ability ot
<br /> this assiqna�nt.
<br />_ (�) Dtc�p� as s�t l�rth on Sa�eelu�e 6.i(x1 0! th� Credit -
<br /> �►qrasa�nt. no litigation� inv�stiqation or procs�ding o! or betore -
<br /> xny arbitrator or Gov�rnmontal �luthority ia panding or. to the
<br /> lcnovl�dq� o! th� ]lasignor attar du� inquiry, thraat�nad by or
<br /> aqainot the l�►��ignor or against any o! ita properties or rsvenues
<br /> aith rsapect to thial►saiqnment or any of the trancactiona contam-
<br /> platsd h�raby.
<br /> �i) 8�ta�pt as sat torth on schedule io.3 of thQ Credit
<br /> Agrawaaat, the Assiqnor 3ias qood and aurkatablo tixle to the
<br /> Aqreaaant, lars� and clear ot any Liens oth�r than tha P�rbittad
<br /> I.i�s.
<br /> (q) Oth�r tAan linanciaxp stataments or othsr siAilar or
<br /> �quiv�lent docussnt4 or instrumenta with rasp�ct to P�rmitLed
<br /> I,itr�, no linanoinq statapent. nortqagn, �acurf�y agraassnt or
<br /> siailar or aqufvsi�nt docua�nt or instxumant aovering all or any
<br /> part of th� l►q�wnt is on lile or o! record in any juriadictfon.
<br /> (h) 1►11 oi tbs intoroatfon �et lorth in tho Partsction
<br /> Csrtfficata f� tru� an�l correct as ot thw dat� h�r�af.
<br /> _ . . . .. .. . . .
<br /> (i) Tl:s Assigsmerat �riP2 �onstitu�s vulid arsd parlscud
<br />- sacurity intarsst� in the l�qreement, prior to ail othsr I,iu►s and
<br /> riqhts o! others ther�fn sxc�pt !or the PQrmittad Li�ru and �xcapt
<br />- as s�t lorth on schedcnze 3-II to th� Farfsction C�rtificatQ, all
<br /> lilings and ath�r actiona necassary or ds�irabla to pert�ct and
<br /> protact such issigaa�rt hnvs been duly taksn.
<br /> S. *��r*her ]i►�surances: Covenants. To protact th� s�curity
<br /> a!lord�d by lhfs �ssignaent. t1u 1lssiqnor agreec as loilows:
<br /> (a� ]lssiqnor vill lait2�ltiily abide by, p�rlora and discharge
<br /> sacti and �vary aatarial obliqatfon, covenant, cor►ditfon, duty and
<br /> - �t��.� v��c: t� DL��e-.�:.t:t grnvide• is to ba parlora�d by it.
<br />_, (b) Witheut th� t�tritt�n con�ent o! tha 1►gant on b�hal! o! th�
<br /> _ I,�adars, tha ll�signor will not amand, �odfly, otharwi�e chanqe or
<br /> tarainate tAe Agrswent unless suc2� aa�daant, awdification, oth�r
<br /> �
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