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<br /> Z� ���nt Q� �c�Y��t. �►s callsl�ral sacurity !or th• �
<br /> p�ysent apa psrtorsutca o! ths Obli�stiane, A�4lgnor assigna, i
<br /> .��_ � ��� .. �.... �w� 1.....*it nf _
<br /> t.Y�YSS=�"f'. �.Q �� OY�t'. KD C.LiY ��sila.� iwo�r3l v.. �_
<br /> itaali" �ad th� Ls�tdsra, (a) r�ll o� �►s�eignar�a riq;��, ���:� M:� 6,
<br /> intsrsat, �owosra, pri�iisq� and othsr b�n�lits und�r tha =
<br /> �qr�as�at, includinq, vithou� l�witation, �ri� riqht o! us� ot, and _
<br /> wh�r� applicabl�� to tsk� poaoai�ion o! and us� any ancl all ot, thQ .�
<br /> ��i� �v�.ad py th� 71qr�aa�nt andl r�l�t�d laciliti�• (the =
<br /> Mlw�ciliti�a») aad� availabl� !or uso to 1lsaignor, and th� right tc -
<br /> aak� abi vaivsrs aiW agroaa�nEs. to q�vi all noticas, canaants and `
<br /> ralusss, to ta1�� sll aation upon th� happaninq o! any d�lault _
<br /> givinq �ris� �o a riqht in lavor o! ]►asiqnor w�alar th� 11e�r�ssant, _
<br /> and to do any and �11 nthar thinqs wDatsoev�r wDich 1lssiqnor is or c-
<br /> �ay bacoa� sntitlad to da wxl�r tha Aqr�aasnt, anc� (b) ll�signor•a _
<br /> r�wal ar►� sxt�rf�ian options, 1! any, und�r th� 1►graaaant or any �
<br /> othar agrsaa�nt to axtu�d th� t�s ct th� l►9r�am�nt. =_
<br /> 3. �to Transl�r ot Aaraa�ent. This 1►ssiqnbent is �x�cut�d as
<br /> partial sacurity !or 1lssiqnor•s obl£gations anei liabilities under
<br /> r.h� sscuraiy i,va�nu :,-k:, t+'�a.-:.tar�, t.�:c exe����ipn and a�livarv =
<br /> o! this 1lssiqnsant shali not �ubjact thQ 7lgent or any Land�r to, os
<br /> transtar or pass to �� l►q�nt or any L�nder, or in aay �ay a=lact
<br /> or aodily, th� liability o! th� ]lssiqnor u�nd�r �h� 7►gra�s�nt, it
<br /> b�ing und�rstood an�d Agr�ed tbat, notWithstanding tt�ia l►asiqn�ant
<br /> cr usy �ubs�quu�t assiqnaant, and �ubjact to �hs pro�r�r�io;�s ��
<br /> ParaqrapD Z o! tt�is l►asiqnaant, a�l o! ttie obliqatfons ot tho
<br /> ]�,ssiqnor to sich and avary othar party undar th� Agr��nk,
<br /> including without liaitation th� Own�r, shall ba and r�aain
<br /> anloresabl� Dy such othsr party. ita succsssors and aasiqns,
<br /> aqainst, but only aqainst, the 1lasiqnor and not the J►qsnt or ths
<br /> Landars or any o! thsir succsssor4 and assiqn�.
<br /> 4. ' Re�r_ e,�sentatfons an Wartan��. Th� 1�►ssiqnor repr�sents
<br /> snel wrrants :� loll�t�ts:
<br /> - ���... .• -: . • � - - ..
<br /> (a) �e 1lssfqnor has the po�r�r and authority and the leqal
<br /> riqht to axacuta and d�liv�r, to perlorm its obligatfons under, ancY
<br /> to usiqn tli� J►qrasa�nt pursuant to, this 1►saigna�nt and ha� takan
<br /> a12 ir,�csssary actian to authorise its execution, dalivery ar�d
<br /> - psrioraanca o!, and as�iqnsent o! th� ]►qrssaent pursuant to, thfa
<br /> ]wignaant.
<br /> (b) This Assiqnaant constitutas a laqal, valid and binding
<br /> obligation o! the ]►ssignor entorcaab�a in accordancs with ita
<br /> t�ras, excapt as �nlosceability say be liaftad bp ban)crupLc�t.
<br /> insoivsncy, raorqanisation, aora�oriva ar si�ilar lati atl�cting
<br /> th� !llforcaaQAiG of �Rdf�OYa• �iy'att� cj�A�ISlly.
<br /> �c) T�e �x�cutian, d�livary and pcertormanc� o! tAis
<br /> = 11�ssignsant Wfll not violats any proviafon o! any applicabla I.ax or
<br /> - contractual obliqation o! the 1►saiqnor anci vill not r4sult i� th�
<br /> .
<br /> cacsation ar ispozit3on ot any Lien on any ot tt�e prop�xtie.m or
<br /> =� 2 aocs�.s
<br /> i
<br /> �� .
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