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<br /> DEC�14-35 I:ED 12�51 P{1 ' "'1�'"'�EN BROUE�E�LL FA}� t�0. '08�28016 �.0' _
<br /> , �
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<br /> thQ City of E;ra�nd Ieland� Hall CounCy, Nabraskd, is quieted in t 1e
<br /> Re�pondene, sr�b��ct to tha encwnbrance t�e�eon a�a�! to First
<br /> Caamerce Mortgage CompanY in the approa:imate amount of $18,000. 00.
<br /> The partieg agree to execute whatever deeds, tiC�es. bills of
<br /> s�le or other instrumeaCS n� ar� neoessary to carry this propPrty
<br /> settleaiasit agree�t inta ettect upori approval by the dis�rict
<br /> caurt.
<br /> g. fl AT� AIITZ,QBLIGA�. The Petitioner agre�s to be
<br /> solely rospausibie �or. and to hold the Respondent harmless� ror
<br /> the lollowing debta: (a11 amounts appro�ciaaate)
<br /> i. U.S. He�nk � $5,000.00
<br /> 2. (irand isiand Finaaca $ 3�0.00
<br /> 3. Mazy Cote del�t � c�a.�C
<br /> a. S�ars credit cart7 debt xn his zaam�
<br /> The Respcndent agrees tc be solely xesponaible tor, and to
<br /> hald the petitioner haxta].ess, far the following debts: (all a�mov.nts
<br /> are approximate)
<br /> 1. Seara Credit Card $ 600.00
<br /> (in her name)
<br /> Yn additioa, each party shaii be rosponsil�le tor their share
<br /> o� the m�cii.cal bills o�ed to Dz. vari Wie and st. Francis Ho$pitai
<br /> _ ..
<br /> as 8etcra�ned in the prior decree of fligsolutior� entered by ehis
<br /> . ._... . -- -- � -.- —__-_--
<br /> --- - court on January 21. 1994.
<br /> 6. aR�fY1bAT�7!V�c FSgS AND CQSTS. FsaC11 parCy Sh2111 be
<br /> respansirile for their own attos7aey's �ees a�sociated with thia
<br /> �atter anQ thb Petitioner shall be respons3.ble !or the costs ot
<br /> this action.
<br /> ?, ru�in�T rtAds. Respandeat�a maide� aa�e ot Naina Mariece
<br /> Shulley shall be reatored to her.
<br /> g, *_•Q��ssAuv nOCUMENTG �ach of trie parties will execute
<br /> � and deliver to the other party any documente triat may �e reasona;aly
<br /> raquired to accanspli�h the intent ef this in�trument �nd shall do
<br /> all cthsr thiags inaident to this end. Iri the event that either
<br /> �arty sisall lail to Go�tply with the provisious af thia garagraph
<br /> r.�ithin thitty (30) d�tys from the approval o£ the Agzeemeut by the
<br /> District Court o� xall County, rrebYaska, this Agreem,ent shail
<br /> 3
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