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<br /> xai�. Cou�ry, t3e3�rse3ca, to rs��Y�ve� �;�ie Agre�man�. �
<br /> 1, F�as�����, This Agreement shall become binding --
<br /> upon tha parties and their respective leg�l reprebaneacive�� _
<br /> successors, �nd a�cigns i.manQdiataly loilowing ttie dis�olution of
<br /> thoir �rri.�ge g� this pending proceediag, provided that the -
<br /> pro�v�.sions ot this Agreement ar� approved by the Courtc in chiB
<br /> prpceeding. In the ab�:ena� ot l'he Court's grar.ting diasolution p! -
<br /> �heir marriage, thp pravisions af Chis 1�gr�ement shall have na
<br /> torce and efteet. -
<br /> 2, LI�MONY. Neither garty sha11 receive alimony. _
<br /> 3, p vrSiaN OF PFR�ONAL 'PROPxRTY.
<br /> a.) The �.+ar�ies acknawiedga that a mucually sa�istaccoYy
<br /> dirrisfon has been made between them of all persana]. �roperty awned
<br /> by Ghem, and each party shall retain, as their separate property,
<br /> all personal property naw in their poasession.
<br /> b.) The parties have heretofore er�tablished irx thear own
<br /> na�m,es checki.ng, smvings, a�d ather dCCOilnt�. arid each ga�rty ehall
<br /> be entitlecl to euch acccunts and all deposit� th�rein.
<br /> c.) Petitioner shall have as hxs sole aad separate
<br /> praperty, Lree and clear o� any ciaim by the Petitioner, the 19�0
<br /> Ford F100 Pickup, V2N# F10YRFi55968, uiQ the 1983 Honda Motiorcycle,
<br /> AA AA A�h�►l�►P9 1. t1wIM�� ! f�dQ O1�I9/'1h 11 ����
<br /> - -- .. -v��� ���..a�`o�..�.������, y.�:.�.��c� t.:. ...._....�..�..__ �n�___. - -- --------
<br /> d.) Respondent shaii have as her soie anC! separate
<br /> property, free and clear of any claiYn by Respontlent, the 1985 Ford
<br /> Hroaco II, VIN #3FN�II1459FUA27953, subject ta encumbrances thereon,
<br /> if �riy.
<br /> � e.) The Petitioner will retaia all of the �nonies in the
<br /> Tech TroAic ltetireinent Plan, the entire amount of which acerued
<br /> p�ior to ths marriAge of the partiee�.
<br /> I.} LH1J. OLlliit �tssvuni YivrviyY �+V��O+�t+}' :.21 �.`° ,
<br /> possession of the Petitioner aatt Respondent and not specifically
<br /> , set fortla above shall be quietefl in each parties natr,e, tree and
<br /> Clear pf any right, interes�, or cla�im ot the ather.
<br /> 4. DIVIST_ON OF REAI, PRQP$RTY. The rESidQriC@ owned by the
<br /> parties, legaily described as Lat 6, Block 4, windoph�c� Addition to
<br /> 2
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