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<br /> S, Haeard ur Property Insur��e. Barrciuer shall �c�ep the improvaixius naw exisling or hereaRer caxtal ��n the
<br /> Propen�• inwrai�ain.0 las.c by firc, hu�rds i���uckxi within thc term "cxtcr:3.al cu�•:ragc" arti3 unp athcr h:zards. in:ludin�
<br /> �^^d-o� !�e^ding. fir►�hi�h Lrr.r�:r rr��sErr..e^�ure:M:. Tltia 4r_-et�.:ee.�:!!r mslatsi.^:;! is t!:�»mM.:�t��^�
<br /> for!!M�er.^d.:
<br /> tha�Leixiar reyuires. 7'he insuraixe carrier pm��iding the insurance si�lt be chosen by [i�rrow•er subject ta Lender's s�prava!
<br /> �•hich shall ncx be unreaui�hly� u�ithheld. If Borrou•er f�ils tu nuinwin coecrag, drscribe:! ab:�sc. L�:�ulcr awy, as l.en3�r's
<br /> uptiwi,obuin ca�cr.�c w prutcct Luxkr's riRhts in tt�c Prapeny in eccordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> All i��wrance policies aixl r���ew•als shall bt acreptable to Lender nnd shall iixlu�k a �ta�xlard nx►ngage clausr.. Le�xler
<br /> shall h�ve the right to he�ld the policies attd renew�ls. IF Lender rtquires,Borrower shall prom�tly give to Lender all reccipt��f
<br /> �ic!premiunu and rtnewal notices. In thr event oP loss,F3orrou•er shall give pmmpt notice to the insurance carrier and l.endu.
<br /> Luuicr nuy maL•e proof�f locc if�xu nwcie pmm�+tly by F3orcow�er.
<br /> Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwi�e ag�ae in writing, insurance proceeds s1:ai1 be�ppliecl to restoration or repair of die
<br /> Property clan��l, if the restoratian or repair is eeonomieally feasiblc and Lender's seeurity is not le.csened.if the resioration ar
<br /> mpair is�ot ec000nucally feacible or l.ender's security W�ould be lessened. the insurauce prococds shall 6e appli«i to the sums
<br /> secute�by this Security Instrument, whethes or not th�n duc, with any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower �batxiaru the
<br /> Propeny, or dces�wt ar►swer within 30 day�a nwice from[.ender that the inwrance carri�r tus offered ta setde a claim, then
<br /> I.ender may collect tlie insarnnce procetads. Lender rn�y use the procezds to repair or resta�e tlu: Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether ar not then due. The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender ond Borrower atherwise ugree in writing, a�ry application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of thc monthly payments mferred to in paragraphs 1 3nd 2 or change the amount of the payme�us. If
<br /> under par�raph 21 �he property�s acquired bv Lender,Barro�er's right to any insut�x:e policies and proceeds resulting from
<br /> �amage to the Propeny p�ior to d�� :�cquisi�,on hall pa •to L.ender W the exknt of the wms secured by this Security Insuument
<br /> imiuedi�tely prior to the acquisitiaA.
<br /> 6. Occups�acy. Preservs�tjoa. l�taiates�nce swd Protectioa of tbe Prapesty:Borrow•er's Loaa Application;Leaselwidc.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy. establish,and use the Property�Borrower's principal residenco within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> this Security Inctrument and shall eontinue to oecupy the Property�s Borrower's prineipal residenee for at le�st one year after
<br /> the date of occupu�cy, unless Lender oiherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be wueasonably wit}�held, or unless
<br /> exterwating clrcumstances eaist which are beyond Borcower's cor_trol. Borrower shall noi destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> Yroperty, s�llow the Propem• to deteriorate, o: commit waste on the Property. Borrower stsall be in default if any forfeiturc
<br /> :iction or proceeding,wt�ether civil or crirttinal. is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forftiture of the
<br /> Property or ott�.-wise uwterially impair the lien created by thzs Security Instrument or Leuder's security interest.Bocrowa may
<br /> cure such a d:.3alt and reinstate,as pra�'r�in pangraph 18, by causing the aciion or procceding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> that,in Lender's good faith determinatic�e:, precludes tarfeiture of the Borrower's interest in ttt2 Property or ottecr materia!
<br /> i�irntient of the lien created by this Security Instrua��,^,t or Lender's securiry interest. Barrower shall also be in default if
<br /> F�+unower, durir�g the loan a�plication process,gave m.:t.�ially false or inaccw�te inform�tion or statuncr�u to Lender(or failed
<br /> to provid.- [.e�r with any material inforRUtion)in connection with the Ic►an evidenoed by the Note, including,but not liuv,tad
<br /> to, repraeatatiau conceming Borrower's axupancy of the Pro�ty zs a principal residence. If this Securiry Iaunrment is oa a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower st�ll cv+t�ply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to tTx Property. tbe
<br /> im�ola�d me iu aiiie siwit nat merge unless iender agrees to the merger in writiag. -- - -- -- - - �
<br /> 7.ProtectFoa ot I,endes's Rights ia tbe Property.If Borrower f�its to perform the ooven�nts and agraments contained in
<br /> this Security lnstrurnent, or there is a lega]proceeding that rrny significantly affect Lender's righu in the Property (such as�
<br /> proceetling in b�n�ruptcy,probate, for oakiemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations),then Ler�der may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is neoessaiy to protect t�'ae calue of the Property aad I.ender's righ�c in the Property. I.etider's actions may
<br /> include paying any sumc securod by a lien which bas priority o�er this Seaui.y In�Uunxnt, appearing in oourt, paying
<br /> re�sonable attomeys'fees and eiuering on che Property w make repsi:s.Altlwugh I,coder may t�lce acxioa yndu this paragraph
<br /> 7. t.a�der does not huve W do so.
<br /> Any am�wnts disbuisod by L.er�der ti:ader this puagraph 7 shall become additiona! debt of Borrower securod by this
<br /> Security Ir�rsunmt. Untoss Borrower and Lender agree to ottser term,of payrrnnt.thes�a�rsounts st�ll bear interest from t'he
<br /> ciate of dis6ursetaent at the Note rate�nd shall be payablc. with interest. upon �otice from Lender to Borrower requesti�
<br /> payroeat. _
<br /> !i.Mort�age Insuraaoe.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condidoa of making tlso loaa seau+ed by this Socurity
<br /> Instrumeot. Borrowu s1�11 pay the precaiums required to maintain the mortgage ir�wranct in�ffoct. If. for any reacor►, the
<br /> mortgage inwracxe coverage rtquired by Lender lapses or ceascs w be in effxt.Bosrowu shall pay thc pm,cniums required to
<br /> dx�ia wverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance pr�eviously in effect, at a cost'substantially equivalau to the
<br /> c�t to Burrower o:the mortgage incnrance previaufy in effect, from an alternate mortgage iasurer appro�ed by L.ender. If
<br /> sabttazltialty oquivllent mortgage iilSUTanCe ooveiage is not avail�ble, Borrower shall pay to L.ender each month a sum oqttal W
<br /> one-tweltUa of the yeuly m�rtgage insurance premium being paid by Bmrower when the insurance coveraga lapsed or aased ta
<br /> be in effect.I�ender will zecept.use aad rr,tain d�ese paymenu as a loss reserve in liw of woctgage insurrnce. I.oss rescne
<br /> Farm 3028 9190
<br /> r.a•aae
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