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<br /> 7`fK;F.Tl:F:k V1r[l'H s!!tt►c imnmvementy►x�w or hercafkr ua�ed an ti�e prapertv,suxl�JI ea�nuus,apPurtciunccs,un+l
<br /> fitture� now• ot herraRer a paet of the prop�Ay. All replaounents Rnd addido�u shalt also bc rnvcrul by U�ls Sc�urity
<br /> l�uttwnziu. Alt��f N.s.^fu:egoing is rcfemd ta in this Security liutrume�t x.c the'Prt�crty."
<br /> n:3fi�^v�:'��::'J�'E;�:�":TS it�.:.t°arr•xti•�r i�!awts!!;�rl�+��f!Ix�wr.hcrehy con�cyed and has thc riFht t�eram rttcl
<br /> ron��ey the PropeKy a�id that tix Piopeny is unencumt+enxl, except for encu�nbrunres af record. Barrua�er wamants and wiil
<br /> cf.f�g�n:.r»!ly che e�ite ca the Pra f�eny asaiasc all claims anJ dema�xia,cu[�icct ta a�iy cncumbr�ucs of r�cord.
<br /> 1'H(S S�CURITY 1Nt•CRUMENT combi�ties unifom�covenunls for national use and non-unifarn�ru�•enar►ts wit4� liuuted
<br /> vYtistions by jurisdiction w canstiwte a unifomt security inctrument m�•ering rcal pr��e�ty.
<br /> UNlFORM COVENANTS.Barrower and Lender covenant and agtcr as fallaws:
<br /> 1. Paywent of Prtacipsl �ctd Iaterat; �pi►yweui �d i.�te Chzres. Barrau�c�siuli pruaiat�Y WY wS�n duc tt�
<br /> principal of and inter�.ct an thr debt evicienced by the Note antl any prcpaycnent and late chatges due under the Nate.
<br /> 2. Fl�nds for Taxzs und I�urance. Subject to applicabte luw or to a written waiver by L.endcr, Borrower shall pay t�
<br /> L.caxi.:r on the da1 monthly paynxnts are due under thc Note,until the Note is paid in full, a sum('Funds")for:(al yearly 4vices
<br /> as�d asaessnknts which may attuin priority over this Security ir�trument as a licn on the Propeny; (b)y�early lcasehold paymenss
<br /> or growtid rents an the Propetty,if any;(c)yearly F►azard or property insurance pmmiums; (d)yearly flood i�uurance premiums.
<br /> if any; (e))early mortgage insurance premiums, if any; smd(� any�urtu payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with
<br /> the provisions af psuagraph 8, in lieu of the payment of martgage insurance premiums. These iten�s are called"Escrow itemc.'
<br /> Lender may. at any time, rnllect and hold Funds in nn arnount not to exceed the maximum amount a lendcr fur a federilly
<br /> rtlated mc►nsage laan may require for Borrower's escraw account undcr the federal Rea! Fst.lte Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as aaiendal from timc to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA"), unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. if so, Lender may, ai any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount noi to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> I,ender may estimute the saoount of Funac due on the basis of eurrent data and reztiouable c�a:es of expenditures uf fu;ure
<br /> fiscmw iwns or ott►erw•ise��a accordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall :x �hrld in an incdtution whose deposits are insured by a federal �,e:uy, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> (intiuding ixnder. if i.en6�is sucn an institutian)ur in sury Fcuc,a�i-iorr�a;.aa��.^,a+'d:.L.=..��s=.:.'.a�rly eltr Fur.3s so gsy Lhe
<br /> Fscrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for halding and ap�t�-in�the Funds,annuall�•�Syting the escrow xcount,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless L.ender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicable[a�permits Lender to make such
<br /> a charge. However, Le�ea may require Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an independeni cYal eua:e taz reporting service
<br /> used by Lender in conncxtian with this loan, unless appiicab➢e I�w provides utherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> s+pplicable taw requires in:emst to be paid. Lender sha11 not be ra►uired to pay Borrower any interest or camings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and Ltt�der may �rce in�•riting,however, tt�at interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.endcr shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without chu�e, an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Fund.c;�rd the pucpose for which each
<br /> debit to the fiunds was macie_The Fun�:s are ptedged ai additional securiry for all sumc secured?�y th:s Security lcutrument.
<br /> If the Funds held b�L�nder exve�d the amounu permittrd to be hel� by applicable law.Lender shall xoount to Borrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by L,ender at any
<br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Iteuu when due.Lender rt�y so notify Botrower in wsidag,and,in such case Boaower
<br /> st�all pay to Lender the amount necessary to malce up Wa deficiency. Borcow�er shall ma1:e up the ckfuiwcy in no mon than
<br /> twdve monthlY PeYments.at Lender's solz discretion.
<br /> - --�F� PaYasent in inii oi aii sums sa�uiui 'vy iws�u;iir L'u'u-a,�.�:K. ;.,..,-ww'a oi.ai: Y:uSS'.Yi:� :..�.::'..3 C`.� a:T`..`-::"'..S' .°..�^i --'-"--
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,w�ckr parigraph 21, Lender sitall acquire or se11 the Ptoperty,Lender.prior to ttu acquisidon or saIe
<br /> uf tlse Property,shall apply any Funds held by L.eoder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums securod by
<br /> tl�is Socurit?icutrument.
<br /> 3.Applicatiozt o�'P�ymmts.Unless applicable I�w provides otix�vise.all paymenu roceived by l.eixler under paragraphs
<br /> l and 2 shall be appliod: �ust,to any prcpayment charges due under the Note; second,to amounts payable uader pu�agr�ph 2;
<br /> , Wicd.W interest due;fourt;�,to principal due:and 1au, to any late charges�ue under the Note.
<br /> 4.CYse�es; I.ieas. Borrowcr s}�3 pay all taxes. assessments, charges,fines ud impositions atuibutable to tl�e Property
<br /> which may �ttain priority over this Sa.wity Iiutrurt�ent, and leaulwld paymer.ts or graurd rents. if any. Borrower sh�ll paY
<br /> tlxse obligations in the a�uu�cr provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thzt maruxr. Borrower shall pay them on tinse dircctly
<br /> to the pecsoa owed payd�ent.Borrower si�all promptly fumish to L�ender all notices of�nwunts to be ptid under this paragtaph.
<br /> L Bors��ver m.�lces tlxse payi+�++c�imYly;Rorrower shall aromntly fumish to Lendcr receipts avi�eacing the paymu►ts.
<br /> Borrowrer shall promFuly dischatge any lien which hss priarity over this Securiry insinunent unless Borcower: (a)agras in
<br /> wridng to tT�p�ymenc of the obligation secured by Ihe lien in a nusner xceptablo to Lender: (b)contests in good fiith the taea
<br /> by, or defends zgainst eaforameatt of the lien in, legal procaedings which in the I.ender's opinion optrate to preveot the
<br /> enforoemeat of the lien:oc(c)seeurGC from the holder uf the lien an agreenxnt satisf�cwry tu L,ender subordinating the liea to
<br /> this Security Instrumeret. If L.ender determines thzt�ny part of the Froperty is subject to a liea which roay attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrument. Let�der may gi�•e Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower sha11 satisfy+the lien or take one or
<br /> ; more of the acxions set forth above vritlniu 10 days of the giving uf notice. ,
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