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<br /> i.ltsaard ur Pr�,'eity i�wr�nce. liartaKrx st�ll icocp tbe i-�ven►erus��ow eulstLia a•tk.rait,:r uacic�on tt:o Pro�xriy �
<br /> inrutod a��inrt Wts by firo.lwud� includal withln tbe tcxm "cx�ctufad cavrr�yo" �ad Any ather hxz�,inciudtt�ijooda ar __.
<br /> Cwo�din�.iur wE�i►;�i,�.«�:�:yw+:��,�:.«M..'i`ai:'»...w.,�•=•�•sl��!�"r�t�+�+�In�he�mouai�wx1 far t!w Pa���t i.ender -
<br /> KGulfe9.TM insur�careior prov►d+n�ttw iucuratinc sh�l!bo c.�osca�y Bwvower wb�cc a�.aidrr'r�ppcoval wt�lch xlW!n�c _,
<br /> pe unt�casn�abaY wllhbeld. [f Hortov►u fafl� to c►�1nWn covctRyo desctibcd u�►iv+�. l�ul�r ivaY. at [.eadoPt osxion� dK+an '
<br /> c�ovrr�uo to aotcct I.axfer's r�htn in u10 P��pe.�ty��r.�s�a w is3�psrapaph 7. �
<br /> All iasuraaet pullcles and rcaawals chaU Da�ece�ub6e oo Lenci�usd chaii inetudc a s:.zndarci uiuri�y,e-�;r�...L�.�.:. c.".s!!
<br /> ive m[.eader all ro►.elots of p�ld e'
<br /> l�avo the r�hl w hoW che potwias aad resu:w�ls.If ix��caquL-�+.Ga-sow:s c2s�11 i�PUY� �-
<br /> �emiw�w�nd reaewal aot�ccs.la We cvent of loss�Sorrower sWill giv�promyt noticc w�ha iusauanco corrier aad[.enckr.Lcndcr
<br /> tut►y make proof of foss if not tnadc ptomA�Y aY Borcowu. �:
<br /> Unks9l�ncler and Hotrower odwwise qYroe in writic��insurance lxoce�dS st�ll bo aliPliod to rastoratio+�or re�ir of the =
<br /> �'�P�Y d��od.if�he rtswr�tio�a or rej�air is ecoaomicallY f '�w and l.ender's socurity�not lossened.If tAe restorauim or � .
<br /> repait is not oconomieallY feasible or l.ender's sacurity would be lesscned,tGe insurance proceeds sdaU be appl�d to tho s�uns �
<br /> socured by this Socuriry Instrua�ent, whetl�er or not then due,with aay excess paid to Botmwer. If Borrowcr abandons the _
<br /> Propaty,or does not aaswer within 30 days a aotice fmm l.eiukr t6at the ins�rance cairier h�s offerod w seule a cLim�ttun
<br /> I.ender may collxL the it�sursiace procads.I.ender may use tbe proceods to n�air oc r�store the PropereY�'�P�Y sums secutod
<br /> by this SxuritY Iasaucaea�whotha'or uot ttun due.'It�e 30-day Feriod will ba8ia wheA the nocice is given.
<br /> Uakss L�sdu�and Borrowtr othaw�se agree in wt►tu►B,anY aPP��P��s�P�P�sh�ll nw extznd or po.W�oae -
<br /> thee due date of tLe moathlY F�Y�ts reFerred tn in paragraphs 1 ac�d 2 or change the amount of the paymeats.If uadu pars�apd
<br /> 21 the Ptoptrty is acquirod by I.auler, Borrower's rigtu to any insuraace pnlicies aad pt'oceeds�ultin8 from dan�a to the
<br /> �Y P����4uisitioa st�il p3ss co t.endu co tbe axcent of che s�uns secured by this SecuritY Iastrua�ac immodiately
<br /> prior to the acquisition.
<br /> 6.OccupAacy.Praawatio�.M�iatena�oe sad Protectloo of tbe Property� B�rower's L.oaa AppScstion:l.easehoid�.
<br /> Bo�rower shall occupy.estab�,and use tue Prope�ty�Sonuwa's 1.:�,;y-�.1- :°rsw:.:..,..�.�«..�°:i::;�.�;s s�*�the?x!+c��r_�m nf
<br /> ttsic SocuritY Iasnumen=aad s�ll contiaue to occupY tha PropatY as 8�trower's priacip3l resides�for at ieast one year aRtt the
<br /> daZe af oocup�wcY, unkss Laufer odxswise agre�s iu wriaag. which coasuit sh�ll aot be ums►sonaDlY witAheld.or un3tss
<br /> eacteauatiag cir�umsw�ts exist wbich sre beyoad So�rowes's control.Bortower sball aoa desuoy,d�t�8o or iu�Pu*tha Propaty.
<br /> sllow the Pcnpetty ta dtieriorate. or commit waste on the IhoputY. Bottnwer stu91 be ia defaalt if any fcxfeidu+e actio�n or
<br /> peooeeding,wbetha civil or c�imiaal,is be�un that ia LRUder's good faith judgmeut coultl resuit ia fotfeiGtre of tbe Prope�t�cx
<br /> ott�aaise matesiallY ia►Ps'v tLe liea crratcd by this Secwity Iastruu�t or L�eack,r's sec�ricY inte�;.st.Bo�rovra aoay cure such a
<br /> defwlt aad re+tistste.as provided in paragt�p6 18.by cauciAg the aciim or pcocoediag m be dismissed witb a rullag that.in
<br /> I.eader's good faitb detiamiaation,Prxlude�s farfeiaire of the Borrowu's iutu+est ia tha Property or otha mawi�l imp�i�ment of
<br /> tbe liea crt�ated by this Socurity Instrum�at or L,ender's security iaterest.Bo�rowa shall also be ia defautt if Aortower,during tlse
<br /> loaa aPP�P�S�ve a�t�eri�lly false or ir�ccurste infomu�tion or statemeats to I.eader(or failai to provide LaWer with
<br /> any maieiial mfwmation) ia coaaecNo�a with tbe lo�a evid�cnced by the Note. iacludiag,but not limited to. repro�atacloas
<br /> cooce�niug Boe�rower c of tLe as a priacipal resida�oe.If this Security lnwumaot v oe a ie�hold,Barowa
<br /> .
<br /> _ � e.� � �n...�..��a.v�.�'s fM '�,it�lw tf�lM A�A'1lttV_111C '{!�9l���i0 fOC�S11iu
<br /> �pj1(,�iy iV�iL WG j7�ViiSw7�+S vt�w��iiw ..... �..t -- . .
<br /> OOl1�Ci$C i1dCt=I..Lt1dtJ i�f'OGC fi0 t11C QfCt$C!i11 WfitiG$.
<br /> ?.rratatios or t.esda•o Rl�en i�t�e Propaty. If Borcower fail�w pelf«,�the cov�ts aod a�eemeata cent�iaoa iA
<br /> thi:Security Iawumwt.a tha+e is a begal pcocadin�that miY si�nificaatlY�ft'ect Lmnda's rigbt:ia tbe Prope�cy(sueh as a
<br /> pracealinQ in b�u�1CY.P�for ooadanaatioe or farfeituro or w esface 4ws a re,g�Ltio�3.tbea L�la aaay do aod WY
<br /> far�rhauver is aeoe�y w pentect tLe value of tbc ProQerty�ad l�ea�de�'s ri,�hts in che ProQe�ty.I.eader'a actions may ioclix3e
<br /> P�Y� �►Y sums sx�urd by a liea w6ich haa priority ova tl�ia Secu�ity Iaswmeat. apPariaB iA caut. P�Y�B T��
<br /> attocxys' fees aod eata'ic�oe tbe RopatY to maic�repaic�Al�ou�h I.u�da enaY�aciion ut�cla thit p�e�A 7,l,eada
<br /> daa not 6ave to do so.
<br /> Aay�caooats disbiuscd by L�eader under this par9tgrapb?shall bocaae additional debt of Bacrower yec�ued by thia Sec�ritY
<br /> Insuummt.lJdess Barowa and I.eader a�ee w otb�x ttrms of paymeat,these amouats shatl bar inta�est fcom tbe dat�e of
<br /> disb�rsement at tbe No�e rate and shall be p�yable,vvith intr�es�upoo notice from L.eader to Borco�va req�tin�PaYma�t.
<br /> w:M;.-t�:gF II�°a..,.."" �°3M a--rr�s:�^`�:^_��e n!��*�!cr ma a,c�+ditina of maidna t1�lao secutnd bv Ihi�SecuritY
<br /> Tn�emewn_�$p�}�DWI'! 5118�1��I �IC� t'OQUYC� YO AI�tO �1C mOf1$a$C inniraw��111 CffCCL �� �0( 311j1 I�990�s�C
<br /> mo�tgAge iosutaoce covuage requi�ed by Lead�r L�pses or ceases w be in effax,Barower shail P�Y�P��n9�d to
<br /> otx�covaage subQtaoti�lly e4oiiva3eat w the mnit�age iasurance previooslY iu effa:t.at a cost substaoti�lly equivakai ta the
<br /> cast w Barrower of tLe mong�ge insuraoce pcaviouslY ia effect.fram an altanate mat8�8e in�u'a a�proved by L.ea3�1. If
<br /> snbsa�a6al1Y e9uiv�lmt rooRB�Bo;^a,•g^�'�coverr�e is not av�il�bie,Bocrowa sh�ll pay to Luxla e�ch uwath a sum equal to
<br /> - OO�riWC��0�t11C}�Catl}1 L00[t$il$C 109�t�CC�bC1flB��BOR�OVYCf W�t�1G incnr�nrr_gpVQt7$C 1iQ90Q Of t�Ci90d 00
<br /> = bo io e,�'ad.I.ea�kr will accept.ase aad raain these paYme�ts as a bss resave in lieu of mortgage ins�uance.Loss resave
<br /> — For�� sN0
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